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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Well, I worked on mine last night and was feeling prity good about getting through round 52 until I laid it out and it looks ruffly! (julie, if you are looking at the pic of yours, its the next stripe of the lightest color past the first round of bobbles) I have the right amount of chain 3 spaces on round 50, but for some reason the sc's didnt come out right:manyheart (noah, the 3 year old I baby sit wants to see some of the smileys, bear with me, lol):manyheart I could try to figure out where I went wrong with them, but why bother:lol , I am going to do it again anyway:devil so I'll just follow the pattern better this time. :clap I think im going to :cheer frog back through round 49 cause the ch 3 spaces:blush are a little loose to me:clap :eek . Anyway, I was going to delete all of the smileys before:c9 I posted but Noah is watching and would probly:yay have hurt feelings if I did that, he has picked these out with such great care!:hug:blush

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Hi Shelain


I know what you mean about the smileys-- my grandson always wants me to put them on when he is watching me type .


I don't know what the problem is with the pattern ,but the plain old sc rows were the ones that gave me some trouble too. Hope you can get it figured out and it works ok for you !

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Olga - get well soon!!

JulieKay/Olga - the way I mark my round/row is with a sticky-note. I put it under the directions for each round as I go....works GREAT!

Shelain - Noah is very lucky to have someone as loving as you!! :)


I'm on round 60 now. Running low on quite a few colors (I'm learning that I SO underestimated the size of a 7 oz. skein!!) But I'm really glad I have enough scrap colors to chose from to make this thing work -- even if it's not "perfect". I think I only bought 2 skeins for this entire thing!

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Good Morning. I have still not finished the center medallion because I cannot find the off-white yarn I want. I went to three stores yesterday, and everyone was sold out of it. Someone in town must have cleaned everyone out. I am hoping to get to another store today -- they are the most expensive in town, perhaps there will be some left.


Olga -- Geez, I hope you feel better. I got the flu Christmas morning. Then it went into pneumonia... I was down with it for three weeks and then was still dragging and tired for a week or more after I got up. Don't rush it. I think I got the pneumonia from getting up and trying to get things done. Hope you feel better. By the way, I couldn't crochet a lick while I was so sick, frogged everything. I had to get a lot better first. Crochetville was the only thing that kept my addiction fed. :hook


Shelain -- Ya gotta love those babies. :manyheart Wouldn't we be hard-nosed people without them to keep us soft.


From ANOTHER non-drinker :yay

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Wow , Cristin -you must have had lots of scrap yarn to use up. It did take a lot to make it. More than I thought it would !

yep, I actually bought a HUGE box of yarn on eBay quite a while back and never knew exactly what to do with it all so I left it in the box it came to my door in. After I organized it all (put my whole stash in clear plastic totes by color) I figured out EXACTLY what I had and quit buying yarn! :lol Then this CAL came along.... it was just perfect timing!

If I still have the sellers info somewhere I'm going to email her a picture of the ghan when I'm done. I also got some great vintage thread pattern books in the same auction.

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Hi everyone...Oh man....I was not able to put down not one single stitch today....I am so :sick today all I have been doing is :sleeping. I just got up about an hour ago so I decided i'd come on and read some post and see if I can get some strength to get a couple sc on my L&B...check you out later.:hook


ps..hey julie ...you see the queen of frogging sittin on that mushroom.?lol,,I put that there for a while so I can remind myself....maybe someone else wants to do the honors and take my crown..lol


Olga, you are killing me! I was wondering what the heck your new avatar was. That is sooooooooooooooo funny! I hope you are feeling better. Poor baby!

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well... I'm happy to report that the final box of alpaca arrived yesterday so I have almost all of my yarn for this project. Unfortunately, the next to last box, which contains the wine color I want for the center, has somehow not arrived...


here's a pic of my alpaca stash... it's crammed into the wooden box.




also, I posted a bunch of pics of my stash here: in this thread so if you want to take a peek, go check it out. I so love my little creative corner and I wanted to share it!




Hugs, M


***Good News! I got an email from the Ebay seller that the one box of my yarn somehow didn't get shipped until yesterday so it should be here by Friday latest. Yipee! I highly recommend this seller. The yarn is beautiful http://stores.ebay.com/InterAmerica-Group_Alpaca-products_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQftidZ2QQtZkm


Can't wait to see it!

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Cristin-that's a wonderful idea to send a photo of the finished afghan to the lady you got the yarn from !




Mare- the yarn looks beautiful. I love that yellowish color ! That looks like some Expensive Yarn ! Hope this afghan will be for you to keep !

