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Chat with a Designer: Who Would You Like to See?

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I'm exploring the possibility of scheduling some live chats with various crochet designers.


Which designers would you like me to ask to participate?


What questions would you like to ask them?

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Excellent ideas! Come on, people, I know more of you have some great ideas for designer interviewees and questions to ask them.


Share, share! :hook

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Does the Crochet Dude count? I would love to chat with him!


The Crochet Dude absolutely counts! He's been a member of Crochetville since practically the beginning.


I'm sure he'd come do a chat with us if we can find a good break in his schedule when he's not traveling or swamped under a million deadlines.

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Come on, everyone! Name some more designers and some more questions.


There's bound to be some burning questions about some of these designers that you're just dying to know the answers to!

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Oh, yes, Amy, I think someone should interview you for those of us who don't know much about you.


Well, that could be arranged! :hook


You might end up being pretty bored, but if you're willing to take that risk, I'm willing to talk. :lol

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What unusual sources of inspiration have helped in your creative process?


For each pattern that gets published, how many don't?


How many practice pieces of a particular pattern do you do before your feel the pattern is fail-safe and ready to be submitted?


For those who designed pre-Internet explosion, how has that changed your creative process and business process? E.g., are patterns submitted online or are hard copies still required?


Do you crochet the samples that are published in magazines, or is that completed by someone the magazine hires?

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Too many great ones to pin it down to just one,

but I agree with others about Amy and Kathy (Katchcan), Kim, Crochet Dude


Many more designers right here on the ville and darski has to be mentioned too, she does a bang up job with her doll patterns.


Pat Kristofferson would be a thrill for us threadies.


Desert Crocheter has most of the questions I would have asked.

Two more that I would also ask are:

What was your most challenging moment when you began designing and having work published?

Where do you do most of your work, at home, an office or do you travel alot?

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