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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Nitey-night, Scooby!:hug


btw...beware of random chats around here... Shannon will probably be needing one when she comes home from her trip to Janna's new neurologist. Say a prayer for them, ok?


I'll "see you" tomorrow...




GN it has been awesome chatting with you too. I saw prayers for each and one of you every nite so that will not be a problem to put a special prayer in for her. See ya tomorrow take and sweet dreams :hug:hug

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Good morning Besties!!!


Sorry I didn't make the chat last night- and it was Scooby's first one.....I was cleaning the bathrooms (right after I logged off I listened to our voice mail only to find out someone is coming to look at the house between 10:30-12 today!) So....I had to at least clean the bathrooms. Then I decided to lie down for a little nap b/4 chat and next thing you know it is 5:45AM!!!! I guess after working 12 days in a row and staying up late to watch my Yankees I needed some sleep!!!!


Colleen- Yay for DD!!! Hope you are up for ChuckECheese and skee ball today with her. So happy that she had such a good week. And glad tha tDH is liking his new job.


LeaAnne- Hope the chickens are feeling better this morning.


Scooby- wow- you have been through so much this past year....I am so happy that your life is taking a turn for the best...and wow- wedding in about 2 weeks!!!! SOOOO HAPPY for you!!!! And, yes, you were very missed around here by all of us!!! WELCOME BACK TO the BESTIE GROUP in the world! (or do we just spread propaganda as Vicki's DH thinks..LOL


Vicki- That carnival birthday idea sounds fabulous! What a great idea. Hope DD has a great time and good luck with your crochet projects. I can only work one thing at a time- too overwhelming otherwise and the yarn is starting to take over a corner of the family room (I don't mind but wonder if it makes the room look cluttered--you know when people are looking at the house??) Oh, well, it is what it is...


Mary- Enjoy your time with the DDs and the GK's. What a wonderful Birthday celebration you will have this year!!! It is always nice to celebrate birthdays with your kids with you....That's all I ever want..time with the DD's!!!!


Shannon- Thinking of you and Janna and the trek to the new neuro. Praying that everything goes well.


Beth- How was your Friday night? And what plans on the agenda for this weekend?


Well, gotta get off the badorkus- I spent too much time on the computer catching up with the chat I missed (time well spent, though), but I gotta finish sprucing up the place before I head out for my 8AM get rid of the gray appointment.


Have a great Saturday everyone!!!!!

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good morning :coffee


Beth - glad I made you laugh so early! And thank you for reciprocating:lol


Joanne - good luck with your showing today:xfin and glad to hear that you got a nice "nap". You work so hard... i am glad you got some rest.


Colleen - I hope you feel better today, and that you got to enjoy Chuck E Cheese... I Love SkeeBall! I was talking to Uncle Art last night, and they have 7 inches of that white stuff on their grass:eek:eek


Stacy - Did you get some good rest? How was dinner at MIL's house? I am sending prayers to your family today that you all have a terrific day.


Shannon - I am praying that your trip is successful, and that our Janna gets what she needs from the new neuro:hug


Vicki - Have a great day, and tell DD to enjoy that party! Underground :hugto DH, too!


Mary - Have a blast with your DD's and GK's!:yay Are you doing anything special today?


Scooby - It really was fun chatting with you and catching up last night:hug Good luck with finishing the Austin Powers bathroom!:yay


:waving, Jenn - I am thinking of you today, too!


Peter is feeling better:yay and Krissy says she is too. She still has a fever though, so I think it will be downhill with her as the day goes on. we shall see... meanwhile, I plan to be plenty quiet with a :hook&:yarn... I have a flannelghan to finish!


Have a beautiful day, all!:hug

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Hi everyone! Happy Saturday! It is clear and bright here. Good opening window weather later on!

DD is doing her research for her Destination Imagination and the underground hubby is eating his breakfast. Nothing exciting going on here. That is just the way I like it! DD is making this way to difficult. I am trying not to get on her too much. She needs to learn this process by herself.

Anyway, nothing else going on here. It was great to chat last night!

Colleen - Are you ready for some skee ball?

Beth - Good morning to you!

Stacy - How was dinner? Are you feeling less cranky today?

Shannon - How was the doctor visit?


