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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:hi everybody,


This has to be quick: I am so far behind on my Christmas crocheting I need to stay off the computer!


Joanne, have a good Delta Force Day!


Colleen, the Santa Clause parade sounded like fun! Ending with hot chocolate and popcorn sounds perfect!


Stacy, your FIL and dh are in my prayers. Please keep us posted.


Shannon, I hope your NO trips was wonderful!


Mary, Thinking of you with the grandchildren. Love the Facebook picture.


LeaAnne, how was your weekend? Are your chickens all well?


Vicki, :cheer for no headache! :cheer for husbands that clean! I don't think my dh knows where we keep our vacuum! Tell him that he gets extra points from the super secret society of imaginary crocheting hottie bestie bullies, or something like that?:think


Scooby, I hope you get a little break from all your unpacking! You are an inspiration!


Jennifer, we keep thinking about you. Hope all is well.


My mil asked me to "knit" her a hat. She wants something from ear to ear that ties under the chin, or chins. (Love that woman! She's not afraid to admit that she could lose a couple of pounds!) Does anyone have any ideas where I could legally procure a pattern for something like that? Like I need something else to crochet! But I love it when someone asks me for something.

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Good morning all! It is raining here and a cold front in pushing through. The temps should drop a little this week.

I am so running late this morning! I don't know what happened! I got up a few minutes early and ended up about ten minues late! AAAHHH! Anyway, I almonst finished the last pink square for DD. I just need to the the trim round on it. Then I have one more purple square and then I can put it all together. YAY!

Stacy - How is your FIL? Any news yet?

Beth - There has to be a pattern here somewhere that you can use. I bet if you posted the question someone would point you in the right direction.

Joanne - Can't wait to see pics of the ghan!

Hope everyone has a great day today and I will check in later!


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Good Monday morning all!


Beth - There are a couple adult-sized hats at CPC called "Ear Flap Hat" or something like that. I'm sure that would be a great place to start. Good luck!


Vicki - Running late on a Monday...Murphy's law. Nothing you can do about it. Have a good day!


Stacy - I hope your FIL is doing alright. Thinking about you!


Everyone else - Have a great day!


I'm off to take DD to school and then I'm working for part of the morning. I'm looking forward to getting some cleaning done after that and then my :hook wants to keep going on those dishcloths. Never feel guilty making a dishcloth :D

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:hi, all!


Stacy -:hug:hug:hug:( How is your FIL? I am praying for him...


Beth - I know what you mean about being behind... I am too!:eek (:cheerwe can do it though, right?!:cheer) Good news is DH is now asking "hey, aren't you going to sit and :crocheting a while? You have some gifts to do" (I am secretly thinking that I should make BIL's ghan last, so I can take this "permission slip" for all it's worth:devil:rofl)


Colleen - the Santa Claus parade sounds like so much fun! I am glad you got a dreat day for it:D:hug


Joanne - I also was thinking that you could tell DH you are making scarves! Great minds think alike (right, Colleen?). You could say that you are making scarves for your co-workers (some kind of team theme gift), that way, he wouldn't wonder why you are making 5! Good luck with finishing your other gifts, so we can start at the end of the week!


Vicki - you seem very intrigued by the flannel-ghan... I say you try it with us!:clap You could do it in green and white for DH's J-E-T-S. In my house, those colors would only be for :ctree or St. Patrick's Day (.... hmmmm holiday themed 'ghans???:think:scrachin I need to think some more on that:dreaming)


Scooby - how are you doing? Did you get lost in that stash??? :rofl ...at least I am praying that you got to play with it this weekend! :hug


Shannon - :thinkI think you are coming home today? I hope your visit was just heavenly:c9 ... Hey, Hey, Hey! HOWZA BOUT DEM SAINTS:? :D:jumpyay:2rock


:hi Mary!!!! Are you resting up after a very successful show? I hope you are enjoying a few more days with DD:hug


Hi, Jenn! Joanne is right... we ARE thinking of you, and hoping that you and your family are well:hug



I have some chores to get done this morning (Mondays are always more work around here:eek:blush)... then I need to decide what project to play with this week. I'll let you know later what I decided on.


