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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good morning, lassies!!! Happy St Patty's Day!!!:clover:clover


Good luck at the :rabbit show today Mary!!!


Melani- Have a good time at the BB game and then doing NOTHING (put playing in :yarn) Sounds like you have a busy, but fun weekend planned!!!


Ann- Hope that the adjustments in your formula help!! I'm thinking about you with positive thoughts!:hug


Kuddles- Enjoy the zoo--and the nice weather!


Sue- How did Bruce like his first day?


My stepdaughter and step grandson are coming for a visit and arrive this afternoon. Needless to say, we are quite excited to see them and to meet the little guy in person. We've seen lots of video's and pictures, but there's nothing like seeing a little one up close and personal:)


Off to Trader Joe's this morning with DD and GS, so I'd better get to cleaning before she comes to pick me up!


Sue- there's a Joann's across the street from TJ's so I'll pop in to see if they have some :turtle fleece

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Bruce likes it there! I know most of the ladies he works with so he'd better be good or they'll call his wife! :lol


Joanne, thank for looking for me! Enjoy your company!


Ann, your formula has to be better than the one I use...fish and pedialyte in the blender! UCK! Get some rest and I hope you get it figured out! :hug


Mary, at least my :turtle let me sleep until 7. :lol


Hi Mama, Melani, Tonya, Sherry, Evelyn and everyone else! :hug



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Forgot to add the insanity at work. 11 turtles in 6 days. 5 of them big (50 or so pound) loggerheads. Unfortunately we've had 6 deaths too. :(


Having girl's night out at my former boss' tonight...I hope I don't fall asleep.



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Good morning!


Hi Melanie! Wow you are so busy! Find some 'you' time for sure!


Joanne and Sue and Mary - howdy gals and hope your day is wonderful! Sue, so glad Bruce liked it!


Lots to do today, but especially the zoo! OMG it is supposed to hit 80 today! Summer temps in mid march??????? But no rain so I'll take it! Baby K is over the moon to go!


Have a great day all! I already felted a stash buster tote this morning and it is drying right now!


Mama K

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Hi Everyone! Happy St. Patrick's Day! :clover


Mama K, have a great time at the zoo! Looking forward to seeing your new felted SBT!!!


Melani, wow, your kiddos sure have been keeping you busy! :lol Hope you find some time with your hooks and yarn! The play sounds like fun too though!


Mary, good luck at the show!!!


Joanne, enjoy your visit with your stepdaughter and step grandson!


Sue, glad Bruce likes his job! I'm sure those ladies will keep him in line! :lol And my formula feels like there is acid in it, but I'll take it over yours! YUCK! :lol

You've had a lot of turtles come in lately! Too bad about the deaths :( Have a great time at girl's night out! AND STAY AWAKE!!! :lol



Hugs and good thoughts to all! :hug

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!! :clover:clover:clover (be nice and don't pinch too hard for those that don't have green on)


Took oldest GS to karate, little one didn't want to go. So we won't enroll him but will the oldest one. He really likes it.


Mama K - enjoy your day at the zoo!! It will be 80 here too, but a chance of severe t-storms through Monday.


Joanne - enjoy your day!


Sue - glad Bruce likes his job and I"m sure the ladies will keep him in line :lol


Ann - glad to see you're here. Hope you can get things figured out, I'm with you, I don't think I'd like Sue's formula :eek


Well, I guess I'll go and do some crocheting and watch the boys play wii. We have another boy here today (one of DD's friend's boy), little one is "resting his body not his eyes." (yeah right, he's asleep although he told me he wouldn't go to sleep!)


Enjoy your weekend!

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Ah Sherry he is a complete doll! I just want to hug him!


Yeah they really ONLY do what they want to do, don't they!


I'm off to sew......yup not crochet. That is for sitting later watching TV after Baby K goes to sleep!


Love to all!

Mama K

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Hi Ann! :hug


Mama K

Hi Mama! :hug


Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!! :clover:clover:clover (be nice and don't pinch too hard for those that don't have green on)


Took oldest GS to karate, little one didn't want to go. So we won't enroll him but will the oldest one. He really likes it.


Well, I guess I'll go and do some crocheting and watch the boys play wii. We have another boy here today (one of DD's friend's boy), little one is "resting his body not his eyes." (yeah right, he's asleep although he told me he wouldn't go to sleep!)


Enjoy your weekend!

Glad the oldest one decided to join. Maybe the little one will change his mind later on. You must have your hands full with 3 boys today! :eek:lol


Here's a picture of my GS in his new karate uniform.

Awww, he's so cute!


I'm off to sew......yup not crochet. That is for sitting later watching TV after Baby K goes to sleep!


Love to all!

