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I picked up a really cute pattern for a granny square purse/bag at Joann etc and have it all ready to put together, except for one thing; I can't find the wooden rings you need to put the handles through.


:eek Believe it or not, Joann's doesn't carry them. I have been so frustrated trying to find 4 wooden rings for this thing, it's driving me nuts!!!

Both Joann's and Michaels directed me to "wooden letter O;s".... yeah... :think


So the project is at a standstill...until I find the rings or a suitable substitute...the bad thing is it is a gift for my SECRET PAL, so I really want to get it done.



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Now if I were having that problem DH would give me four huge metal washers, get out his measuring tape to see how wide it is (?) and then get out a level to make sure it's, well, level...:laughroll and then he'd say, "Okay. Don't know what you were stressing about. That was easy."


Seems like that's the kind of thing I've seen at Michael's (other than the letter "O") but I can't think of where... maybe in the bead section...


Good luck

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I would definately check out your local fabric store. You could also check out the hardware store. You never know what you'll see. Also you could try metal instead of wood. you will get way more options.

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We don't have an AC Moore here (:eek) wish we did though!!

I did find the curtain rings with little clips on them in the curtain dept at JCPenney, but they were $9. for 7...(not 8 mind you....7)....but I will look for a less expensive pair maybe at Kmart or something...

Thanks for the suggestions!!:hug

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Maybe this is a long shot, but I saw this idea from the CAL for the Fendi Bag, why not go to Goodwill/Thrift Shop and see if you can find some purse with similar handles?


You can always order online, or ebay as well. :)

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