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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Scooby, I love your bathroom!!! :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart It is shag-alicious! :lol The color of the walls is bright and cheery and I think you've picked the perfect accessories to accent it. :h5 I'm sorry to hear that you are all sick and have to clear out the moving van on top of that. :hug to you. I hope you feel better soon.


Shannon and Leanne- If you can't find Peter Pan (our LYS are the only ones that carry it) then Michael's sells TLC Amore Baby, and it seems to be the exact same thing. Just thought I'd pass it along. :D


Well besties...I am off to pick up Mia, then to the PO to mail my squares. Finally. :clap BBL!! :hug

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:cheer:clap:yayThe moving truck is unloaded!!! Now I am just trying to put rooms together and get them set up :thumbdown. I am feeling a little bit better but stomach still feels :yuck. That CAL looks like fun, maybe after I get all this :yarn up in the craft room I can look thru there and find some green.Surely I have got some. Thanks Shannon for sharing that with us.

Thanks Stacy. I like my bathroom even if no one else in this household does. I told them if I suddenly disappear and can't be found I may be in there with the orange lamp on looking at Crochet mags and patterns :rofl. :thinkGuess I should put up a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door.

Hope everyone is having a great day and I will check back in later!!! :hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Scooby, if you don't have green, then surely it's the only color you don't have! :rofl


Shannon, that might work. I have the same one and it is a bit thicker than regular ww but Vanna's is, too, IMO, so I don't think you will have a problem.

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Shannon-ness! I think the website is European, which means their "tr" is equal to our "dc." I had to take a good look but the fact that she does a ch-3 before the next 2 stitches indicates to me that she is just doing a basic granny. :D

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awww, Man! You guys were here while we were eating:( I'll check back around 9:30 eastern.


Scoob- that is one FAB bathroom! I love it! TY for sharing pics.


Shannon and Stacy - do we need thicker yarn for the mystery project? :think ...and from what I was looking at, it's a regular ole granny that we are making:yes


K then... see y'all in a bit!

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Leanne, they are regular ol' grannies. But if you look in the supplies list, we also need white. The Peter Pan she suggested is a nubby sort of yarn and I was just saying that the Amore baby would work just the same. Shannon is using Denim Style which is a tad thicker than normal ww (even though it is classified as ww.) :whew I think I just confused myself. LoL


Shannon, I am just a tad excited about working on a project that won't take a month to finish! :rofl

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:hi everybody~


I'm sorry I'm going to miss chat tonight. I will be with you in spirit, but I think I'm going to be contemplating my eyelids. It's been a very long day.

Stacy, Shannon, LeaAnne, the mystery project looks intriquing, but I am so swamped with :crocheting projects that I need to finish by Christmas or earlier, I will have to sit this one out. Will you please post pics of your progress? I'm very curious!


Scooby, love the AP bathroom. It is so cheery and bright! Congrats on finishing unpacking the truck. You are amazing! Particularly for feeling badly.


Joanne, thinking of you in AC. Hope your stay is :c9


Vicki, How is school going? WHat's going on in your corner of the world?


Colleen, is your dd feeling any better?


Mary, did you have a great birthday? How is the visit going with your family? I am smiling, thinking of you surrounded by all that love! How wonderful!!!


Jennifer, I hope you aren't drowning in school work!


I have some clarification from the doc. The mole that he removed was the very earliest form of the mildest stage of melanoma. He thinks he got all of it -- it appears that way -- but the only way to be sure is to go back in, make a bigger incision, and check the area surrounding the mole. If it's healthy, I'm fine. If not, we go from there, but probably I'm OK now. I am waiting for the surgeon's staff to call me so we can schedule the next step. Thanks for all your prayers. I'll try not to be so darn dramatic in the future. But dang it all, if I'm shaving my legs twice for some guy, the least I'd expect is dinner! Maybe a movie???


Oh, I almost forgot what I wanted to tell you! At work today, I sold eight of my bun covers for $5 each!!! I'm so excited. I'm making a nice little bit of money for the Civic Ballet! I need to make more now, stock back up. And I need to take some pictures of all the types, so you can see them. I sold out of 3 types today.


have a good chat! I'll read all about it tomorrow early!


Love you all!!!:hug

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:hi everyone!


I would love to do that mystery CAL, but I only have maybe 2 oz of green in two different shades and I can't justify buying any right now. As it is I'm thinking of spending some birthday money on yarn for a prayer shawl for the church's ministry. DH won't get paid in his new job until well into December :eek So, no yarn shopping for me, no Christmas shopping until he gets paid (and a whole lot of pasta suppers :lol). Don't worry, we'll manage just fine. Just no extras, that's all and that isn't a bad thing at this time of year when there are usually too many extras. There are many worse off this year. I would usually be well into Christmas shopping, but maybe this way I'll have it all planned out. Or maybe I'll actually crochet some gifts with my stash and scraps. I wonder if I could do this CAL in scraps... You never know! Maybe greens and purples...those are kind of Christmasy colours :think


DD is doing very well, thank you, and will be back to school tomorrow :clap I stayed home from work again today. My voice is still weak and I have a cough and, in the evenings, shortness of breath. I spent my entire day reading a book. :c9 Hopefully another restful day tomorrow while DD is at school will be all I need. :xfin I read an Irish Country Christmas by Patrick Taylor, LeaAnne. I am a big fan of Irish, Scottish and English stories. Love stories about country life, how it revolves around simple food and long-standing traditions. The library had a display of Christmas themed novels and I decided to indulge in that one. Very relaxing. I just finished it.


I won't stay to chat, but wish I could. I'm just not up to it tonight. I might laugh and that would be the end of me ;)


Scooby - Love your bathroom :clap


Beth - Sounds like good news from the Doc. I've been praying for you and always will :hug Good job on the bun covers! Aren't you enterprising!


LeaAnne - I hope you enjoyed your day at home. Good luck finishing that flannelghan (Please take a pic :D).


Stacy - I hope all continues to be quiet on the Western front.


Shannon - How exciting that you are going to visit your gram. Enjoy! What pattern do you use for a prayer shawl? I've never made one.


Vicki - I hope your headache stays away and that you have fun at bowling!


Mary - I hope you are enjoying your family!


Joanne - I hope you are having fun in AC and enjoying the spa. Sounds heavenly.


Have fun chatting and have a meaningful Veterans Day to you Americans and Remembrance Day to Mary.

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Stacy - I missed the supplies list... I'm going to check it out now...


Shannon - sorry I wasn't here earlier... nobody's lights were on, so I went and got 4 loads of laundry folded (I told those chickens they had to put it away.... Yeah, Right!)


Be back in a couple...

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:woo:jumpyay:party:2rock:ducky:elle:ducky:elle 1,300 posts! Go me!! I'm doing the Cabbage Patch right now! Anyone want to join me?



Anyone? Bueller?

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this is like the weirdest nite... I planned to come at 9:00. DD asked if she could be picked up at 9. No problem, I said... I can chat at 9:30. then DD calls and says she wants to be picked up at 10:30!!! :eek WHAT?! No WAY, I said... 10 at the latest. ok... 10 it is. Then, I come back and DH calls from his trip to tell me how very nice the dinner and award banquet was...


Can a girl catch a break?:lol

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