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End Weaving

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Why Oh Why did I choose a pattern with so many ends to weave????


I am making this Motif Handbag and silly me decided that instead of the 42 motifs the pattern called for, I would make 54.


So, with 54 little bitty squares, that makes a total of 108 ends to weave in. This is not including the ends from the sewing together of all these squares.


Am I CRAZY or what? :bang:thair (I'm tired of it and I haven't even started yet.)


Maybe I should ask for someone to weave in all my ends for a year on my wishlist. Think anyone would do it???


As you can tell, I'm stalling. I better get to working on those ends or this purse will never get done in time for Christmas.

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Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. Good news!!! They are done. (at least the ones on the sqaures...I have yet to join them or anything.) This was the hard part though. :clap:cheer:yay

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I find that if I pick a number of squares to do and stop and weave the ends on that many at a time, that it makes the task of weaving ends not quite so daunting. By taking regular breaks, or maybe weaving ends on the squares done the day before, before I start new ones, it does seem to go fairly quickly and I am not faced with a huge chore at the end of creating the squares. I don't like to do it as I go, since it breaks the rhythm of doing the squares, but stopping every 5 or so, doesn't seem as disruptive.

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