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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Julie -- Great start on your PS! :cheer The colors you've chosen sound great, I can't wait to see how they come together.


Andrea -- that looks perfect! :clap Getting it finished by Sunday might be a stretch, but it all depends on how much time you have to devote to it every day. Then again, I'm amazed at how quickly you've gotten this far, so maybe you can do it.

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Very pretty ! It looks good to me, but I'm not a good one to ask - remember I messed up my first one . :lol

As far as getting it done by sunday I'd have no clue about that . Maybe some of the ladies that have done it can tell you if you can have it done by then .

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Julie, this is the pattern that I am thinking about :hook and I will use Red Heart Kids yarn in the same neon colors. They look so pretty and I am making it for my grandaughter who is a junior in high school and I think she will really like it. I hope. :yes Let me know what you think. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j300/12angels/NeonAfghan.jpg


Do you know where I would find this pattern?

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Brandy - goodluck in getting the colors.


Tabby - woohoo payday now you can buy heaps of wool.:lol


Andrea - I love your ps. The colors look great, you have done heaps havent you. :cheer Not sure if you can finish by sunday though. :think


Julie - The colors you have chosen will look great but then Im biased to blue:)


Well I had better get a move on. I havent done much at all. Last night was the first night of The Amazing Race which I just had to watch.


One good thing, its friday and that means the weekend is nearly here.:yay

Then hopefully I can get something done.

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Thank you for your compliments Julie, Wendy, Tabby, Tiffany hopefully I didnt miss anyone.

Hey I just said I hope to have it finished lol, I ordered a book with 12 quilt patterns in it off of ebay the one in there is the wedding ring one, Im not sure Ill understand that one though. I know Brandy said she could have one done in a week if she had to. I dont think I've done to bad considering I only have had about 4 hours a day to work on it and that is in between the phone and whatever the kids need. It has gone really fast other than the part I am on now, It doesnt go real slow but there are so much of the white part, but I get anxious knowing I get to start a new color. I set pretty high goals for myself I suppose, and who knows maybe this time it will work in my favor.

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Thank you for your compliments Julie, Wendy, Tabby, Tiffany hopefully I didnt miss anyone.

Hey I just said I hope to have it finished lol, I ordered a book with 12 quilt patterns in it off of ebay the one in there is the wedding ring one, Im not sure Ill understand that one though. I know Brandy said she could have one done in a week if she had to. I dont think I've done to bad considering I only have had about 4 hours a day to work on it and that is in between the phone and whatever the kids need. It has gone really fast other than the part I am on now, It doesnt go real slow but there are so much of the white part, but I get anxious knowing I get to start a new color. I set pretty high goals for myself I suppose, and who knows maybe this time it will work in my favor.


I always do that... for some reason I can never be happy with what I'm actually working on, I have to look forward to whatever comes next. *sigh*


I'm really not looking forward to next week; I've had unlimited time to crochet for the past 6 weeks and I'll be back at work on Monday, and probably tired and crotchety (not crochet-y, crotchety!). So I have to get as much as humanly possible done this weekend!!!


My yarn still hasn't arrived; I'm getting nervous. What if it gets here AFTER DH gets home from his trip? :eek I have to have time to open the package, hide nearly 40 skeins of yarn, and take the box to the dumpster down the street... Sheesh, I really set myself up this time!

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Okay here is where I am so far, it doesnt go as fast as the other parts but then again I really havnt worked on it the past day maybe will today I would like to have this done by sunday . Maybe I am pushing my luck with that one lol. Hopefully for those of you who have done this you can let me know if I am some what close to what it is supose to look like.


Andrea that is looking gorgoeus!!!! :cheer See you are flying right through it. If you push yourself you probably could. AJ did hers in a week and I have made a couple of them in a weeks time. Once you get past the boring white part you fly through it again. Just wait. The edging on it takes about an hour to make total, depending on how fast you crochet. Keep up the great work!! :cheer:hug:manyheart

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I had to laugh about your washing the grey out of your hair - It'd take a lot of hair coloring to wash out my grey . I just leave it like it is. As you guys know, I don't bother that much with my looks - I look in the mirror once a day to comb my hair, then good enough .