Mama K

Whatch sewing? Another purse? Sure wish that I could get my sewing machine to get along with me. We have never been on good terms! I'm lucky to manage a straight line occasionally! :lol


Have a great night everyone! :hug

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Hey everyone! Sounds like weekends are going well (except for Sue and the turtle deaths... :() and my weekend is no exception! Arielle's team won their game this morning, which means they won 2 out of 3 tournament games which qualified them for a medal! Talk about an excited team!! (And coach, and parents, too!!)


It's been a busy (and terrific) day here and I'm wiped out... just had to check in with all of you real quick!!


Sherry, your grandson is adorable!!


Hopefully I'll get the pictures off my camera tomorrow... if that happens I'll post a picture of Arielle with her medal... :)


:hug to you all!!

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Good morning.


Sherry-your grandson is adorable.


Melani-congrats to your daughter you all must be on cloud 9


Sue. Sorry about all the turtle deaths and I'm sorry to report that JoAnn's didn't have any fleece turtle fabric. Seems they had evey animal but turtles!!!


We had a great day yesterday the two little ones were so cute together. Needless to say I didn't get any crocheting done. But that's ok!!


Kuddles- can't wait to find out what you were sewing


Ann- how was your day?


If the weather cooperates we are going to take a ride "down the shore" today

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Girl's night was a blast! Pictionary got a little wacky and weird, but that's how we roll. :lol


No turtles came in yesterday or died. WOO HOO!


Have a great day! TGIF! :D



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Good morning all!


I finished the sewing....it was a small bag for Baby K to use for our short June vaca to the state park inn......It is a crossover 'purse' just her size with dogs fabric and she went nuts for it! Mainly because it is going to make her feel 'more' grown up! I'll try to get a picture and post......


Next up for sewing.....a purse for my mother. I found the cutest quilted butterfly fabric at Joanne's on sale and bought a yard. Then I got a pattern from Lazy Girl (sells purse and tote patterns) and I'm going to make her a purse! I already have the pieces cut out and interfaced......next up finding time to make it!


I am trying to use up some wool before I move (won't be able to use the machine to felt) and I did finish up and felt one of Sue's stash busters. Came out so pretty! (yes, I know picture please!). Next up, I'm going to do a messenger bag I believe. I have some denin color wool and I'm just just going to wing it. By now I am sure I can do that!


I now have so many sewn and crochet purses (cause I can't stop making them!) that I need to sell some! Etsy seems to be a place to sell patterns more than the items....I've searched and I don't think I could make enough. So I'll just keep making them and perhaps I'll do a craft fair one day.


Wow chatty aren't I this morning!


Well hope all of you have a great Sunday! I have to get moving.....we need to do our usual weekend Target run and I have housework that needs done, as always!


Love from Mama K

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Good Morning Ladies! I'm actually up and at 'em at a decent time today! :) Had a pretty good sleep last night too! :) I didn't get much accomplished yesterday, but that's ok, today's a new day! I did get outside for a couple minutes to enjoy the beautiful, if still a bit chilly weather. And I received a phone call from my cousin. She will visiting from OR for a week and will be here (to see me) next Sat! :clap She's like the big sister I never had. :manyheart What else....oh! I did start gd's kitty scarf yesterday too! So I guess it wasn't a total waste of a day! :lol Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday! :hug


Hey everyone! Sounds like weekends are going well (except for Sue and the turtle deaths... :() and my weekend is no exception! Arielle's team won their game this morning, which means they won 2 out of 3 tournament games which qualified them for a medal! Talk about an excited team!! (And coach, and parents, too!!)


It's been a busy (and terrific) day here and I'm wiped out... just had to check in with all of you real quick!!


Sherry, your grandson is adorable!!


Hopefully I'll get the pictures off my camera tomorrow... if that happens I'll post a picture of Arielle with her medal... :)


:hug to you all!!

Congrats to your daughter and her team! :cheer


Good morning.


We had a great day yesterday the two little ones were so cute together. Needless to say I didn't get any crocheting done. But that's ok!!


If the weather cooperates we are going to take a ride "down the shore" today

Aww, I bet the little ones were adorable together! Glad you had a good day! Hope the weather cooperates so you can take your ride to the shore! We talked about going last summer but never got there. :( Maybe this year! :)


Girl's night was a blast! Pictionary got a little wacky and weird, but that's how we roll. :lol


No turtles came in yesterday or died. WOO HOO!


Have a great day! TGIF! :D



Glad you had fun last night! Haven't played Pictionary in years! We used to have soooo much fun! Yeah, it got kind of weird and wacky then too! :lol Enjoy your Friday!

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Good morning all!


I finished the sewing....it was a small bag for Baby K to use for our short June vaca to the state park inn......It is a crossover 'purse' just her size with dogs fabric and she went nuts for it! Mainly because it is going to make her feel 'more' grown up! I'll try to get a picture and post......


Next up for sewing.....a purse for my mother. I found the cutest quilted butterfly fabric at Joanne's on sale and bought a yard. Then I got a pattern from Lazy Girl (sells purse and tote patterns) and I'm going to make her a purse! I already have the pieces cut out and interfaced......next up finding time to make it!


