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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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That is one cool system.  I have mine in binders.


Well, you can all relax.  I found my washer and dryer.  I went with the LG 4.5 cubic washer and the matching dryer.  No agitator.  I ordered it yesterday and it will be here tomorrow between 8AM and 5PM. 


Cleaned out the utility room.  I would love to move the old washer and dryer to clean underneath, but no go there.  I am to old, I hurt to much and they are to heavy.


Off to clean, then on to do come crocheting.


Have a great day.

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Congrats on the new W/D!  No agitator? Does that mean its kinder on our crochet projects?  Last time we  got a new dryer (they never BOTH need replacing at the same time time!) DH slid it out so I could squeeze into the little space and clean the best I could.....and kept out the cleaning supplies for when the strong young men arrived to do the hard stuff!

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Love the Gopher golf club cover.


I am a bit nervous today, as the w/d is coming.  It is so neat, you can track where the truck is on the Sears web site.  We know how many deliveries are left, before they get to us.  Every once in a while I hear from the back room. There are #(stick number here) before they get to us.  Gotta love em.  He keeps me laughing.


I will be glad when they get the old set out, as I have not cleaned (UGH) under or behind the old set, since it was put in 25 years ago. Yuck!!!!


Doubt I will get much crocheting done today.  Once they leave, I am going to try the set out.


Have a fun day.

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So glad to know I am not the only one who doesn't deep clean under the appliances! Love my crochet sisters, you understand.

If DH didn't insist on doing it now and then....I'm with you!

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What I want to know is what brand you had that lasted 25 years!!


I had a Sears Lady Kenmore.  Up until 5 years ago, I had a maintence contract on them, which meant, that every year they came out and did a check up.  Fixed anything that needed to be fixed and made sure it was working good. 


It was such fun doing the wash.  I have a clear lid, so I got to see how it washes the cloths.  I only heard a pop when the lid locked. I sat at my table waiting for the wash to get done and heard a little song.  Turns out the washer plays a song, instead of the annoying buzzer when the wash is done.  So cool.


Got my Caron Cuddly Soft yarn yesterday.  I can hardly wait to get back to my blanket.


Just have the hair to do for Orange Blossom.  Have a fun day.


My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the Police officers shot and killed today.  What a tragedy.

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MJ....a song? That's sweet.


And we are praying so hard for the families of the Dallas cops....as a retired LEO family here, we are devastated.

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Lady Kenmore that plays a song?

How very retro sexist, love it!

The PC police would be having fits if such a thing were still available.


No my new LG plays a song or some notes when the wash is done.  Someone had asked me what was the kind of washer and dryer did I have that lasted 25 years.  That was a Lady Kenmore.  I just replaced it with the LG.

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Hi, hookers.....


How is everyone doing?


MJ - how did the hair work for Orange Blossom?


I have 12/150 rows done on Mr. Eagle and am working on a downstairs hook project too, since Mr. Eagle is too big to leave out down here. The small granny project: a JAYG with scraps of blues, sage, Aruba Sea, and soft white. An item to start a new donate pile!


Happy hooking ladies!

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Good Morning,


Did not get much done over the weekend, as the shoulder is acting up again.  With the heat and humidity, the bursitis is acting up. 


As for the doll, well, I decided to be really stupid and I am make a chain 35 sts and then putting 3 stitches from the 2nd stitch to the end in each stitch.  It curls and I have to use less yarn. 


I am off to see what I missed over the weekend and then off to finish the doll.


Have a fun day.

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judianne yes there was a bunch I love from that magazine.


Icicles Pullover

Wrap up Afghan

Two Hour Hat

Stitch you Gingerbread House

Stuffable Stocking's

Sparky Snowflakes

Retro Ripples Skirt

Cotton Candy Blanket

Candy shop ornaments

Capetet Swing Cardi


There you go it's a bunch.

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I'm afraid I don't remember seeing those patterns. Have you gone on the thread in this forum where you can post your request? It' gets a bigger audience. Or even just look on Revelry. Some of them may be free.

Good luck!

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Good Morning,


Have not done much in the way of crocheting.


Had the pool area and front area power washed, so I was busy taking things in and putting them back.  That is now done and I can go back to crocheting.


Hope everyone has a great day,


I have looked all over and there are some places you can download the magazine, and in case you want to show a picture look here.




A couple of those patterns are also in this issue.




Maybe this will help you find it.

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Good Morning,


Finally finished Orange Blossom and you can see her here.


Working on Angel Cake, the last one in the series, then on to finish my blankets for NCIU.


Things have settled down, so I can work on my crocheting without any interruptions.


Hope everyone is having a great day.

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Mary Jo - they are all wonderful!!!! They're for a donation - right? One doll per child, I'm guessing. It wouldn't be fair for just one kid to get all three! They look so sweet you almost make me want to try my hand at them. Almost. The wavy/curly hair looks planned on Orange Blossom!

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Thank you judianne. 


I have the last one dressed and I now have to figure out the hair AGIN.  They have you making a chain, wetting it and putting it in the dryer with some towels.  I don't know how I am going to do this one.  I have another way to try.


I sent out the package to my SIL for the American Legion yesterday.  The next to go out is to Bailey4 for her charity and finally the 4 girls to Peggy85225 for her charity.  Yes they will be given to different girls.  The nurses hand them out to the little ones when they are getting chemo.


After the dolls are done, I will get back to the blankets for the NCIU and hopefully then on to give a ways for Christmas.

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Oh, MJ - your gifts are going to go such a long way in making people feel so loved and thought about! And you're so creative I know this next one's hair is going to look great!

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Angel Cake should be ready by Sunday.


I got my yarn for the shawl for my SIL yesterday, so I can start on that soon.  I have the blankets to make next, so I am finally organized.  Yeah Right!!!!


Hot and not so humid this morning.  Actually it is quite cool.  Only 78, but it will get warmer and more humid as the day goes on.  We are expecting thunder storms again this afternoon.  Wish us luck on the rain.


Have a fun day today.

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MJ, t/storms and Florida....I remember being in Orlando at a conference and hearing the waterfall of rain hitting the roof during the afternoon session!  I hope it's not horrible....

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