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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Darski - the motif you showed looks very nice I might use that for my around the world.


Julie - Hows the 9 patch going and what colors are you using? The nine patch is on my list of quilts to do


Forines - is that a pic of the wedding ring quilt. I like the colors and it looks very interesting to do. I was debating on whether to do the either the prairie star, tumbling blocks or around the world and I thought the around the world looked easiest. I will have to add the ps to my list.


All these quilts we have to do, we will be here for a long time.


I know what you mean by wips. My pile is slowly building up as well. My crochet piles are like children you have to give each one equal attention, so I do a bit of my giant granny, then I do my hexagon blanket and now I have to include the around the world..

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Julie, I went shopping today and bought some wool for my around the world. Dont you just love wool shopping.:yes


Here is a photo of my colors. I hope they will go together but I guess its hard to say until you put them together. The 3rd color from the left looks like dark blue but its actually purple.



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Wendy those colours will look spectacular.... I recognize some of the ones I have in my stash. The jade/blue 3rd from the right... is it a deep jade or a beautiful softer jade as it appears? I have not seen that colour in the stores here.


The Wedding Ring should look nice once it is all pieced together. The pattern I have is not that complicated once you manage the first shapes.


I am on the home run with one of my WIPs so I should post it in the next few days. I was naughty and did not weave in the ends and it has quite a few.


Why am I on a frenzy to make these (or should I say finish )? Very soon I will have to slow down as it is becoming very hot here. I find that my yarn does not flow when the weather gets like this.

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Doggone, somebody gave this section of the boards CPR-


MAN, is it booming or what ? Just like the good old days ! :D


For those asking for an online pattern for the wedding ring-- please click the first link for the pattern ( No photo with it, photo to come next ....)

It's the last pattern on the page ~~~



Photo of the completed ghan-- go down a little ways on the page to see it -



*** Those wanting to POSSIBLY make this at some point- you may want to copy off the pattern to keep for the future. One link I tried to it no longer works, and sometimes people take things offline or shut down a web page .If that happens with this one, it'll be lost !

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Lots of posts since last night, so I won't try to answer every one --


Ines- you can do it -- hope you feel better today and are able to finish one of your afghans !



Wendy- yes, I am among the strange and very small tribe of ladies who HATE shopping... unless it's for yarn. I hate clothes shopping, could care less about shoes .... but when the itch for a new afghan gets in there rattling around --

Let's just say this-

I need a light and siren on my car to get to the yarn store QUICK .


Your colors are very pretty-- it should make a REALLY pretty afghan .


And thanks for asking . I have my 9 patch underway. I am doing it in a little bit of a different way-- I am using all one skein of yarn and making the squares until that one is used up, then moving along to the next one. I have used up the first skein and just started the second .

My colors are as follows -

Claret will be the edging around the afghan . The small corner color will be Aran . The edging around the blocks ( the 12 squares AROUND the 9-patch part ) -in Linen

The 9 patches are going to lternate between these 2 colors-- one square will be Burgundy /Rose

The next will be Windsor blue/country blue .

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Just wondering --

I thought I'd ask you guys 2 questions :

1- Do you think it'd be easier to keep track of WHO is working on WHAT if we add some separate categories in the CAL area ,like one that is Around the World, one 9-patch, one Prairie Star, one wedding ring ,so that we will keep track of WHO is doing WHAT ?


OR would it be eaiser to keep them all going in this area, and just posting the title of YOUR afghan at the top in the subject line so we can keep them straight ?


2- Would there be enough interest out of those of you responding so far , to make one of EACH of the above-mentioned afghans ,so we kinda keep the gang together as a group, and we start at one, then move on to the next, etc... we'd kinda be traveling in a line of covered wagons ... ( pardon the old west comments, but I LOVE cowboy and pirate stuff )

So, we'd all start with ONE, then move to the next ,etc ...

In other words, we'd kinda be a Quilt-along Club for however long it takes to complete each of these ?


Did anyone mention any others that are front-runners ? I know some of you mentioned designing new ones at some point, but I think the 4 mentioned right now are as follows -

1- Prairie Star

2-Around the World

3- Nine patch

4-Wedding ring

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Hi Julie,


I think stay in the same area and put the quilt you are doing in the title line.


Also I will be here for awhile. Im starting with the around the world, then 9 patch then prairie star and finally wedding ring... oh boy oh boy what have I let myself in for..:eek

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I'm not interested in the Around the world at this time maybe to do at some point for a scrap ghan and I have already completed the nine patch. I would love to do the wedding ring I have a niece getting married in April.

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Good for you, now you have some gumption, to take on ALL of these !

I myself have done Around the World so won't plan on doing another of those, and am currently on the 9 patch . Prairie star would be next in line for me. The wedding ring one is BEAUTIFUL, but I'm gonna leave that at a MAYBE right now. It looks terrifically challenging ,so I think I'd better see how Prairie Star goes before signing up for an even more difficult one .

I'll try to make up some kind of chart thing so we can figure out who will be working on what, when .

Does that make sense ? Hope you guys get it, I'm mixed up myself !:lol


Andrea- do you still wanna do the prairie star too, or have you decided to do the wedding ring one instead ?

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I know that I would never complete an Around The world. It would be so completely boring by the time you get to the last round and a hundred gazillion of the same colour square to do.


