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Well, I'm obviously new here.  I just recently took up crocheting again after at least 25 years of not doing it so I'm re-learning everything.  I was never particularly good at it to begin with, I learn better by watching and never had someone to show me how to do it.  Luckily, we now have YouTube which has been a great help!  Two reasons I decided to start up again - 1.  It's relaxing for my mind and really helps me with my depression/PTSD and 2.  I'm going to be having ankle surgery in a few weeks and need something to help keep me occupied for a few weeks while I'm out of commission.  I love reading but can only do so much and I am also into photography (mainly nature/wildlife) which will be too difficult to do while on crutches.  So far I am really enjoying it and hope to learn some things along the way.  

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