LeaAnne - How are the chickens? Glad that Pete is feeling better. I hope Krissy has a good day!


Scooby - It was great that you could join us last night! I hope you liked the chat!


Mary - Enjoy the kids and grandkids today!


Joanne - Let us know how the house showing goes!


Hope everyone has a great Saturday and I will talk to you all later!




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:hi everyone! It took me 3 sit downs to get through all the posts, but I did it. I kept getting interupted to do Mom and Wife stuff. You know, making lunch and checking if the brake lights are working on the trailer. It's a full time job! :rofl


We didn't go to Chuck-E-Cheese, but plan to go tomorrow. DD has the sniffles and I am still not feeling 100%. I woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. Once I did drift off DD woke me at 5:30 to say her ear hurt (it doesn't hurt anymore, but that was good for 1/2 hour of worrying about going to the walk-in clinic and catching the flu). We had our first fatality in our city this week, so it is definitely on everyone's minds. Not to mention the government's ceaseless propaganda! Mass hysteria! There you go Vicki, tell your DH if he wants propaganda to google Gov't of Canada and H1N1!! :lol


I did 2 loads of laundry and dried them on the line and got groceries. I actually planned my meals for the next few days. Tacos tonight, roast chicken tomorrow, leftover roast chicken on a bun on Monday, Soup on Tuesday, Spaghetti on Wednesday.


I broke down from my yarn strike and bought 1 skein of yarn. I know, I'm an amateur compared to Scooby. They had Bernat Super Value on for $3 a skein (it is normally $5.50...these are Cdn dollars). I went in because I want to make a tree skirt, but couldn't decide on a colour. I was looking at the Bernat holiday yarns, but the tree skirt pattern on the label called for 10 skeins :faint I can't buy 10 skeins, so I need to look at other patterns to see how I can economize. I left with one skein of a baby-pastels variegated that I need to finish a ripple. I paid for it with coins :lol.


I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have 1/2 hour to crochet before I have to prepare the tacos. I have to get dinner ready before 5:00 mass. Then we can eat before or after depending on how hungry everyone is. I love getting mass out of the way but it really messes up Saturday dinner.


My :hook and :yarn are calling me!

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HI everyone!

Colleen- enjoy your tacos- they sound yummy


I don't know how the house showing went, since I wasn't here- I had a nail appt at 11 after my get rid of the gray appt. In between I stopped at the store to buy myself a new pair of PJ's. Delta Force is going to Atlantic City Tuesday- staying over till Wed- We are leaving at 9 on Tues, when we arrive we have lunch (it's about a 2 1/2 hr ride to AC), then we are all getting a spa treatment @2. At 7:30 we have dinner and then the casino. Brunch on Wed @10 then head back home. It's a reward for all of our hard work. How neat is that????



Middle DD called and said that she met with someone else at Kean and it looks like she will have an apprenticeship- she met the person she would be replacing...she just has to wait for the "official" word of acceptance from the Grad School. The head of the art department also met with her and he has the final say. He is actually one of her "references" that she had to submit with her grad school application. So, Please, Please keep praying that this works out for her. She won't make alot of money doing the apprenticeship but it is something. I really think this is the best thing for her. This way she'll have a masters in art education!


Well, DH is out with his DD looking for a car (you know how they always try to rip off women! ugh) and the house is nice and quiet so I think I'm going to crochet for a while.


Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday!

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Hi to my besties! I just finished doing the benefit enrollment for the medical benefits. I hate doing that. They make it so hard and it really doesn't have to be. But it is done so now I can relax a little. Dinner is done and now we are having a movie night. Legend was the pick for the night. We had sausage parmisagn for dinner.

I was working on my round ripple earlier today. I am almost done with round 8! Now that I started it I don't know if I liked the colors I picked together. But I am stuck with them, so onward with the ripple I go! I did go by a hook today. The ripple pattern called for an N hook, but I can't find mine. I am doing it with a P since that was what I had.

We also did some Christmas shopping for DD while she was at her friend's b-day party. Everything is safely hidden away. Now I just need to wrap! I should have hubby start that while he is home! That's a good idea!

Colleen - I hope your tacos were yummy!

Joanne - You have a good time in AC! I never went there when I lived up there. Where will you all be staying? Hope the people who saw the house liked it!

