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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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The shark and mermaid tail blanket pics are posted earlier in this thread. I am planning on making a small rose filet crochet square to line a small tray i am giving to my sister in law for Christmas ,.. if it looks decent.

Yes - I remember those cute blankets!

I'm sure you'll do a great job on the filet - sometimes when I haven't worked with thread for a while I end up frogging my first attempts until I get the tension down just right. Good luck!

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Beautiful afghan Judy.  One of these days I am going to make one of those.


My lawn people came yesterday and no only cut my grass, but cut my phone and inter net cable also.  I was on a neighbor's phone last night calling the cable company, trying to get someone out.  I need the phone, for emergencies.  Well, I was to late calling last night, but they were here at 8AM.  We are now back and in a couple of days, someone will come and bury the cable, right now it is sitting on the top of the ground.


We now have inter net and phone.  Did not realize how much I am on this.


1/2 the pocket on the tote is done and then I will sew it together. 

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Beautiful afghan Judy.  Thanks! They're quite addictive, esp if you have a lot of scraps around - and who doesn't? One of these days I am going to make one of those.


My lawn people came yesterday and no only cut my grass, but cut my phone and inter net cable also.  I was on a neighbor's phone last night calling the cable company, trying to get someone out.  I need the phone, for emergencies.  Well, I was to late calling last night, but they were here at 8AM.  We are now back and in a couple of days, someone will come and bury the cable, right now it is sitting on the top of the ground.


We now have inter net and phone.  Did not realize how much I am on this.Oh, that's a pill! Hubby can't go an hour without cable!


1/2 the pocket on the tote is done and then I will sew it together. 

I'll be looking for it on the forum!

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That is gorgeous.



Glad you're back with us tampadoll. It's crazy how much we're online also and don't realize it till the our connection goes down.

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Judy that is absolutely beautiful! I really might do a round ripple... perhaps..LOL.. You are so good witht htose!


Beautiful afghan Judy.  One of these days I am going to make one of those.


My lawn people came yesterday and no only cut my grass, but cut my phone and inter net cable also.  I was on a neighbor's phone last night calling the cable company, trying to get someone out.  I need the phone, for emergencies.  Well, I was to late calling last night, but they were here at 8AM.  We are now back and in a couple of days, someone will come and bury the cable, right now it is sitting on the top of the ground.


We now have inter net and phone.  Did not realize how much I am on this.


1/2 the pocket on the tote is done and then I will sew it together. 

   Well, did you find you got mre hooking done? Seriously, I would really miss my internet peeps ... I love me some internet ..LOL

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Yeah lots of crocheting time.  Yesterday they came a buried the cable, and this time they buried it deeper.  The guy told me this happens more then you realize.  They do this all day everyday, cause of new service and cut cables.


Boy it was like withdraw.  Thank goodness the TV was not interrupted.  That would of been a mess.


Had to rip and redo 1/2 the pocket.  I did not like the color I was using for the lettering, it was to light.


Have a great day everyone.

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Well, once when our power was out for three days because of ice, We took our laptops and sat in the hospital... that was before our shoppe or McDonalds had free wifi.... There we were in the waiting room...surfing away :lol

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Thanks for the compliments, ladies!


Mary Jo - maybe you should go to giving a tote away every other month? For both your sake and a greater pool of names...

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Good Morning


Up very early this morning, the paper is picked up and the flags are out.  Another hot and humid day here.


Back to working on the doll dress and I decided to use the color blue.  Not lt. blue or baby blue, just blue. I am going to try and stick to my list, but who knows what will catch my eye.


Hope everyone has a nice day today and in-between the hot dogs and hamburgers, corn and steaks, remember those who have give the ultimate sacrifice, so that you can do so.

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My BIL got the afghan and the dog today and he said he could not of gotten a better gift.  He will be 75 on Sunday and he said the afghan was perfect.  He first thought the package was for my Sister, then she told him to check out the name.


I am very happy today.

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So, i am about 1/3 through my first filet crochet project. (Well, 2nd filet project, the first was illegible so i scrapped it aboutb2/3 done)


This time it is slightly more readable. I am hoping a good take no prisoners show no mercy blocking is all it will need. (I even ordered a blocking board and pins today just for this project)


Wish me luck!

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Mary Jo, I knew he would love your gift! All the work shows a lot of love...

....and yes, why do so many of us start off big?? Esp with intricate projects!


Rat Dog, yes, Blocking is necessary with thread filet work. Looking forward to seeing the finished product! Good luck - fingers and toes crossed!

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Good Morning.


What a bright and beautiful Day.  The sun is coming up and it is shinning on the pool.


Did not get much done yesterday, hope to get more done today.

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Good morning, Mary Jo and everyone!


I'm working on the polar bear graph....the image is done (minus embellishments I'll want to add to finish it nicely) and now it's the background and then the border. No picture to share yet - it's still in the ugly stage (IMO, anyway...lol!)


Sun is shining here and the humidity is back -  washed some dishes and cleaned the half bath - and my hair looks like a brillo pad. Nothing new there...lol!


Have a good day, ladies!

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That looks great


Hi Everyone.  Today is going to start out busy.  We have a plumber coming in.  I went under the kitchen sink yesterday and found a ton of water.  Something is leaking.  I cleaned it up while DH called a plumber.  They couldn't come out last night, so here will be here between 9 and 10.


We looked again this morning and it seems to be the hose that is attached to the faucet that you can pull out.  I hope they can fix it, without it costing me an arm and a leg.


Hope everyone has a great day.

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