Have a wonderful day!



p.s. I on purposely didn't mention the Patriots :irk:oops:blush

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I have been :lurk quickly over the weekend when time prevented which wasn't often :lol. Or should I say not often enough for me. Let's see, Friday, I got the rest of the rooms set up and the furniture in place. Friday evening DF and I had to go out and pick up some stuff at walmart and we went to a chinese buffet for dinner. We also stopped by the Goodwill and yes I found a bunch more :yarn and other craft stuff that I really didn't need but couldn't resist.Saturday, I got all the clothes back on hangers, our closet cleaned out, all the clothes folded in drawers, and all the :wash done (about 8 or 9 loads), DS's closet cleaned out, and lots of boxes unpacked and put away or sorted for storage. The craft room got crammed again with Misc boxes. I worked on the craft room yesterday some, but wasn't feeling well as Aunt Myrtle decided it was time for her once a month visit and she unpacked all her bags :(. I have four of my six shelves organized with :yarn and thread. Still trying to make room for all the furniture in that room but it is slowly coming together :clap:cheer:yay.

Today I am working in the craft room again, unpacking boxes or sorting out for storage, I have to load all the blankets and comforters in my truck to take to the laundry (but not going to laundrymat today), I have to fix my little settee/bench as the material got busted and the stuffing is falling out, and finish unloading the dishes :xfin. It seems like my boxes keep multiplying like :rabbit, :lol. I get two unpacked and look around and there are 4 more.

When I get caught up or semi caught up, I will come back and respond to everyone. Hope everyone is having an awesome day. Talk to ya later!!!!!:hug:hug:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone!

LeaAnne-:lol about the Patriots- no wonder you didn't mention it! Enough said!


Scooby-:lol about the multiplying boxes! Hope you got some more done- and will get a chance to sit and crochet with all the stash you have- Your stash is another thing that seems to multiply!:lol


Colleen- You are right- keep on :crocheting those dischcloths!! Hope work wasn't too tiring and that DD had another great day at school.


Vicki- :yayfor no headache! and :yayfor almost finishing DD's squares!!! I agree with LeaAnne, come join us with a Flannelghan-:yes:yes:yes JETS colors would be great. I wanted to do Yankee colors, but Michael's wasn't cooperative in that they had no blue!!!


Beth- I was going to suggest CPC and also http://www.yarncat.com. There are lots of hats on that site- didn't check to see if they have any that have earflaps and tie under the chins:lol. It is nice when someone asks you to crochet something for them- you know that they will use it!!!


Shannon- Hope you had a safe trip home from NO, LA


Mary- How did the show go? Love the pics on FB- your GK's are sooo cute!!


Stacy- thinking about you and praying for your FIL.


Jen- thinking about you and hoping all is well.


I spoke to my crochet co-worker at work and she suggested another skein of yarn for the ghan I am working on. I think I probably agree...although I'm kind of bored with it. I want to move on to something else, but think I'll bite the bullet and just work on it tonight and see how far I can get. I want to make some "instant gratification" hats before I start on the next big project, the flannelghan.


Does anyone want to support me so I can stay home all day and :crocheting:yes


Have a great night HBB'S!

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Just stopping by to see what everyone is doing. Of course I am still unpacking boxes etc etc. Will it ever be done :lol



Is this what you are looking for Beth?







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Scooby- thanks for the link to that hat- I had seen it b/4 and forgotten to print it out- my DD would love something like this. I think I'll try this one after I finish the ghan and b/4 I start the flannelghan


Hope this is something Beth can use too!!!

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HI all! Dinner is done and I am ready to work on stuff for my paper. I just had to stop in and see how everyone was doing!


Joanne - I may have to try the flannel ghan. I don't know about Jet colors. They don't deserve that much hommage. Maybe Ranger colors. That may work. Red and blue are always a good combination!


LeaAnne - NOW I know why you didn't mention the Patriots game. I didn't know the end until I came home and hubby told me. When he was explaining it I was picturing it and I said "What was he thinking!?!"


