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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Hi Ann honey! You were missed!!


Yup Baby K was gorgeous! Temps have dropped here, snow soon. But NOT 8 inches! Thank goodness!


Mama K

Hi Mama! Stay warm! I've been freezing all day! :lol A couple of my good friends went on a cruise to Cancun! I want to be there! :c9 I bet Baby K looked so cute for her pics! I love looking back at the school pics of my boys. It's so cute seeing the difference in them from year to year. I love the years that they are missing their front teeth! :lol

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good afternoon everyone. I get an unexpected 3 day weekend since I found out today I have walking pneumonia. so my dr. banned me from going to work. I dont know which to do celebrate or frown since I hate calling in, but was really not feeling well last night and not sure how bad I would feel tonight.

I think i will work on my tote again tonight. i keep moving around on my projects.

hope everyone has a nice weekend

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good afternoon everyone. I get an unexpected 3 day weekend since I found out today I have walking pneumonia. so my dr. banned me from going to work. I dont know which to do celebrate or frown since I hate calling in, but was really not feeling well last night and not sure how bad I would feel tonight.

I think i will work on my tote again tonight. i keep moving around on my projects.

hope everyone has a nice weekend



Mama K

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good afternoon everyone. I get an unexpected 3 day weekend since I found out today I have walking pneumonia. so my dr. banned me from going to work. I dont know which to do celebrate or frown since I hate calling in, but was really not feeling well last night and not sure how bad I would feel tonight.

I think i will work on my tote again tonight. i keep moving around on my projects.

hope everyone has a nice weekend

Hope you feel better soon! :hug

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Hi all,

Prayers for all those in the wake of these horrible tornadoes- such devastation!


Kuddles- love that tote- and I have those colors in Cotton Ease (which I had also picked up on clearance) Stay warm!


Ann- The vendor we are using for our project is in Mass and lost power the other day because of the storms- Wow 8 inches!!! Hope you are feeling ok. I've been working on the brain dead afghan and making good progress- for the little amt of time I have to crochet!


Tonya- Enjoy the weekend off- although sorry to hear you are sick to get it off!


Jana- Yes, TGIF-- I can only imagine how stressful things have been for you! Hugs!!!


Paradise was a bear today, but the first milestone on my project was completed today--just in the nick of time!--I was glad that we met the deadline- but there is so much more work to be done-- I'm glad I'm off this weekend to re-group and de-stress!!!

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Hey gang! Just checking in real quick - first of all, all the projects that have been posted? LOVE them all!! :manyheart


Thoughts and prayers going out to those that need them (and the rest of you, just because!)... :hug:ghug


Also, I wanted to let you know I did send Ducky a snail-mail card last Tuesday (the day after President's Day), but I haven't heard anything from her yet... has anyone seen any posts from her recently? I know some of you are connected through face book...


We have another basketball tournament tomorrow (this is for Arielle, my third grader), so that's what I'll be doing! Then 3 more practices and the final tournament is in two weeks... :whew


The week of the 12th my son Michael will have two concerts, the weekend after Arielle's final tournament is Michael's State Solo & Ensemble performance, as well as the play he's in (that night)... I was hoping March was going to slow down a bit, but I suppose I need to wait for April!! :lol


I do read the posts, just don't always say anything... :)


Until next time... :hug

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[quote name=crabby rat;2431510

Also' date=' I wanted to let you know I did send Ducky a snail-mail card last Tuesday (the day after President's Day), but I haven't heard anything from her yet... has anyone seen any posts from her recently? I know some of you are connected through face book...



I havent seen her on Facebook in a while.

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Hey gang! Just checking in real quick - first of all, all the projects that have been posted? LOVE them all!! :manyheart


Thoughts and prayers going out to those that need them (and the rest of you, just because!)... :hug:ghug


Also, I wanted to let you know I did send Ducky a snail-mail card last Tuesday (the day after President's Day), but I haven't heard anything from her yet... has anyone seen any posts from her recently? I know some of you are connected through face book...


