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Vent: "not your grandmother's crochet..." and other words to that affect

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Hmmmm... I have no compunction about telling my age. I'm 60. Telling or not telling won't change that. I am 60 AND I crochet lace doilies, wear wire rims (if that happens to be what I last bought, but they all are tri-focals anymore no matter what!), my hair is turning silver and I love aprons!




ETA what I should have said: Take that, Madison Avenue!

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Hmmmm... I have no compunction about telling my age. I'm 60. Telling or not telling won't change that. I am 60 AND I crochet lace doilies, wear wire rims (if that happens to be what I last bought, but they all are tri-focals anymore no matter what!), my hair is turning silver and I love aprons!




Even though I said that I like the whole "women of a certain age, " I don't lie about my age, I'll be 52 in 2 months...yeah, I know, I'm a youngin' to some...do have a few wrinkles, there might be a gray hair, but they are hard to find (few, but they are usually hiding under my blondie streaks...) I do crochet lace doilies, I do wear wire rims, but they are bifocals...I do love aprons too, but I'm horrible about wearing them like I should. I like the domestic arts, but you wouldn't have known it back when I was in school living at home. I do consider myself a feminist, but I bristled when Hillary Clinton was First Lady and made the whole, "I'm not staying at home baking cookies..." comment. I admire all those who have truly made their lives worth while for themselves...if that means running a Fortune 500 company or having good relationship with their families, so be it...


In my first marriage, I had worried that the man I married would be old school in the sense that "he wouldn't let me work outside the home..." Instead he was insistent that I work a full time job outside the home, AND keep up with everything in our very stressful lives. What I realized then that this was just as bad as having a husband who forbade his wife making money with a job outside the home. Because there was no negotiation...I didn't have a choice, unless I left him. Fast forward to today, I'm married to a man that not only gives me a real choice in the matter, he supports my choice. Who knew that I'd relish being a stay at home wife. And my days are full! But with half the stress. Helps that we are the right person for each other.


My mother sent me a video today featuring a woman Texas who completely lost her eyesight before she knew what her God given gifts were...turns out her gifts are in making quilts. And I say, "God bless her..."

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Hmmmm... I have no compunction about telling my age. I'm 60. Telling or not telling won't change that. I am 60 AND I crochet lace doilies, wear wire rims (if that happens to be what I last bought, but they all are tri-focals anymore no matter what!), my hair is turning silver and I love aprons!




ETA what I should have said: Take that, Madison Avenue!


I missed the Madison Avenue comment...Amen.

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I have to laugh when somebody tells me that only grannies crochet. My grandmother never crocheted; she sewed and I always wished that I could sew like she did. But I love my crocheting. It's something I tend to do when I feel the stress clawing at me.


I have found myself putting on my headphones and losing myself in my crocheting more frequently lately (since my son has discovered the teenage attitude). I even go in and sit at work with my headphones on and crochet when my boyfriend works. I clock in at 10 pm and I sit down before that sometimes for as much as 6 hours. In fact, someone actually tried to get me in trouble for it by making it sound as if I was on the clock while working on it.


Anyway, I crochet and I'm proud of that fact. I hope that people come to understand that it's because of people like us that crochet that they can have homemade stuff like afghans and such in their homes without having to make them themselves.

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Hmmmm... I have no compunction about telling my age. I'm 60. Telling or not telling won't change that. I am 60 AND I crochet lace doilies, wear wire rims (if that happens to be what I last bought, but they all are tri-focals anymore no matter what!), my hair is turning silver and I love aprons!




ETA what I should have said: Take that, Madison Avenue!


I tell my age too and it's 54 as of Monday. I also wear wire frame bi-focal glasses. My hair, well, it's uh what ever the latest color I dye it is and right now it's dark blonde at least that's what the bottle said. :) I still think I'm going to go with calling myself a woman of a certain age next year because there is a certain pizazz to it. Obviously, by looking at me it is apparent that I'm no spring chicken.

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My parents live in a gated community for 62+ and a lot of the ladies do all kind of needle works and other activities you wouldn't think "women of a certain age" would do. Some ladies even made a "special calender" (think Calender Girls) :lol. I'm 50 and have been :crocheting since I was about 13 (?), to long to remember.

Ellie 13

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I hate over used marketing terms! DH's favorite is "harvest-fill in the blank". Suppose to make you think natural, wholesome.


And I think crochet is done pretty much the way my grandma did it. A double crochet is still a double crochet, a pineapple is still a pineapple.

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