Beth - Did you find a pattern that you liked for your MIL's hat?


Scooby - I :lol at the multiplying boxes! They do that when you are empyting them!


Colleen - How was DD's day at school? Does she seem to be enjoying it more? I hope so.


Stacy - I hope everything is okay.


Shannon - How was your visit?


I may have spoken too soon about my headaches. I have one tonight. I took some medicine, but I don't think it is as bad as other times. We'll see.


Off to do my paper and finish DD's pink square. Only one more to do after this one!





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Vicki, Sorry you have a :headache again. I hope it isn't too bad. :cheer for the progress on DD's afghan! It will be done soon! I wish I could actually finish something soon!


Joanne, :lol about having time to crochet if someone supports you! I'm supposed to be a SAHM, but I swear I'm never here! and when I am, I have so much to do... I actually sat at the ballet studio for 2 1/2 hours tonight to try to get time to crochet. It didn't work. The parents expect me to be working if they see me there.


Scooby, The kids would say you are a BEAST! (That's a good thing) You don't seem to ever stop unpacking! We're here :cheer you on! Watch out for those proliferating boxes! Can you select which ones multiply? Maybe if you unpack the yarn boxes last, you'll have a bigger stash??? Thanks for the links. I really like those hats. I don't know if that's what she has in mind, though. They seem too young for her. I asked for more clarification from her. We communicate by e-mail. She is a true night owl. I really appreciate you looking up those links for me:hug I may have to make some hats like that for family members that live further north.


LeaAnne, your dh is encouraging you to :crocheting? You need to keep that man! I like the idea of saving the BIL's afghan til the end. You are clever!


Mary, thinking of you with the grandkids and kids and the craft fair. Can't wait for an update. The pics are wonderful on facebook. You look SO happy with the wee one.


Shannon, I miss you!!! I hope you are safe and happy.


Stacy, how are things at your house? Any roomie situations come up? Is your car behaving itself? I would have needed to change my shorts if the accelerator stuck on me. You are a very level-headed woman!!! Any words of wisdom from your delightful daughters?


Colleen, Dishcloths sound like a great idea -- a good gift, but something useful to have at home, too. How is DD doing at school? How does DH like his new job? How is work, now that you aren't working as often? Does it feel different?


Jennifer, thinking of you!


I HAVE to finish two more motifs on my sil's afghan tonight, or I'll be behind. I guess I should go! Take care, HBB's!

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Hi everyone!


Well FIL was given an IV and his b/p stabilized. He went home yesterday afternoon and we spent most of the night over there. The bloodwork and CT scan came back negative. I don't know why they didn't do an MRI, given his symptoms, but I digress. He was sent home with an anti-dizziness med and orders to not work for a week. Plus he cannot be left alone for 3 or 4 days, so Jorge took off work. His brother came up, too, so I think we are covered full-time until Thursday morning. I will end up going over after I drop off Isabella at school. He looks much better than yesterday, but is still very weak and tired. He had a check-up with his dr. this morning and won't tell anyone what was said (wouldn't let Jorge go in with him, either.) The only thing he has said is that if anything ever happens, he doesn't want life support. :blush He has to go back tomorrow to a specialist who will do some sugar tests and other things the hospital didn't perform.


I will go read through all of the posts and catch up, then come back later to post to everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. :hug

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Stacy, was FIL's b.p. or pulse too low? Those symptoms sound very much like my MIL (Nanny Jeanne). She was getting dizzy/nauseous and it was when her pulse went too low. That's why she got the pacemaker.

I will continue to pray for him:hug:hug


Beth, good luck with your 'ghan motifs! You are absolutely right on about the SAHM job description having nothing at all to do with being home! :rofl Your post made me laugh, as I totally related:devil. I think the term SAHM must have been for Donna Reed and June Cleaver:lol


Joanne, tell DH to be your "sugar daddy" so you can stay home and :crocheting! :rofl You are so funny!


Vicki, :lol about the Jets-ghan... I like the idea of red and blue, too! Hoping your :headache goes away soon...


