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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Me going for my yearly doctor appt = everything is great!


Me signing our new lease = fabulous future


Me watching Baby K out the craft room window playing in the dirt = priceless!


Mama K



Toni - sending healing prayers! I lost my mom last year, and it sucks. :hug


Mama K - Woot for everything!! :)


Ann - Woot for your hubby!! :)


Sue - Dancing and getting ready for the big "new job for Bruce" announcement!! :yay


Joanne - Sounds like Christmas in March - hanging with the DD and Ryan?? Woot!! :hug


Evelyn - :hi Good to hear from you! The weather has been insane...


Everyone - sending you all :hug and smiles!! I made a little bag for the little girl I watch on Friday's yesterday, and then she took it home and I forgot to take a picture of it. She loved it, though! :heart If she brings it back I'll try to remember to snap a pic of it and post it... :lol



It has been like "Christmas in March"- Yesterday after DD arrived from Beantown, we went and spent the rest of the day with my youngest DD, SIL and GS- got home around 11!! Today we'll head out this afternoon to celebrate middle DD's birthday! It's been :manyheart


well I had a good day at the rabbit show. Not only did I take BIS with my little polish rabbit in Show A..I also took it with her in show B too!
:clap Congratulations!!!!! Pretty Awesome!!!:clap


Finally feeling better, still have the horrible cough but hopefully it will soon go away. It's not the flu, just allergies that got out of hand. Little one woke up at 2 (or it is 3??) with a bad dream, and he went back to sleep. Hopefully I can go back to sleep soon.Hope you were able to fall back to sleep


Took the boys to karate yesterday morning. Little one stood out there with his class but didn't do anything but at least we didn't have to stand with him. Hopefully he'll start participating soon. Oldest one got a uniform, so we have to get it ready for next week. He's making small improvements each week!!!


Mama K - congrats on the new place. :clap Hoping it works well for you and Baby K.


Sue - praying that Bruce gets the job!!


Ann - hope you're doing well and staying warm.


Joanne - enjoy your time with family!!


Everyone have a great Sunday!

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday too!!!!


I got up at my regular time- but due to DST, it was about 6:15 AM instead of 5:15 AM! We'll have a long, but fun day today!!!


Hope you ALL enjoy your Sunday!!

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Good morning!


Melanie, thanks for the Woot! Still pinching myself! Of course Baby K keeps saying "i don't wanna move', wouldn't expect anything less from my angel!


Mary, Wow!!!


Joanne - I know right, isn't it great when things work out! Baby K's godmother insists on buying everything for her new room (curtain, new sheets and comforter, decorations) since she only had boys. I'll let her!


Ann/Sue - hope you are doing well today! and Sue, when will Bruce know about the job?


Well, now that I'm off to a late start due to the time change, better get going!


Love from Mama K

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Howdy everyone! Having an ok day. Haven't picked up my hooks yet, but I need to get going. I spoke to 2 of my gd's today and they have put in a request for a Hello Kitty scarf and a Cupcake purse! :lol Have a great Sunday all! :hug


Ann - Woot for your hubby!! :) He's the bestest! :manyheart


Everyone - sending you all :hug and smiles!! I made a little bag for the little girl I watch on Friday's yesterday, and then she took it home and I forgot to take a picture of it. She loved it, though! :heart If she brings it back I'll try to remember to snap a pic of it and post it... :lol



Doesn't it make it all worthwhile when they love what you make! :) Hope we get to see a pic sometime!


well I had a good day at the rabbit show. Not only did I take BIS with my little polish rabbit in Show A..I also took it with her in show B too!

Congrats!!! :cheer


Finally feeling better, still have the horrible cough but hopefully it will soon go away. It's not the flu, just allergies that got out of hand. Little one woke up at 2 (or it is 3??) with a bad dream, and he went back to sleep. Hopefully I can go back to sleep soon.

Glad you're feeling better! Hope you got some extra sleep!

Took the boys to karate yesterday morning. Little one stood out there with his class but didn't do anything but at least we didn't have to stand with him. Hopefully he'll start participating soon. Oldest one got a uniform, so we have to get it ready for next week.

He's making some progress! Little by little, he'll get there!


Ann - hope you're doing well and staying warm. I'm trying, but actually I'm freezing today, lol!


Joanne - enjoy your time with family!!


Everyone have a great Sunday!