We have another basketball tournament tomorrow (this is for Arielle, my third grader), so that's what I'll be doing! Then 3 more practices and the final tournament is in two weeks... :whew


The week of the 12th my son Michael will have two concerts, the weekend after Arielle's final tournament is Michael's State Solo & Ensemble performance, as well as the play he's in (that night)... I was hoping March was going to slow down a bit, but I suppose I need to wait for April!! :lol


I do read the posts, just don't always say anything... :)


Until next time... :hug

I remember those busy days/weeks/months so well!! It's great that your children are so involved in various activities even if it keeps you running around in a whirlwind!!! Good luck to Arielle in the the tournament, Michael in his solo/ensemble performance and you in keeping it all together!:)
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Tonya, feel better!! :hug


Mama, love the tote! :cheer


Joanne, YEA on finising the project!! :cheer


Sherry, Jana, Melani and Ann, :hug


Still dealing with this stupid headache. :(



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Joanne, YEA on finising the project!! :cheer


Still dealing with this stupid headache. :(



Only the first of many deadlines in this project is done- but, hey, one is done!! :lol


Hope that headache goes away:hug:hug


I told DH I was going to a grand opening of a new LYS today so he said, well then, I think I'll head over to PC Warehouse while you are doing that! Gee I wonder why he doesn't want to go to the LYS with me? :think:devil)

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Morning Everyone! Checking in quick. We're off to visit the grands today. They're having a birthday party for GD #2. She just turned 3yrs old! :cheer The party is at the gym where she and her sister & cousin take classes. It should be interesting! :lol Hug and prayers to all that need them and even just because. Hope you all have a wonderful day! :hug


Ann- The vendor we are using for our project is in Mass and lost power the other day because of the storms- Wow 8 inches!!! Hope you are feeling ok. I've been working on the brain dead afghan and making good progress- for the little amt of time I have to crochet!


Paradise was a bear today, but the first milestone on my project was completed today--just in the nick of time!--I was glad that we met the deadline- but there is so much more work to be done-- I'm glad I'm off this weekend to re-group and de-stress!!!

Glad you're making progress on your ghan too. I'm so glad that I decided to drop the Mystery CAL. It just wasn't meant to be this year. Boy, I'm glad we didn't lose power with this storm! I want it to all melt away now and the flowers to grow! :lol WTG on completing your first milestone! Hope you get lots relaxing time in this weekend! :hug



We have another basketball tournament tomorrow (this is for Arielle, my third grader), so that's what I'll be doing! Then 3 more practices and the final tournament is in two weeks... :whew


The week of the 12th my son Michael will have two concerts, the weekend after Arielle's final tournament is Michael's State Solo & Ensemble performance, as well as the play he's in (that night)... I was hoping March was going to slow down a bit, but I suppose I need to wait for April!! :lol


I do read the posts, just don't always say anything... :)


Until next time... :hug

Boy, do I remember those days! Good luck to Arielle and Michael! And to you too! :lol:hug


Still dealing with this stupid headache. :(




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Hi Melani, Sue and Joanne, and everyone else not on here yet!


Good morning!


My left hand is so sore....I am thinking arthritis.....thank goodness not my right, I can still crochet! But boy is it sore! I'm 55 and falling apart! LOL


Prayers are being sent by all those affected by the storms!


Joanne - tell us what you end up buying today!


Love to all!


Mama K

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Hi Melani, Sue and Joanne, and everyone else not on here yet!


Good morning!


My left hand is so sore....I am thinking arthritis.....thank goodness not my right, I can still crochet! But boy is it sore! I'm 55 and falling apart! LOL


Prayers are being sent by all those affected by the storms!


Joanne - tell us what you end up buying today!


Love to all!


Mama K


:hug:hug I totally feel your pain, Mama--this getting old is for the birds!!! But thankfully it's your left hand.


I'll be sure to let you know what I end up with! (all depends on prices, and how they act towards a :crocheting but do want to support an indie shop) I've been in some LYS's that are totally knit-centric and that kind of turns me off. We are all fiber artists--no matter the craft!!!


Ann- Happy Birthday to your GD!!!! Have fun !!!!!:)

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OMG, I'm losing it! Thank God I called DIL. THE PARTY IS TOMORROW!!! :rofl Good thing I didn't have DH drive us all that way in this weather to find an empty building, especially after him working a 10 hr shift! :eek Now I have plenty of time to replace the birthday card that I somehow misplaced too! :lol Geez, it's going to be one of those weekends!


My left hand is so sore....I am thinking arthritis.....thank goodness not my right, I can still crochet! But boy is it sore! I'm 55 and falling apart! LOL


Love to all!


Mama K

Ouchy, glad it's not your right hand, but still wish you didn't have the pain. :hug


Hi Ann! We were typing at the same time! Love to you!


Mama K


Back to you Mama K :hug


I'll be sure to let you know what I end up with! (all depends on prices, and how they act towards a :crocheting but do want to support an indie shop) I've been in some LYS's that are totally knit-centric and that kind of turns me off. We are all fiber artists--no matter the craft!!!


