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Right or Wrong? Where do you weave your ends in?

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When you say you stitch over them, do you mean you fasten the yarn off before you finish the piece and as you are finishing it, you do it?



Ive never stitched over them. After I finish, I normally fasten it off, tie it around a stitch or two a few times and then weave it in.


But I like the idea of stitching over it and parting the yarn

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When you say you stitch over them, do you mean you fasten the yarn off before you finish the piece and as you are finishing it, you do it?



Ive never stitched over them. After I finish, I normally fasten it off, tie it around a stitch or two a few times and then weave it in.


But I like the idea of stitching over it and parting the yarn

I've tried to stitch over them but then my project ends up being off because of the extra bulk to the stitch. So I just weave them in on the wrong side and try to hide them behind other stitches.

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i do i chain then tie off leaving a 6 inch tail then weve the tail through the center stiches in 3 rows making sure to turn at least twice (i pull the extra chain back into the piece this way) then pull it tight and clip the end...... after doing that i restretch the piece into shape.

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I usually catch up the beginning of a new skein in the next few stitches, as if crocheting with two strands. When changing colors, I do that with the new color, then I weave in the end of the other color like the others said. Same when I finish a project.

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I am fond of the big no-no of knotting yarn as I add on or switch colors. I leave about 4 inches or so tail which I then crochet over as I go. This way there is tedious weaving in of all the ends. They never seem to be visible in the finished product.

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I am fond of the big no-no of knotting yarn as I add on or switch colors. I leave about 4 inches or so tail which I then crochet over as I go. This way there is tedious weaving in of all the ends. They never seem to be visible in the finished product.


I just had a light bulb go off over my head. I've been crocheting my ends in the wrong way. I wrapped them around my hook and crocheted like normal but this caused some bumps in my projects.


After I read QM's reply, I realized that you just lay the end across your work and crochet around it. I tried it last night and it worked GREAT!



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I try to crochet over the ends as I work but if I forget or something can't be crocheted over, then I weave them in preferrably where you can't see if it's the right or wrong side but for the sake of this discussion, I do it on the wrong side. I don't 'knot' the yarn but do slip stitch the end when fastening off, leaving about a 4 inch tail (depending on the size of the item) to crochet over. I lay the tail over the row I'm about to do and just pretend it's not there as I continue crocheting, making sure the tail is on top of the row I'm crocheting into.

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I used to tie it off around the last stitch then weave in from there, but that left several problems. A)If I needed to frog something, that made it a little challenging! B)You could see the knot...


So I started doing what several do, I started stitching over the tail of the last piece of yarn and the ONLY time I ever knot anymore is if I'm fastening off a project at the end. And when I do that, I try to be very careful that the "knot" is "knot" visible! I never see any extra bulk in my crochet by stitching over the tail of a piece of yarn... Then again, I crochet loose so maybe that's why...

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