It has been like "Christmas in March"- Yesterday after DD arrived from Beantown, we went and spent the rest of the day with my youngest DD, SIL and GS- got home around 11!! Today we'll head out this afternoon to celebrate middle DD's birthday! It's been :manyheart


:clap Congratulations!!!!! Pretty Awesome!!!:clap


Hope you have a wonderful Sunday too!!!!


I got up at my regular time- but due to DST, it was about 6:15 AM instead of 5:15 AM! We'll have a long, but fun day today!!!


Hope you ALL enjoy your Sunday!!

Happy Birthday to your DD!!! Sounds like you're having a great weekend! :clap

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:devilHi All!! Well, I finally got back to sleep at about 5 and at 6:30 the other GS woke me, so much for sleeping any more. Didn't even get a nap cause little one wouldn't go to sleep until almost 4. I dislike DST more every year--messes up everyone's sleep schedules. :(


Ann, glad you got a coupe of requests for some items. I just love it when my kids want me to make something.


Joanne - hope you enjoyed your weekend! Wait, don't you have another day off??? Enjoy it too.


Mama K - Baby K will adjust to the move, it will take just a little time. Glad you're getting some help with the new bedroom things!


Sue - any idea how long before you know about Bruce's job offer?


I won the book and thread giveaway from Mona!!!! WOOT!!! I'm so excited. :cheer:cheer My poor postman--first I get Mary Jo's tote (shaking so hard, I can't hardly open the box), then I got my order of Jimbo hooks (nearly snatched the box from his hands and told him I didn't care about the rest of the mail :lol He may decide it's to dangerous to deliver to me :devil


Well, I'm downloading DDs 468 pictures, I need t check and see how it doing! Then I'm gonna crochet some more.

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ok this is nothing to do with crocheting...and everything to do with :rabbit


Yesterday I attended a show and took Best in Show both shows!


The rabbit is a Polish and her name is Sweetbriar's Chocolate Kisses


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ok this is nothing to do with crocheting...and everything to do with :rabbit


Yesterday I attended a show and took Best in Show both shows!


The rabbit is a Polish and her name is Sweetbriar's Chocolate Kisses

Congrats! Is this the same show from Saturday that you posted about, or are these more shows?:think I love the name of the rabbit and she(he) is beautiful!!! What an awesome time for you:clap

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Good morning!


Had an awesome time yesterday! Dinner was fabulous and the game was fun! Of course it was great that the NJ Devils won:clap


DD loved the summer wrap and she was so happy with the Nook I gave her:) Her boyfriend was a tad jealous that she now has an e-reader~


Hope you all have a good Monday- and I'm so happy that I'm off today:)!

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Good morning!


Joanne, enjoy your much deserved day off! Woot!


Today, I go to the state office, then back to mine. Rain in the area and our temps on Wednesday are supposed to reach 80! What the what?????????


Have a super day all!


Mama K

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Today is the first day of my real 3 day weekend!! No school, no work!! :cheer


Mary, :rabbit is so cute! Congrats!


Joanne, glad you had a good time! :)


Sherry, I hope you get some rest to catch up on your sleep! :(


Mama, the move will be good. :hug


Thanks for the good vibes! We should know in the next couple days about the job. Not possitive he'll get it since another younger guy expressed interest in a job opening at the park long before this one was available, so they're checking him out first, but they said they were going to interview him and it wasn't like they would just give it to him. And when she talked to my boss about Bruce she sounded really interested in Bruce.


:hug to all!



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Enjoy your three day weekend of no school, no work, Sue!!!! Positive thoughts continuing for Bruce!!!


It was gorgeous outside here today!!! Simply gorgeous---I went for a walk, and then sat outside on the deck reading for a while.:manyheart A nice way to end what was a terrific weekend!!!! I could so get used to three day weekends!!!


DD is home safe and sound in Beantown and she said it's spring-like up there too and she was glad that she has a few hours of daylight to enjoy it.


Craft club tonight, and for a change, I'll actually be on time tonight since I'm not racing home from Paradise!

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Congrats! Is this the same show from Saturday that you posted about, or are these more shows?:think I love the name of the rabbit and she(he) is beautiful!!! What an awesome time for you:clap


There are shows now almost twice a month and for some stretches every week. April there is a whole pile of them. Have to watch entry costs when there is that many. But, for those that have shown other animals such as dog, cats, horses...our entry fees are $3.75/rabbit per show. Pretty cheap really. It is a "family" thing where there are entire families involved. Everyone is happy when someone else wins with lots of hugs and congratulations.



