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63 Wannabe Club


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Ladies, ladies, LADIES!

I want to run, shout and jump about! You guys pointed me in the right direction-it just took me about 4 and a half hours to get there! But, THANK HEAVENS I have mastered it! WOO HOO!:rofl:dance! I can't thank you enough for helping me! I will learn how to post pics and share them.


Julie, the afghan looks great! What are you using it for? I'm so pleased to see that its a great size....so was my hubby-LOL.


PB&J, yours is looking beautiful as well....how nice that you are able to do the squares with the suggested colors-I can't wait to see the finished product....the cat is so funny....my Pippy is the same way-she likes to grab the yarn.....Gotta love it!


I check in later....Ya'll have a great afternoon!!!!

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Awesome, Kim! Great job persevering! :tup Pat your self on the back! I look forward to seeing your pics!


Aren't kitties the nosiest creatures?! :cat


I don't want to work on any other projects this weekend 'cept the 63 Squares! I'll see how far I can get! :)

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Kim -

Great job ! I knew you'd get it figured out ! Any more trouble, just holler !


Thanks for the compliments on my 63 you guys. I already gave it away as an early wedding gift to my cousin who LOVES orange-- that's why I used that color. I have never made anything in orange before ,but thought it did turn out pretty. It reminds me of the Cleveland Browns football team .


Pagan -

I just went and posted a new thread regarding the 35 grannies, slated to start sometime in the future . I didn' t name a specific date yet, just the name of the leaflet and ways to get it to see if we get anyone over there interested . I also said you'd come in and post your photos of yours .

Could you tell me what your real first name is so we can call you by that ? That way I feel like we know you better .


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GO GO GO !!!

We will all cheer you on so that you can get this 63 done soon, then join us over at the 35 granny -along . We won't be starting it just yet, but I have started a thread for it to see if anyone else may want to order or get ahold of the booklet now so they'll be ready to join us soon. We'll try holding off for awhile so that you can join in with us at the beginning . You have certainly been a great poster here and have worked your little buns off on this 63 . I KNOW you can do it!!

We really want you and Celeste to join us on this next one, so will give you some time to finish this one up before officially starting the next one .

Make that crochet hook SMOKE this weekend ! :fire

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LOL, thanks, Julie! :lol I'm over the half-way hump and on my way down! I'll be checking in throughout the weekend and would love to hear how everyone else is doing. :)

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:cheer :cheer :cheer Go Sue! Go Sue! Go Sue! :cheer :cheer :cheer


I finished three more squares last night, so I'm CLOSE, make that CLOSE to done! I hope to finish all the squares this weekend, and piece it together by next weekend. Then, it's off to the yarn store! Darn! :lol


I'm thinking I'll do it in gray and white instead. . . my mom already bought a few throws for the chocolate guestroom, but we could use an afghan to cozy things up in the study. Lol, that makes my dinky little house sound so big, when really, my parents are just psyched to redecorate the old kid's rooms now that my sister and I are out :)

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Way to go, Celeste! :clap You really wizzed through the last group of squares! Your pics look sooo nice! It's really going to be a beautiful 'ghan! :tup


Gray and white sounds so pretty for the 35 grannies. Your parent's study will be cozy for sure. :c9


Progress: I just finished square 37 and it was slooow going. It's got lots of popcorn stitches and FPdc to make it all wonky! It looks like 38 and 39 have lots of popcorns too but the rest of the stitches are simple dc - phew! :whew

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You're on the home stretch now ~~ It looks like you also got a new camera- your last few photos seem to show up closer and clearer . Your afghan is sure gonna be pretty .


Sue -


Sorry to tell you ,but you are in the tough spot now-- those danged bobbles and FPDC-- they threw a whole pile of them suckers all in together . I thought that was the worst part of the afghan , if you do the squares in order -- you'll still see bobbles when you close your eyes at night ! Keep at it, though . You have done great and worked steadily along and posted frequently on your updates - so I know you can get this thing finished !!!


and Niccers -- keep on going -- you're doing a good job. Keep thinking of your Grandma's face when she gets to see her afghan finished !

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Hi Ho Tonya --


Keep on plugging along ! Don't give up or put it aside for very long or it gets put on the back burner and never gets done ! Even if you only do one row a day, try to keep at it !


We'll be waiting here to see how you're coming along.


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Oh boy, Julie! I remember you warning us when you were doing squares 37-39 that bobbles were in our future. At the time I was working on square 17 which was another over-bobbled square! :lol I spent yesterday afternoon and evening working on squares 37 and 38. My goodness, so many popcorn stitches make for slow going. I kept thinking of you! I'll work on 39 today and then can move on to some flatter squares which I prefer. :)


Great to hear from you Tonya. Feel free to jump right in when you can. You're very good to work on your Christmas stuff. As November approaches I need to get on the ball! ;)

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Yes, Sue --

I'm not usually one for profane language, but if I would have had to do ONE MORE BOBBLE or FPDC,BPDC ............. I would have developed worse language that a long haul trucker .

DANG -- those things are a royal pain . Especially when you have like 7 squares full of them in a row !!! :eek

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You guys are so inspirational! Thank you, thank you, thank you.....and all of your squares/afghans are just wonderful. I only hope that mine come out half as nice. I'm going to start #9 today-looks pretty easy....had to take a HUGE mental break after #8...LOL:lol-made me nuts! But, I'm ready to go now--should I be outside with hubby helping with yard work???--I could feel slighty guilty....but only for a minute or so...I'm over it now!!!:blush


If you don't mind me asking....where and what is the 35 grannies all about? Granny squares was how I learned to crochet, so if I can finish this one up in a hurry, I might really like to do that one with ya'll.


