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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:bday:bday:bdayDear Mary :bday I hope your day is filled with lots of :hug:manyheart and :rofl. Eat lots of :cakeand :icecream on your special day. And hope you recieve lots of :gift too!!!! Have a wonderful :birthdayMary!!!!!


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:birthday Mary!!! I'm sorry, I can't call you today. I have no voice - None!!! I used all I had this morning. DD has pink eye and an ear infection, so I had to use my voice at the Dr.'s, the Pharmacy and calling into work to tell them I won't be in.


I will be back later. I have lots of posts to catch up on, but I wanted to wish Mary a Happy Birthday! :hug

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:waving, all-


My chickens all went to school today:clap

I am 98% done with the bookfair (last PTO thingy till next week, when we have a meeting, fundraisers to sort out, and a cookie/raffle table)


I got 1 more panel done on the flannelghan, and will be finishing #3 tonight.


I have 8 bags (so far:blush) of clothing to donate to the Vietnam Veterans Thursday (the day after Veteran's Day:))


Other than that... it's just the usual junk around here... "what's for supper?" :P



Shannon - Welcome home, pumpkin-ness! I couldn't have been happier to read that the new neurologist is one who will work with you, and that you are on the right track with Janna! :hug:hug:yay:clap Thank goodness!


Colleen - :( I hope you and DD are better soon!


Stacy - :sigh... I am so sorry for roomie, terror, bf, and all of their shenanigans... All i can say is :hug:hug Hang in there, you are doing a great job, and WE LOVE YOU!!!!


Scooby - Look at you go, girl! Wow! You are such an inspiration to get THIS badorkus in gear!!!! :rofl ... after all, I gotta keep up with the Jones's, while they still are:wink:lol


:waving, Vicki and Joanne! I hope you girls are having a fantabulous and stress free day, and that you are feeling good! WTG, Joanne, for DH doing all of that purge-ness!:clap


Mary... hoping your birthday is nothing short of spectacular!:hug


GTG get all my chickens from school... i didn't realize it was this late!:eek:eek


Love you all, and I'll try to be back later on:hug:manyheart

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End of the day! YAY! I hope everyone had a great day! I am glad LeaAnne's chickens are feeling well enough to go to school and that the PTO craziness is almost done. Hope it all go smoothly!


My headache is back. I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday, but I guess I will call the doctor and go back and see what he says.


Otherwise, I need to go home and make dinner. Pork chops are on the menu tonight with green beans! Yum!


I will go and get some stuff done. My paper work is all ready for distribution to other people so I will do that tomorrow.


Have a great rest of the day everyone!



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:hi all!!


:bday :bday :birthday Dear Mary!!!!!:bday


I can't address everyone right now, I just had to pop in and say happy birthday to our birthday girl!!! :hug Hope you are enjoying your family time!!

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Hi everyone,

Had a good day at work and now I am off Tues and Wed- as we all go to AC!!! I'm all packed and ready to go!


Colleen- sorry to hear about your voice and DD's ear infection and pink eye. First Stacy's DH had pink eye and now your DD!!


LeaAnne- glad your chickens were better and able to go to school and that the PTO craziness is almost over!!! And WTG on getting all those bags ready for the clothing pick up! Isn't purging a wonderful thing?


Shannon- hope you had a great day and that Hurricane Ida is steering clear of Sibley!


Beth- How are you? Missed your usual AM post (you and me, the early posters!!)


Scooby- how's the AP bathroom? Were you able to get DS settled into school?


Stacy- How is Isabella? And the rest of the brood? I thought of you when I stopped in Starbuck's after work tonight. All their winter drinks are out now! I was so excited and treated myself to a Grande Gingerbread Latte, skim milk, no whipped cream!! It was so yummy!!!

Mary- Hope you are having the bestest birthday ever!!!


Vicki- Sorry to hear the headache is back. Good idea to call the Doc. Glad that DD got her DI project done. How is DH feeling? Any news on the job front?


Well, all time to heat up the leftovers- Pork chops, noodles and green beans. Yum (sounds alot like Vicki's dinner...lol)


Have a great night!

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:hi, Joanne!

good luck at Atlantic City! I hope you have a great time! Are you a gambler?


Mary - did you have a great day? What did you do?


Colleen - how are you and DD feeling? I am worried....


Stacy - I am praying that Terror didn't infect any of your girls with the :yuck virus. How is Jorge feeling?

...and how is the site of your incision? is it healing better?


Vicki - I hope the Dr. can help you with your headaches. I am sorry that you are not feeling well.


Beth - How are you, busy lady? I miss you!


