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Yarn Store

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I want to start my own yarn shoppe. I have talked about doing it before but I really want to do it. I want to do it in our mall in the city.I work at Michaels and I see groups of college girls come in and only one of them knows how to crochet or knit and she tells them " you guys are gonna love it" and they all by needles hooks and yarn. I live in Providence and we have a few colleges right in the city so I know that it would do well . The mall is a huge attraction for the college kids. Plus knitting and crocheting are soooooo popular :hot right now. I want just a small store, enough room for a nice supply of yarn and accessories and a small sitting/ teaching area. I would offer free on the spot knitting/crochet lessons, just the basics, enough so the customers could at least go home and make a scarf. Then I would do themed classes. Lets say its a bag the class would meet once a week and when the session was done you have your finished bag. Then I could do crochet/ knit :knit nights were you can bring the current project you are working on, a stitch and bitch session . I have so many ideas . I want to do this sooooo bad but I know that the rents at this mall are really high but the mall is the only way I would get the foot traffic for enough customers. Oh well the dream will live. If you actually read this whole thing then thanks for listening.


Dream on dream until your dream comes true. ....you never know I could hit the lottery or put my 5 kids up for adoption that would put some extra money in my pocket!

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I hear you! :c9 I have been sprouting a similar dream for here. :manyheart Someone just opened up a crochet-based yarn shop up in Milwaukee that I'd like to go visit sometime soon, to see how they did it and get ideas. My area has soooo little in the way of crocheting (and even knitting) resources!


Keep nurturing that dream, and planning (me too!) and maybe we can see our little seeds sprout into a full-blown yarn shop someday soon! :2magic:hook:knit

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It is so weird that you are talking about this right now. My 2 friends and I were at a scrapbooking convention Friday talking about something similar. To have a shop that has different 'rooms' or corners named after our kids specializing in what we 'do'. Mine would be Christine's corner with crocheted things and yarn and beaded jewelry. ANother girl is a consultant for Close to my heart(scrapbooking). We just thought it would be a great way to capitalize on our talents. I would LOVE to have a yarn store, maybe then I wouldn't buy so much and I could just go to the store and pet it!

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I would LOVE to have a yarn store, maybe then I wouldn't buy so much and I could just go to the store and pet it!
So, I'm not the only one who pets yarn. YEAH! Everyone always thinks I'm weird. LOL. I could stand in the yarn aisle of my favorite craft store and pet and squeeze yarn all day.


I believe in dreams no matter how big they are. It's the dreams that push you to make more of yourself. Who knows? You might reach that dream someday.

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Count me in as another one who pets yarn :D I actually burying my face in it, too, but I wait for that until I get it home :blush


So, I'm not the only one who pets yarn. YEAH! Everyone always thinks I'm weird. LOL. I could stand in the yarn aisle of my favorite craft store and pet and squeeze yarn all day.


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So, I'm not the only one who pets yarn. YEAH! Everyone always thinks I'm weird. LOL. I could stand in the yarn aisle of my favorite craft store and pet and squeeze yarn all day.


I believe in dreams no matter how big they are. It's the dreams that push you to make more of yourself. Who knows? You might reach that dream someday.

I pet yarn,too And I always get "the look" from my hubbie. He thinks I'm loco..

But I caught him at Hobby Lobby petting the Fun Fur.

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I would love to have my own yarn store. I could kn*t or crochet on the job, and it would be a good thing! I just wouldn't know where or how to get started. :think


Maybe in a few years when my kids are a little older....



Timeless Creations

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Not sure I'd want to own one myself but I'd love to see a combination yarn store/coffee shop, similar to what bookstores do now. A place with lots of yummy yarns, plenty of crochet magazines, and a corner cafe with plush chairs and sofas. You could pick up your favorite magazines, grab some yarn, and then relax in one of those comfy chairs with a nice cup of coffee and crochet away or browse through the latest crochet patterns.


I love sitting in Starbucks while I crochet. The atmosphere is so comfortable and relaxing. Having the yarn shop right there would just be icing on the cake.

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Not sure I'd want to own one myself but I'd love to see a combination yarn store/coffee shop, similar to what bookstores do now. A place with lots of yummy yarns, plenty of crochet magazines, and a corner cafe with plush chairs and sofas. You could pick up your favorite magazines, grab some yarn, and then relax in one of those comfy chairs with a nice cup of coffee and crochet away or browse through the latest crochet patterns.


I love sitting in Starbucks while I crochet. The atmosphere is so comfortable and relaxing. Having the yarn shop right there would just be icing on the cake.



I think that would be a great idea especially with Brown University and Johnson and Wales University




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The idea has crossed my mind that having a nice little yarn store with a lot of yarn, would be so nice!!! I could even have it be a yarn/crocheted items store. They want a blanket, they pick up the yarn and hand it to me!! Okay, so just a place with yarn all around me (that isn't my bedroom) would be nice.



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