I hope everyone had a great Saturday! I am tired, and I really don't want to work on my paper. Maybe I will do some reading for it and plan my analysis and draw the chart for it. then I can still say I worked on it. I really want to work on my ripple, but other things are calling!

Have a great night and TTFN!


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Good morning and Happy Football Sunday!!!:cheer


Beautiful crisp, sunny day here in NJ. I worked on the afghan last night. I finished a skein of RHSS. I am starting to get bored with it,:eek so I think today will be spent making some hats and maybe a scarf. ( I am very ambitious in the beginning of the day). Ill then go back to the ghan while I watch the Giants (can they please win today??) at 4. Let's Go Giants:cheer


Shannon, I thought of you when I saw pics of pillows made from scraps in the Show and Tell Section- I think the title is 2 pillows from scraps. They are so colorful! -- hope you had a good appt with the Janna's new neuro


Scooby- did you see the posting of Roli's craft room in that thread? OMG- I love all the built in shelves she has..I am so jealous... I want a craft room too!!! Right now my craft room is the corner of my family room where I have my comfy chair and ottomon.:lol Did you get lots done on the Austin Powers BR?


LeaAnne- are you going to Jeanne's today for football and dinner? How is Uncle Art doing? and Krissy?


Mary- are you having a blast with your DD's and GK's. Tomorrow is your birthday!!!!!:birthday:bday:cake How fun you will be with the brood. BTW how is DS doing?


Vicki- How did you like Legend? That is neat that you and DH and DD have family movie night. Enjoy your Jets game!


Beth- How is the weekend going for you so far? I'll be rooting :cheerthat your Skins get a win. (is that even possible?:lol)


Colleen- How are you feeling today? Have fun at ChuckE Cheese (if you go). I've been meaning to ask, but kept forgetting, did you finish the purple/gray afghan? I think I'm with you- love afghans, but get tired of working on them. I feel like I have too little time to crochet and when I'm working on an afghan, I feel like I'll never get anything else done. (although I do like them when they are done).


Stacy- How is DH's eye doing? Any new wonderful quotes out of the mouth of Mia? :lol. Hope things are peaceful on the roomie front!


Jennifer- thinking about you and hoping school and life is treating you well.


Hope everyone has a wonderful relaxing Sunday.....Key word is RELAXING!!!.....:c9


Oh, and yea, remember your vitamins!!:manyheart

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I went up to the attic to bring down my overnight bag and I also brought down 4 totes full of DH's computer related odds and ends! I told him the time is now to go through them- we can donate what you are NEVER going to use...He freed up 3 totes!! :clap:clap:clap:clap for DH for finally parting with things!!!!!:yes (And I gained two totes to store yarn in :c9) They are clear totes so I can see what yarn is in them and they are now out from hiding in bags. I am soooo happy!!:) And, it amazed me how much yarn I have accumulated since I began crocheting in February!:eek


My name is Joanne and I am a yarn-aholic!!!:yarn:lol

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Oh, those pillows are beautiful :manyheart


DH is having a shower and then we are heading to Chuck-E-Cheese. :dance I am feeling a bit better today. Not totally back to healthy, but much better.


WTG Mr. imanurse (I love calling him that because he is a nurse :rofl) on cleaning out the stuff in the attic :yay:clap We have posted some things for sale and in the past week sold our stroller, DD's toy kitchen (she didn't use it and they take up a lot of room...and a Grandma bought it :manyheart....oh ya, and Santa might not bring toys here if he can't find room for them :wink), and some speakers. We have someone coming to look at a big comfy chair that has been hogging much of the playroom this afternoon. Hooray for getting rid of stuff we don't need! Once that chair is gone :xfin I will rearrange the playroom to give DD an area for her desk/crafts and I will claim the little space beside the stairs for my yarn. That will bring us a whole lot closer to cleaning out the office :yay:clap.


I hope everyone enjoys their Football Sunday. The Leafs won last night :clap They beat Detroit 5-1. I think that is their 2nd win this season :blush, but we're still proud.


I hope Krissy is feeling better too :hug and that Janna's appointment went well and that Shannon and family fit in some quality family time :hug and that Joanne gets lots of :crocheting done and that everyone else enjoys a good relaxing family day.

