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Benefits of crocheting?

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Well for me personally it has curbed my eating. I can't eat and handle yarn at the same time. I also have a sense of pride when I complete something. I mean think about it. You take a ball of yarn and make something to wear, or to hold, or to brighten somebody's day with. Most people I know take a ball of yarn and turn it into a knotted mess. I also feel like it keeps my artistic side alive and kicking.



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I have become really good with math ever since I began to crochet. I can't wait until the little synapses in my brain start to link crochet to my Algebra homework. It'll make both so much more interesting!

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I do most of my crocheting while at work (I work in a call center) and it keeps me sane. If I did not have my crochet, I don't think I could work there. It relieves my stress and relaxes me. :hook

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I use it to help me wind down after a long, tiring day. You know those that I speak of. The ones where you are physically exhausted but still mentally wound up. It helps me to get to bed those nights.


I also find that it helps me keep my hands out of the cookie jar. If Im deeply involved in a project, I dont have those snacking urges.


I love the warm fuzzies I get when I finish a project. (Although I have been starting way to many and finishing far too few lately!)

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I agree with what others have said about it being calming and therapeutic. When I'm working on something, I feel more relaxed than if I wasn't. Also, in the past few years, I've developed arthritis in my fingers and crocheting has helped keep my hands from getting stiff and achy. My fingers actually feel stronger with doing that and typing (I do a lot of typing :blush ).

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I am so amused to hear ya'll talking about how it keeps your hands healthy, because over on the knitting board I post on a few gals talk about how they stopped crocheting because it hurt them too much and now they knit because it doesn't hurt. I guess it goes both ways!

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This first part of this article (its in PDF format) explains many mental and physical benefits of crochet. I agree with what they say.




The rest of the article is great to share with beginners, too!

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I also agree that I use crochet for relaxing. I also find that I don't snack as much in the evening. Also, I crochet to keep myself awake in the evenings. My husband works the 3-11 shift so I am alone most nights. If I don't crochet, I find myself asleep on the couch at 8 pm.....Then when I go to bed I can't sleep at all. I also love the feeling of accomplishment I get from finishing a project. You can't beat that feeling!

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Improved eye/hand coordination

Relaxation - repetitive movement

- enjoyment of working with colours, textures

Mental challenge - figuring out patterns, designs


- learning new stitches, patterns

- calculating increases, decreases


Goal setting: - learning techniques

- finishing objects


Sharing - photos of FO's, patterns, FO's for gifts - new friendships through various crochet forums or charities.

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Guest Crafterlady46

It's the money for me. :devil Also, it helps my wrist that I broke last April. It's still stiff in the joint. Crocheting helps.


Mentally I don't find it relaxing at all. I worry about my customers liking their product. I worry I wont make enough. I worry about the tension in my sts. I worry about the looks of it. I worry about colors I use.


But...the money is good. ;)

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It's very calming for me, which is a great thing because I'm a very anxious person by nature. It's teaching me to have a little more patience (not a lot yet LOL but a little). I've developed a bit more self-confidence through making pretty things and feeling good about being able to do that.


And I've made new friends via Crochetville and blogging :yay And a girl can never have too many friends!


One thing I haven't developed yet is the logical 3-D visualization ability that designers seem to have. I'm hoping that one of these days that will click into place and I'll be able to start designing my own things--right now I need patterns except for very basic shapes.

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