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Share those little project vents (grr!)

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  • When I need a certain hook and can't find it because I've left it in a project bag somewhere.
  • When I've gotten to a complicated part of a pattern and one of the dogs wants to play with me, go outside, or they get in a scuffle.
  • When I'm counting out a row and my husband interrupts me (even if I'm counting out loud!).
  • When I have to start a new skein because I need ten more feet.

I'm sure there are others, but that's all I can think of at the moment! :)

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I must agree with the skein of yarn that you can't seem to find the center pull out, you make a huge mess trying to find it and I end up tossing it in a basket to use at a later date. I also hate it when I miss place my yarn needle. It happened to me yesterday. I had it and lost it. It took me 20 mins. to find it. It had dropped in my yarn bag next to my seat.

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I just thought of another one. A big, annoying one! Nearly a year ago I started wearing bifocals and lately I've been having to take them off to see the stitches. When I'm watching television at the same time, I have to put up with a blurred picture of put my glasses on for the interesting bits and then take them off to crochet. Most of the shows I don't mind if they're a bit blurry but it's a pain when I really want to see something.


On the bright side, I can still see fairly well so I shouldn't complain too much.


I have a solution for the measuring tape dilemma. I roll mine up and secure it with a scrap bit of yarn, leaving inches 1 through 8 or so hanging free so I can quickly measure smaller things. If I'm working on a larger project, I untie the yarn, roll out as much tape as I need and retie it. You're always assured of starting with the right end of the tape this way.

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Good idea on tying the measuring tape. I just rewound mine so the end sticking out would be the low end.


I absolutely hate when I'm trying to count rows or stitches and get interrupted! (as someone else already said) Or, when my boyfriend decides he wants to watch sports so I sit next to him and crochet and suddenly he decides he wants me to lay on him or cuddle while he watches; please just one more row!

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I just thought of another one. A big, annoying one! Nearly a year ago I started wearing bifocals and lately I've been having to take them off to see the stitches. When I'm watching television at the same time, I have to put up with a blurred picture of put my glasses on for the interesting bits and then take them off to crochet. Most of the shows I don't mind if they're a bit blurry but it's a pain when I really want to see something.


I'm laughing because in January, I could still hold a needle in front of my face a few inches from my eyes and see CLEARLY the wind of the thread... and in March, moved to progressive lenses which took me at least 6 months to get used to. I can see fine without them (but can't see anything close to my face) but have headaches by the end of the day... and see great with my glasses... but it took quite a while to get used to wearing them. If you are wearing bifocals, you might want to give the progressives a try. They take a long time to get used to but you never have to take them off once you do and you can see clearly in all focal depths. Long time adjusting, though. But it's really nice to be able to crochet in front of the tv and not have any problems with my lenses.



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That there isn't a way that is satisfactory to me for joining granny squares, particularly when they are going to be arranged to form a pattern. *grawr!*

I want to be ably to make a row, turn, go back and attach the next row, ad nauseum.

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a pull skein that won't
Ooh, I hate that! Also bugs me when I can't tell if a ball of yarn is supposed to be center pull or not :haha Some of the fancier yarns I can't tell if there's supposed to be a center pull and just use them from the outside of the ball.
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i'm in favor for the center pull that wont, the error you find at the beginning of the previous row.....and my biggest pet peeve would be SPLITTY yarn!! no matter how careful you are, it SPLITS and then frogging is so awful you contemplate just cutting the yarn and throwing away the messed up part!!

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>> When I'm counting out a row and my husband interrupts me (even if I'm counting out loud!).

When I have to start a new skein because I need ten more feet. <<


Oooh, I can sure relate to both of these aggravations. DH will do that even if he is watching a ballgame that he insists everyone be quiet for so he can hear it! :think (I always crochet while the TV is on, because I find it more relaxing than most of the shows and news.)


And not being able to finish off the last few feet of a project without adding a new skein is sooo irritating. :oops

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Guest Crafterlady46

I am forever getting knots in my thread. It's a pia. I don't like to work on knots and many times I just cut the darn thread and start again. Grrrrrr

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I have a solution for the measuring tape dilemma. I roll mine up and secure it with a scrap bit of yarn, leaving inches 1 through 8 or so hanging free so I can quickly measure smaller things. If I'm working on a larger project, I untie the yarn, roll out as much tape as I need and retie it. You're always assured of starting with the right end of the tape this way.


Good suggestion Tikki. Only problem is that I'm lazy and just keep it all wadded up in my drawer. :blush lol


I thought of another one that is particularly plaguing me today. When I just completely dumb out and absolutely cannot figure out where I'm supposed to make the next stitch. Not because what I'm doing is too complicated, nor that I'm using particularly annoying yarn (I just finished a project a few hours ago with the exact same yarn), but I just have a complete brain fart. And I'm getting it repeatedly today! :eek

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I frogged an entire blanket for a friend of mine tonight. It was supposed to be for her baby, born six months ago. I started this project in January of this year. I ended up starting a new one because 6 skeins into it, I realized my project was WAY too huge. My first attempt is longer than I am tall. LOL.


So I switched to a giant granny afghan. However, Ive had problems nonstop with the corners of my squares ending up longer than the middle. (It looks like it was bowed out if that makes any sense) I finally figured out what Ive been doing wrong. In the first DC of each shell for my round, I was doing that one stitch different for whatever reason and it was messing me up.


Ive frogged it and now Ive currently got a perfect square about 16 inches across. Go me.



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I was going to say how frustrated I get with the pull skeins and knots, too. Dot, your pill bottle invention sounds like it will help lots of us. I am going to try it this afternoon when I start a new skein.


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my biggest pet peeve would be SPLITTY yarn!! no matter how careful you are, it SPLITS and then frogging is so awful you contemplate just cutting the yarn and throwing away the messed up part!!


I SO agree! I hate yarn that splits, and it always seems to happen when I'm making a gift for someone. Very annoying!:angry:bang

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