Do you guys all know each other outside of the forum or have you all met here? Guess I'm a little interested in the history.


I hope that you all have a great weekend and I look forward to hearing more about everyones work!



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Hi Kim! I'm glad you'll have some time to work one your squares today. We're all looking forward to seeing you cross the finish line, so you can join us in the next CAL!


The 35 Granny Squares are all different patterns, and a little fancier than a normal granny square. Lots of flowers, pinwheels, and openwork! I finished four more squares of my 63 last night, and have ONE to go. I'll be starting that CAL very soon!


No, we don't all know eachother outside this forum, but have gotten very close by communicating here. These ladies have become very good friends of mine, that's for sure! Some of us post regularly on eachother's blogs, too. I hope you'll be able to stop by frequently and let us know how things are going :manyheart

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Good job finishing square 8, Kim! :clap You'll have a stretch of nicer squares except 11 and 17, I didn't like those so well. The others are very pretty, though. :)


Yes, we all "met" here at this CAL and are having a great time getting to know each other and chat AND we always welcome more people! :hug In fact, we were having so much fun that Julie got the great idea to start another CAL which is the 35 Grannies.


Which brings up...anybody else think we should create a button for the 35 Grannies? Anybody feel creative? :bounce


Celeste, you're just about done! I can't wait to see your finished 'ghan! :clap

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I NEED to join you! I NEED to get this afghan done! :blush So I can then join the 35 Granny Square Afghan CAL :lol.


I guess I need to be more committed to it. Work everyday on it (or at least try). I've been lurking for a while now... and you've inspired me to keep going. Thanks!!! :hug


~Eliany :hook

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Eliany, we're glad to have you! I saw on your blog that you're from Rochester -- I just graduated from SUNY Geneseo in May, and am now in Arizona. How's the weather? ;) Be sure to check in frequently, b/c we love to see eachother's progress. :hook



BTW, your FCEC purse looks GREAT! (although you totally stole my top color choices. . . lol)

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Welcome aboard, Eliany! :waving How far along are you on the 63 squares? What colors are you using? I'm using the colors from the book but others have used some great color combos that look terrific.


Glad you have you join us. :)

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Thanks and I'm also glad I joined you here!

Hi Celeste! About the weather... it's getting chilly! :wbrr About the FCEC purse... it wasn't my intention to steal your colors :lol. That was my first felted project and I'm very happy with the result.


Hi Sue! I'm doing #4 :blush now (only 59 to go :sigh). I guess graduate school is taking all my crochet time :lol. The colors I'm using are off white, pale green, and soft sage (Caron One Pound). I really like how they look together.


OK... I'm off to finish square 4!!!


~Eliany :hook

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It came out beautifully, especially for your first time! I love felting.



Your colors sound great :) The worst part about this project is that you get addicted, and then it begins to suck time away from grad school! I'm happy to be piecing it now, so I can work on my papers!:lol

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Eliany, your colors sound very pretty! I look forward to seeing pics if you plan to post them. Before you know it, you'll be half way done! :)

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Hi Eliany! We're not too far from each other as far as progress goes. So, we can work together and keep each other on the right track and try to catch up with everyone else in the process!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


I got #'s 9, 10, 11, and 12 done today--HALLELUJAH!!!:yay

Number 11--not my favorite---did anyone have trouble with it curling up? My stitches aren't tight at all, but its not laying very flat...I suppose I'll have to steam it.


Anyway...I can't thank you ladies enough for your rallying....again..LOL:ty


Check in with ya'll tomorrow!


PS-this is totalling addicting....its all I can think about!

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I have a question... :think (Maybe it has been asked and answered already! My apologies...) My squares' edges are not exactly 25 stitches, should I worry about that? What's gonna happen when I join the squares? Are they gonna lay flat even though they have different number of stitches? I didn't count :blush... I just went around and made the edges :( (I did take care of checking that the squares lay flat).


I just finished square 4 and don't know if I should keep going or do the edges again.


Thanks in advance,

~Eliany :hook

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Holy Smokes--

Looks like I have been on a coffee break around here . There are lots of posts since last time I was in !

Eliany- Yes, commitment is what you need to get this project finished. It's just too easy for most people .. they see the booklet, buy the yarn and have every intention of making it, then find out that it can be quite a challenge. I think the gauge thing is what throws them off .If you tend to be a perfectionist with the exact gauge, right down to the millimeter-- this thing could end up making you jump off a bridge !:lol

This is just MY opinion . I don't think I'm leading you all wrong on here, but just TRY to get the squares as close as possible to the right size. Like I told the ladies several posts back, if your square turns out too big , add only one row of edging. If it's too small, add an extra row of edging . I really think that simplifies it a lot . Try to get your sc edges to be as close to the right number as possible, but if they aren't exact, it'll still go together just fine . ( I'm not saying you could do it if one square turns out 12 inches and you make an edge of 39 sc, then your next square turns out 4 inches and you only have 12 inches in sc) THAT would not work . Just get them as close as possible to the right size .I also don't think you HAVE to place them on the chart in the exact location , you can move them around before putting them together , so if you happen to have one or two that run a little bigger, try placing them together .

That is just my opinion as to why so many people start, then give up on this .

Your colors sound gorgeous. I am a BIG green fan- so anything green sounds good to me !

Welcome to the group -- i'm glad you started posting !!! Keep up the good work .:hook

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