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Lacy Shell Scarf


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I started this scarf in June and fiinally got around to finishing it yesterday! :yay I used CSS plum wine. I don't know why it took me so long, it's a really easy pattern. I just kept putting it to the side, you know how that goes. :lol I usually like to make scarves patterns that work the length. (does that make sense :think) It just seems to go faster to me if you make a ch of say 200 or so then only have to work several more rows, but when you work from side to side you have HUNDREDS of rows to work! :faint:lol Maybe it's just me... Oh, the name of this scarf is Easy Lacy Shell Scarf by Designs by HeatherG. That's the only info that I have. I got the pattern off of CPC several years ago, but it isn't there any more. Unfortunately, searches haven't turned up anything else for me. That'll teach me to be better at saving links!


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It is very pretty. It looks pretty close to this one: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/easy-lacy-double-shells-scarf and maybe this one: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/easy-lacy-shells-scarf but neither of them are by HeatherG. There is another in Lion Brand patterns called a Sweet Scallops Shawl. There is a heatherg on Ravelry but she does not show any finished projects. Tried to help you find the pattern while fighting my own insomnia but seem to be losing both battles. :/

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It is very pretty. It looks pretty close to this one: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/easy-lacy-double-shells-scarf and maybe this one: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/easy-lacy-shells-scarf but neither of them are by HeatherG. There is another in Lion Brand patterns called a Sweet Scallops Shawl. There is a heatherg on Ravelry but she does not show any finished projects. Tried to help you find the pattern while fighting my own insomnia but seem to be losing both battles. :/

Thank you for trying.:hug


That's her!!! :yay Thank you so much!!!:hug

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