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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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One good thing about the rain here, is when we do get it, it is only an hour or so, then it leave.


Bad thing about it is that it gets hotter and does not always rain.  For the past 2 days we have heard thunder and seen lightning, but got no rain.  Bummer.

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One good thing about the rain here, is when we do get it, it is only an hour or so, then it leave. :) 


Bad thing about it is that it gets hotter and does not always rain.  For the past 2 days we have heard thunder and seen lightning, but got no rain.  Bummer. :P 

I can't stand the heat up here - and neither can hubby. I do believe this is as far south as we'll ever go...lol!


Stay cool.Maybe some ice blue thread to work with? Sounds like a cool visual to me ;)

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Ha! Ha! on the ice blue thread.  Could work.


Angel Cake is done and in the back getting her picture taken.  I will post a picture soon.


I am almost done one blanket.


I found a pattern for a tear drop, that I am going to make to add to the dolls.


Other than that, not much going one.


Off to make breakfast and see what the world has in store for me today.


Have fun today.

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Good morning all! No crocheting this week as we are at Disney. Off to EPCOT today to get a picture with Belle.

Still shaking pixie dust (glitter) out of my hair from yesterdays stop in the main street barber shop.

Have a Magical Day!

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Good morning all! No crocheting this week as we are at Disney. Off to EPCOT today to get a picture with Belle.

Still shaking pixie dust (glitter) out of my hair from yesterdays stop in the main street barber shop.

Have a Magical Day!


Ah how I remember by vacations at Disney.  Enjoy EPCOT and don't forget Gustave and the Beast.


Well Angel Cake has had her photo taken and you can see her here.  http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/157507-heres-angel-cake/#entry2710212

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Good Morning.


Hope everyone is doing well in this heat.  Looks like the coolest place here in Florida is going to be Miami.  Go figure. 


Did not get much done yesterday.  I hope to finish up the tear drops today and get them packed up and out by Friday.


After that, I have one more blanket to make, then on to the shawl.


I threw my list out the window and am just doing what I can.


How is everyone doing?

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We go home tomorrow. Dinner tonight at the Beauty and the Beast resaurant. (yes i have a slight BATB obsession).

Will get back to the seashell blanket eventually. The square is a bit fussy. Have to count very carefully.


The hemstitched dresser scarves came in. Now i have to choose a border for those.


Still July and I think I am in good shape with the Christmas gift list.

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Well, Mr.Eagle is coming along slowly. I spent more time than I wanted to yesterday just weaving in ends. It was only then that I was ready to stitch another couple of rows. That's the only gift I'm making this year - so far, anyway.

I'm more than ready to get back to small yarn projects - and writing. I have a UFO in that category too...lol!

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I'm still only working on the two graphghans. I doubt anything else is going to get completed this year. It's going to take that long as I am only able to get 12-18 rows complete on one of the ghans per week.


Hopefully they are done by December and I can get a few quick gifts crocheted for other gifts.

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Boy is it hot here this week--the heat index is still 100º! I'm working on a baby blanket and a temperature blanket. I need to finish the baby blanket (Sept arrival) and get back to making some baskets which are supposed to be Christmas presents. There's no hurry/no time frame to finish the other blanket. I have both GDs a blanket made already for Christmas. And by the way, they are moving back to Mississippi from Colorado next week!!!! We are so excited so have them close to home again!


It's been so busy here lately that it's been hard to find much time or energy to crochet.

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Good Morning.


  The heat is very frustrating.  It is so hot, we are getting a heat advisory, especially if you have asthma and allergies.  Got that.  I sit here and look at the pool and just sigh.  I do so want to get in, but it is to close for me to step outside.  I test it every morning when I go out to get the paper.


We have cardinals in the back.  They come over and play in the holly trees, especially after the sprinklers go off.  They jump from branch to branch, it is like they are taking a shower.  It is usually 2 males in all their beautiful red color and one female.  My one birdbath is in the shade all morning, but they seem to ignore it.  Oh well, at least I get to see them.


