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Pig Rear End (magnet)


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My girlfriend collects pigs and has so many of them its hard to find something different. Well, I think I found it. Thanks Chrome Kitty for the link.


I had fun making this and it took just about 20 minutes total. I used this pattern and Red Heart Sport yarn.



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I'm glad you liked it. It is a quickie. I have one on my fridge, and it makes me think twice about what I'm going to get out of there.:lol I stuck one on the fridge at work, but that disappeared before the end of the day. Nice, huh? Your friend is going to love it. It will be quite the conversation piece.:lol

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That is so cute!


(Thinking to myself...and would make a cute pin, I think..maybe not..oh, I dunno...besides I have too many WIPs as it is...don't have any pink yarn..yet!!)


That's okay Su. This only took about 20-30 minutes to complete and it would be a break from all those long tedious projects. (if you have any of those...I have a million.)

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That is so cute!! My daughter loves pigs and that is something I can do up quickly for an extra little something for Christmas. Thanks so much for sharing!


You could even put it in her stocking. :D I am always looking for small things to put into stockings so as not to do the same thing every year. (cd's and such.) Too bad DH doesn't like piggies or I would make on for him.

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