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Crochet -a- Quilt


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got 3 more diamonds done last night; the first two took 45 min, the last took the next hour.....(finally found the error - in round 1)

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Diane - the two yarns are working out great. I haven't had

any trouble with them so far.:yay


Evelyn - I haven't gotten to that part yet, but even on the regular ones

I have to stop and think for a few seconds to make sure I'm joining

in the correct direction. On the second round, I ended up joining

one on the incorrect side and had the wrong side facing where the right

side should be. So I always take a little extra time to make sure

it's going in the right direction before finishing the join


Patricia - Yeah, now that I've made 19 diamonds I have the pattern

memorized as well and it's much easier now that I understand the logic

behind replacing a ch-1 with a join. It also makes it easier when

you're joining two sides because you don't have to worry with keeping

up with the pattern, you just understand where you should join.


Jen - I'm planning to do the Around the World next after I finish the PS.


I also want to do a double-wedding ring - does anyone know where I can

find a pattern for this one?


I was so excited tonight, I went grocery shopping and they had fresh

white corn on the cob out. It was so yummy! :droolCorn on the cob is

one of my favorites - especially when it's fresh from the farm.


So far I've completed the two innermost rounds of my PS and 1 diamond

in the 3rd round. My sister is having a chorus concert Wednesday

night, so I'll try to borrow her camera while I'm at my parent's house

and then post pictures of my progress.

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I am doinf the same trip round the world... but i changed up some colors...


I found it great for church as i can do about 6 in his 45 mion sermon and still listen!

Welcome, Jen!!:yay glad to have you with us. what colors are you using. i started joining some of mine and i really like it. i only got 6 motifs done this whole weekend, but other people had different plans for me. :( maybe it will rain all day tomorrow and i'll have an excuse to sit and stitch. ( doing a rain dance:dance :applause:dance).
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well, it rained. but it was last night while i was trying to sleep and it stormed like heck. i've gotta finish cleaning the bathroom and water the houseplants, then i'm gonna get busy with the important stuff. crocheting:hook

everybody, have a joyful crochet day.:cheer

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I'm back! I didn't go anywhere, but I had to put the quilt down. I am working on Around the World. I had baby items to make and as usual got carried away. Sometime today I hope to get back to the quilt. I'll be watching my favorite team, Chicago White Sox and crocheting to my hearts content

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sometimes you have to stop one project when you have a more pressing one come up. thats the good thing about this CAL. we keep adding people and starting more quilts when we finish others. so, we don't have to rush around unless we are making it for someone. personally, mine may take all summer. and thats ok. i get to enjoy making it. glad to have you back amongst us.:cheer

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Hi, all, today is a lovely day to sit outside and crochet - think I will, too. Got some more done on my prairie star:


The star point is supposed to be soft blue, but it sure looks like turquoise to me - the background is white, so the colors have shifted towards green, but it looks like that "in the yarn" as well. I like it - just a little surprised at how colors "change" depending on what they are next to.:think


Since I'm modifying this pattern to a smaller size, here is where I'll finish the star shape with the remaining 5 points in blue(-green:D) and begin filling in the hexagon shape. Still undecided whether to go with white or the baby brights (pastels) variegated. Whichever color I don't use to fill out the hexagon will be the border. Will post new pic when done with star points to show the two choices - who knows what colors they'll look like, next to the orchid?!


Enjoy your weekend!:hook:hug

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Looking good Patricia!!! :cheer I love the colors - and I agree the outside diamond looks more turquoise to me, but that might be the camera like you said. Can't wait to see the finished product.

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Patricia, that is going to be so pretty! I'd use white for your fill in and the varigated for your border... nosey, aren't I?

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Hi Everyone,

I took a day off to actually work on my afghan. I had already started my white section, Evelyn, but was glad I didn't give you advice, because I was not doing it the way Citygirl and AJ advised, and I like their way much better. I hope it is going well.

Patricia - Your colors are so pretty! It will be beautiful when done. I have the same problem you do with this afghan - mixing up rnds 2 and 3 thru inattention. I end up unraveling a lot, because the diamonds are so small, there isn't a good excuse to ignore them.

Tiffany - I'm glad the yarns are working well. I would love to see a photo - do you have a camera?

Glad to see so many new people and new projects. This thread will continue for a long time!

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I made little boxs on a piece of paper and put the dots xxs and all the things to tell what colors to use then I put ca cb cc acording on the left side then I wrte what colos Im using on the left and use that to work of the graph, then I tied a piece of paper to the afghan, with an arrow pointing the direction Im going.:think

yours is very pretty



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I also want to do a double-wedding ring - does anyone know where I can find a pattern for this one?


Hi I got my pattern book off of ebay. Crochet Ultimate Book of Quilt Afghans from Annies Attic. When I bid on it there was several of the same books. There is 12 patterns in all in it and the double wedding ring was one of them.

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very nice, patricia. you're coming right along. :clap

i crocheted quite a lot yesterday too. but i didn't do much on my ghan :blush , i'm embarrassed to say. i worked on a UFO and started a shrug. i think it's important to keep at least 3 things dragged out at once so there is a huge pile of yarn next to my chair. i ran out of yarn for my UFO, so today will be a quiltghan day.:cheer :cheer

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.... I'd use white for your fill in and the varigated for your border...