I have made 4 teardrops to go with Strawberry Shortcake and her friends.  I made 2 girls with bows in their hair and 2 boys with bow ties.


I am finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.


Have fun today and try to stay cool.


I hope everyone is staying cool and not going crazy in this heat.

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I'm still only working on the two graphghans. I doubt anything else is going to get completed this year. It's going to take that long as I am only able to get 12-18 rows complete on one of the ghans per week.


Hopefully they are done by December and I can get a few quick gifts crocheted for other gifts.

:clap go, Daphne, go :cheer  :cheer  :cheer  :cheer  :cheer

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Keep going Daphine.  Before you know it, they will be done.


Good Morning.  I am 1/2 way thru my second blanket that will be go to the NCIU in Ca.  Then I am back to making some things for gifts that I have all the stuff for, just looking for the time.


Cloudy this morning, but looking for the sun a little later, then rain again.


Have a fun day today.

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Boy is it hot here this week--the heat index is still 100º! I'm working on a baby blanket and a temperature blanket. I need to finish the baby blanket (Sept arrival) and get back to making some baskets which are supposed to be Christmas presents. There's no hurry/no time frame to finish the other blanket. I have both GDs a blanket made already for Christmas. And by the way, they are moving back to Mississippi from Colorado next week!!!! We are so excited so have them close to home again!That IS exciting!!!!!



It's been so busy here lately that it's been hard to find much time or energy to crochet.



Good Morning.


  The heat is very frustrating.  It is so hot, we are getting a heat advisory, especially if you have asthma and allergies.  Got that.  I sit here and look at the pool and just sigh.  I do so want to get in, but it is to close for me to step outside.  We are getting that again - last time you could cut the air with a knife! stay cool, my friend, I test it every morning when I go out to get the paper.


We have cardinals in the back.  They come over and play in the holly trees, especially after the sprinklers go off.  They jump from branch to branch, it is like they are taking a shower.  It is usually 2 males in all their beautiful red color and one female.  My one birdbath is in the shade all morning, but they seem to ignore it.  Oh well, at least I get to see them.We have cardinals here all year round.. When I put out the bread and stuff in the morning the male is the fist one over - quickly followed by his wife. We have lots of red finches and robins use the birdbath, Cardinals, not so much. 


I have made 4 teardrops to go with Strawberry Shortcake and her friends.  I made 2 girls with bows in their hair and 2 boys with bow ties.

​I saw them - so very cute!!!!! Also good to work on in the summer :yes 

I am finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.


Have fun today and try to stay cool.


I hope everyone is staying cool and not going crazy in this heat.


It's only when the sun starts going down that the back of our house begins to be tolerable - no insulation and huge patio window make the big canopy we put out over the back patio pretty ineffective . We really don't want to draw the blinds down - the backyard is so pretty....


Have a good day my friends.

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Good Morning Everyone.


The hooks are down and the needles are up.  This is going to be fun.  It is like working on a graph, but with big balls of yarn, no bobbins.


Not much going on today, just the knitting.  Got another package of 2 baby blankets out for the NCIU.  One package packed, but not ready to go out.


Try and stay cool everyone.

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Miss me?  When my niece was here a couple weeks ago, she spilled tea on my laptop. I was using a loaner from the shop until I could get my hard drive in another computer ( my lap top was pn the bottom of dh's work pile)


  I have a graphghan to finish by Sept 7th... that I haven't started... In this heat I just feel so zapped! Almost like the AC can't keep up.


I am going to gather supplies tonight and get what I need tomorrow while I am out working Then tomorrow night force myself to get on it!  Years ago I made Ds#2 an NCSU blanket and when they moved a couple years ago his wife accidentally threw it in the donate pile. She called and was so upset, he was upset... and its high time I make him a new one!

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Good Morning Everyone.


The hooks are down and the needles are up.  This is going to be fun.  It is like working on a graph, but with big balls of yarn, no bobbins.

Oh, sounds like fun! 

Not much going on today, just the knitting.  Got another package of 2 baby blankets out for the NCIU.  One package packed, but not ready to go out.


Try and stay cool everyone.


