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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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Good Morning.


I love the pounders.  Never have to worry about running out of yarn with them. 


Not much going on today.  I have to change my table and tree to July.  You know red/white and blue.


Not going out today.  Thought I might go to the grocery store of to look at washers, but it is already to hot.


Got our lecture from the weather people about hurricane season, so I am ready to start my day and see what happens.


Have a fun day.

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Can't wait to see Mr. Eagle.


This morning will be busy.  Haircuts first, then Home Depot to look at washers and finally, maybe a stop at Joann's.  Joann's is next to Home depot, so I should not waste the trip right?


I finished Ginger Snap last night.  I hope to get her picture today, maybe tomorrow.


Have a fun day.

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WTG, MJ....Joann's is fun! Looking fwd to seeing Ginger Snap!


And Mr. Eagle is 200 stitches across....unlike the last baby ghan, which was 92...lol!

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Wow that is so cool.


Ginger Snap is in the back waiting for her close up.  Today I hope to start Orange Blossom.


Good Morning everyone.  Have a great day and enjoy your Holiday.

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Morning everyone!


MJ, as far as those dolls go, you are "on fire" as my man Benedict Cumberbatch says!


Monday - cleaning day, defer the bedroom, etc....not much time for crafting till maybe later this afternoon, if then.


Have a good day, ladies!

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Good Morning everyone.


Well, Happy 4th to one and all.  Try not to eat to much BBQ.


Today will be a quite day for us.  We will have BBQ chicken in the oven and maybe some pool time.  I know it is not much, but we are suppose to get up to 92 degrees with a chance of rain.  Yeah right on the rain.


Orange Blossom has a head and a body.  Hope to work on the arms and cloths today.


I am looking at this for my SIL for Christmas.  It is knitted, but it looks interesting.  It is hard to find something for her.


Try and stay cool and dry where there is rain.  Enjoy your day.

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Happy 4th all!

Tampa that wrap is so cool!

I will be off to JoAnn's today for some yarn and safety eyes for a new project. Never used the eyes before but always willing to learn a new skill.

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Squeeze some yarn for me.  Never did make Joann's the other day.


Ginger Snap is done and Orange Blossom just needs her cloths and hair.


The pattern is weird when it comes to her hair.  They tell you to cut it to size, wet it, towel dry it, put it in the microwave, then let it dry over night.  It is suppose to make it curly.  Worries me a little putting it in the microwave, even if it is for just a few seconds.


Any idea how to make curly hair?


Have a fun day.

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If the doll will be for display you might be able to dip yarn in glue and wrap around a dowel or straw. Not sure what the curls at supposed to look like or if the doll would be a plaything that would need to be washed occasionally

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Here is the pattern https://www.etsy.com/listing/400188765/vintage-crochet-pattern-strawberry?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=orange blossom doll crochet pattern&ref=sr_gallery_1


She is the one in the back.  She will not be for display, I am sending them to Peggy85225 for kids who are getting Chemo.  It gives them something to hold.

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MJ - the Sherlock doll on Revelry suggests using wool or a wool blend for the hair - says it works best to make the curls!

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And Mary Jo - kuddos to you for even thinking about that knot pattern for SIL! It's amazing!

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  1. Curly Hair for Sherlock


  3. Before doing anything else...

    Sherlock’s curly hair is a really big part of his figure so you’re going to need some curly yarn for it. It’s simple: just crochet something with the (dark brown) yarn you’re going to use for the hair (I usually crochet circle), wet it thoroughly and let it dry. When unravelling the crochet, the yarn will have great curls. The tighter you make the crochet, the smaller the curls will be. I preferred to crochet the circle really loose for Sherlock’s hair. Be extra careful that you don’t hook through the yarn so that the unravelling would be easier.

    I put this first so that the yarn for the hair will be ready when you need it, it needs to dry completely or the curls won’t keep their shape. But before doing this, remember to check that your yarn doesn’t suffer when getting wet (I’m no expert when it comes to yarn materials so I don’t know if this works fine with all kind of yarns, what I used is 85% wool and 15% polyamid). EDIT: Ive got some feedback informing me that acrylic yarn isnt good when using this technique. Id advice using something thats at least mostly made of wool. 

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Thanks Judidanne, that sounds a lot better than putting them in the microwave.  Only one problem, I can not work with wool.  I will try it with the acrylic and see how it works.  If not, I will try a small amount in the microwave.


Good Morning everyone.


Well over 100 today in feels like temp.  Very hot and not contusive to moving around outside.


Have to cleaning out to do and I have some stuff I want to give to the Vets when they come on Friday.


Have fun today.

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I'm looking for this magazine 'crochet today issue Nov/Dec 2009' does anyone have it that they would like to get rid of?

Let me check....BB!

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Don't see the magazine but I do cut out copies of patterns I may get to - was there a particular one you were looking for. I actually have fairly organized files...

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Any tips for organizing? It just really defeats me.

Well, I have a two drawer file cabinet - I use manila folders or pocket folders - and label the outside. The categories are things like shawls, baby patterns, afghans....things like that. And as I see stuff I want to make soon I pull those and keep it in my WIP bag. It works for me - though if I let hubby have at it I know it would be a tighter system! I love post it notes too - and use them for the pattern books I still have intact...lol! On days I'm not sure what I want to work on I go through the books in particular and reassess what I still need to keep.


We crafters have never seen a pattern we didn't like!

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