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So yesterday I started working on a pattern that I hadn't done before, it involves a circle. Well I got pretty far into it and then I laid it out and realized something was wrong, as it was not laying at all flat. I had apparently decided I was more clever than the instructions and had gone rouge! Obviously, this wasn't right, so I re-read the instructions and realized I had made a mistake numerous rows and finishings ago. Then I threw a tantrum. Ok, a min tantrum, but I'm sure if anyone saw me they would've been amused. Afterwards I decided to pick up a different project, my first ripple afghan, leave the circle disaster behind for a bit. Well then I found ANOTHER mistake, like 20 rows ago in the afghan! (Cue second tantrum and furious ripping apart) So I basically decided to restart the afghan as it is for my dog (I don't have any babies to make a mini one for) and my first and I don't think she's going to mind if it takes a while. I've only been at this whole crochet business a month and a half and I have competed numerous projects successfully, so I am not super stunned I made a mistake, I'm just frustrated! So in conclusion:




I've learned a valuble lesson today, kids, FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!


Thanks for listening! Happy crochetting!

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I've crocheted many, many years.that said---:):crocheting


A few nights ago I was making a Christmas stocking--I had to repeat and rip out several times. Did I mention that I had already made the same exact stocking twice before--just in the past week? :(


I was tired and decided to put it away for the night. the next morning I picked it up and went for it again with no problem. :clap


Morale of my short tale? :yarn


Even with years of experience--we all make mistakes!! :manyheart

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I've only been at this whole crochet business a month and a half

We've all been there and tore out many projects or maybe even just tossed them. LOL

What's even funnier, some of us more experienced crocheters still make mistakes once in a while.

I'm working on three (well now two) afghans this month and have had to tear all three out at different parts, several times because I forget to stitch count as I'm going. Or on the round ripple I get going and watching tv and forget that one rows needs repeated. LOL

So good luck with your projects, you'll figure it out. Most of the time. ;)

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Thank you guys for letting me rant! I'm so glad I'm not alone ;-)


I *sigh* restarted my afghan. 4 rows in and more stitch markers than you can imagine. So even if I forget HOW to count, I should be able to get it right! I might send the circle down the river and start completely over...haven't decided, I'm still mad at it. I might try stomping on it first ;-)

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A few nights ago I was making a Christmas stocking--I had to repeat and rip out several times. Did I mention that I had already made the same exact stocking twice before--just in the past week? :(


I was tired and decided to put it away for the night. the next morning I picked it up and went for it again with no problem. :clap


Morale of my short tale? :yarn


Even with years of experience--we all make mistakes!! :manyheart


I am working on a wavy scarf that has just the problem... The yarn is hard to see, kinda fuzzy, and 3 sc, 2 hdc, 2dc, 3 trc...etc...and well... hdc..am I going to the sc or the trc? :lol Yeah it's been frogged and saved for the morning when I hope I'm more awake? :think:hook


Thank you guys for letting me rant! I'm so glad I'm not alone ;-)


I *sigh* restarted my afghan. 4 rows in and more stitch markers than you can imagine. So even if I forget HOW to count, I should be able to get it right! I might send the circle down the river and start completely over...haven't decided, I'm still mad at it. I might try stomping on it first ;-)


eh the dog won't care if it's not perfect..if it's soft and warm!!

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We all have been there no matter if we have been crocheting for decades or just a few days ... I have been known to rip out over and over on the same project ... in fact just finished a prayer afghan and had to rip out over and over as I kept missing stitches ... it happens to us all just set it aside for a day or two and work on something else then go back and fix it and go on :)

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Ah, frogging. The joys of working hard for HOURS on something, then realizing a bad bad mistake early in the project.


Then comes the decision... frog and start over... cut the yarn and start fresh... or throw a flower over the mistake. haha


Another source of ARRRGGGHHHH:

I was just making some flowers from a pattern and I was getting frustrated because it didn't look at all like the picture. I counted, and counted again, and counted again and I had the correct number of stitches according to the pattern. Counted yet AGAIN. More frustration. So then I pulled the picture closer and counted that... the PICTURE doesn't match the pattern!! Still frustrated though!

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Ah, frogging. The joys of working hard for HOURS on something, then realizing a bad bad mistake early in the project.


Then comes the decision... frog and start over... cut the yarn and start fresh... or throw a flower over the mistake. haha


Another source of ARRRGGGHHHH:

I was just making some flowers from a pattern and I was getting frustrated because it didn't look at all like the picture. I counted, and counted again, and counted again and I had the correct number of stitches according to the pattern. Counted yet AGAIN. More frustration. So then I pulled the picture closer and counted that... the PICTURE doesn't match the pattern!! Still frustrated though!


I hear you there! *Look at work. Look at picture. Count stitches. Recheck instructions *repeat to end, or moment of head bashing into wall*

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Geez, this sounds like my "sock" adventure. First sock turned out perfect!!!! Second sock is riddled with senior moments.....LOL. I've messed up the ribbing on the cuff (rip, rip, rip); lost count on the heal (rip, rip, rip); mucked up the even/odd rows for the foot (rip, rip, rip) and sewed the toe up the wrong way (rip, rip, rip). Sheesh, at this rate, one sock is smooth and this second miserable example of wandering brain disease is beginning to resemble a fluffy yellow caterpillar....UGH!


Oh well, thank goodness I still have doilies to get my confidence back.....grinning and hunting up a ball of thread.

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