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Trip Down Memory Lane

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I was looking through an old photo album of mine and found this picture. I was ten years old and I believe the picture was taken because of how my kitty, Buffy Moon, was cuddled next to me. But look! Upon my lap is a clump of green yarn and the glimmer of a crochet hook! I have no idea what I was making or why, but definitely I was crocheting!


~ Lori


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But look! Upon my lap is a clump of green yarn and the glimmer of a crochet hook!




Isn't it interesting? We are what we are. I enjoyed the same thing as a child, teenager, young adult as I do now. Thanks for sharing your picture.

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That's great Lori! By the way, my BF in high schools' name was Lori. Spelled the same exact way. (Her name was really Laura, though.) I have lots of pictures of me as a kid, with cats, but no crocheting.

(I was sorry to read about what happened to Buffy Moon, too- that also happened to me a lot as a kid, we lived right by a road and any new puppies or kittens we got didn't stay around long.)


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