Shannon - how are you and Miss Janna today? Did you have any fun adventures, or did you <gulp> venture into your guest room? I hope you had a wonderful day!


Scooby - Hoping that DS got all settled into his new school, and that your family is enjoying a relaxing evening.


hi, Jenn! ...just thinking about you, too!


DH helped me today in the garage. We moved all of the old furniture to the curb (a sofa, 2 chairs, and a chest of drawers). I also got 2 more bags ready to go. I forgot how much we have that others can use:blush

I will spend a couple of hours tomorrow bagging up more, then I will have lots of helpers on Wednesday, as we have no school for Veteran's Day. This donation is in honor of my Uncle Art, so it will do my chickens some good to spend some time thinking about how so many sacrifice so much in the name of freedom!


:clapI am done with the BookFair! It feels good:yes Our PTO was invited to participate in the tree-lighting festivities downtown on Thanksgiving weekend. We will be selling our school cookbooks.... so, guess what I did?:devil I e-mailed the board members who "work", and asked them to take it on...I'll be busy, I said! Yay, me! I am proud of doing that:devil


Anyhoo.... I have a flannelghan calling my name (I am on the 3rd panel). It needs to be done for Thursday, so I am gonna go get hookin!:hook


:hug:hugto you all!

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No I am not a gambler, but I am bringing some $ in the high hopes of winning some $ DH gave me $100 to have some fun! I've been to AC about 2X. I am looking forward to the spa though for my "complete retreat"! It should be a fun day!!

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I wish you all could come with me!! Keep your fingers crossed that I can 'earn"some cold hard cash...although if I come home with what I go down with will be considered a win. I figure I have the$ DH gave me to have fun with. When it's gone, it's gone. I can't wait for the spa treatment!


I'll fill you all in when I return!!!!


And WTG LeaAnne on asking others to take on the cookbook sale!!


Just got off the phone with DD. She is coming down Wed b/4 Thanksgiving- arriving around 12:30- So looks like I'll have to take 1/2 day off work so I can pick her up. I can't wait to see her!!! I better get cracking on crocheting some things for her..lol....


Have a great night!

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:hi everyone!


We are surviving here. I think I have laringitis (sp?). My voice is totally gone. I've been resting it and only whispering when needed since lunch time. It is hard because DD says "Mommy?" every time she wants to talk and waits for my response. We have sort of an open concept backsplit house, so I'll be in the kitchen when she calls for my attention and will have to walk down to the family room to wave at her before she'll start talking :ohdear DD's pink eye has spread to the 2nd eye (not surprising). Eye #1 is starting to look much better. Giving drops has been VERY CHALLENGING. My little munchkin is so emotional and dramatic. :sigh Her ear isn't bothering her too much, but she had mentioned a couple times over the weekend that it hurt, so I asked the Dr. to look in it (might as well while we were there!) and he did. Sure enough!


We had fun at Chuck-E-Cheese. DD had a great time. It was great family time. We sold the chair :clap so I got started on the basement and have moved and reorganized all of DD's stuff. Now I just need to find a place for the toilet paper we have always stashed in that cubby by the stairs :think clean it up and move my crochet and sewing stuff down. :yay My own little cubby :c9


I am supposed to work 2:00-7:30 tomorrow. I'll feel very badly if I still don't have a voice and can't do it, but what can you do :shrug ? I'm a receptionist...hardly a non-talking job.


Joanne - Have fun in AC! Sounds like a blast - and well deserved! I wish I could come.


LeaAnne - Good job delegating PTO jobs!!! Good luck finishing off your flannel ghan. Don't forget to take a pic for us! Good job with getting rid of stuff too. Feels great doesn't it? And I think that is a wonderful lesson for your kids on Veterans Day. We celebrate Rememberance Day in Canada (same concept, different name) and DH has the day off :clap DD does have school and I think she'll be well enough to go by then. So long as her eye is all better. :xfin She really missed school today, so that is great after what we went through a couple weeks ago.


Scooby - WTG getting SOOOO much accomplished! You are a machine!


Vicki - I hope your headache feels better soon.


Shannon - I'm so glad you are home safe and sound and that you had such a great appt with the new neurologist. :clap:clap:clap


Stacy - The Horror and the Terror that live at your house will unlikely change their ways. I think you are right that you just need to learn to live with it (or ignore it). Lead by example and kill them kindness. :wink


Beth - Where does Quicksilver have you off to these days. Likely the dance studio. I wish I could see the Nutcracker production your DD is in.


Mary - I am so sorry I couldn't call you. Maybe I'll call another day. :birthday I hope you had a wonderful day surrounded by your family.:manyheart


I am actually heading to bed. I'm not so much sleepy tired, but I do think resting will help. I'm going to take a book with me.

