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Crochet -a- Quilt


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makes me want to get back to my rail fence experiment. been doing small stuff like bookmarks, and the scarf swap. sidetracked, though, by finally getting a handle on my budget. :eek you have no idea how tough it was to face up to my expenditures on yarn over the last months - scared even me... :rofl

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Maybe I need to spend a weekend (or more) just working on this project. I think I need a:kick . I haven't worked on mine forever...

Who wants to plan this weekend crocheting or sewing our quilts together? Or at least doing something with them, whatever it may be? If you're busy or have another project, how about 15 minutes? The rest of us we'll :kick all weekend...

And come Monday we'll :cheer each others successes!


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Debbi - I think that sounds like a great idea. :yes My PS has been sitting in its project tote bag next to my sofa and hasn't been touched in about a month. I've been working on other projects. But I really don't have too much more to go and would love to finish it.


So I'm in, I will commit to focusing on this project this weekend. I think posting pictures of our before and after progress at the end of the weekend is a good idea. That will give us motivation to see how much we can get done when we put our mind to it.

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Then I guess this will be a good thing. Anyone wanting to start a quilt afghan could this weekend too. This would be good for those who want to start.

I won't be able to start until Friday anyway, so it works perfect for me. I only have to go pay my car insurance Saturday and don't have much else to do (some cleaning on Saturday, church on Sunday) so I can crochet lots this weekend.


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I will join. I need to get to work on mine so that I will have it done for christmas. I will post a picture (or try anyway) after my son takes his nap. I don't know how much I will get done as I have to help get an aunt-in-laws house ready for auction and I work sunday morning but I will find some time to get some crocheting done. This will be a great motivator!

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I dont know if it's too late to join in but I have been promising my hubby a nice big blanket ever since my grandmother taught me to crochet and he is leaving for duty for about 2 1/2 months so now would be a great time to work on this project for him for christmas! Count me in and I might even try doing another one for my oldest son for christmas if I finish my hubby's in time!


BTW I am new here I just signed up today when I saw this thread!!!

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Welcome, Mommy2jj3604! Do you know what pattern you're going to use yet?


Looks great, Goofy.


I am so glad that Debbi thought of this because it was just the :kick I needed to get me excited about my PS again. I'm actually looking forward to pulling it out and seeing how much I can get done this weekend. So far, I don't have too many things planned and should have some good time for crocheting. My boyfriend is a high school teacher and they're having their homecoming this weekend. He's the announcer for the football games, so he'll be there Friday night and then Saturday night he has to chaperone the dance. So I'll be able to sit at home and relax both nights with my crocheting and some good movies. :D

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I'm glad I took that picture. It showed me that I don't have that much work left to finish another round. That is my goal for the weekend. Anything more is all gravy! O, you can see my furbaby's hind leg in that picture. Anytime I lay an afghan on the floor she has to lay by it or on it. I think she's looking for attention because I crocheted her an afghan and she won't lay on it.

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I might just do the "Tumbling Blocks" quilt/afghan this weekend. Well, start it anyway in white, lavender and purple.


It is a traditional quilt and I only need three colours - unlike the Prairie Star.

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I am going to do the Nine patch afghan except slightly (ok alot) bigger because my hubby really wanted a king sized blanket, big enough to wrap himself up in :o) and maybe share with me at night. I am hoping that doing a CAL will help me to actually finish a whole project! So far I have only completed 1 and most of another in the 5 years I have been crocheting! How sad :( Oh well I must go get started!

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Oh this is exciting having so many people doing this weekend crocheting! :clap This will help us along. And if you need motivation or want to check or update this weekend, you can. I probably won't until Monday but maybe Saturday night for a break.


Welcome, Mommy2jj3604! I joined this site partly because of this Crochet Along. I started my quilt afghan and was getting bored... this post helped.


Goofy your afghan looks good. I like the colors.


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I started working on myaround the world this morning. I've gotten three more squares made and plan to try and get them joined on this afternoon. I work tonight so I can work on making more squares there. I love having a job were I can get time to crochet! :)

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I worked almost 3 hours on mine tonight! :cheer Hopefully, I can make a lot of progress this weekend and will get close enough to finishing that I'll just keep going until it's done.


The weather here was rainy and cold and dreary all day, and since I'm about 75% complete with the PS, curling up under it while working was nice and cozy. Can't wait until it is done and then I can curl up under it while working on other projects. :D

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Hello ladies

I have been lurking here for a week or so, trying to decide whether to jump back in here or not . I am bound and determined to get a prairie star afghan made. I started one and got it maybe halfway done, but started getting mixed up when you begin joining the diamonds sideways instead and up and down ( the part that is white on the graph ) .

Anyhow, I thought if I signed up in here with you all, maybe it'd give me the initiative to start a new one and COMPLETE it this time .

Anyone else working on this one ?

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