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Crochet & Cameras

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I have been wanting to buy a digital camera & doing some research on what to look for. It will be used almost exclusively to photogragh my crochet & other needlework (OK,& an occaisional cat picture,):lol I just got an ad that has several in my price range. Any big "do's or don'ts" before I pull out my plastic? Thanks.


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Here are some of my camera :2c

:photo Learn about the type of batteries that they take... I have a wonderful camera with many features yadda yadda yadd and the batteries are lithium which is good because they resist building a memory but they can be expensive.

:photo What all does your camera come with... hey you dont want to drop $$ to find out that cables for the computer are extra and a charger is extra yadda yadda yadda

:photo How easy is it to use? Try to play with a few at the store.

:photo How many pictures will it hold.. .this can be found in the owners manual along with other good information and I had no trouble asking the sales people to look at the booklets.

:photo AND kinda weird, but Google several of the cameras you are thinking about. Read what real people have said about them. I think you can find a lot about them that way. (Amazon.com has where you can post reviews on products.)

I really enjoy taking pictures (even entered some into the state fair this year), but I think the above list has a few good points to remember.

Hope this helps. Oh yeah I always knew I liked taking pictures, but with film cameras I didnt take that many because film is spendy and then getting them developed is spendy then I always wondered did I cut off Uncle Joe's head at the big family reunion... Ahhh none of that with digital. Don't like a shot delete it or if I just want to take a picture of a blanket or whatever to post okay take it and then post it but I dont have to print it. I have also started to take more pictures. Pictures of feet, spiders, clouds, whatever just because I could.


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How many pictures will it hold..


Might not be that big a deal as you can always buy more cards to change with. We have two right now. One holds far more than the one that came with the camera.


AND kinda weird, but Google several of the cameras you are thinking about.


I'd go straight to amazon.com and epinions.com.

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I have 3 digital cameras that I use most often:

Nikon D70 ~ very $$ w/interchangeable lenses, professional camera

Nikon Coolpix ~ around $300, does stills & video, very compact & light, tiny

Panasonic DVD Cam ~ does video & stills, uses mini DVDs

Kodak DC215 ~ around $250, very nice, medium sized (don't use much anymore because of the Nikons which I prefer)


I would suggest looking thru your local newspaper and see who is offering the most for your money. Usually they will give away extra memory cards or even a photo printer. Get a camera that has 4.0 megapixels or higher. Don't get anything that is heavy to work with. Your arms will get tired after holding it awhile and the pictures will be blurry. The Nikon D70 gets heavy & I use a tripod most times with it. especially when using larger lenses.

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It's also important to take a look at the digital zoom versus the optical zoom. In general, you want a camera that has a high optical zoom -- this makes for less distortion. I wouldn't buy one with an optical zoom less than 3x. This can really help with distance shots, and even with the quality of detail on CUs of your crocheting. Happy hunting!

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We really liked the http://www.dpreview.com/ site. I believe you can compare different cameras there (my fiance did all the comparison for me).


I got the Nikon Coolpix 4500 since it had both manual and auto settings and I wanted to do astrophotography and this had a 5 minute bulb setting. They don't make them anymore and there's nothing out there to replace this one, so I hope mine keeps working and working.


My limitations with the camera are battery (I have 2 rechargeable lithium ones, but should buy another one or a solar charger for backpacking purposes), and I found out that on a 3 week trip I will fill up my 1 GB card! So I bought another card recently, but card prices keep going down all the time!

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My husband is a big camera guy. He used to work in a photo store. As soon as I asked him where good places to go are he mentioned :





Both of which poeple have already recomended. If you have any specific questions just let me know, and I will pass them along to the camera guy in the house.....

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I don't know what your budget was, mine was roughly $200. I found exactly what I needed at Target for $159, but it wouldn't handle cross-stitch photos very well (not enough detail) So, I discussed it on another board. The Kodak Z700 is the recommendation within my price range (around $260). Several ladies have this and have been very satisfied. So if you needed something specific in a lower cost model, google that one also.



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Thank you everyone for your input. I finally dove in & bought a camera yesterday. Now, I need some advice on taking good pictures of my designs. I have room to set up a space for photographing my needlework. Any suggestions? Thanks:)


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Since I was on a limited budget, I went with FujiFilm FinePix A345. I have had good luck with that brand before, it was on sale, & it was one of the few in my price range that had both optical & digital veiwfinders & more than 3.2 megapixels (4.1). I haven't had a much of chance to play with it yet, but it looks like it will be fine for what I wanted a camera for.


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http://www.tigerdirect.com search here, there are some very good deals, its where I got mine. If youy need to have a commercial account ( they are a wgolesaler) just let me know, my hubby and I ran a pc store and you can use my tax exempt status, thats not illegal, you are after all a customer.....


I agree with this. Tiger Direct is one of the first places I look when I need a new piece of equipment. Also, don't forget to peruse the sale ads in the Sunday paper as many times things will go on sale very cheap but the only advertizment they do is in the paper.


Make sure it has no less than 2 megapixels. I would really go for at least 4. Also, make sure that it comes with everything you need. Heck, I had to buy a USB adapter cord for mine plus the software in order to download the pics on my computer as Canon charged extra for it. (I'll never buy another Canon)... Also, after you decide on one, go to that companies web site and see how user friendly it is. More than likely, you'll need customer assistance at least once and if the site is impossible to navigate and you can't get a hold of anyone without paying for it, then it probably isn't the right buy...

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