I would be happy to mark something at the top of the post but what about when I am just lurking here and not yet working on any. (I'm so very sure you wouldn't expect me :eek to be quiet just because I didn't really have one to work on :D )


I have rather liked it when this thread was just about making crochet quilts of whatever type.

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I'm more then willing to put the ghan i'm working on in the title area. I probably won't do all of the ones on the list so that's out for me.

Thank you Julie for the link to the double wedding ring ghan. I did keep the pattern for my collection but I got to be honest, I really don't care for it. Maybe it's the colors they used but it doesn't look very pretty to me, so who knows. Does anyone know of any other pics. of it? I'm just trying to feel out whether I would want to do that one or not. Decisions...........

I'm going to have to go through my quilt ghan patterns & see if there's anything else that srikes my eye. I may be here for awhile too. I really love the quilty look to them. I know my first one is my pride & joy! :manyheart

Anywhoo, I really have to get in my room & see what yarn I have to start with. Hmmmm.......:think

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Morning Darski and Tabby


Darski -- it's ok if you wanna just hang out and not work on one currently -- the more the merrier,, so you wouldn't have to put the name of the afghan in your title, you could just put something else like COMMENTS or anything you wanna put .

It sounds so far like everyone would rather stay in here together rather than making separate threads for each afghan. That's fine with me, I just thought we could figure out a way to keep it a little more organized, so how about if you just put the name of the afghan you're referring to or working on in your post, and you wouldnt have to type it all out - just





That'd maybe help those who only want to read up about the afghan they are working on... they could skim through the other posts if they aren't interested in reading through all of them.

It seems we are gonna get renewed interest and life back into this area, so this should keep it sorta organized if we do that .

Anyone is welcome to join in on any of these at anytime, OR a different one that you may want to do ,and maybe someone will drop in and sign up to work along with you on that one . :)

Good luck,ladies, and feel free to START YOUR ENGINES whenever you are ready !:hook

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Since I already have the yarn for the ps I will still do that one cant promise that I wont give up part way thru though lol. I also want to do the wedding ring one, I had the link to one that was online but havnt found it yet, I will pry search for it at some point today, I pretty much can start the ps though as of now, I would change the colors but I am color challenged so Im not to good at putting ones together, although I think rose colored somehow might work. hmmmm

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Julie -- Great ideas for organizing. You are definitely the CAL-queen :queen:D


The Wedding Ring pattern you posted is different than the one I'm planning to do. The pattern I have has more of an interlocking ring look than this one. Here is a scanned picture of the finished afghan from my pattern book:




I'm probably going to make this in the same colors as the picture for my grandparents. They have a guest room that this would look perfect in.

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Tiffany that is a beautiful version of the DWR. It must be awfully fussy to make and my hat is off to you for doing that one. i like how they executed teh design though.


I will enjoy watching your progress.

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Tiffany.. That is the one I have.... I am thinking I told you about that pattern book when you first joined this cal... Maybe not.. Old age is catching up to me..:blush



Darski... I have read through the pattern and it looks more challenging than it actually is. Very simple.



Julie..... Good Morning!!! This place is definitely jumping and hopping. Glad to see it come back. Now if I can get a hold of that lady I can get started sometime this week. Hopefully Tuesday!!



Tabby.... Tiffany beat me to scanning it. I think this one is a little prettier than the other one though. :D

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Okay I am off to get the one skein of yarn for my ps Im missing 5 oz of sage, I dont think they make wheat i bought a varigated light color I think for its place but think since painted desert is varigated maybe i should go with something else, which you think is closer to wheat linen, buff, or heck i forgot the other one lol. I hate when that happens cant believe i forgot since running up the stairs. Oh how I worry about myself sometimes. Okay off to the yarn store. Oh and I have aran in place of the soft white I think it is close enough.

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Brandy -- I think you might be right about being the one to point me to this Wedding Ring pattern. I remember getting the name of the Annie's Attic book from someone on this CAL. I was excited to find a copy on Ebay. I also love the Amish Star pattern in the book.


Have you started on the Wedding Ring pattern yet? I don't have the yarn for it yet, but am planning to start around the first of the year.

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Brandy and Andrea -

Well, it looks like a green light then for the PS . Andrea, it sounds like you have most of your yarn rounded up and Brandy, it sounds like you have your hook in your hand waiting for the final color choices from your person .

I also have yarn for this one . Trying to decide whether to try and juggle it along with my 9 P . Maybe I'll give it a go this week too. I am making up a couple quick scarves for my Dr and the ladies in her office. I have one and a half done, 2 to go , and they are the one-skein scarves so pretty quick and easy . I'll try to get them done tonight or tomorrow at latest then begin the PS along with you guys .

Maybe Tab will have her yarn to start by then too ! Anyone else ready ?

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Well, I went hunting through my stash & found a skein of Claret and a couple skeins of dk. & lt. sage. So, I just have to get the others used. Since I had the claret I was able to get started on the middle star. Here it is.............




I think it looks a little off on the pic. but it doesn't look like that in person so all is good in the neighborhood. LOL. Now, it's a waiting game for the other yarn because the next color is painted dessert. UGH, I hate waiting. Probably for the best anyways so I can kick it into high gear on my other 2 ghans in progress. I also still have my hubbies Jolly Roger sweater that needs to be finished by x-mas. I still have the sleeves & half of the back to do. I'm also doing a x-stitch for my MIL for x-mas. CALGON, take me away!! LOL, i'll get it all done. No worries. :hook:yarn

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