I am trying to use up some wool before I move (won't be able to use the machine to felt) and I did finish up and felt one of Sue's stash busters. Came out so pretty! (yes, I know picture please!). Next up, I'm going to do a messenger bag I believe. I have some denin color wool and I'm just just going to wing it. By now I am sure I can do that!


I now have so many sewn and crochet purses (cause I can't stop making them!) that I need to sell some! Etsy seems to be a place to sell patterns more than the items....I've searched and I don't think I could make enough. So I'll just keep making them and perhaps I'll do a craft fair one day.


Wow chatty aren't I this morning!


Well hope all of you have a great Sunday! I have to get moving.....we need to do our usual weekend Target run and I have housework that needs done, as always!


Love from Mama K

Hi Mama! Looks like we were posting at the same time! :lol Can't wait to see your purses! I don't know that much about Esty. I've never been able to figure it out, lol, but I sure wish I live closer to you so I could attend your craft fair! :D Have a great day! :hug

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Hi Mama! Looks like we were posting at the same time! :lol Can't wait to see your purses! I don't know that much about Esty. I've never been able to figure it out, lol, but I sure wish I live closer to you so I could attend your craft fair! :D Have a great day! :hug


I wish you lived closer just so I could :hug ya, honey!


Mama K

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Good Morning all!


Mama K - looking forward to seeing those new totes, especially the butterfly one! I used to do craft fairs, so I have some knowledge of what to do and not to do. LOL


Ann - glad you had a good night and hope you get lots done today!


Joanne - Enjoy your weekend.


Melani - congrats to your DD. I know she's excited that she got a medal.


Thanks for the nice comments on GS. He's really a nice boy just has some dark moments every once in a while.


DD and the boys will be going to church with us and then to lunch. Haven't heard from youngest DD so I don't know if she will be joining us or not. We're celebrating my birthday early since DH goes to bed so early during the week.


I finished the second RR for DD's friend!!! It's dark olive and green camo, doubled stranded, and it's on a double sized bed. Now back to my projects--my shawler and I need to get my RR down and finish it. I also have a SBT to do for one of GS's teachers.


Have a great day!! Hugs to all!


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Sherry, beautiful RR!! Wish I had the patience with these, I need smaller projects, more instant gratification!


I might pick your brain if I ever want to do a craft show! Trust me, that will be next year at the earliest, if then, gotta get moved this summer and settled!


Mama K

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No crying honey! Just lots of :manyheart!


Well gotta get to work...hopefully I can come back to 'play' later! :devil


Mama K

It's ok, they were happy tears, :):hug. Did you get your work done so you can play? That's all I've been doing, hanging out on Pogo! Had to get my bages for the week ya know! :lol


Good Morning all!


Mama K - looking forward to seeing those new totes, especially the butterfly one! I used to do craft fairs, so I have some knowledge of what to do and not to do. LOL


Ann - glad you had a good night and hope you get lots done today!


Joanne - Enjoy your weekend.


Melani - congrats to your DD. I know she's excited that she got a medal.


Thanks for the nice comments on GS. He's really a nice boy just has some dark moments every once in a while.


DD and the boys will be going to church with us and then to lunch. Haven't heard from youngest DD so I don't know if she will be joining us or not. We're celebrating my birthday early since DH goes to bed so early during the week.


I finished the second RR for DD's friend!!! It's dark olive and green camo, doubled stranded, and it's on a double sized bed. Now back to my projects--my shawler and I need to get my RR down and finish it. I also have a SBT to do for one of GS's teachers.


Have a great day!! Hugs to all!

Love the RR!!! Looking forward to seeing that shawler, now get to work lady! :lol (I should talk. I was gifted a sweater pattern I wanted, got the yarn last week, now I need to get to work on it!)

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It's ok, they were happy tears, :):hug. Did you get your work done so you can play?


Well yes I suppose I got the work done! Busy all day but a good busy, so nice out! Trying to get Baby K ready for bed soon, then I can sit and veg out and crochet on that felted messenger bag I'm making next!


Have a good nite all!

Mama K

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Had a lovely day today with the two little ones!! We all went out for a nice lunch together- my DD and SIL, step-daughter and her fiance and my DH and I plus the two little guys. It was a gorgeous afternoon so after lunch, we went down to the beach and then to the bay where there is a nice walkway and a playground. The little ones went on the swings and then we took them for a walk. It was such a lovely day and nice to be out by the water!!! A truly wonderful, relaxing weekend and I can't believe tomorrow it's back to paradise already!!!

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Just a quick hello to everyone

It wasnt very nice here for the last couple of days, wind rain and snow in the mnts, it was only in the 40's today, we are having winter again.

Im really bad because I havent crochet anything for a couple of weeks.

Hope you all have a good night

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