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DH (aka Mr imanurse) is on a roll. He listed a few things for sale- he realized he doesn't need his big guitar amplifier (which takes up a lot of room) and realizes his small one is just fine. He also listed one of his 4 guitars for sale!!! We made a trip to Goodwill with the computer odds and ends and also a bag of clothes that he finally agreed he will never wear but were in very good condition. It feels so good to clean out stuff!!! We also went grocery shopping and I finished the laundry. The rest of the afternoon is football and crocheting!!!



Have fun at ChuckE Cheese Colleen...and I LOL about your Santa story- i used to tell my dd's that all the time. I told them there was no room and they needed to go through their toys that they never played with so we could donate them. My DD's had one of those kitchen sets- (Grandma bought theirs too). I think we had it for about 8 years. It was bought for oldest DD and all three used it...especially youngest DD whose best friend when she was between 3-7 was a boy and they used to play house all the time! (thank goodness they weren't playing doctor!!!) Oh, you brought back some sweet memories.

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:hi all!

Happy Sunday! Dh has a friend coming to watch football soon, and the rest of us are chillin'. I actually had the urge to work on Isabella's snuggie today, and worked 4 rows before breakfast. I will work on it some more later. It's not every day I want to do something repetitive, so I better take advantage of it! :lol

Last night, Isabella's school had a fundraiser at the skating rink. She had so much fun. :clap Mia couldn't get used to the skates and wanted to take them off after one time around the rink. :blush It was supposed to end at 11, but Mia fell asleep around 10:30, so we left. The girls still got up early but Jorge got up with them and let me sleep. :c9


Joanne, :clap:cheer:h5 to Mr. Imanurse for cleaning out his totes! Woohoo for extra yarn storage! :yay


Colleen, have fun at Chuck E. Cheese! Skee-ball is by far the best game there! Great job on purging unused stuff, and good luck with getting the playroom/office cleaned out. :hug


Shannon, thinking of you and Janna! :hug


Mary, hope your dd arrived safely and you are having all kinds of fun together! :hug


Beth, are you being a :drive instructor today?


Vicki, hope you had a great movie night! :hug


Scooby, did you get the Austin Powers bathroom put together yet? I can't wait to see it! :2rock


Leanne, I hope your kiddies got lots of rest and that they are feeling better today. How is the flannel-ghan coming along? Did you get to work on it much yesterday?


I think I got everyone. Now I am off to look at the Target toy ad, then work on the snuggie. Have a great Sunday! :hug


Oh, I forgot to say the pillows are beautiful!! If I didn't despise ends so much, I think I would try to make some. They are so colorful and happy!

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DH (aka Mr imanurse) is on a roll. He listed a few things for sale- he realized he doesn't need his big guitar amplifier (which takes up a lot of room) and realizes his small one is just fine. He also listed one of his 4 guitars for sale!!! We made a trip to Goodwill with the computer odds and ends and also a bag of clothes that he finally agreed he will never wear but were in very good condition. It feels so good to clean out stuff!!! We also went grocery shopping and I finished the laundry. The rest of the afternoon is football and crocheting!!!



Have fun at ChuckE Cheese Colleen...and I LOL about your Santa story- i used to tell my dd's that all the time. I told them there was no room and they needed to go through their toys that they never played with so we could donate them. My DD's had one of those kitchen sets- (Grandma bought theirs too). I think we had it for about 8 years. It was bought for oldest DD and all three used it...especially youngest DD whose best friend when she was between 3-7 was a boy and they used to play house all the time! (thank goodness they weren't playing doctor!!!) Oh, you brought back some sweet memories.


WTG Mr. Imanurse!! :clap:clap I will have to use the Santa story! I've cleaned out 4 big boxes of toys and clothes from the girls' room so far, and every time they see me hauling stuff away, they want to know why. Now I can give them a reason they might not mind. LoL

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Hi girls. It is a cloudy Sunday here. The beginnings of the scattered showers that they say are coming. It is cool here too. I actually had to close my windows a little because I was cold from the cross breeze!

