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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Wow, your hooks must be smokin'!! I saw your gingerbread man, and he is soooo cute!


I didn't get near as much as I wanted done, but my hip is bothering me again. Sometimes I don't think there's an end to all this crap!

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Poor you :( I know the feeling. Here's a :hug.


I cleaned out the drawers on DD's desk today and my little nook is all ready for me to move down the crochet stuff. I just need some magazine holders for my magazines and I'm movin down to the "nook" :lol

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I bought a prayer shawl book, but my MIL has had it for a while. The ones I made were just rows and rows of hdc's. Nothing fancy, but mindless. I used Homespun, so I did have to pay attention at the ends, but other than that it was easy.

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Okay, thanks.


I wish I could have met you for a chat earlier. I'm afraid I need to get some rest. I am determined to get rid of this cold!!!


Oh ya, I almost forgot, I am so proud. They had an assembly at school today for Remembrance Day and my DD helped bring up her class's contribution (a big poppy). She was proud. I am proud :cheer I wish I'd known and could have been there to see it since I was coming to the school for pizza day anyway. I kinda get the impression the teacher doesn't want me around. I think she wants DD to enjoy school on her own.

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That is so cool! You should be proud! I wish you could have been there too. I'm so glad that she's doing better with school.


I hope you feel better tomorrow. I might try to crochet a little before I call it a night. I don't think I'll be able to get comfortable if I lay down right now.


Sweet dreams, feel better, and big :hugs to you!!

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No physical therapy. I used to do exercises for it. I'll have to try to remember what they were and start up again. I know they can't do anything surgically for it. I already tried that, and they said my scoliosis wasn't bad enough.

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:yawn:tired Hi HBBs!!!! The craft room is all arranged but now I don't like the position of some of the furniture. :lol So tomorrow, the little/guest bedroom is getting cleaned out and the bed put up so I can move the dresser and chest of drawers into it. Then I will have room to put a crafting table and move some of the other furniture around in the craft room. I did start unpacking some of the boxes of :yarn and then started :think I AM MISSING SOME :yarn. When I asked DF if he saw any boxes of yarn in the little bedroom, his reply was "How do you or would you know any of it is missing as there is just sooooo much of it?" :eek:eek:eek I told him JUST BECAUSE I KNOW. I was missing a bunch of RH sport and RHSS and RHSS varigates. I told him I know what I bought and what I have used. :rofl GEESSSHHH. I tried to explain by saying "You would know if any of your tools were missing wouldn't you?" And of course the response was "That's different." Ok then, whatever. :lol:lol:lol I am to the point now where I am so tired I can't :sleep. So I think I am going to turn on the tv and :crocheting or :book for a bit.

:cheer:clap:cheer:yay WTG Colleen on getting the purple people eater ghan done. Can't wait to see the pics of it. Sorry to hear that you were feeling better but now have a sore throat and ear. :( Hopefully it you will get well soon and the cold will be gone for the winter season. Glad DD is better and had a great day at school helping in the program with the big poppy!!!!!!!!

:hug Shannon. Sorry your hip is giving you fits again. Hope it gets to feeling better soon. I know how you feel with the scoliosis, as I have it too in my lower spine along with a couple of degenerative disks and a bulging disk. :cheer:yay:clap Good job getting all that stuff done. :cheer:cheerI am so proud of Janna for telling she had to go "tee tee potty" and acutally doing. :woo:wooJANNA!!!!!!!!!!

So glad to hear you are having a great time Mary!!!! GL at the craft show and hope you are very successful and have fun. Be careful and let us know how things went.:hug

OK I think I am off to go relax and :crochetingfor a bit. Take care all and will see ya tomorrow. Love ya!!!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Good Morning HBB's!!!


Well, I had a glorious night's sleep. After waking from my nap, I stayed up for about an hour 1/2 and then went up to bed around 8- turned on the tv and b/4 you know it, It was 5AM! Just what I needed!!!


Shannon- hope the hip is feeling a little better today. I agree with Colleen- you should try to do some exercises for it. Hope Janna has another tee tee potty day!!!


Colleen- WTG on all that crocheting! Hope your ear and throat are feeling better. So happy to hear that DD is doing well at school now. Maybe the teacher feels that she'll continue adapting to school if you aren't there....hard to do...but maybe for the best. Can't wait to see the pic of the purple ghan. And when i sign off here, I'll have to go check out your gingerbread ami.


