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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:hiTo all my favorite people, aka the Besties!!!!! Yesterday was a lazy day for me although I did get some errands done, like the grocery store and walmart. Since I don't have my 40 + boxes of yarn stash (which DF counted as he was loading them on the moving trailer :lol), I did buy some new :yarn at walmart yesterday to start my besties squares. Which I hope to start working on tonight sometime :cheer:clap:cheer. I forgot to mention to you all that I have been visiting the Goodwill store here on a weekly basis and I have purchased 4 huge garbage bags of scrap yarn :eek:yes:devil. Then DF and I went to the next big town over the weekend before we left and I hit the Goodwill and Salvation Army there and got 3 more garbage bags there:drool. Then we went to HL and I got another 70 + skeins of yarn that was all on clearance. It was all serafina and Naturally Caron Country :drool. I think DF is about to stroke out as he told me has never seen anyone who owns/buys as much yarn as me :rofl. Right before we left TN I hit the HL where I lived and the HL where my son works and bought all there clearance yarn which was Serafina, Naturally Caron Country, I Love this Yarn (which I don't like but it was a $1) in a varigated color and Lion Brand Jiffy so I ended up with about 150 + more skeins :cheer:clap:cheer. So at least I have something to play around with until my yarn gets here. I hated to tell DF yesterday what was in the garbage bag laying at the foot of the stairs. I didn't say anything until he asked :devil:rofl. My reasoning for all the yarn buying was that now that I am going to be a SAHM I have to have something to occupy my time :devil. And he said OK while :rolleyes. But.......they have a big craft and antique fair here and he really wants me to get a lot of stuff made up to sell as there is a big market here for crocheted/knitted/sewn items. He told me that it is all ghans and quilts and he thinks that because I make the different items such as scarves, hats,purses, kitchen items etc that it will really sell well. So looks like I have my :crochetingtime all planned out :c9.

Yesterday I decided that the boys, DS and his friends, could go down in the basement and start hauling all those boxes of junk up. Well, that worked for about an hour until they found a dead small garter snake and then right after found another one that was alive:eek. DS and one of the friends decided they had enough. The other two were not afraid and ended up killing the one that was alive. I haven't been in the basement in over a week as I went down to take some laundry and found a dead one at the bottom of the steps:thumbdown:2eek:worried:scared:scared:scared. So now DF has to do all the laundry as I refuse to go down there. He takes the laundry down to wash and dry and when he brings it up I fold it and put it away. I have never liked folding and putting it way until now :rofl.

Well I guess I have rambled enough for now. I have some boxes to go thru, a shelfing unit to assemble,dishwasher to unload,bathrooms to clean, a living room to dust and gonna help DS get some kind of order going in his room. I might be able to make it to chat tonite but don't remember what time to be here :lol.

Anyways hope u all have a great day and hope to talk to ya'll soon!!!! Love ya :hug:hug:manyheart:hug

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:hi, all!


I have done 4 washes so far... kitchen and bathrooms cleaned, and master bedroom cleaned, dusted, vac'd and furniture re-arranged. All that is left down there is to purge my drawers (that will not be today!:devil) It was a good day to clean downstairs, so as to be nice and quiet for my chickens, who are on my couches being quiet (not like them:()


Scooby - I really can't even say how much I missed you!!! I love your yarn collecting obsession (I can relate, although since being in the Stashbusting group, I have not bought any) I still have enough yarn and thread to last me a lifetime (or 2!):rofl ...and how cool is it that DF is :clap:cheerfor you to make things to sell! make sure you keep him! :wink:lol

Chat is at 9:30 eastern time, although we start filtering in around 9:D Hope you can make it!:clap


Stacy - I hope you keep up with that little enegizer bunny named Mia! :lol She sounds like so much fun! Enjoy dinner at MIL's, and don't forget your laptop:wink


Colleen - So glad that things are going ok, and that the end of your craziness schedule is in sight! Sorry that you are not feeling well:( ...remember to take your vitamin C, drink lots of hot tea, and relax:hug


Beth - your projects sound like so much fun! It must be so nice to have someone right there, IRL, :cheeryou on, and to brainstorm with. Glad you are having fun times!:hug


I will check in later on... older 2 are home from school, so i gtg.