Scooby, All that unpacking and box multiplying and you found time to link patterns for us?! WOW! :nworthy... when I grow up, I want to be as productive as you are!:lol Just kidding... I am not growing up - EVER! :rofl

You inspire me more than you could ever know:hug:hug


:hi, Colleen I hope work and school were great for your house today... how is DH liking that job?


Mary and Shannon - I miss my sisters!!!!! I hope you are both well, and can't wait to hear about all of your adventures:hug:hug

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I hope everyone is having a good evening.


LeaAnne - I think Joanne should ask Mr. imanurse to be her "yarn daddy" instead of her sugar daddy :rofl That is fantastic that Mr. Stitchintime is supporting your :crocheting. Give him a little smiley face guy :hug from me for being "husband of the day".


Vicki - Yours earned husband of the day yesterday for vacuuming, but don't tell him because it is secret underground information :wink


Stacy - Prayers continue for your FIL. Hopefully the tests help the Dr.'s figure out what is going on and hopefully he obeys their orders!


Beth - SAHM is a FULL time job. When people are home all day it makes more dishes :lol A "Beast", eh? Haven't heard that one. My DD is lately in giggles over silly words like "pee" and "poopy". Ah the wonderful things they learn at school :sigh Quick story, because I know you like the little kid stories. We bought a Lego Advent calendar yesterday. It is a big cardboard box and behind each little door there are the pieces for a small Lego project. Anyway, DD is VERY excited about this advent calendar but does not want to wait for December 1st to start it. So, she went up to her room with her pencil and crossed off all the remaining days of November so it could be December and she could start her calendar. :lol


Scooby - :nworthy 'nough said.


Shannon - Are you home yet? We are missing our Shannon-ness. How was New Orleans?


Mary - How was the craft fair? I thought about you lots this weekend.


Joanne - Good luck finishing that 'ghan. Your :hook has been on-fire lately! If Mr. imanurse agrees to be your yarn daddy ask him if he'll be mine too :yes:D:rofl


Have a good one ladies.

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Oh ya, almost forgot. I made another dishcloth today. I've got 4 done and most of a grocery bag still full of cotton. I started another one after that but something went wrong when I attached a second ball of yarn. So, I fastened off and I'll use the 2/3 partly wonky dishcloth myself.


DD had a good day at school. She still carries on a bit before school but once there she does fine. After school she says she loves it, so it is getting better.

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I'm feeling kind of lonely tonight, anyone out there? Oh well, I'll share another story. This morning while leaving for work I drove over a bag of green garbage at the bottom of our driveway (that's our compostables). I pulled over the car and got out to tidy up the mess. The bag had burst. Off I went to work only to come home a couple hours later to discover nearly 2 week old chocolate cake smeared across my temple :rofl


I was just browsing at barbie patterns. DD is concerned her dolls are going to be cold now that winter is coming. So, I've got to come up with a sweater or something. Another one of her dolls needs a snowsuit apparently. :think


Bye! I guess I'll go to bed now.

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Hi Besties!


I've missed you all! I can't stay as I am EXHAUSTED, but I wanted to let you all know that we made it home. Well, to Honey's house anyway. We're spending the night over here tonight. I didn't feel like driving home. We've had a rough couple of days. DD is sick. She can't talk and her throat is very, very sore. To the point where she won't swallow. So we went straight from NOLA to her doctor today. She has a virus and it just has to run its course. They wanted to give her Benadryl, but she can't have that with her seizure meds. Say a little prayer for her please.


Stacy- I am praying for your FIL and I hope all of his tests go okay. Please keep us updated.


I'll talk to everyone else tomorrow. Right now it's bedtime!!:manyheart

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Hey girls!


Shannon-ness, I'm so happy to hear you made it to Honey's safely. Sorry to hear about Janna- poor baby! I hope the virus runs it's course quickly. :hug


Beth, I had a :heehee at your post! The parents expect you to work? What is wrong with them? :lol You are right-on with your SAHM description. :wink


Leanne, his b/p was way too high- 180/95. :eek They did an EKG and another heart-related test, and it is definitely not that. My fear is a stroke, since his symptoms also go right along with that. He apparently had unbearable pressure/pain in the back of his head when he woke up yesterday morning, along with dry-heaving, dizziness, and weakness. His sugar numbers came back slightly elevated so he has to go for the glucose test tomorrow morning. We all went out to lunch today and he is still quite weak, and looks very tired. It is so hard to see him that way- he is usually so vibrant and energetic. :( I'm having a really hard time with this.

