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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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Boy you can always bring a smile to my face and a good laugh.


Just out of curiosity what do the little ones call you?  Nana, Granny, MeMaw or Grandmom?


  I am MeME


I had to rip out the shawl last night.  It is back into it's original form as balls of yarn.  I made a mistake and when I tried to get to it to fix it, I started to lose stitches, so rippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. 


I was going to start it again this morning, but then I remembered what day it was and went into the cotton room.  I stood in the middle closed my eyes and said," If you want to be a tote, jump into my arms."  Shock and surprise it worked.  So it is on to the tote and then back to the shawl.


  Awesome... my cotton doesn't do any sort of tricks.... sometimes it WILL tie itself in knots... but it never jumps... ever...


I saw the Parrots for Vets on the TV.  They said where dogs are good, you choose a dog, where a parrot will chose the vet.  It was started by a Vet who was suffering from PTSD.


    Well, Josh better stick with a dog... cause if he gets in a mood the parrot won't want him...he's having more good then bad days lately...I am so glad he left the DI team....too many police shootings...he is working construction and that keeps him busy with no time for alone time with hi mind!



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Good Morning


Quite this morning.  I worked on the tote last night and well, it is almost done.  Just have to make the sides and pocket.  It will be going out late this month.


Things are quite so far this morning.  It is hot already and a chance of showers this afternoon.


Now I remember why I change to thread in June, July and August.


Well off to make breakfast, then work on the tote.

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Mary Jo you are fast!!!  Looking forward to seeing the new one!

And I agree: thread and cotton - the only way to hook during those months. Even here, my yarn is squeaking some times!


Mr.Eagle: 55/150 :D

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Havent done much of anything in the way of projects lately. Still only one of 6 shell squares done.

I ordered a border pattern book that should be here Monday.

Will try and get another square or two done before it arrives to distract me!

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I got all the yarn in for Jeremy's birthday gift...going to start on it tonight and post daily so I can have it done by Sept 7th.... nothing like starting a graph ghan a month before you need it!!!

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Good luck on getting it done Lea.


Doing the pocket today and hopefully it will by done by Sat, so I can get a picture and the tote posted.  Everything else is on hold right now.


Have a fun day today.

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Morning Mary Jo! You are a crocheting machine!



Havent done much of anything in the way of projects lately. Still only one of 6 shell squares done.
I ordered a border pattern book that should be here Monday.
Will try and get another square or two done before it arrives to distract me!

Its that the Edie Eckman book? I have it and love it....


I got all the yarn in for Jeremy's birthday gift...going to start on it tonight and post daily so I can have it done by Sept 7th.... nothing like starting a graph ghan a month before you need it!!!


I hope your hands hold up!!



Mr.Eagle: 55/150 :D

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Parrots? Really?  I knew about the rescue dogs but not parrots... interesting... I'll have to look into that one.... yes, not sure why it insists on being so hot here... I swear I saw a squirrel panting and wiping his head with a leaf :lol


LOL!!! I can just imagine that sweaty squirrel


Boy you can always bring a smile to my face and a good laugh.


Just out of curiosity what do the little ones call you?  Nana, Granny, MeMaw or Grandmom?


I had to rip out the shawl last night.  It is back into it's original form as balls of yarn.  I made a mistake and when I tried to get to it to fix it, I started to lose stitches, so rippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. 


I was going to start it again this morning, but then I remembered what day it was and went into the cotton room.  I stood in the middle closed my eyes and said," If you want to be a tote, jump into my arms."  Shock and surprise it worked.  So it is on to the tote and then back to the shawl.


I saw the Parrots for Vets on the TV.  They said where dogs are good, you choose a dog, where a parrot will chose the vet.  It was started by a Vet who was suffering from PTSD.


Have fun today everyone.

Mary Jo, this is exactly why I don't knit. I kept dropping a stitch and then couldn't pick it up had to rip out and begin again. I don't have the patience for that!


I agree that a parrot would choose a vet but I disagree that a dog doesn't choose a vet. Dogs have favorite people also and sometimes a dog just doesn't click with a specific person. There has to be a mutual liking to the relationship in all animal relationships. Of course I know there are many that don't agree with me :)


Mary Jo you are fast!!!  Looking forward to seeing the new one!

And I agree: thread and cotton - the only way to hook during those months. Even here, my yarn is squeaking some times!


Mr.Eagle: 55/150 :D


Hey judianne, I love this... I never thought to post like this as to where I am, lets see






50 (ish)/150  (I'll get a more accurate count later.

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Hi, ladies!


Daphne, listing the count like that might encourage you! And that's what we;re all about here, after all ;)  I usually say - just one more row (lol) - but work toward self imposed daily goals if I can.


I'm up to 66/150 and here's a progress pic




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Hi, ladies!


Daphne, listing the count like that might encourage you! And that's what we;re all about here, after all ;)  I usually say - just one more row (lol) - but work toward self imposed daily goals if I can.