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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - WTG getting so much done around the house! I hope your little chickens are back to themselves soon.


Scooby - It is nice to have you back. :manyheart You and your yarn stash :faint I could just borrow some from you and you'd never miss it :devil


Stacy - I was just thinking about you and your girls. I know Isabella was having some confidence problems. I just listened to a CD of Jamie Lee Curtis's stories with DD. It may be on the young side for Isabella :shrug, but might be nice for all your girls too. She has books or I got an audio CD with all 6 stories on it. They are all about liking yourself, having different feelings (happy, sad, angry, etc.) and the challenges of growing up. It was nice and my DD responded quite well to it.


I gotta run. My little chick-a-dee wants dessert. The pizza I cooked made her gag :think so she had cereal. I guess I better think of a decent dessert :lol

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:hiEveryone. Just stopping by to say that I think I am going to make it to chat tonite :cheer:cheer:yay:yay. I didn't get everything accomplished today, but I did get all the boxes from the basement sorted and carried off to the dump, the Austin Powers bathroom is now officially ready to be decorated/finished (:xfin that it will be this evening when DF gets home) so I can show you all pictures of it.

But I am going to go now so that I can get the dishwasher unloaded and the living room dusted and supper started. See you all in a bit.

Wait till I get all my yarn back and then come over and get you some :yarn Colleen. I will give it to you, no need to borrow it as I don't think you want me to :frog:2frog your FO just to get my yarn back!!!!!:heehee:heehee:laughroll:laughroll:rofl I think youwould give me a for real :kickand be :yell:rant:grumpy:box:thair:2nono.

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Hi everyone! It's the weekend!! After working 12 days in a row, you don't know how happy I am that I now have 2 days off!!!! YAY!!!!


Vicki- The Yankee parade was today!! And it's only 96 days till pitchers and catchers report...lol! Now, on to football and hockey!!!! (and some college basketball thrown in between)


Scooby-I can't believe how much yarn you have...that is so cool that you will get to be a SAHM and that DF is so supportive of your yarn habit...I was just speaking to DH the other night about how my middle DD wants me to make lots of stuff and start going to some craft shows/art shows with her. She has her art and she also has taken to making recipe boxes and aprons. He thought it was a good idea and I plan to start crocheting up a storm and building an inventory after the holidays. Until then, gotta focus on making gifts. Now, if I could figure out a way to stay home and crochet and not work, I'd really be in business!! LOL!!


Colleen- So happy to hear that you are ok (well, sorry you're not feeling great) but I was worried since your "life stuff" post just didn't sound like you. Enjoy the clothesline weather- and so happy you didn't mention the stuff on the ground word--you know the white stuff!! LOL. One more week and you are also a SAHM- hang in there -it's right around the corner.


LeaAnne- hope the chickens are feeling better. And WTG on the cleaning you got done today. I am on my badorkus tonight- no cleaning tonight. I did do the laundry last night so I could have tonight off. Tomorow I have my color the gray/hair cut appointment @8AM and then at 11 I have my nail appointment. I'll be cleaning around 6AM tomorrow before my appts, then plan on spending the afternoon crocheting.


Beth- I like you plan for the ghan- one row a day. I have a hard time still going between more than 1 project at a time...although I think tomorrow I will make a hat/fingerless mitts as a break from the afghan I'm making. those bun covers sound so neat. And I love the Nutcracker. When my DD's were younger, my mother took me and the DD's to see the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center! It was awesome-ness!!!!


everyone else- hope you had a great friday and I'll be here later for chat....at least that is the plan right now!

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Hi everyone! It's the weekend!! After working 12 days in a row, you don't know how happy I am that I now have 2 days off!!!! YAY!!!!


