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Free Fur yarn sample

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Free Fur yarn sample: http://www.furyarn.com/main/#


Click free sample in upper left corner. Heard they send a pretty good piece of yarn. I hear it is big enough to do something with. Let me know if any of you have tried this.

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I ordered my free sample, but at the bottom of the order form, it states you only get about 3" of two different types, fox and beaver fur, so you can feel it and see the durability of it...Certainly not enough to do anything with!



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I seen where it said it was real fur. I just wanted to put it out there incase anyone was interested. I seen on a post from another form where they had recieved theres and said it was enough to do something with. So I am not to sure how much they will send. So who ever gets theres first let us all know.

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