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Hi there everyone....Well...here I am Tuesday and still not feeling so well but I was well enough to get up and make a couple hexes....I have a sore throat and my ear is kinda hurting so I guess everything is coming from there. But any way...I did ok today on my crocheting so :clap to that....thanks to all that wished me well....:hug

Mare...You know you like my froggy thing there,:lol I frogged this thing so many times I thought I'd declare myself the frogging queen ...and there she is...:lol but thank goodness I think i'm coming along much better now....it doesnt look half way as bad as it did....the first one looked like i was doing some kind of spiral or something...lol:hook

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Mare- the yarn looks beautiful. I love that yellowish color ! That looks like some Expensive Yarn ! Hope this afghan will be for you to keep !


Not that expensive per ball but you buy 10 ball lots and I've bought a whole bunch of colors. I plan to use some to make a ghan for my best friend and some to make something for me


If you are a really good girl, maybe a little birdie will bring you some :lol


Did you go look at my creative corner - I am so excited to take pics of it.

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Shelain -


It says your avatar has to be 64x 64 and no larger. If you go to the help section on th boards, it tells how to resize your avatars and post them. That's how I figured mine out . I'm not too great at these photo things myself !



That would be a special little birdie if he brought me some of that yarn -- i don't usually get to work with expensive yarns , but one of my Fairy Yarnmothers sent me some awhile back that I already have a project slated for. It's on the back burner til the flower garden is done, but I definitely have plans for it next !

I'll feel like a princess using it !

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OOHH man that kittie is sooo cuteeee!!!:hook

Julie, how do I make my kitty frog avatar as big as your rose avatar?



Hmm, on secund look, maby it is as big as yours... is their an easy way to do that though?

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Mare -- I am so jealous. I have one $17 tiny ball of alpaca yarn that I cannot bring myself to use. It is tooo luscious. It is without a doubt the softest most wonderful yarn I have ever found. I just fondle it and dream....:c9


That will be the most wonderful ghan ever.

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OOHH man that kittie is sooo cuteeee!!!:hook


you cant see it, but it says " I am a frog"I used the sizer thing on the help page by yarntomatoe, but it took about 20 minuites worth of fiddlin to get it the right size...thaught maby there was an easier way

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You guys- FROG avatars??? :haha:haha:haha


Well, I'm up to row 30 now, and having a blast! I've got about a dozen yarns that coordinate for this project, and although I obsessed about planning where the colors went, I'm tweaking as I go. Scary, but fun. It feels like the personality of the ghan changes every time I start another color section. Dang, I wish I had a dig cam so I could document! I'm just now doing the foundation sc for the shells, but I just can't wait to see what it looks like after the bobbles. I know, I know... I am not going to be allowed to whine about sore hands and mountains of dirty laundry!


So far I have a little ruffling, but not enough to frog over. I've done a little frogging here and there, but not more than a row at a time. Don't worry, Olga, your throne is secure!

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Mare -- I am so jealous. I have one $17 tiny ball of alpaca yarn that I cannot bring myself to use. It is tooo luscious. It is without a doubt the softest most wonderful yarn I have ever found. I just fondle it and dream....:c9


That will be the most wonderful ghan ever.


It is really awesome yarn. It's finer than worsted weight though so I'm not sure if I'm going to double up on it or just make it with one strand. It's really not that expensive if you get a bit at a time. It works out to be between $3 and $4 a ball by the time it's shipped. Even less sometimes - you know how it goes on Ebay. I'm hoping to have enough to make some kind of wearable, too. That is, if I can ever find time to work on things. :lol

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you cant see it, but it says " I am a frog"I used the sizer thing on the help page by yarntomatoe, but it took about 20 minuites worth of fiddlin to get it the right size...thaught maby there was an easier way


What I usually do is open Microsoft Paint and go to attributes to see how big the pic is you want to use. Then, lets say it's 120 by 120 pixels, so go into the image stretch/skew and reduce it by 50%... just mess around with it till you get it close to 64 by 64. Does that make sense? :think

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My afghan is just staring at me. Its sitting on the end of the couch folded up with the hook sticking out and the dark green yarn just stairing at me :( I wish I could do more right now but I really can't I need to do some more reading and then some more reading :( Oh stupid school who do they think they are to get in the way of crocheting?

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Julie B, your ghan sounds like it is turning out awesome!!!


Danielle and Celeste... I'm with you both only for me it's work!

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I know how you feel about it stareing at you! My best friend in HIgh school mentioned that the grandmother that jsut passed away has made handmade quilts for every baby in the family to be braught home in since before she was even maried(and she had 6 kids!) and hers will be the first without it. Well, I cnat quilt but by golly Im sending that little boy home in something handmade! Im about 1/3 of the way through with a blue/blue and white 12 point round ripple, Im gonna make some pants, a sweater, some booties,some mittsand a hat, heck, I mayt even make a crocheted diaper! LOL I have to get this done! They just moved her due date up 3 weeks:eek

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