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:hi everybody!


First things first-- :birthday Mary!!! I hope you are having such a fun day with your family!!! I've been thinking of you all day!


Scooby, you are a busy lady -- I'm impressed, and a little tired listening to all you are doing. Sounds like fun, though. I think I like DF -- he understands the yarn addiction!


Colleen, :hug Feel better, soon, Sweetie! And DD, too. I'm so sorry your family is going through this. It's tough! Does dd whisper back when you whisper to her? My kids always do. (I lose my voice every time I get a cold.)


Joanne, I am sorry I missed this morning. I'm behind on my Christmas afghan crocheting, and wanted to spend a hunk of time this morning trying to catch up. (I am still a little behind, but closer to my planned schedule.)

Have a blast at AC! Enjoy the pampering. YOu've worked so hard lately -- you deserve some fun time!


LeaAnne, :cheer:clap:yay for surviving the book fair. I hope things slow down a little for you now. I'm glad all your chickens are feeling better.


Stacy, I hope you have a day free of roomie drama.


Vicki, :hug Sorry your headache came back. I'm glad you are going to the doctor for it.


Shannon, :cheer for a good neurologist! I am so happy that you are home safe, and you had a good visit. Here's to your chicken getting healthier, and needing less medication soon!!!


Jennifer, I hope your busy life is going well.


My husband came into the ballet studio when he dropped of Amanda. I knew something was up. Seems the dermatologist called about the biopsy of the mole he removed. It is the beginning stage of melanoma. I couldn't call from work for more information, so I don't know what's going on. I will let you all know what's up when I find out more. I told my boss and I've told you. So you know how high you all rank in my life!!! Please put me in your prayers.

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Prayers being said for you and for DH, Beth!:hug:hug hang in there, luv! and wtg on the Christmas 'ghan catch up!... and so you know, you are equally high on my list! You girls already know more about me than most everyone I know:wink


Colleen - I hope you enjoy your book and get lots of rest!!!! btw... drink lots of herb tea. It really works! (that was my whispery voice) ...just kidding! Love you and hope you feel better!:hug


Joanne - Love your hats! :nworthy I can never seem to get hats to come out right. I make so many different things, but for some reason, hats stump me every time! I hope you have a fun and relaxing trip! You have more than earned it!


I forgot to tell you all that DH is leaving tomorrow morning at 4:30 for Cleveland (flying out of NH at 6am). He is off to get his "top achiever" awards at a dinner tomorrow night! The CEO of the corporation will be there, but spouses won't:think


I am too :yawn for my hands to work right tonight :irk, so I am going to get some sleep, and get up to have :coffee with DH before he leaves.... that'll give me 2 1/2 extra hours of quiet time in the morning to get some :crocheting in.


Love and hugs to everyone... You are all in my prayers tonight (and every night!):hug



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good morning :morecoffee


DH left a few minutes ago, so I wanted to stop by and wish you all a nice day whilst waiting for the coffee to kick in:lol


Beth- I am praying for DH and your family...:hug


Joanne- Have a fantabulously relaxing time in Atlantic City! and, great news about DD's Thanksgiving visit:clap. Gauging by how fast you are whipping out the :crocheting projects lately, you should be done in plenty of time with those gifts!


Colleen- How are you and DD feeling today, sweetie? I am thinking of you both:hug It made me :U to read that DD was sad about missing school...that's a good step!


Stacy- How is our Isabella? and the girls? I hope that you are all well, and like Colleen said, continue to kill Monster, Terror, and Scrappy with kindness!:U You might just drive THEM :loco! At least I pray for that!


Vicki- How is your :headache this morning? I hope you get to talk to/see the doctor today. WTG on getting your marks all in! How did DD make out at her DI meeting yesterday?


Shannon- How's it going? You have been pretty quiet lately... I hope that all is well, and that you have a great day:hug I will likely be around for chat tonight, if you want to... DH is away, and there is no school tomorrow, so I can "sleep in" a little:lol


Scooby- did you all get to take a break lastnight? I hope so... you don't want to burn yourself out:devil I hope that today brings you everything you wish for...


Mary- :birthday girl!!!!! How are you doing? are your DD's and GK's allowing you any time to :crocheting? I know you had said that you :crocheting 364 days a year... I hope you got to do lots of fun stuff yesterday! What kind of cake did you enjoy? Are you packing up for your fair yet?


:waving Jenn... thinking about you, and praying that all is well. Did you ever get some items into that consignment shop?