On a brighter note, is your busy-ness with the PTO almost over? Did the benefit raise the money that they had hoped? How are the chickens?


Colleen, cute story about dd! How funny that she marked off the days on the calendar. Sounds like something my Mia would do. Yesterday in the car she said she wants to walk to the 7-11 by herself, and Jorge told her she had to be 10 to do that. She was quiet for a few minutes, then said, "Ok, Daddy, I'm 10 now. I can go all by myself!" :lol How is dh liking his new job?


Vicki, sorry to hear about the headaches! Good luck with your paper and dd's square. Can't wait to see her 'ghan!


Mary, I hope the craft fair went well and that you are having lots of wonderful family time. :manyheart


Joanne, the colors for your flannelghan sound pretty- er, manly. :wink I'm sure it will be gorgeous when it is finished! Have you heard anything from the people who viewed the house?


Scooby- you are Wonder Woman!! You go, girl! Just be sure to have some "you" time when you can. :hug


Isabella went on a field trip today, to the library, police station, and park. She had so much fun! She got her own library card, so she is really cool now. :wink Mia is Mia, that's all I can say. Eva is talking up a storm and her new phrase is, "Oh, man!" It is so cute! I think we are going to start potty-training soon- she is very interested in the potty. :)

Poor Isabella had a reaction to something she ate either last night or early this morning, and now has a rash around her mouth. I gave her Benadryl and will keep an eye on it. If she still has it in the morning she won't go to school. She is allergic to a certain blue dye and ate all sorts of stuff at the roller derby yesterday. Usually it starts out around her mouth and by a day or two later, it covers her face. I hope that's not the case this time.


Well I am going to scoot. I'm a little tired and Jorge is playing a video game so I might just go to bed. Have a great night! :hug

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Good morning everybody!


Stacy, your dds sound so adorable. I love the updates! I hope Isabella doesn't have a bad reaction to whatever she ate. Give her an extra :hug from her imaginary Auntie. Keep us updated on your FIL. I hope he's back to being feisty soon.


Shannon-ness! Welcome (almost) home! We missed you. I'm so sorry to hear about our little angel being sick. I hope she bounces through it quickly. Get some rest, sweetie! Here's some :hug:hug for you guys, too.


Colleen, old chocolate cake on the forehead, is that like a mud mask? You poor thing. What a non-fun way to start your day. I hope today runs smoother for you.


Vicki, :nworthy. How you work, crochet, parent, and have time for a research paper, while you have a headache? I am in awe. Please take some time for yourself.


LeaAnne, I'm glad I made you smile. I really don't understand how everybody who is gone all day gets so much done, when I'm supposed to be home all day, and I sure don't.


Joanne, did I actually beat you onto the computer this morning? I hope you have an awesome delta day!


Mary, can't wait for an update about the craft fair. I hope it went well for you.


Scooby, Do you take a breath between boxes, or just hop from one to the next? You are inspiring. What will you do when you have your house organized the way you want it?


Jennifer, thinking of you!


Today, I am going to try to do next week's grocery shopping, so I don't have to do any major shopping after my surgery on Thursday. My dh suggested that I get some things to make his morning easier, since he doesn't expect me to get up and help him with it. Gotta keep that guy. I have to transport the tall one back and forth to work. That's all I have planned. I may get a jump on the work I usually do on Thursday at the house. And I need to do a row of motifs on the afhgan for my SIL. If I do that today and tomorrow, I'll have half my rows done!


Have a great day hbb's!

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Good morning HBB's!

Shannon- glad you are home - well at least at Honey's and hoping that sweet Janna's virus has a very short course. That is tough being away from home with a sick one. Hope that your visit with Gram went well, though.


