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HELP!!!!!!! I am trying to find a good way to store my vast supply of pattern leaflets. I would love to find page protectors that have two pockets but I don't think they are avalible. Does anyone have a better idea? Anything would be wonderful.

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I saw this and intend to use it. It uses plastic canvas. You can customize the size of the hole area for the booklet for the smaller leaflets.



Unfortunately - it isn't as nice as plastic page protectors, but I think it works well to keep my smaller pamphlets flyers from getting beaten up.

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I've bought page protectors at Wal-Mart for the patterns I've gotten off the net. Then I put them in loose leaf notebooks according to category. For my books I use a milk crate and again sort them by category. These are also to be gotten at Wal-Mart. Charlene

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Okay I think I need to clear up what I am looking for. I am looking for a way to store the free pattern half pages I get at Wal~Mart or Hobby Lobby. Sorry for the confusion.

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I just use regular page protectors for those, and stick two in each pocket, side by side. They slip now and then, but not too badly. :)


I wish they would make a double pocket one like that, though, because I want a better way to store the pages from the page-a-day calendar!! :D

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Well I need to come up with a better way then I am using to store all my Annies Crochet Newsletter and Hook on Crochet booklets. I have over 20 years worth I know it is only 6 copies per year ... but over 20 years worth adds up lol I am currently putting them into little basket bins that are about the size of the booklets.

Any better ideas??:think

thank you

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I use a standard three hole punch (even if the instruction page is only big enough for two holes) and put the pages in a three ring binder. I have dividing pages to separate clothing patterns from afghan patterns, etc. So far I haven't had problems with the holes tearing or instructions being chopped off. I do put heavy card stock on the outside of the pages, front and back, to protect the pages. Works great for me.

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