I'm up to 66/150 and here's a progress pic

Oh wow very cool and that is going to be one beautiful ghan when it is done.


Well, I pushed myself and finished the tote in 4 days.  http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/157576-c’ville-august-2016-tote/


It has been raining here for a couple of hours now and I can hear the thunder in the background.  Time to shut down.

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Hi, ladies!


Daphne, listing the count like that might encourage you! And that's what we;re all about here, after all ;)  I usually say - just one more row (lol) - but work toward self imposed daily goals if I can.


I'm up to 66/150 and here's a progress pic


Oh wow very cool and that is going to be one beautiful ghan when it is done.




Oh my goodness it looks awesome! Can you tell me what program you use to make your graphs? I use a free online program. If your not allowed to share it on here could you pm me? The one i used is great but I had to tape all my pages together, my graph is huge! Lol.... here are my progress pics,


Here is the sonic





And the steelers






Mary jo, you are so quick... it turned out so pretty also....

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Oh wow very cool and that is going to be one beautiful ghan when it is done.




Oh my goodness it looks awesome! Can you tell me what program you use to make your graphs? I use a free online program. If your not allowed to share it on here could you pm me? The one i used is great but I had to tape all my pages together, my graph is huge! Lol.... here are my progress pics,


Here is the sonic





And the steelers






Mary jo, you are so quick... it turned out so pretty also....


Wow they look great.  Kudos for working on 2 at a time?


Just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing.  My list has gone out the window. 

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Morning peeps!  T/storms and humidity in the morning of course.

Oh wow very cool and that is going to be one beautiful ghan when it is done.

Thank you!

Well, I pushed myself and finished the tote in 4 days.  http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/157576-c’ville-august-2016-tote/


It has been raining here for a couple of hours now and I can hear the thunder in the background.  Time to shut down.

gorgeous tote!!

Thunder...I spent lots of time calming down Sparkie yesterday. Today looks like more of the same....


Second sea shell square is done. 4 to go!

:cheer  :cheer  :cheer  :cheer



Oh wow very cool and that is going to be one beautiful ghan when it is done.


Oh my goodness it looks awesome! Can you tell me what program you use to make your graphs? I use a free online program. If your not allowed to share it on here could you pm me? The one i used is great but I had to tape all my pages together, my graph is huge! Lol.... here are my progress pics,

Here is the sonic


And the steelers


Mary jo, you are so quick... it turned out so pretty also....

Great work! You'll never get bored.


And I don't use a program to make graphs. I buy the patterns. All I do is google - and there are ETSY shops, etc, that come up. This eagle graph is from an ETSY shop. I downloaded the 6 pages and taped them together. One bit of the graph came out a bit off, but it was in the middle and I've made many, so I adjusted...

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Wow they look great.  Kudos for working on 2 at a time?


Just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing.  My list has gone out the window. 



That's just cause I'm an idiot.... trying to get both done by christmas and thought this would be the best way. I really wanted three done by christmas but thought doing 3 would be pushing it a bit




Morning peeps!  T/storms and humidity in the morning of course.


gorgeous tote!!

Thunder...I spent lots of time calming down Sparkie yesterday. Today looks like more of the same....



:cheer  :cheer  :cheer  :cheer



Great work! You'll never get bored.


And I don't use a program to make graphs. I buy the patterns. All I do is google - and there are ETSY shops, etc, that come up. This eagle graph is from an ETSY shop. I downloaded the 6 pages and taped them together. One bit of the graph came out a bit off, but it was in the middle and I've made many, so I adjusted...


Thank you. I havn't bought one yet, might do that next time as I can't seem to find a picture that works for the one I want to make my mom.



47/233 sonic

73/150 steelers

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That's just cause I'm an idiot.... trying to get both done by christmas and thought this would be the best way. I really wanted three done by christmas but thought doing 3 would be pushing it a bit


:rofl  :rofl  :rofl  :rofl  :rofl  :rofl  :rofl 



Thank you. I havn't bought one yet, might do that next time as I can't seem to find a picture that works for the one I want to make my mom.



47/233 sonic

73/150 steelers

There's plenty to pick from!


Incase you have not see it, here is the new wish list.




Let's use ii, so we do not lose it.  It will be good till the end of the year.

I checked it out - will think about it.


What did you mean with the ii  ?

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Good Morning.


Got up a little late this morning.  Took off the lights that did not work anymore on the tree, put on a new set and then decorated it.  Now I have to get a picture.


Yesterday I made a Christmas Elf pencil topper, it did not take long, but I needed to do something.


Well off to make breakfast.


Have a fun day.


Oh yeah, the first clues are up for the tote.

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Good Morning.


Got up a little late this morning.  Took off the lights that did not work anymore on the tree, put on a new set and then decorated it.  Now I have to get a picture.


Yesterday I made a Christmas Elf pencil topper, it did not take long, but I needed to do something.


Well off to make breakfast.


Have a fun day.


Oh yeah, the first clues are up for the tote. :clap  :clap  :clap 

Gonna check it out!

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