Today will be the first day in over a month that I do not need to do anything inside the school:clap... it's a good thing, too... I have a 'ghan to finish:wink


Have a wonderful day, everyone... I'll drop by later at some point today.

:hug:hug Luv you all Bunches!:yes

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Good morning Besties!!!


I have been up since 4:30 (boy will I pay for this later on, as it is sure to be a late night in AC) I hope that everyone has a fantabulous-ness day!


LeaAnne- enjoy your day off school...lol....and good luck on the ghan!


I will 'see" you all when I return from AC!!

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Happy Tuesday to all! I hope Joanne has a wonderful time in AC and "earns" some cash there. Have fun and enjoy the spa treatment!

Beth - You are in my prayers girl. Hang in there and hopefully all will be well. We had this with my FIL many years ago. Let us know when you find out more.

LeaAnne - YAY! The book fair is over! You get to relax a little! And good for you delegating for the cook book sale! You go girl!

Shannon - How is little Janna doing? I hope she had a wonderful day!

Colleen - YAY that DD missed school! That is truly good news considering how she was feeling about is not long ago! I hope she is feeling better and that her eyes are looking better too!

Stacy - How are the girls out on your end of the continent? I hope they have a great day at school! How is Jorge's eye feeling? I hope he is feeling better too!

Jenn - How did the consignment shop go?

Scooby - Is DS all set for school? Are you going to continue with your program?

Mary - I hope you are having a fabulous day by you!

My headache is feeling better at the moment. I can't get in to see the doctor until Friday. My head does not feel right. I feel vertigo. But I wanted to go after work so I don't have to miss any more time. I kept missing parts of the day after hubby's accident. His truck is still getting repaired and hopefully it will be fixed soon. DD brought all her research for her DI project and there were kids who did not complete theirs! So she does not have any more research to do this week. I think they are getting ready to work on their skit for their "extinct item". I guess we will see next week!


It is bowling night tonight. Let's see how wonderful that turns out! Talk to you all later and have a great day all!





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Good morning my Besties!!


Beth- :hugYou are in my prayers all the time. Please let us know when you hear something. And don't forget that we're here for you! WTG getting more done on your Christmas afghan!:ctree


Joanne- Have a safe and fabulous time in AC! My aunt and uncle go there a lot, and always have a blast! Don't forget to tell DH to keep purging while you're gone!:D The hurricane (is it a tropical storm now?) is not coming our way, thank God! Thank you for being concerned.


LeaAnne- I've been quiet here??? I didn't know that was possible! I certainly haven't meant to be. I'm hoping to join you for chat tonight. I could use some "bestie" time. :yay for extra :crocheting time this morning, and for giving someone else the PTO cookbook sale!! Glad all your chickens are well!


Colleen- How's your voice today, hun? And DD's pinkeye? You all have had a rough few weeks. I'm praying for you that this will be the end of it.:hugs to you all!


Vicki- :hugI'm glad you're feeling better today. I hate that you have to wait so long to see the doctor. Good luck bowling tonight!


Stacy- How are things going out by you? Have you seen your old man friend again, since he knows where you live and all? I hope Jorge's eye is better, and that the girls are doing great! And that roomie and her clan are behaving themselves!!:angry


Scooby- Did you get to rest last night? You have been so busy! Makes me think maybe I should get my badorkas in gear around here!:blush Let me just say again that my so glad you're back!!


Mary- Hey there, birthday girl!! Do you have a nice day? I'm going to guess yes:yes! Birthday :hugs for you!!


Jenn- Hey there girlie! Hope you're making lots of money at the shop, and school is going well!


Well, we are going out of town again this weekend. BigBob, DD and I are going to New Orleans to see my grandmother. And other family too, but mostly my Gram. I wish I could get a prayer shawl done for my cousin's daughter. She's 12 and just found out that she has severe Type 2 diabetes. But I can always send her one after we get back.


I fell asleep with DD last night, so I didn't get anything done around here. I better get my badorkas in gear if I want to make chat tonight, especially since I'll be missing Friday's again! Oh, I forgot to tell you girls. Guess what DD's new thing is. The question, "Why?". :eek:eek:eek Here we go!

Have a great day all and I hope to see you tonight!!:manyheart

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I know! I had to go get some yesterday. DD helped me pick it out. It's Vanna's Choice Olive. Now I just have to find time to make all the squares!:lol This will be my first time with tr too, so it will be a challenge!

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Oh, Shannon- I am in!! Like I need another project. :blush But granny squares are instant gratification so this should go well. I will go get some yarn after I drop Mia off to school- Michael's has Vanna's Choice on sale for $2! :manyheart


Beth- :hug to you and dh! I'm so sorry you received that news! You are always in my prayers but I will send some extra ones. :hug I hope you find out more info with the dr.today.