Mare, I think you're right (and I was asking for input, thanks!) - I finished the 6 points, put in a white diamond on one side and a baby brights in a different section, and my husband promptly said "white - don't do the pastels" I'll go take and post a pic (just to show off the baby brights - that yarn is so pretty - wish it were as smooth as the rest of caron's simply soft) before I take it apart so you can see the contrast.


One of the things I like best about this pattern is the ongoing positive reinforcement - each diamond finished gives me a mini "done!" feeling. (makes up for the 'aw rats' when I have to frog rounds 2 and 3 - Diane you are so right!) And of course, the cheering section here in the CAL is fantastic :ty :ty :ty. You all are so kind and thoughtful :ghug

Off to take pictures... (I'm beginning to think a camera is an important part of staying on task....)

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Ok, I learned how to post smaller pics that don't take up the whole page (thanks, Shelle!) Here's current progress (inner star done, working on first diamond of fills to make hexagon followed by closeups of the white and baby brights options:

PrairieStar2May3CpR.jpgPrairieStar2May10CpR.jpgPrairieStar2May11CpR.jpg Any votes for the baby brights as fill in, or should I just go ahead with the white? Thanks for the input! (sky was cloudy, lost that gorgeous sunlight effect in the pics :cry)

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Diane -- I don't have a digital camera of my own, so I'm going to borrow my sister's or my mom's tonight and I'll post pictures.


Brandy -- Thanks for the information about the wedding ring pattern in the book. I checked out the ones on Ebay and they have a bunch available, so I think I'll step up and make my first Ebay purchase :scared


Patricia -- I think the white will look better as fill in. The variegated is beautiful, but I think it's too much as fill in and would look better with the white fill in and the variegated border. :)

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Thanks, Tiffany! I think you're right - the baby brights, especially in the large swaths of the hex fill-ins, would be pretty overwhelming.... I just wish it were softer; in the border, its texture will be more noticeable. Ah well, maybe it'll soften up like the Red Heart does after washing w/ fabric softener....


Way to go - looking forward to your pics - thank you for making the extra effort to post pics for us to see (and applaud, of course!:applause:cheer). I'd lost my camera before starting this CAL and it was very frustrating - once I located the camera, I found it much easier to keep working on this ghan every day....:lol


I'm finding that I don't do so well switching back and forth between projects - my UFO is still a UFO..... and my progress in the 63 CAL ground to a halt - but I'm really enjoying this Prairie Star and it's going faster than I expected :cheer

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I'm finding that I don't do so well switching back and forth between projects


I know what you mean -- I have a thread top that I had started for my mom and was hoping to be able to give her for Mother's Day, but I just can't drag myself away from the PS. :blush I don't have anything planned this weekend, so I'm hoping to spend the entire two days at home cleaning and crocheting, so maybe I'll have enough time to finish the top if I work on that exclusively this weekend. .... but I'm so excited to see how the PS will turn out that I can't help myself but work on it some too. :devil

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i think everyone is right-on about the white fill-in. it breaks up the other colors. very pretty pics. way to go. :clap

everyone is really getting into their ghans. i'm kinda stuck in the making motifs rut. i like joining them better. (love that instant gratification). but i keep telling myself to stay the course and it'll pay off in the end.:cheer:yay

darn, that end is far away.:(

okay, pity party is over. gotta go make squares.:hook

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It looks beautiful, Tiffany! I love the colors. :manyheart


Patricia: I also agree about the white. It is going to be SO PRETTY!


Dazy: Thanks for the advice. I will save the long surfing until I have a few hours to spare, whenever that may be!


Back to my Prairie Star. I hope to post a picture soon!

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Tiffany, that's gorgeous! :cheer:applause:clap:party:h5 (and you got your pics nice and small, too - way to go! I'm envious :devil) Just love those colors!


green and blue-green are my favorite colors. Did you say where your PS is headed once it is done? And I think you're probably right about why I'm not switching back and forth; it is hard! to work on anything else - maybe I'll get tired of diamonds at some point (those white diamonds apparently go on and on and on....) and want to do something else, but right now, my other projects just aren't as compelling.


Diane, I'm glad you asked about time spent at the 'Ville - I needed to hear Dazy's advice, too (:tyDazy!). I've been spending too much daytime here, and not enough crocheting, or anything else. I'd hate to get carpal tunnel syndrome from keyboarding - if I'm gonna get it, I want it to be for crocheting! (boy, is that weird or what? who'd want CPS for any reason :eek)


Got 3 more white diamonds done, finishing the first of the 6 white diamond areas filling in the hexagon sides (my pattern is smaller than the one written; that has 9 diamonds in each fill area). White is definitely the best choice here, thanks everybody! (frogged the baby brights diamond - going to measure yardage; I'm curious how much it takes for each diamond. A star 'ghan could an interesting scrap project one day....)

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aww, tiffany, that's so pretty. i'm a sucker for anything green. you're doing a great job and moving right along. :clap

speaking of moving right along..i'm not. :blush i played outside all day. it was just so beautiful out, i couldn't stay in. but i've promised the gang in the shrug CAL and i'll promise you. i'll work on my squares during survivor and my shrug during CSI. can't work on my UFO till i get more yarn. so many projects, so little time. ;)

keep up the good work, gals. the prairie stars seem to be addictive. :yarn:cheer

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