You stay cool, too!

Miss me?  Of course! Though your words did have me flashing back to Sherlock Holmes' Moriarity, who said the same thing...lol! When my niece was here a couple weeks ago, she spilled tea on my laptop. Oooops! was using a loaner from the shop until I could get my hard drive in another computer ( my lap top was pn the bottom of dh's work pile)


  I have a graphghan to finish by Sept 7th... that I haven't started... In this heat I just feel so zapped! Almost like the AC can't keep up.We use fans downstairs to help the AC. Luckily I have an upstairs room where I'm working on the eagle graph ghan. We are getting very tired of hibernating!


I am going to gather supplies tonight and get what I need tomorrow while I am out working Then tomorrow night force myself to get on it!  Years ago I made Ds#2 an NCSU blanket and when they moved a couple years ago his wife accidentally threw it in the donate pile. She called and was so upset, he was upset... and its high time I make him a new one! You definitely need to get started!!

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I can imagine the heat.  You all for some reason are much warmer than us.  Of course I can now hear the cicadas.  We just had a storm run thru here.


Well wanted to say good night to everyone.


Oh Lea, did you hear about this new group out there that uses Parrots to help vets?  I saw it on TV.  That and the K9 for warriors, that uses rescue dogs to help.  Just a thought. 

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:clap go, Daphne, go :cheer  :cheer  :cheer  :cheer  :cheer



Keep going Daphine.  Before you know it, they will be done.


Good Morning.  I am 1/2 way thru my second blanket that will be go to the NCIU in Ca.  Then I am back to making some things for gifts that I have all the stuff for, just looking for the time.


Cloudy this morning, but looking for the sun a little later, then rain again.


Have a fun day today.



LOL, I don't know, seems like it doesn't grow very much each week, LOL. I have got to take a break soon and weave in some ends, Definitely beginning to cause a problem.

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Thanks for being a cheerleader Judy,  I fear.... I am melting...

we are, too....Even with the fans helping and my cooler room upstairs where I can crochet there are still times the yarn seems to stick and squeak as I work it....I try to get at least a couple of rows done a day (200 sc across, with multiple color changes)


LOL, I don't know, seems like it doesn't grow very much each week, LOL. I have got to take a break soon and weave in some ends, Definitely beginning to cause a problem.


Yesterday I snipped off most of the smaller balls of color I'm using and brought Mr. Eagle downstairs - and spent 40 minutes weaving in ends :P

I cannot wait to work on a small project! I have to learn to say no - or at least say, Not right now.....

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I can imagine the heat.  You all for some reason are much warmer than us.  Of course I can now hear the cicadas.  We just had a storm run thru here.


Well wanted to say good night to everyone.


Oh Lea, did you hear about this new group out there that uses Parrots to help vets?  I saw it on TV.  That and the K9 for warriors, that uses rescue dogs to help.  Just a thought. 

Parrots? Really?  I knew about the rescue dogs but not parrots... interesting... I'll have to look into that one.... yes, not sure why it insists on being so hot here... I swear I saw a squirrel panting and wiping his head with a leaf :lol

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Parrots? Really?  I knew about the rescue dogs but not parrots... interesting... I'll have to look into that one.... yes, not sure why it insists on being so hot here... I swear I saw a squirrel panting and wiping his head with a leaf :lol


Boy you can always bring a smile to my face and a good laugh.


Just out of curiosity what do the little ones call you?  Nana, Granny, MeMaw or Grandmom?


I had to rip out the shawl last night.  It is back into it's original form as balls of yarn.  I made a mistake and when I tried to get to it to fix it, I started to lose stitches, so rippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. 


I was going to start it again this morning, but then I remembered what day it was and went into the cotton room.  I stood in the middle closed my eyes and said," If you want to be a tote, jump into my arms."  Shock and surprise it worked.  So it is on to the tote and then back to the shawl.


I saw the Parrots for Vets on the TV.  They said where dogs are good, you choose a dog, where a parrot will chose the vet.  It was started by a Vet who was suffering from PTSD.


Have fun today everyone.

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