Colleen- Sorry I wasn't here last night to chat with you, but I worked on my ghan and was in bed by 10. That was such a cute story about DD crossing off the days on her calendar so it would be December. that Lego Advent calendar sounds really neat! She'll have lots of fun with it I'm sure. And too cute about Barbie needing a snowsuit- good luck with that one! LOL. Mr imanurse as my yarn daddy? LOL- at least he hasn't made any comments when I buy more yarn- (of course, he has no idea what I have in the trunk of my car- I am reluctant to bring some of it in the house since I have no where to hide it LOL)


Vicki- hope that the headache is gone this morning and that you got some work done on your paper. Rangers colors would be nice!


Stacy- prayers continue for your FIL- my BP was actually high like his- we had a bp screening at work- It scared the h-e- double hockey sticks out of me! I attributed it to stress on my job- I've been on BP medications for about a year and 1/2 now- And with my new position since July the stress of my job has been eliminated. Did they start him on BP meds? They initially started me out with 20 mg and then after a couple months upped it to 40 mg. Alot of it is trial and error on which med/dose works. I am getting my BP checked again next week- at my job they do BP screenings and glucose screening every quarter and I always take advantage of them. It is scary to see a "parent" sick! I know my DD's were scared (especially my nurse DD) when they found out what my BP was- and yes, stroke is always the concern! I have cut back substantially on sodium intake (and you would be surprised how much sodium is in processed foods). That also contributes to high blood pressure.

Anyway, hope Isabella is doing ok and that the rash doesnt spread. And how cool that she has her own library card!! Make sure to take her to pick out her books- that could be a special mom and isabella thing to do!


LeaAnne- How was your Monday? Have you started the babysitting job? I worked on my ghan last night- finished almost a full skein of yarn. I think I will finish the skein tonight and add the border and then it will be done! I'm glad I added another skein- It is a good size afghan now. Then onto some more instant gratification with a hat b/4 undertaking the flannel ghan- When you crochet with 2 strands do you work out of 2 skeins?


Beth- LOL at the going to the ballet studio to crochet and then people expecting you to work! Did you decide on a hat for your MIL? And yes SAHM is a full time job! plus you homeschool your inventions!


Scooby- I'm with the other HBB's- bow down to you for all you get accomplished!


Mary- Can't wait to hear all about the show!!!


Well, off for another Delta Force day! Have a good one everyone- take those vitamins and Ill catch you on the flip side!


Since all my DD's are grown, if I wasn't working would I then be a SAHW (stay at home wife?) or SAHS (stay at home spouse) ? Or SAHC (stay at home crocheter?)

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Beth- good luck with the grocery shopping and yes I would keep the DH too.


Just saw that even though I'm online, my green light is off- that is strange!


Oh, well, better get the badorkus in gear


Have a good one!

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Prayers today for Stacy's FIL, and for Janna to get well soon! :hug:hug


Hope Joanne and Vicki have great days at work.:hug:hug


Joanne, :cheer:clapwtg on finishing up that 'ghan! ...and :heehee:devilabout your trunk!


Vicki, I hope your head feels better today...


Colleen, sorry I wasn't hear last night when you needed a friend:( I'll be around today though, if you still want that chat!


Shannon, welcome home, momma!


Stacy, I hope Isabella's rash was controlled! :lolat that Mia and her library card!


Beth, good luck with the shopping and that 'ghan today. I will be praying for you on Thursday! ...and :yes your DH is a KEEPER! :wink


:waving, Scoob! Hope those boxes stop multiplying soon! :hug:hug to you for an awesome day! Did DS start school yet?


I need to call my "boss" to find out when I get to start my job... it's rather uncomfortable to have heard that I have the job, but not to hear from her? :think:think Today I will be making that call... I was supposed to be starting the week after Thanksgiving :shrug We'll see, I guess.