I have quite the migraine today. I took one medicine and all it did was make me tired. I took the other one a little bit ago and we will see if it gets rid of it. We are sitting here watching the Texans get killed by the Colts. The Jets are on a bye, so it may remain quiet in my living room. DD is outside playing in her "mudatory" so she will be playing for a while. I am sitting here trying to get my desire up to crochet some squares for DD. I don't think I have the strength to do the ripple right now.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday. Talk to you later.


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Alright, now! Either somebody's going to have to send me a laptop, or no more chats when I'm gone! I just finished reading through all the posts.:whew


We really like DD's new neurologist. He's very straight-forward and answered all our questions. And he's available whenever we need him. We didn't have that with the other one. This one even gave us his email address. He wants us to keep doing what we're doing.:yay And he gave us better news than I even thought to pray for. He said her EEG was definitely abnormal, but not very very abnormal like the other neuro told us. We go back in 6 months, and he'll do an EEG in a year. If/when it starts to look more normal, he'll start weaning her off the medicine. So we are very happy and couldn't have asked for a better check-up.:D


We had lots of fun the rest of the weekend. We went minature golfing at two different places yesterday. We did some swimming at the hotel, and just had lots of fun family time!:manyheart


LeaAnne- You made me cry when you asked Scooby to pray for my Chicken. Thank you. How are your chickens feeling?


Scooby- I hate that I missed your first chat! But I got to catch up, and I look forward to chatting with you soon! Good luck with the Austin Powers bathroom! Your old toilet story made me :heehee


Joanne- Your day at the spa sounds divine! That's so cool that you all get to do that! :yay for both DD's and their good job news!!


Vicki- Your DH is funny! We are so secret underground! I guess that's why no one else has tried to join our group. They're all looking for crochet-type talk!:lol Good luck to DD and her "insincere" project!


Colleen- How are you feeling? How was Chuck E. Cheese? Skee-ball is my fave too! I can't believe that about the pizza. Our CEC has the bestest pizza ever! Please tell DD that we are all so proud of her!


Beth- Hey there! How are all the drivers in the house today? I'm glad you got some quality time with your DH, even if the kids did eat better than you!;)


Mary- I know you are having a splendiferous time with the fam! What an awesome birthday present to have them there. Too bad DS isn't there, but you two had such an awesome visit this summer!!


Stacy- How are things over your way? Has Mia calmed down today? How was dinner at the IL's? Did you get a lot done on your snuggie today?


I really missed you guys! We had an awesome weekend, but it's nice to be home. Have a great night everyone. Oh, and LeaAnne, you were right. You girls owe me a chat. Just let me know when! Love you all!!:manyheart

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Welcome home Shannon- So glad that the neuro visit went so well!!! It is what we are all praying/hoping for!!!! That is awesome-ness that he gave you his email and has encouraged you to be in touch whenever you need. It is so comforting knowing that you have found a great doctor for Janna!!! And congrats to your Saints on their win today. The Giants lost right at the end 21-20--UGH!! DH said he is now rooting for the Saints since he is fed up with the Giants. (he is such a fickle fan). He always liked Drew Brees so now he feels he has the right to root for them!


Colleen- Hope Skee Ball was fun at CEC!


Stacy- I was so happy to hear that Isabella had fun at the fundraiser for her school. And I guess you DH was happy with the Chargers win over the Giants. (not sure if he roots for the Chargers, but they are a Cali team..lol) Did you get much done on the snuggy?


I made 2 hats today out of WoolEase thick and quick. I used the pattern on Lion Brand site- it's called Apple Pie Hat. I liked the way it came out, except you have to stitch up the seams. So the 2nd hat I made I started it out like the pattern said and then converted to doing it in the round. All I had to do then was close off the top and put on the pompom. I needed that instant gratification of finishing 2 things and then I went back to my afghan.


LeaAnne- Congrats on your Patriiots Win! Vicki- I forgot that the Jets were on a bye. Giants are on a bye next week--they need it to regroup and hopefully come back and salvage their season!!! Hope your Migraine is feeling better!!


Mary- it's almost your Birthday!!!! Hope you are enjoying the day with the family


Beth So sorry about the Redskins-...but Giants aren't doing much better.


Scooby- hope you had a great day and the Austin Powers bathroom is almost done.


Well, all, off to do a few more rows on the afghan.

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Welcome back, Shannon! I'm so happy that you've found a neuro who is so helpful and available! :clap And :cheer for the great report! I'm happy that you have some fun family time.


