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i am so upset and aggravated. and now because of this i can't crochet!

well i could, but my tension would be so wacked it would be ripped out instantly! ggrrr ugh!


thank you for listening

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:think What happened I don't want to be nosy if you don't want to say that's fine. Here's a :hug Feel better soon :hug



family issues and they involve a 24yr stepson who live with me. nuff said



thanks for the hugs, they are much needed today

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Sorry to hear that... I HATE when things get me aggravated to the point that I can't even do the things that would make me feel better.... it's the worst:rant . And if you were to crochet right now you might leave some 'bad karma' on the yarn:2nono and that's not good...


Kids can make you crazy:thair ~ I have FOUR ~ and I found that I get along much better with the 18-yr-old daughter since she moved away to college:applause I love her dearly, but we clash badly and she also seemed to take great pleasure in fighting with her younger brother and sister... I swore if I heard her scream TOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD at the top of her lungs one more time I was gonna... I don't know what I was gonna do, but it wasn't gonna be pretty:thumbdown ...


Hope you get to feeling better and I'll send some positive energy in your direction!:flower

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thanks everyone!


i have gotten along with my daughter alot in the past 6 odd years now.

and i also now work with my 22yr old! she moved out about 8 months ago.


i put my crochet away and maybe tonight i'll take it out. but definately this weekend!


someday husband and i will be alone!

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:hug Crochet anyway because it will make you feel better.

Use some yarn which you dont really love and if you have to un-ravel it later it will not matter.

Try a new pattern stitch so you have to concentrate on what you are doing and all the world will go away.

Remember "Tough love":hug

You need to look after yourself first or you will not be able to look after anyone else.

Have you ever heard of Bach Flower Remedy called Rescue Remedy?

We get it from a Health Food/Natural Remedy Store and they will be able to help you with all you need to know about it.

It is a Homoeopathic remedy which is great for when you are having stress problems.

I used it when my kids were getting married and it worked wonders. One wedding was in London and I am not a good flyer.

It is free of side effects, even if you took more than the stated dose, because Homoeopathics work on the regularity of the dose, not the quantity.

Hope this helps.


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have never tried homoeopathic (?) before. where would i find this stuff?


never thought of just crocheting for the sake of it and then ripping it out! the things we learn! :lol



thanks again everyone. you have all been a great help to me the past couple days!

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I'll second the recommendation for rescuse remedy- I use it from time to time when things are just getting too much for me. After having all 3 kids at home for the half term break I think I might have to break it out again :lol I am really, really looking forward to tomorrow morning- waving goodbye to the two older ones as they set off to school :lol

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I'm currently crocheting my way through a crisis with the eldest child (the partner), making mesh shopping bags for everyone I know - chain 7, dc., repeat. The counting prevents me from thinking of anything else and who cares about the tension (of the crochet) and at least I know how the bags are going to turn out. And we need some certainty in our lives.


A special hug to you. I hope you are catching a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.

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you ladies are just way so supportive! you make my heart swell.... :ghug


i am seeing light at the end of the tunnel (i think i am) i just dont talk to the kid right now. it's working for me and right now i am all important!



as soon as i can find a place in here that sells this rescue remedy, i am willing to give it a try!

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I just found this site which could be in the US.

They might be able to help you with Rescue Remedy.


I got it from a Google ad which pops up when I am on Crochetville.

Hope it helps you and all the other ladies and gents suffering from stress.

Let us know how it goes.

All the best.:hug


PS, I got your e-mail this morning thank you.

It is 9.40am Monday 27th Feb right now in NZ.

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as soon as i can find a place in here that sells this rescue remedy, i am willing to give it a try!


This site has a version of Rescue Remedy available, called "Five-Flower Formula" (which is what I've used for many years with great success), you can order it online. I have purchased from this source many times over the past 10 or more years, they are stable and reputable, and based in the U.S. If you browse around the site, you will also be able to learn a bit more about flower essences and how they work.


ETA: I forgot to mention that most health food stores carry the Bach line of remedies, including Rescue Remedy. You might want to try looking for a health food store in your area.

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