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AK's Hat


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I just finished hubby's hat. I've been working on it for a couple of days. Some of you might know that I've been struggling with this. I have trouble with hats to begin with, but for some reason hubby's hats never come out the right size! Of course, he is very particular as to what he wants also! After my last attempt failed (thank you so much for trying Pat54) I decided to just make up my own pattern. It's just a basic hat, but it's "as he wants it"! He wanted a hat that he could leave the brim straight up (looking goofy) and fold over double when the wind was blowing and whipping the snow hard. That's what he got and he loves it! What do you think? Yes, that's my lovable goofball modeling! :lol




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My husband peers over and takes a look. Now I'm wondering if he's wanting one too! It's a great hat, and methinks it will keep his ears very warm in the wind & snow. Great job and TYFS!

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My husband peers over and takes a look. Now I'm wondering if he's wanting one too! It's a great hat, and methinks it will keep his ears very warm in the wind & snow. Great job and TYFS!

:lol He told me he was going to start a new fashion sense and everyone would want one! :lol


looks great!



I think as long as he's happy, score! love the color.

That's how I feel. He's happy, so I'm happy. I love the color too! I bought another skein of it yesterday! :D RHSS med thyme.

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Great hat, My DH always wants a double layer like that, too.


Winter weather is just around the corner, nice to know our crocheting habit is keeping our family members nice and warm.

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Thanks everyone!


Well whatever hubby wants, yes?


Great job winging it and giving him what he wants!


The question: now what do YOU get in return???



:lol Thanks MamaK! Yes, whatever hubby wants! :lol And I got some yarn at Walmart Tuesday and a Knook! :hook He spoils me all the time, so I can't complain.

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