Ann- Happy Birthday to your GD!!!! Have fun !!!!!:)

Hope the LYS is crochet friendly! Looking forward to hearing about all kinds of goodies! :devil See above about the party :blush

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Joanne, I hear ya sometimes it is called a yarn shop but only caters to knitters. I am as worthy as a knitter dang it!


Ann, LOL! Thanks for the chuckle you cutie pie!


Mama K

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I loved the LYS--so friendly and welcoming!!!! The owner asked if I knitted or crocheted and when I told her I was a hooker- she said she crochets too--(but she does also knit). It is such a warm, cozy shop- love how it is set up! :manyheart I did buy some cotton yarn-:devil Universal yarn cotton supreme --and I'll definitely go back!


I had to chuckle Ann--so glad that you called and your DH didn't drive you guys all the way to an empty gym!!! Hope your day is going well.

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I loved the LYS--so friendly and welcoming!!!! The owner asked if I knitted or crocheted and when I told her I was a hooker- she said she crochets too--(but she does also knit). It is such a warm, cozy shop- love how it is set up! :manyheart I did buy some cotton yarn-:devil Universal yarn cotton supreme --and I'll definitely go back!


I had to chuckle Ann--so glad that you called and your DH didn't drive you guys all the way to an empty gym!!! Hope your day is going well.


Sounds like fun! Good for you!


Mama K

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I loved the LYS--so friendly and welcoming!!!! The owner asked if I knitted or crocheted and when I told her I was a hooker- she said she crochets too--(but she does also knit). It is such a warm, cozy shop- love how it is set up! :manyheart I did buy some cotton yarn-:devil Universal yarn cotton supreme --and I'll definitely go back!


I had to chuckle Ann--so glad that you called and your DH didn't drive you guys all the way to an empty gym!!! Hope your day is going well.

Glad you had fun! Glad I gave you a chuckle too! :lol At least the weather is supposed to be better tomorrow! :)

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Good morning!!!


Have fun at the party today, Ann!!!! Glad that the weather is going to be better!


I'm going to have my coffee and crochet for a bit while DH is still sleeping. Later on, we have to go and get the headlight in my car replaced since I noticed late yesterday that it had burned out.



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Good morning all!


Sounds like Joanne has found a place to enable her addiction!! Glad they welcome crocheters! We have a shop close to where I live but I've never been in it yet. One day I'll get there.


Ann - have fun at the party!


Sue - hope the headache gets better soon!


Mama K - hope your weekend is fun.


Had a very busy day yesterday, took boys to karate (little one actually did one of the exercises but was bribed to do it--DD said she's take him to 7-11 to get a drink and chips-LOL), then came home and took my friend shopping, then got home and went to my nephew's birthday dinner. We got there and forgot that there were state basketball tournaments going so we had to wait for a while. The meal was good but tried to tell the server who was supposed to be on our ticket but she wouldn't put them together like we asked as we were not all sitting together. When we got our tickets, they were all wrong. She redid them about 4 or 5 times and everytime they were wrong. We ended up getting the manager but our ticket was still wrong but I paid it anyway. My meal wasn't on the ticket but my nephew's was, but I decided just to pay and go on. I think it was at least 30-45 minutes to get the tickets. Manager apologoized and not to worry about mine not being on the ticket.


Have a great day all!

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Good morning!


Yikes Sherry! What a mess! Hope you can have a better day today!


Hope you all have a great day! I got a babysitter and am going out with my BFF for several hours to lunch, to Joannes, to have adult time! YIPPEE! Baby K is very excited that her grown cousin is coming over to play with her!


Well, gotta get the house in order before she comes over! Yikes!


Love to all from Mama K

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Hi All! Had a wonderful time at the birthday party! The gym was very nice. It is actually set up more for younger kids so they were all safe. It was so cute seeing them on the balance beams and those bars (can't remember what you call them, lol). They even had some size exercise equipment! Of course, I think the favorite was the bouncy house! And wouldn't you know it, I forgot my camera at home! Maddie is crawling and pulling herself up now! Sweet little thing wore herself out and fell asleep in my arms. That made for one happy grammy! :c9 I got to see all 5 of my grandkids today too!:D Hope you all had a great day! :hug



Joanne, hope you got that headlight fixed! Did you do anything else today? Hopefully something fun! :lol


Sherry, boy, that sounds like a mess at the restaurant! You'd think the manager could have gotten it straightened out. Glad you got the boys, even the little one to do the karate exercises! Sometimes you just need to nudge them along! Works for sometimes too! :lol


Mama K, Woot! Sounds like you had a great day planned! Hope all went well!


Sue, hope you're feeling better today!


Tonya, hope you're feeling better too!


Enjoy the rest of the weekend, what's left of it! Hugs to all that need them! :hug

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