Joanne, the only Cali team he likes out of any sport is the Dodgers. He roots for the Seahawks, and was very happy to see their victory over the Lions today- my dad is a huge Lions fan being as he lives in MI, and he tends to gloat when MI teams do better than CA ones. :wink


I got about 12 rows finished on the snuggy, which makes it all of 8 inches tall. :( I'm trying to stay positive, but it is tedious and I just don't see myself finishing it anytime soon. :sigh What I need to do is work out a schedule of when to work on each project. I used to be really good about that, but like Joanne and Leanne (I think) mentioned, it seems I cannot make multiple projects anymore- I just get overwhelmed and don't want to do anything. :shrug


Oh, guess what? Roomie's youngest dd (aka the Terror) kicked Isabella in the mouth last night and all she got was 10 minutes in her room. :rolleyes Today she has the stomach flu, and after taking a small nap, was allowed to play with the rest of the kids. :eek When my kids are sick, they are quarantined from each other, I cannot imagine letting them play with other kids. She went into the girls' room to watch tv and I told her that she had to go play in her room. She ignored me 3 times! I went to Roomie and she said, "Well I'm fine with that." I told her I didn't want to clean up vomit in my kids' room...I could tell she was slightly upset, but told the little girl she had to watch a movie in her own room. Seriously...:sigh I need to just suck it up because the carelessness is not going to stop anytime soon.


Well I'm going to scoot for the night...dh wants to walk to the 7-11 and then it will be bedtime. Have a great rest of the night! :hug

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:hiEveryone!!!!!! I really enjoyed my first chat with everyone. It was lots of fun. First I will talk about the AP bathroom. I bought a wooden over the toilet storage shelf thingy and late Friday nite I was going to put it together as DF made a bet that it wouldn't be put together by the time he got home from work at 1 Saturday afternoon. I got about 3 pieces out of the box and noticed that one of the doors had a bubbled look to it so I thought I might be able to put it on the inside. :no when I flipped it over it looked like some1 had taken a box cutter and cut the other side of it so it was badly scratched. So I took it back to Walmart Saturday morning and they didn't have another one just like it so I bought a different kind that was $20 more brought it home, got all the pieces laid out and started putting it together only to find a piece that was badly bubbled and scratched worse than the first one. So when DF got home from work we took that one back too. We went back to where they were on the shelf only to notice that the first one I had taken back was back on the shelf with the box taped up.DF noticed it and said didn't you tell them it was damaged and I said :yes I did. And he said well, forget it we will look some where else. :shrug how but we ended up in the yarn dept :devil. DF was just pushing the buggy along and he said HEY LOOK HONEY here's 10 skeins of clearance :yarn. I thought he was joking but I turned around to look and sure enough there were 4 skeins of SS, 4 skeins of Vanna's choice and 2 skeins of RHSS Fiesta. :eekSo he picked them all up and threw them in the cart. Then we made it over to the yarn aisle and he bought me 5 skeins of RHSS Marrakesh and 5 skeins of Melonberry. Two colors of varigated that I don't have :c9. On the way home from walmart, DF noticed a sign that there was a moving sale at the fairgrounds, so we turned around and went back. A lady there had 2 very nice 6 shelf bookshelves and 3 nice 3 or 4 shelf bookshelves and then another semi decent 4 shelf bookshelf. For the 5 nice shelves it would have been about $200. She saw us looking at them and said I can make you a deal if you are interested, how many do you need and I :heehee and said all that I can get. So we stood there and she said well I will make you a deal and I said ok what is your offer on the 5 and she said I will take $100 for the 5 and throw the 6th one in free. I looked at DF and he said write the check.:yay:cheer:clap So now I have a start on shelves for my :yarn stash. We didn't get a lot done with anything in the house Saturday evening. But today was a different story. The AP bathroom is almost complete. Everything is hung up, except for the mirror. It needs to be washed off and then painted, which I intended on doing but kept getting sidetracked today. So it is first on the list for in the morning. DF has to put the new faucet in and I think it is done. Soooooooooo :xfin that I can get the mirror done and hung back up and I will take pics to share regardless if the new faucet is in or not. The storage shelf thingy behind the toilet is now a no go.DF had a wooden corner shelf thingy by the front door that I cleaned up and put in there and I really like it. I think it has come together nicely and really like it. I will see what you all think :lol.


