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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Julie... as always... you crack me up. :lol


Ladies... for those of you that are dealing with illness... in your families or for your selves - I am thinking of you..:hug


I got some more of the yarn for this one. I'm waiting for the wine color to arrive as I want it in the center. I think it will be here either Saturday or Monday at which point I can start! I brought some balls of the yarn I'm going to use with me to work to share with my work crochet buddy... and so I can fondle it and dream!!!:dreaming


I'm with those of you that are mainly hanging out here in CAL central! I have very little time to check things out here and find I rarely go anywhere else!


Have a great day!

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I really need to take a new pic of mine...I was just browsing through my photobucket account, well the 9 pictueresit's grown a lot since the last one was taken.

Bear with me...I'll make it a point to take one tonight.

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I got some work done last night on mine! :clap I will be starting the 2nd row past the first bobbles. The bobbles were a breeze! Don't tell anyone....but...um....I like bobbles.... :blush

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I got some work done last night on mine! :clap I will be starting the 2nd row past the first bobbles. The bobbles were a breeze! Don't tell anyone....but...um....I like bobbles.... :blush

you're my kinda girl, Nancy!! ;)

Almost makes you wish there were more bobbles than sc, doesn't it!?!? :lol

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Okay, I'm on round 53 rihgt now, and I have the same problem that Julie had -- I have way to many clusters!!! So, just a helpful hint for those of you who are near that same stage of the game -- Julie's post is post# 236 on page 24 explaining what she did on Round 54 to make up for it. Work round 53 as it states..... :D HTH

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OH CRISTIN AND NANCY ~~~~~If you like bobbles so much, you'd better mosey on over to the 63 squares group if you haven't already. There are some killer bobble squares in that sucker !

That thing had a section they should have named Bobble Heaven .

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hee hee...


I have yarn balls on my desk where I can gaze at them... and reach over and fondle them... they are soft and pretty! I want to start this ghan NOW!!!


mmmmmmmmmm, yarn (think Homer Simpson with drool coming out of his mouth...) :loco:drool :drool :drool:loco

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Funny, my favorite Homer line is when he and Lisa are arguing over pork. She's naming off all the products that come from pigs, "bacon, pork chops, sausage, ham"....etc And Homer says, "Ya, right Lisa! Like there's some magical animal...." My hubby and I have a little inside joke about pigs being the "magical animal" now. :lol sorry...tangent...


I tried round 53 with my "running out" color and can't make it stretch that far, so I'll have to pick another color from home. :( All that time wasted at lunch....

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Spring semester started yesterday So I don't have as much time now :( However my son starts 3 days a week day care tommarow :) So I may have a little more time. I know I wont finish this by the time my SIL goes back to school tho. I may have to send it to her. I think I'm on round 50 or something like that.

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Aaaaaargh, I am so frustrated! I am (was) happily crocheting away with v-stitches on row 60 when, to my dismay:eek , it's not working out right!! So, after leaving the room to utter a few words so as the little ones cannot hear, I am frogging. Somehow I must have messed up the sc on row 59 or the previous couple of rows. Oh well. Just had to vent. Other than that I am happy with the way it is turning out! Hope everyone is doing great!

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Good work, Danielle !


and Don't get discouraged, Stacy . I know some of those rows didn't turn out just right for me. I FUDGED it here and there to get it to work out right.. you'll get it figured out I bet .

I know when I get mad , i'll say DANG IT --- now my grandson says that everytime I get mad --- he already knows I'm gonna say it , so he says it for me ! :lol

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Im gettin kinda pi..ed off cause I don't know how ,why ,when or where did I go wrong this is not quite working out. This is kinda crazy....when I lie it down to see how its coming out ...the inner square leans towards the right....its not straight and its getting on my nerves so ....guess what I did Julie:think .......???


I'M MAKING HEXAGONS!!! I hope I can still get in....lol,lol:hook

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Doggone, Mare


I hope you get that other yarn you're waiting on soon. Those yarn balls on your desk are gonna feel like a yarn ball that your doggie has chewed on -- all wet and slimey . :scared


They aren't wet but they've been petted all day long! Everyone comes by my desk and wants to know what the heck I have yarn balls on my desk for hee hee! Then, I hand them a ball and they start petting and it's all over for them! Awww, the seduction of the yarn ball :devil :devil :devil :devil :devil :devil


Evil, Evil yarn balls...hee hee hee hee...:devil

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And Homer says, "Ya, right Lisa! Like there's some magical animal...." My hubby and I have a little inside joke about pigs being the "magical animal" now. :lol sorry...tangent...



I love Homer.... can't you just hear him saying "mmmmmmmm, Yaaaarn!"

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Danielle - You go, girl!!! You are doing great!


Stacy - time spent crocheting is never wasted... remember the Zen of it, the relaxation... oh heck, it is frustrating when you have a goal so just go with the flow and Frog it, just Frog it!


Olga... you are trying to make a whole new afghan... the Grandmother's Lace and Bobbles Garden :lol :lol :lol

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LOL....ok Mare...now you got me laughin here cause I didn't realize that...and come to think of it ....yeap:lol

Olga... you are trying to make a whole new afghan... the Grandmother's Lace and Bobbles Garden :lol :lol :lol

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Mare, Practice makes perfect right? If thats the case than I am down right the best crocheter this side of the Mississippi :lol Yeah right, anyway....


Olga, I can't wait to see this 'new afghan' of yours!


...and Julie, you are such a cheerleader! That's why I come here -for such awesome support!

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Wow, you guys have been busy in here in the past couple hours !!!

Where to start ?


I guess I'll start with Mare's yarn balls... I sure hope she gets this thing going soon. It's getting me a little worried. NOW she has her co-workers drooling on her yarn !


and Olga - you are getting me really mixed up. I am trying to picture the lace and bobbles mixed with hexagons and I just can't see it happening . Maybe it's just late in the day... my brain kinda loses power the later the day gets. I will have to re-think this in the morning and see how you are combining the 2 into one. NO WONDER your afghan is turning out lopsided !!!



and Danielle- thanks for the compliments, but if it wasn't for you guys, I'd be crocheting along by myself. Now that's no fun anymore ... I am getting a little too spoiled by these groups. HOW am I ever gonna go back to doing a project on my own ?

I think we need some type of counselor at c-ville to slowly wean us off these things .......

Have to think some on that too. DANG, my brain is worn out tonight.

I think I played one too many games of Crazy Eights today ..:think

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:lol :lol No JULIE....I am not combining both..... I am doing both but seprately..lol...Mare said I was making a granny lacey garden thing there....lol....I was I was slick enough to do that!:hook
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Okay, okay, I've been lurking on this one too long! I want in! My great aunt loves lavendar, and this afghan looks right up her alley.


Is anyone here working in just two colors, or should I shoot for at least three? I was thinking cream, lavendar, and plum. :hook


Julie, you're a terrible influence!

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My old pal from Wannabees !

Sure you can sign up. And yep, I'm just about as bad an influence as a big jug of Mad Dog to a thirsty man .


I think any combo you wanna use would work out fine. I'd go with at least 2 colors to get the full affects of the changing pattern. The colors you named sound really pretty ! Can't wait to have you join us -- it's good to have you back with some of the old gang and a whole new gang of really nice ladies !


I've sure hit the Jackpot with these crochetalongs and met an awful lot of nice people . :manyheart

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