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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I cannot resist!!! I will be in this one as I gave my first PS to my mum. One of my variegated is calling to me ... It is a gaudy orange and I do not know why I bought it. This may just be the pattern for it. Will try and continue to finish some of my WIPs before then.

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Tiffany - wow I cant wait to see pics of the jewel box pattern you are going to do. It looks very impressive


Wow I woke up this morning(its sunday 7am here) to find this cal is really rocking along:yay


Im glad to see so many people in here quilting. I never knew before now that you could quilt and not use any fabric.


Well going to finish my breakfast then going to my mum's place for the day and going to buy my wool for the around the world quilt. I love shopping for wool, I am usually there for ages making up my mind what to use.

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Great to see you in here. Yea, I think I am the one that posted that quilt link, although someone else may have too. I just love looking through all of them, even though I cannot sew for the life of me . Great to see you and it sounds like you have many ideas to keep you in here for several months !


Whew- Darski

Thanks for clearing that up. I was almost tempted to go buy you some yarn and express mail it up there if you had none. I would've put a big Red Cross on it to signify it as a 911 EMERGENCY delivery . No yarn IS an emergency .

Your colors do sound really neat, can't wait to see them !



Whoops, sorry about picking out the 2 colors you wanted to leave in -- those colors are very pretty in your dresses . The blue reminds me of the country blue from SS. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen that shade of green. It's kinda hard to describe, isn't it ? It doesn't look really BRIGHT, but it is pretty . Hope you find the colors you are searching for !


Ines- that is great that you are jumping back in here-- you are REALLY good at these quilt-ghans ,so it'll be nice to have you along . You are great at thinking up good patterns to go with certain colors, so I bet you'll find just the right one for the yarn you already have !

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forines13, this is the pattern that a vari can really show to good effect. I can't wait to see what you do with that colour and this pattern.


The PS is my first choice but after that I would really like to make a Jabob's Ladder. It has always had a special place in my heart and I would like to try it.



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darski I was tempted to do the Jacob's Ladder but after the Jewel Box I decided enough was enough. I went back to larger motifs. I am trying to visualise what colours I will go for. This Orange would really look nice as a retro 70s colours...although I am not keen on these colours, I know my eldest daughter loves them. I may change my mind about the colour scheme before then.:think

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There is a big emphasis on the citrus side of oranges these days. You see a lot of the green, yellow and orange with that rosy colour.


That would not be retro that's for sure.


I know what you mean about the small motifs - i need to think it through before I start. it would be lovely though :c9:hook:yes

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Well, I have some bad news. NO yarn for me today. I was in front of Walmart & decided that I would wait due to a couple reasons. So, I will probably go back sometime during this week or weekend to get the yarn. All the talk about the prairie star & having a prairie star expert I may just do that pattern instead. It was another on my to do list but never been brave enough to try it. Maybe with some help I could pull it off. Hmmmmm.......decisions, decisions. Glad I waited on the yarn since I can't make up my dang mind on a pattern. :blush:D

Glad to see ya Brandy! Hugs! :hug:manyheart:hug

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Hey Tab

It's ok, there's time enough for BOTH . I have started on my 9 patch ,but will be jumping in again with the PS --so do whichever you want or both -- no time limit- we can be in here til we're put out to pasture if need be.


**( I have a feeling I'll be in the pasture long before YOU . )


Like a cow, OUTSTANDING in my field .

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Ines.... :waving So glad to see you join the rest of us addicts on the PS.. Secret though.. I would still love to do the double wedding ring one after the PS. But I will definitely need a partner to keep me interested in it. :devil



Tabby.... You know I am a sucker for you and Julie. Anything you two asked and there I will be!! :think Definitely think I may get into trouble one of these days for saying that but :manyheart ya anyways!!

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Brandy-I have the double wedding ring on my to do list. We will have to work on it sometime-together because I agree, we will need support to get through that one.

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Julie~Well, I let the hubby choose & he really likes the prairie star so I guess i'll do that one first. Plus, I think I have some of the colors for it. :hook I'm chuggin along on my round ripple since that's a christmas gift then i'll be set to go. I'm also still working on my monet but it's just for us so no rush. Plus, I have a feeling i'll need a breather project while doing the PS.

