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Crochet with Spaghetti????

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I must have totally missed that in the Crochet! issue I just recieved today. ( flipped through it 3 times) I found a couple of sweaters that I liked (with a few changes, of course) but I totally missed the spaghetti thing. Maybe I should be glad that I did?


BTW, I totally LOVE the dog bone rug. Haven't made it yet, but definitely plan to. A little more user-friendly, perhaps?

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I am sharing an office with a director who was having a review with one of her reports. As I waited outside my own office for them to finish I flipped through my US mail and grabbed out the Crochet! magazine. I was laughing when I read about the spaghetti and when I saw the red I automatically thought of the pull and peel licorice....if I could tie that into a knot with my tongue, I am sure that I can crochet with it! :hook

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Bendy ! All I can say is ...You have given creativity a totally different perspective. Its amazing , really. I'm impressed.

I'd love to see this. I've been reading about it and getting all excited. I havent yet seen this magazine ....and sadly know that I might never see it either. We do not get thses books out here and most places do not ship it here. So I'm stuck ...unless I get lucky in an exchange or so.

I dont know....cold spagetti seems a little messy but then I might just give it a shot. I've done a purse with fishing twine, basket with wire, bag with raffia, basket with parer ribbons etc. I am honestly yarn starved and I do like to try different things.


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Curling ribbon! Oh, I have tons of that stuff stashed away in a drawer, and I never thought to crochet with it. How cool! What did you make with it? As I never seem to use it on packages, I could really use a reason to use some of it up in a creative way.


Did it hurt to crochet with the jute? I'd be afraid it would make my fingers sore. But since I like the look of jute, it might be worth it...


Ok, I know I'll sound like an idiot, but what is jelly yarn? I guess I haven't seen it. Is it sort of like the plastic lacing that kids use to make keychains? (I can't remember what that is really called, either. I think I have vapor lock of the brain this morning.)


I giggled at the image of you trying to crochet with toilet paper -- dear heavens, next they'll be showing those cartoon bears crocheting the toilet paper in their woods. :lol Ok, I have to ask -- *what* did you crochet with toilet paper? The mental images I'm coming up with just can't possibly be what you would make for a magazine, so I'm begging you to give me some ideas here that make more sense than what I can think of. Also, did your hubby laugh at you for that one? I don't think I'd ever live it down if I did that in front of my husband and son. Crocheting licorice I could get away with, but toilet paper? They'd be going up to complete strangers on the street and pointing to me and saying "That woman crocheted toilet paper" and no amount of explanations about how I was just trying to be creative would ever make a difference. I give you huge points for guts as well as creatvity, I tell ya!



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I live in UAE , in the middle east. And believe me, it's a miracle to find good crochet supplies here. I can only drool and dream about the kind of yarns and threads and pattern sources available to you guys out there. Well, I can relate with Ana's description of the yarn starved crochet lady desperate to crochet with anything available. I was smiling to myself when I read that ....reminded me of Me.


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Yes, well now it is perfectly clear why they rejected my dog bone mat pattern...after all it didn't appeal to a large enough audience...and obviously this spaghetti crocheting would!!! :rolleyes


:laughroll :laughroll :laughroll :laughroll :laughroll :laughroll

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  • 2 weeks later...

ooh, bread dough. We have some AMAZING work done by the mother of my cousin's wife in bread dough and Elmer's glue mixture - a Cinderella coach using an egg shell for the body, and several Christmas ornaments - that are girls in lovely dresses with braided hair and a Christmas angel in a swing. They were the treasures of our tree! :)


I finally saw the issue the other day and thought the designs were very cute. :)

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Now I have seem framed crochet work done with human hair done way back in the 1800s.


me too! i saw a whole bunch of examples of that over at the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum in Los Angeles. apparantly it was quite a fad back then. pretty weird!


crochet spaghetti...i dont know, it sounds kinda cool. especially if there are any "masters" of this medium out there.

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