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Moms: I need advice on baby clothing

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I'm making a baby sacque, bonnet, and booties for the Crochet Olympics. The sacque closes just at the top with a tie that laces through the collar. The bonnet and booties have ties as well. All the ties have pom poms at the end (so there'd be two on each bootie as well as the sacque and bonnet). Here's a picture of the sacque almost complete.


My first question: should I leave the pom poms off? I'm not a Mom, but the pom poms seem kind of impractical to me--the baby would probably want to chew them. Of coure the entire outfit is probably impractical -- a dress up for church type thing.


Second, should there be ties at all on the sacque and hat? I know once the babies start to move around they don't want them to have ties that can get caught on things and wrap around the neck. But this is a outfit for age 3 months, so is that a concern?


I'd appreciate any advice you have.



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I think it depends on what size you are making the outfit for. Obviously if it's a newborn size, they aren't going to be moving around as much as a 6 month old would. I am not a pom pom fan, just because for the older infant it does end up in their mouth and is a pain to clean. Also, you have to consider it a choking hazard (small fibers from the yarn). As far as ties. I think this is a personal choice. Some parents like to be able to tie a hat on their children, I didn't. I think a small tie on the sweater, or even a few buttons is ideal though.

Good luck with your project :)


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I agree, no pompoms.

Another thing that I think is safer than threading ribbon around through the neckline of the sweater, is to sew the ribbon on each side of the front. When I do the little bonnet, I usually sew the ribbon on, too; or crochet ties without pompoms.

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What a sweet little outfit! I agree, less is more and I wouldnt waste any effort on pom poms. The colour looks great as well.

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I made that sweater in solid purple! I simply chained a bunch for the tie (don't remember; it's been almost four years ago) and then slip stitched in each chain and wove in the ends. I didn't bother with the pom-poms. It hasn't unravelled and it stays in place when washed.


My oldest wore it when she was around a year old and my youngest started wearing it at about 5 months. Neither paid attention to the tie. Both have worn it a bunch and it's been washed a lot.

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I think sewing the ribbons on is a very good idea. Mine are able to start shoving stuff into their mouts very early on, and my three-and-a-half-month-old certainly would be gnawing on a ribbon. Of course, chances are that nothing would come of it, but I'd be paranoid about her managing to partially swallow it.

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Ginny , I'm working on a basy set too for the crochet Olympic. I'm sorry that I cannot see your picture as our server has blocked the flickr site. I'd love to see the picture.

Anyways, as for the pom poms , I guess u have already decided. And its good idea to skip them.And the ribbon is also better off being stitched at the front of the sacque. I usually make a thread fastening ...like a flower for the button and a loop on the other side for fastening. I had a tough time keeping ribbons and pom poms off the baby's mouth...they have to chew at it ..no matter what! They chew ...as long as they can grab it and take it to their mouths!!!


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Thanks so much for all your thoughts. I'm working on the rest of the outfit and I'll do all the ties last.


sjkmaurice: That's what I was thinking for the tie, but I haven't 100% decided yet.


Yasmin: I'll see if I can get the picture posted here so you can see it. Or if you pm me your email address I could email it to you. I looked at your blog--your sweater looks great so far. I new at wearables so I wouldn't dare design one yet. I'm so impressed with yours!



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