Vicki, I'm so sorry to hear your migraines are back. I wonder what is up with them? I hope you can get some answers at the dr. It's just too bad you have to wait that long.


Joanne, have a fabulous time in AC! The spa treatment sounds like heaven!! LoL @ thinking of me at Starbucks. I do love my coffee. :coffee I don't usually stray from my tried-and-true but the gingerbread one sounds yummy so I will have to try it soon!


Mary, I hope you are having a fantastic time with your family!


Leanne, :yay for not going to the school! That feels like a nice break, I'm sure. Good luck getting that 'ghan done. Great job on purging all of that stuff! WTG!


Shannon, I'm so happy that the hurricane isn't near you. Have fun visiting your family. That's too bad about your cousin's daughter. :( I'm sure she will find comfort in the shawl whenever you have a chance to finish it. :hug Good luck with the "why" questions- I can never find the right answer!


Colleen, great news about your dd missing school! :clap I hope that her eyes are feeling much better today. My dh said the drops burned terribly, and he's a big guy...I can't imagine how hard it would be to put them in your dd's eyes. I hope they help though. :hug Is your voice back today? Would you believe I've never lost my voice? :shrug I don't know how long that takes to come back.


Scooby- you sure know how to yarn shop, girl!! :h5 I wish our Goodwill and Salvation Army stores had yarn...I don't think I've ever seen it there! Can't wait to see that AP bathroom- it sounds groovy, baby! I hope Josh adjusts well to his new school. :hug


All is quiet on the Western Front. :D I will keep my :xfin that it stays that way. Last night I worked on a few more rows of the snuggie while dh was at school. I :think frogging it and just buying one, but what would I do with the yarn? So I will keep on truckin'. On the cross-stitch thing, I figure if I work on it only while dh is at school, I can finish it in about 3 weeks. I only have 1 strip finished for the flannel-ghan and I am also wondering how my dad will get it home after Christmas? (He always come out for Christmas and Isabella's birthday.) I should have made something smaller.

And now this Sarah London thing- I must be :loco. LoL Oh! And Mia's pink cat pillow. :oops I have the yarn but won't even think about starting until after at least one of the big projects is finished. It's not even for Christmas- it's just because the black on is "too big" for her. :lol


Tonight is karate so I won't be at chat. I will be taking my mystery project, though! :D Hope you guys have a nice one. :yay

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OMG! who doesn't love a good mystery? Ok... I will play, even tho I shouldn't:blush:devil

Shannon, you lil' enabler, you! :rofl

One color I am in abundance of is green... light, mint, olive, dark... :shrug I will need to decide which one is the most Christmas-y, and go with it.


Glad you'll be here for chat-ness! ...and I hope you have a great trip to visit your grandma:manyheart p.s. I love the "why" game, except after 8, when my brain doesn't want to play anymore! :rofl


Stacy- sorry you won't be here for chat, but at least you have a "shiny new" project to play with:D I am glad to hear that things are quiet on the "western front"! I will pray that it continues:clap


Vicki- have fun at bowling tonight! Knock 'em down and spin 'em around!:lol I hope your headache stays away so you can enjoy yourself:hug


Colleen- hoping you are feeling better and drinking lots of nice, hot tea:hug what book are you enjoying?


Beth- I have been praying all morning that you got to talk to the doctor, and that everything will be ok:hug:hug


:waving Scoob! I hope things in NE are "groooovy babay!":wink:tup



Well, all, I have just finished my lunch, so I better get back to it... I have a lot of stitchin to do before chat-ness with Shannon tonight!:cheer

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Just stopping by for a quick :hito everyone. I will try to respond to everyone later. No, last nite was not a rest nite but I wish it had of been. The moving trailer was delivered late yesterday afternoon so we started unloading it.I think I was up until about 2 am this morning piddling in stuff. I didn't get DS registered for school as he got up yesterday morning with a horrible stomach ache or so I thought. I think he had a stomach virus because I got up this morning sick. :(:yuck. Anyways, guess I better get busy as there is still lots to unload off that trailer. I would really like to go back to :sleep but I only have three days to unload.


Hope you all have a great day!!! I will :check back in later. :hug:hug:hug:hug and :manyheart to you all.


And here are the AP Bathroom pics. The stars border piece is the same border that was on the walls. I would still like to find a picture or something to hang on the wall above the toilet the toilet since the 2 door cabinet(last before picture) is not going back in there. In the third picture the bench was sitting under the window, but is now beside the toilet as the lid opens up and I have stored extra TP in there now.












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