Scooby- Men, what do they know about yarn? I would know if any of mine was missing. Hope your missing yarn shows up! Did you get any crochet time in yesterday? Take it easy and don't overdue it!!


Mary- You probably won't see this- but good luck at the craft fair. Glad you stopped by to say hi. I'm sure you'll be very successful!


Beth- windy and cold here today...but no rain....yet! I would love to stay warm and cozy at home, but off to work I go....at least it is warm there...sometimes too warm in our area...lol


Vicki, LeaAnne and Stacy- hope you all have a good day. I've gotta finish getting ready for work and I'll catch up later. Have a marvelous day all...........and remember your vitamins!

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Morning, all-


Just stopping in quick before getting the chickens ready to be "cooped" elswhere... aka school:lol


I didn't get that 'ghan finished. But today will be quiet, so I am confident.


Colleen - sorry about your ear... glad you got your voice back, tho!

your gingerbread man is sooo cute! And I would agree with Joanne about being at school... don't worry, once she is totally settled, you will have plenty of time to be right there!:hug


Joanne - welcome home! Glad to hear that you had a great time, and only lost $20!:clap ...I'd call that winning:wink


Scooby - good luck with fixing that craft room today:cheer I hope you get lots done, and get to take some time to :crocheting. LOL about the missing yarn... I am the same way!


Shannon -hoping your hip feels better:hug And :jumpyay for another "tee tee" day!


Vicki - I hope school is kind to you today, and that your headache is a little better!


Mary - GL at that show! I am sure you will do well... your work is gorgeous-ness!


Beth - :heehee about the leg shaving... good luck with your appointment next week... I am thinking about you:hug


Stacy - I will be wishing you a great day today! :eek:eekabout the gas pedal! WTG on staying calm in the moment:hug


well, HBB's... I gotta run... it's time to get some kids out of here!:lol:devil


have a terrific day:hug:hug

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Good morning all! Happy Thursday and a big welcome home to Joanne! I am glad to hear that AC was fun and that not much $$$$ was lost. :lol!

Scooby - Did you find your yarn? I laugh that you know how much is there. But you are right - DF would DEFINATELY know if one of his tools were missing! I need to remember that analogy.

Shannon - How is your hip this morning? I hope you are feeling better!

Beth - Is this a bad noreaster? I think they can be worse than tropical storms sometimes.

LeaAnne - YAY for all the chickens getting to their day coops! I hope they have a great day and that all is quiet for you for a while! Enjoy the quiet!

Mary - Have fun at the craft show! I hope you have a successful one and all your stuff sells out! Will the booby pillows be there?

Stacy - YIKES with the gas peddle! Quick thinking on your part! Glad to hear that everyone is okay.

Colleen - I think sometimes that kids adjust better if we are not around. They look to us to make sure they are doing things right and they need to start doing that on their own. Glad to hear that DD had a great day at school and presented the poppy at the assembly. She is making great strides already!

Yesterday was the first day in the past three that I did not have a headache! :clap:cheer:clap! Hopefully it will continue for the rest of the week. I need to get my IEP data done and I need to work on some other stuff for a lesson we are doing next week. This is the good kind of busy. Have you ever noticed there are good and bad kinds of busy? I am being random here (as my friend would say). Time to get back to work! Have a great rest of the day and I will talk to you all later!


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Two posts needed, I couldn't get the second pic attached.


Here is a grainy picture inside. That is my pew ;)




DD had swimming this morning and we went to the library. It is another beautiful day. I dropped my hats and scarves off at the neighbourhood association's office this morning.


Beth - Sorry to hear about the Noreaster. Stay warm and dry.


LeaAnne - I hope you have a quiet day at home.


Vicki - I'm glad to hear your headaches are better. You should still go see your Dr. :yes


Joanne - I'm so glad you had a good night's sleep.


:hi Scooby, Stacy, Shannon & Mary. Have a great day!

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'Morning HBB's!

Shannon-ness, I hope your hip is feeling better. Something that helps when my hips hurt is if I lie down on my side and put a pillow between my knees. My chiro suggested it since he couldn't do anything about the actual problem, and it really helps. I know we have two different problems but I just wanted to pass it along, anyway. :hug WTG Janna for going tee-tee potty! I hope she will do it at home, too! :cheer:cheer:cheer (That's what I forgot earlier.)


Leanne, did you get the 'ghan finished?