Brandy~Me trouble? Neva! :devil Now Julie.........she's a whole nother story. :yes:D

And what does the double wedding ring afghan look like?? Curiosity will kill me someday, lol.:lol

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Oh my someone needs to just slap my rear end silly cuz I cant believe I actually am going to attempt this Ps again, I bought pretty much the colors the pattern calls for but had to substitute a couple I think, anyway I have a real problem when it comes to the joining part , It never appears that it is correct, I tried the tumbling block and it was scary looking to me so I gave up. Gonna check my yarn stashe tomorrow to make sure I still have all the colors that I need for this. I'm pretty sure though I can start about now, if I am missing anything it would be the sage one. I need prayers that I wont get mad and throw this. I do not have the patience of Brandy lol.

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Hey Tabby ... I will scan it for you tomorrow and post a picture. It is really stunning. I love the wedding ring quilt and this is just about as close as I will get to making it.



Goofy as soon as I get the PS done I would be ready to start it up. I bought the pattern a while ago and really would love to get it made.



Andrea... I am sure you can do it. With all the support we can get you through it. :devil The joining is easier than it looks. Just takes a little time to get the diamonds in the right spot. :hug

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Wow, this place is coming to life isn't it !!!


Looks like we have some afghans to make, ladies !


And Brandy-- don't worry too much just yet about me and Tabby getting you into trouble. Now, when you get the blueprints in the mail for the bank ,and a Dick Cheney Mask with a pair of rubber gloves in the mail, you'll know you could possibly be in for quite an adventure that may cause you some time in San Quentin ,but so far, so good.


We'll signal you when we decide who wears which mask. Tabby already has digs for the Barbra Streisand one, so it looks like I'm stuck with Curly from the 3 Stooges .

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Ines.... :waving So glad to see you join the rest of us addicts on the PS.. Secret though.. I would still love to do the double wedding ring one after the PS. But I will definitely need a partner to keep me interested in it. :devil



Tabby.... You know I am a sucker for you and Julie. Anything you two asked and there I will be!! :think Definitely think I may get into trouble one of these days for saying that but :manyheart ya anyways!!



Brandy when you say the word I will join you. I have one in a WIP bag that I began after the PS ... I was testing the colour combo:lol It now sits happily in my pile waiting for me to eventually finish it. I am going to stick to this colour combination as I want it to have a soft, yesterday look.

Below is my progress. I really should control my collection of WIPS :D



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Julie... Ut Oh... I think I am in for the ride of my life..:scared:faint Thank goodness you two live quite a ways away!! (now that was a tongue twister)... I know one thing for sure you will definitely need to find some different masks... Dick Cheney?????




Ines... It will probably be a little while before I get going on it. I really hate having more than one project going, but I have a few things I need to get done and I have to do that PS. But I am going to be looking around for yarn for it. I really want to get it made. :hook Those colors you picked look great together.... Beautiful!!



This almost feels like when this group was first started. Love seeing all the familiar faces with the new ones. :ghug

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I'll eventually join you all on the Wedding Ring as well. This has been on my list for a long time as I love quilts made from this pattern and was so excited when I finally found the crochet pattern for one. I agree this will be one that I'll need friends to keep me motivated on.


But I can't start it yet -- must finish Christmas presents and the almost complete PS first!!! :blush

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ah, just as well. my WIPs are threatening to topple anyway and that's without the PS


Darski ... you must my twin sister. My WIPS are multiplying.... I am sure there are gremlins in my home that start them and then leave it up to me to finish the ones they start. I am trying to complete 2 at the moment. I have 3 more squares and the border on one and 12 more motifs to complete on the another one. Will try and complete at least one today although the going is slow as I must have come down with a tummy bug and feel off colour.


Brandy I am sure that participating in this thread will eventually push me to complete that Wedding Ring. Until then I will keep on working on the WIPS X 8 that form a colourful display in the corner of my pile.

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