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Good morning!


Mary- The shows sound like a lot of fun!:rabbit


Had a nice time at craft club and worked some more on the 'brain-dead' afghan- it's the perfect project to work on while I'm there since I literally don't have to think. I'm thinking the SBT or CBT would be other good projects. Definitely can't work on something that requires counting or concentration!


Back to Paradise for me today- but at least it's a 4 day week!


Have a good one everybody!

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Good morning!


Glad you had fun Joanne!


Sue, still keeping fingers and toes crossed for Bruce on that job opportunity!


Supposed to be almost 70 today, record high of 80 tomorrow! This is insane! What will summer bring to Chicago? I hope not triple digits!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

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Looks like he got it! Just has to finish with the county stuff (background check, drug test and physical) to be sure, but he's already gone through that to be a volunteer. I don't think he has to do it again, we are waiting to hear. I didn't have to go through it again when I went from volunteer to employee. Thanks for all the wishes, prayers and dances! :hug



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Hi all! Did I really not check in here yesterday? :think Umm, I can't remember much of yesterday to tell the truth. Spent most of it on the couch dozing. I did manage to sit outside for a few minutes. Wow, it was gorgeous!


Joanne, glad you had a great long weekend! How far along are you on the Brain Dead ghan?


Sue, WOOT! :cheer:clap:cheer Hope he doens't have to repeat all the county stuff!


Sherry, hope you were able to catch up on your sleep. DST stinks! :lol Congrats on winning the book and thread giveaway! What hooks did you get from Jimbo? I love my Jimbo hooks!


Mary, congrats on another win!!! The :rabbit is so cute! Love her name! Those shows sound like a wonderful time!


Mama K, I'm going to check out your new Tic Tac Tote as soon as I leave here. I'm sure it's gorgeous!

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Not trying to steal Sue's thunder.....but she just emailed that Bruce got the job!


Can we all give a great, big WOOTIE WOOT WOOTINGTON!!!???


Congrats to Bruce and to you Sue!


Mama K

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Check out my new Tic Tac Totes in the show and tell thread.....



Love those totes!!! Gorgeous job as always!!!!:manyheart


Looks like he got it! Just has to finish with the county stuff (background check, drug test and physical) to be sure, but he's already gone through that to be a volunteer. I don't think he has to do it again, we are waiting to hear. I didn't have to go through it again when I went from volunteer to employee. Thanks for all the wishes, prayers and dances! :hug





Hi all! Did I really not check in here yesterday? :think Umm, I can't remember much of yesterday to tell the truth. Spent most of it on the couch dozing. I did manage to sit outside for a few minutes. Wow, it was gorgeous!


Joanne, glad you had a great long weekend! How far along are you on the Brain Dead ghan? I


Sue, WOOT! :cheer:clap:cheer Hope he doens't have to repeat all the county stuff!


Sherry, hope you were able to catch up on your sleep. DST stinks! :lol Congrats on winning the book and thread giveaway! What hooks did you get from Jimbo? I love my Jimbo hooks!


Mary, congrats on another win!!! The :rabbit is so cute! Love her name! Those shows sound like a wonderful time!


Mama K, I'm going to check out your new Tic Tac Tote as soon as I leave here. I'm sure it's gorgeous!

I'm about 60 rows into the "brain dead afghan" and I'm really liking it! I think I may give this to DD and SIL for their Anniversary in June since the colors will look GREAT in their family room!


Not trying to steal Sue's thunder.....but she just emailed that Bruce got the job!


Can we all give a great, big WOOTIE WOOT WOOTINGTON!!!???


Congrats to Bruce and to you Sue!


Mama K

WOOTIE WOOT WOOTINGTON!!!!!!:clap:clap:clap


Yup, like Mama said he got it!!



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Ann - I ordered 4 hooks, G, I, J, & K. I already have H and N. I really love my Jimbo hooks!


Mama K - will have to check out your newest tote.


Joanne - hope you enjoyed your crochet club last night.


DH is now sick with this crud that GS and I had. He's really sick, he's missed 2 days of work and will not go again tomorrow. It's not the flu but it acts like the flu, you hurt all over, have a fever, cough. Hopefully he'll be able to go back to work on Thursday. I'm feeling better but still tired from this stuff.


Well, I'd better go and check out Mama K's newest tote!


Have a great evening.

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