Colleen, WTG to your dd! She must really be comfortable in school now if she is going up to present and everything. :hug I definitely think some kids do better if we are not around. It's hard for us Mothers to think that sometimes. It does stink that the teacher wouldn't at least let you know so you could come and see the progress she's made. Great job on that purple people eater throw! I will have to take a peek at your gingerbread man.


Vicki, I'm glad that your headache is gone for today. I hope you'll still go to your appointment, though, to see if the dr. can figure out what is going on. :hug


Mary, so glad you checked in! Good luck with your craft fair, I hope you sell out!


Scooby, I had to :rofl at your df! I used the tool analogy to dh once and he said exactly what your df said, "But it's not the same thing." :shrug What do they know? :lol You know...I was thinking about your comment on how you told them to throw the rest of the boxes in the dumpster because of the snakes, and...well, do you think your yarn could have been in them? :eek I only suggest it because I did it once myself. :blush The downstairs neighbor had roaches, which were coming up into our apartment, and once I stuck my hand inside a paper bag that had a project in it. 3 or 4 roaches crawled out so I tossed the entire bag, only to realize like a month later that my hook case was in it!! :eek Anyway, I hope that is not the case with you and that you can find your missing yarn!


Beth, I was in a nor-easter once when I visited Boston, and guess what? I loved it! :rofl I guess it's because I don't live with them all the time, but we were out in it and everything- the rain and winds were crazy! Hope you can stay warm and cozy inside today. :hug


Joanne, have a fabulousness day! Glad you got some rest- that sounds nice! :yay


We have Mommy and Me today. Please pray that the kids don't drive me insane. :lol And that my gas pedal doesn't stick again. Dh had such an awful day yesterday, I didn't have the heart to tell him about it. :blush I know I should have. I will today, promise. :) Last night I finished 9 squares for the mystery CAL. I probably won't work on it again until tomorrow, because dh has class tonight and I am going to work on his cross-stitch thingie.

Ok, time to get ready. BBL!

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:waving HBBs!!! Well I am back at it again today :blinkI wish I could twinkle my nose and it would all be done just like :2magic. I am working in the craft room and then it will be the little guest bedroom and then our closet. Just so much to do and boxes everywhere I have hard time picking where I need to start. :lol I am just :tired of looking at it all.


Beth, I hope you stay warm and don't have to much :drive and running around to do today.:hug


:bheart the Purple People Eater ghan Colleen. Love the colors that you chose. Hope you continue to feel better!!!! I need to pop over to the CAL and see your gingerbread man.


:eek Stacy!! I don't like roaches either. No, none of the yarn got thrown in the dumpster. The snakey boxes got thrown in the dumpster before the moving truck got here :whew. Guess what? I found some more green lol so we will have to see what other color/s I don't have now :lol. Have fun at Mommy and Me today.:xfin that the little kiddos don't drive you :loco.


:yay LeaAnne that all the chickens are at their daily coops. :( Sorry that you didn't get your ghan finished but maybe you will get lots of :crochetingdone today.


:clap Joanne!!!Glad you got the much needed :sleep.Hope you are having a great day at work.


:yes Vicki, I agree that there are good and bad types of busy. Right now my good busy it putting all my :yarn up, my bad busy is all the rest of the stuff :lol. :jumpyay:whewYes, I did find the missing yarn. I was breaking out in a :sweatuntil I found it :rofl. Have fun getting your lesson stuff ready for next week!!! :yay For not having a headache yesterday, but glad you are still going to see the Dr.


I hope you are having a great time Mary!!!! :clover with the craft fair.

:hug Shannon. I hope your hip is feeling much better today and that you can get some more stuff accomplished on your list. Hope you and Janna have a splendiferous day.


Guess I had better get off my old badorkas and give myself a good swift :kick or I will never get anything done. Hope you all have a terrific day and will :check back in later.:hug:hug:hug:hug

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hi, all you HBB's! :waving


I am stopping in quick to let you know that I have had a hookin' day! I have finished the panels for the 'ghan, and have started whipstitching them together. I will be able to present it tomorrow, just in time for the benefit:whew


I hope you all have had a wonderful day, I wish I could respond individually, but I gotta get back at it.


:hug:hug:manyheart:hug Love you all... have a great night!


p.s. Colleen - :drool I love that purple eater 'ghan! What a beautiful job you did! ...it makes me wish I was your sister:blush :lol

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