The moving truck made it to the storage lot in Grand Island (about 80 miles away) sometime Friday, so I have to call in the morning to see when it can be delivered to the house. I am ready to get my stuff back:lol and get it set up. So today we moved the buffet in the kitchen to another wall to make room for my china hutch and moved the wine rack out of the kitchen to the dining room. We also cleaned out a bunch of knick knack type stuff that DF didn't want, as it was just stuff he put out after he divorced just to fill in so everything wasnt so bare looking.


Tomorrow I have to start painting DS's room. I had planned on starting it today, but we worked on the AP bathroom, cleaned out a bunch of stuff, and moved furniture around downstairs. I also have to get stuff rearranged in the small bedroom as it is pretty much empty and we are going to use it as a storage room until we can make room for my furniture and get some more furniture switched around.


DS was itching to go for a ride today, as he has his learner's permit and wanted to drive. So I told DF we did need to run to the store and pick up some drinks and pick up a few forgotten items at Dollar General. So he said ok we can do that. While out I asked could we go in Goodwill and DF said sure. Guess what I found, :rofl. Yep, more :yarn. I ended up buying another large bag of misc scrap/partial skeins. I also found some other misc craft items like wreaths,buttons,styrofoam cones/balls etc etc. I also found some wall shelves, baskets,storage containers for notions and a few other odds and ends. DS found a brand new dart board for $1 we just have to buy him some darts. We had a nice family outing and had fun. Other than that, that is all that has been going on here. Been a little busy but things are slowly but surely coming together :yay.


Joanne- :droolyes I saw Roli's craft room. Mine won't look quite that great but her's is splendiferous. I wish I had the built in shelves like she has but I am content with mine :lol. Thanks for sharing the link to the pillows. I need to attempt to make some like that. I haven't tried making pillows yet. Maybe someday. I am gonna stand up with you and say MY NAME IS ROBIN-ANNE AND I TRULY AM A YARNAHOLIC :rofl. :yayWTG Mr IMANURSE for getting stuff cleaned out.


Stacy- ACKKKKKKKK!!!! I totally agree with you that roomie's daughter didn't need to be playing with the girls if she was sick. :( Is Isabella ok? That is awful. Terror should have been punished a little bit more than just 10 mins in her room. So sorry this happened :hug. Just cuz I have missed so much but are you living with roomie or is roomie living with you? So the snuggys are tedious, huh? Which pattern are you using as I think there are a couple of them. I thought about making one but wanted to ask you first what your opinions were on them. GL and I hope you share some pics with us when you get finished.


Colleen- Glad to hear that you are feeling much better today:yay:hug. :clap on selling some of that stuff that you no longer have a need for. I probably should have done that too but a lot of what we cleaned out was just junk unfortunately. But either way, I am just glad is gone out of my way. How was Chuck E Cheese? I hope you had a blast as I always did when the boys were little.


:2hug Shannon- Nice to see you again!!!!!! I sent my special prayers out for you and Janna Friday nite. I am so glad that everything turned out so wonderful for her with the the new neurologist:c9. I wish you had of been here too for my first chat but I am gonna try really hard every Friday nite to be here. :ohdear:2eek That toilet was awful. I wish I had taken pics of it but I would have been too:embar to show them. After they replaced it, that horrible thing sat out on the back deck for like 3 days before they finally carried it down the alley to the dumpster. It was so bad I wouldn't even touch it. It gave me the heebie jeebies. But glad you got a good chuckle anyways.


:hugVicki- So sorry that you were feeling bad today. I hope you are feeling much better now. Speaking of squares, I have got a good start on my Besties Squares finally :yay. Did you ever find the desire to crochet?


LeaAnne- Hope all the kids are feeling much better now. How are they? :hug


:hugBeth and Mary. I hope that you both had a wonderful Sunday!!!!!!


Geesh, I had a lot to say. Sorry this post was so long but I wanted to make sure I got everything in :lol. I finally had the time to respond to eveyone!!!! Guess I better get to bed as I have a lot to do in the morning and finally got all the paperwork to get Josh enrolled in school :yay. Take care friends and I will check in sometime tomorrow. Love ya all and lots of :hugto ya!!!!!!!!!

