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Anyone doing Tunisian Crochet?

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I am curious, how many of you have done or are doing Tunisian Crochet.

I have been experimenting with it on and off. (have never completed anything though)

If you have done some work, would you share some pictures?

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I am working on a Tunisian Afgan. I don't think it is all the diffitcult myself. My only problem with it is that the side look like that are starting to go on an angle. Not sure y or uf it is an ilusion (sp) (you know a trick you eyes play on you) I am going to keep working on it on and off till it bigger and see if it looks better.

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I am working on a Tunisian Afgan. I don't think it is all the diffitcult myself. My only problem with it is that the side look like that are starting to go on an angle. Not sure y or uf it is an ilusion (sp) (you know a trick you eyes play on you) I am going to keep working on it on and off till it bigger and see if it looks better.

I find it helpful to keep counting my stitches at the end of the forward row.

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I find it helpful to keep counting my stitches at the end of the forward row.



That is a good suggestion but I hate counting my rows. I am lazy like that. it wouldn't be so bad if I was doing a smaller project but i'm doing a large afgan on the circal tusian hooks. Hopfully it comes out fine other wise I will rip out again and try for a third time.:)

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I made a baby sweater and two pair of booties with it. I can't send a pic though -- gave them as gifts.


I have the very beginnings of a baby ghan started that has a picture of Elmo on it. I got discouraged quickly and have not done much lately. I am useing a huge crochet hook which makes it go pretty quickly, and I like the look with the large hook. The smaller hooks in my opinion make a rug instead of a fabric--too coarse and heavy. The large hooks makes a lovely drapey fabric. My problem is that I got my little yarn balls all tangled up that I was useing to change colors. (Grandbaby "helped.") I kinda gave up. I need to get back to it. It is sooo cute.


Run a google on -- MoChet. That is where I got some great patterns and my first huge hook. (My husband made the rest of my huge hooks. They have the CUTEST ghans you have ever seen in tunisian!!!! There is a forum that is super friendly and talented...



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I did some years ago & wasn't happy with the ultradense fabric. Now that I have a larger hook, I am having a lot of fun with it. Nothing completed yet.


I know exactly what you mean by "ultradense". Mind you, that can come in handy, too for a bag or a rug...

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I am curious, how many of you have done or are doing Tunisian Crochet.

I have been experimenting with it on and off. (have never completed anything though)

If you have done some work, would you share some pictures?


I haven't done any Tunisian crochet but I did go and take a look at Stitchguide and it looks pretty darn easy! Well, there's something else on my list of things to get around to eventually! :hyper

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I tired it once.. I was trying to make a baby afgan using the hook that was like circular knitting needles. I gave up after getting about 8 inches into the project. My hook kept rotating away from me, and every stitch I had to move then hook and then make the stitch,and the rotate the hook for the next one. It was to intensive on my writs. I knew I would go insane trying to a whole baby afgan like that. I hope to try it again some day 'cause I think it has a lot of potential.

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