I asked Cam one day what color my hair was, brown or grey . He sat there for awhile studying it before he decided GREY . To me, it's kinda half and half ,so I just wondered which one HE'd say. Kids are usually pretty honest about things like that.



Hehe Julie, "I washed that grey right out of my hair"! It is now a gorgeous reddish/brown color!!!! :devil There is somethings I can live with but not grey hair.


On the brighter side... I caught up with the lady today and she wants it the same colors that the pattern calls for. I told her some of them I cant get, so I have to call her later about it. I am thinking she is giving me free choice on it. She is having me make it for her to donate to a cancer charity. So it is going for a good cause.


Right now I am about a 1/4 of the way done with my secret project and I will share with you all when my swap pal gets it. Its cute though!!!


Have a great evening all!!:manyheart

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:woo I just came home from Wally World! I got the yarn for my ghan, I tried to stay close to the original colors. One thing is I shouldn't of jumped the gun with the center because I don't feel that the claret matches the painted desert that well. The red in it is brighter so I picked up a skein of barn red because I think that'll go better. Anywhoo, I can get started ASAP.



Andrea~I noticed your center wasn't really dark either. Did you go with a different red to? I just couldn't settle with the claret, it was bugging me. LOL! I'm so picky. You're doing great on yours & I bet you could get it done in no time. Good Luck! :cheer

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Tabby as far as I know I used a different color lol, unfortunately that would be one of those skeins that I had in my stash for like forever and well the wrapper was no longer on it so I just sort of winged it. Did you get all the different varigated colors it calls for that I had no clue were varigated? lol

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Andrea~LOL. I couldn't find any variegated colors that even closely matched so I just went with the plain ole colors. I think they're pretty much what your using. Okay, here's a list.....of course the painted desert, barn red, lt. sage, dk. sage, soft white, & buff. That's it, but my next one i'll be creative with.

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Yea instead of soft white I used aran cu z that is what I had. I want to do one for my mil and maybe my mom but not sure what colors to use. I have like a dk mauve and a pinky mauve and off white for one and a soft sort of dk mint green with a lite green and soft white for another . but who knows since i tackled this i may just do the tumbling blocks that is what i originally bought those for anyway and now that I know I can do the joining who knows what im capable of... Look out here I come lol.

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Good luck on getting your yarn hidden in time ! Just tell him it's an early Christmas present FROM YOU to YOU .


Andrea- you are doing wonderful and already planning another 2 !?!


Brandy- I don't think the lady will be that picky about exact colors since it's to be donated ,so it looks like you can pretty much choose colors that closely resemble the pattern but they won't have to be exact .


Tabby - good luck on getting started ! Hpe to see a photo posted when you get a good start on it !

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I am not sure if I will do two more of the ps or not I would have to try and figure out what colors would go with what I already have. I thought once that there was a site where you could go and put colors together to be able to look at am I wrong or just crazy lol.

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Good Morning or Night Everyone!!:D

Well, I spent last night doing the center star again. Geesh! But hey it's my own fault for being picky about the claret. I was wrong about the color red I chose, it's called ranch red not barn red, lol. Anyways, I did get the center done & will post a pic. when I get the next round of colors on. :hook

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So Tabby

I'm mixed up - did you do the center in claret first , then not like it, or did you do it in ranch red ? I was just wondering which color you ended up using ? Are you satisfied with it now ?

Nothing wrong with being picky about your colors. I do that every time I make an afghan. I always think certain colors only look good in certain afghans, and it takes me a long time to choose the colors I like .

Did you say this one is for you , or for a gift ? I think I'm gonna keep mine. I really like it. I keep thinking the pattern would've shown up better in more solid or bright colors, but I really like it with the real light colors , although my next 2 will add some dark. I am on my 3rd round , maybe about 2/3 of the way done with it. I will post a new photo when I get it done .

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Julie~I can't wait to see pics. As far as mine, yeah I did it in claret first since I had it in my stash & that's what the pattern calls for. But when I went & picked up the painted desert yarn it just didn't match so I had the hubby help me choose what matched it & we both came up with ranch red. I compared them last night after I was finished & WOW what a big difference. Maybe i'll post a pic. of them next to each other so you can see the color difference. BRB!

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