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My baby sweater was a hit!

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I went to my friends baby shower last night and I gave her the baby sweater that I posted on here earlier this week along with the baby afghan I made and a couple of baby washcloths.


I was sooooo nervous that she wouldn't like it. You can always tell when someone opens a gift whether they really like it or not. Anyway, everyone was oooohing and aaaaahing over the gifts I made her. I almost started crying. It was so nice to know that my hard work was appreciated.


Thanks to you guys for giving me the confidence I needed to keep going! Honestly, I wouldn't be this far along in what I can do without everyone's support!


Crochetville is the best!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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You did a beautiful job on the sweater and blanket. I am so glad that your friedn appreciated that. :cheer


I too get nervous when I make something for someone. The only way I can do it is by telling myself it is for me and go from there.


You are right, this place is great for boosting your confidence. We all need a pat on the back at times and we know where to go to get one.:hug

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