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Good morning Besties!!!


Mary- :bday:bday:bday:birthday:cake:birthday:cake:flower....Have a wonderful-ness birthday with the family!!!!!


Scooby- Your energy simply amazes me! You sure did get a lot accomplished and what a deal you got on the bookshelves!!! Why is that you have such good luck at Goodwill with yarn? When I dropped off DH's stuff, of course I went in - there was no yarn!! They must be shipping all the yarn they get to TN and now NE!! I pass by Goodwill everyday on my way home from work, and always think to stop AFTER I have passed it by. Can't wait to see the AP bathroom!!!


Beth- Looks like Scooby is joining you with the teaching kids to drive thing! Speaking of, how are DS and DD doing with their driving and more importantly how are you doing with their driving? LOL.


Stacy- As soon as you posted that your DH is a Seahawks fan, I went DUH...she told us that already...LOL....Hope your kids don't get sick from Roomies kid. Why doesn't she understand that if a kid is sick, they should not be playing with other kids? And only 10 min for kicking someone in the mouth???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Sounds like your way of raising children and hers are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I keep hoping that she will learn something from you! As far as the snuggly- don't think I'll be making one of them...at least not until after holidays. I have this ghan to finish and then another...and I want to get hat, scarf, mitts and a lapghan done for oldest DD who will be coming down for Thanksgiving!!! I won't see her on Christmas so I'd like to have them done. All depends on how much work I have ..otherwise I'll have to mail them.


A friend of mine at work gave me two tickets to a NJ Devils game on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I am taking my oldest to the game- she is so excited since she likes hockey! This will be fun. She took me to a Boston Bruins game and now I can take her to a Devils game!!!


LeaAnne, Is this your last week of craziness with PTO? And when do you start your babysitting job? I thought it was around this time. How's the flannelghan coming along.


Colleen- You are in the home stretch- this is your last week at work and then you are officially a SAHM!!! Cant wait to see all the :crocheting creations flying off your :hook with all the spare time you'll have:lol


Shannon- I was reading about Hurricane Ida- then had to look on a map where Sibley is. From what I can tell, you should be alright, correct?


Vicki- Hope the migraine is gone. Is it George time again already? How did DD do working on her DI project? Any :crocheting done for you?


Hope I didn't miss anyone, but I've got to start getting ready. I want to unload the dishwasher and I "forgot" I had a load of towels in the dryer from yesterday that need folding. I was too busy:crocheting LOL


Have a splendiferous -ness Monday! :ghug



Mary- Enjoy your special day!!!!!!!: :bday:birthday:cake

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HI all! I am feeling much better today! amazing what medicine and a little sleep will do for you!

Yes, I did get the urge to finally crochet. I started another square for DD's square-ghan. It was easy to do and I just didn't have the energy to do the ripple. I think I got 6 rounds of the square done before I put it away and laid like a lump in my chair. I just felt horrible. I went to bed early and I feel much better. YAY ME!

Scooby - You crack me up with all your yarn! I told my hubby he should be happy that there weren't 40 boxes of yarn when we moved down here! You go girl! It is good that your DF is so supportive of your habit. It is a good habit to have!

Joanne - DD did work on her project. She had to find 10 reasons to keep or not keep an extinct item around. After I got on her she finished it rather quickly. she brings it all to school today for her practice.

Stacy - UGH! Roomie is not getting it! I hope Isabella is feeling better after that. Good for you sending the little terror back to her room. Stick to your guns. Good for you!

Shannon - YAY for Janna! I am so glad to hear that everything is better than you thought! What a great doctor to give you his e-mail address and want to hear from you! I am glad you had a great weekend with the family and that all worked out!

LeaAnne - How are the chickens feeling today? I hope they are all better and ready to go back to school!

Colleen - How are you feeling? Any better? I hope so. How was skee ball? I hope you all had fun! Give DD a hug and tell her she is doing a great job!

Mary - :bday:birthday:bday!!!!! I hope you have a great day with the kids and grand kids and that you have a wonderful day!

The end of the marking period is here and I need to get my paper work turned it to various people. Hve a great day everyone and I will try to come back later and see how everyone is doing!



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