...and :yes, the PTO-ness should be tapering off a little... we had our last meeting of 2009 last night. Fundraisers are waiting to be sorted and distributed tomorrow, and then we have a cookie table for the 3rd grades on Thursday. Then it's Nothing until December!!!!! :jumpyay:bounce:clap

I need the break BAD! I had to laugh last night at our secretary, who said she needed help to do the meeting's minutes because she spends too much time on PTO...:lol:irk... you are kidding, right?! I told her right away: "Sorry, don't ask me to do it... I have averaged 30-40 hours per week on PTO activity, including doing every notice that has gone home!" She ended up keeping the job:D. I was very proud of me for standing up right away... after all, I do enough!!!



Well, I better scoot... time to get the chickens up and out of the coop!:rofl


Have a happy day, all:U


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Hello everyone!


I got some more information from my MIL, and found a pattern similar to what she wants. The size would be off, though. :rofl



She used to wear hats like this when she was young in Illinois. I remember something similar when I was a child in Ohio. Thanks for all the help, and the great links to ear flap caps. I do like those, and would like to make one someday soon! You Besties are the BEST!:hug:manyheart

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Good morning all! I see it has been a very busy morning here already! Glad to see everyone so bright eyed and bushy tailed!

My head is feeling much better this morning. I was panicking last night. We are having a major test in Texas history today and I couldn't remember where I put the modified tests! Lo and behold I came in to find them right under my book on my desk! Just where I left them!

I finished the pink square last night. Now I need to start the last purple one. Maybe I will start that one tonight. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I must reach it!

Stacy - I hope FIL is feeling better today. Prayers are being sent your way. Let us know what the doctor says. How is Isabella's rash? I hope it didn't spread.

Shannon - How is Janna this morning? Is she feeling better. I agree, there is nothing worse than being sick and not being home. Hope she is feeling better soon.

Colleen - You gotta love that DD needs a snow suit for her Barbie dolls. They will get cold you know. That is just priceless. You need to write these down and show them to her when she is older. Glad she is enjoying school.

Joanne - Post pics of your ghan when you are done. Is this one for your DD? Can't wait to see it!

Beth - You make me laugh. The doctor asked me last week how much a migraine interupted my life. I told him it can't there was too much to do and I would be out of days if I let it. I don't think he found that very funny but it is very true!

LeaAnne - YAY for not doing the minutes to the meeting! You just reminded me that I am chairing a meeting and I don't don't remember when it is! I guess I need to find that out!

The day is going to start and I need to run and get the first period class set. My first period partner is out today. Need to get him/her organized!

TTFN and have a great day all!


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:hi everyone!


Wow, busy morning here!


Beth, that hat is so cute and "vintage" looking. What colour does she want? Good luck getting everything done, but don't overdo it before your surgery. You want to go into that rested and relaxed :yes The tall one :lol. You have such a wonderful sense of humour.


Stacy - Continued prayers to your FIL. Mia cracks me up, wanting to walk to 7-11 by herself :lol I hope Isabella's rash disappears fast. WTG Eva and the chatty-ness. That is such a fun age when they say the cutest things. Good luck with the potty training!


Joanne - Hiding yarn in your trunk :rofl Be careful, addicts do things like that :rofl Good job on the 'ghan. I'm so glad you are liking it! You are just smoking along!


LeaAnne - Good job putting the PTO jobs back to the worker bees. You are right that you have done more than enough! Good luck with the phone call today about the job. I should be around at times today, so I'll look for your light.


Shannon - So glad you are home! :yay:hug to you that you rest up today and that Janna gets better soon. Poor little princess. Lots of popsicles and ice cream maybe?


:hi Scooby, Vicki and Mary! Have a great day!


DD and I have a full day off. I used to work on Tuesdays. I haven't quite decided what we'll do with ourselves. I have lots of cleaning to do, but I'm trying to give DD lots of just have fun time. It is going to be nice, cool but sunny, so maybe we'll go to the park for a while. I also might make my Christmas gumdrop cake. She could help with that. She loves to bake with me.


DH is enjoying his new job. He is sick with a soar throat right now too :( We got good news. He talked to the payroll dept and it sounds like he might get paid this week. As soon as he gets paid I have the green light to do some Christmas shopping :yay The stores are all done up and the toys are on sale in the flyers and I am just itching to get going!


Have a great day all!

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