Vicki- The Yankee parade was today!! And it's only 96 days till pitchers and catchers report...lol! Now, on to football and hockey!!!! (and some college basketball thrown in between)


Scooby-I can't believe how much yarn you have...that is so cool that you will get to be a SAHM and that DF is so supportive of your yarn habit...I was just speaking to DH the other night about how my middle DD wants me to make lots of stuff and start going to some craft shows/art shows with her. She has her art and she also has taken to making recipe boxes and aprons. He thought it was a good idea and I plan to start crocheting up a storm and building an inventory after the holidays. Until then, gotta focus on making gifts. Now, if I could figure out a way to stay home and crochet and not work, I'd really be in business!! LOL!!


Colleen- So happy to hear that you are ok (well, sorry you're not feeling great) but I was worried since your "life stuff" post just didn't sound like you. Enjoy the clothesline weather- and so happy you didn't mention the stuff on the ground word--you know the white stuff!! LOL. One more week and you are also a SAHM- hang in there -it's right around the corner.


LeaAnne- hope the chickens are feeling better. And WTG on the cleaning you got done today. I am on my badorkus tonight- no cleaning tonight. I did do the laundry last night so I could have tonight off. Tomorow I have my color the gray/hair cut appointment @8AM and then at 11 I have my nail appointment. I'll be cleaning around 6AM tomorrow before my appts, then plan on spending the afternoon crocheting.


Beth- I like you plan for the ghan- one row a day. I have a hard time still going between more than 1 project at a time...although I think tomorrow I will make a hat/fingerless mitts as a break from the afghan I'm making. those bun covers sound so neat. And I love the Nutcracker. When my DD's were younger, my mother took me and the DD's to see the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center! It was awesome-ness!!!!


everyone else- hope you had a great friday and I'll be here later for chat....at least that is the plan right now!:manyheart

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:waving girls!


I just wanted to stop in and say I don't think I will be at chat tonight. It has been a long day, which includes Mia being Mia at the mall and throwing a screaming fit because she didn't want to come home, and dh telling me that I have been really cranky and it is getting on his nerves. :( So I think we will have a short dinner and I will :out as soon as we get home.

I have to get the girls ready, but I wanted to say I hope you all have a great chat! :clap for Scooby being there! I can't wait to read up tomorrow. :hug

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Stacy - :hug:):hug:) I hope you all get a good night's rest. You have been under alot of stress in the last few months. Moving, adjusting, surgery, helping your family adjust, going away to see your family, cleaning up poops, and Jorge not feeling well. We will miss you at chat, and Love you Bunches!:manyheart


Joanne - :ty! :yes I am proud of me today, too!... I put myself on a mission to get caught up. I did 4 more loads of laundry (only have 1 left that I'll do tomorrow early). I even called the Vietnam Veterans to schedule a donation pick up for Thursday! It feels good to know that I am now committed to purging! After next week, I will call the Mission of Deeds, who needs dishes and pans to have them come get my surplus in my kitchen. I told DH to get ready to help as needed... I cannot live in a cluttered space any more! I am thinking that clutter and too much "stuff" = clutter and disorganization in life in general. Does that make sense? Anyway, tomorrow will be badorkus:hook:crocheting for me, too, and college football of course:cheer. Oh! and tomorrow night, we are taking Jeanne (Nanny is what we all really call her) out for Chinese. She has been craving it since she got out of the hospital, so we are taking her to Peter's dad's favorite restaurant... it will be good to have familly time in a place that he always enjoyed:manyheart


Uncle Art is calling... I'll be back to chat shortly:)

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:hi Mary


WTG on the decluttering LeaAnne. I'm chipping away at it slowly and totally agree with you that life is simpler without all the stuff. Just think, the less stuff you have the less stuff you have to clean/put away/dust. And if it can go to a good cause even better :cheer


I won't be staying long, but wanted to say hi. My symptoms continue to be mild but are all over the place. Today was the sick stomach day, but after supper it totally changed into a tight chest :think Another early night for me. Our little girl earned some Chuck-E-Cheese time for 3 days of no crying at school and we're hoping to go tomorrow morning. We don't eat there. The pizza at our Chuck-E-Cheese is gross. You can go and just play games though.

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Hello all! YAY for Friday!

This was a crazy week! I am so glad it's over! Hopefully things will calm down next week and we can just move on. We are already in the third marking period! That begins on Monday!

Beth - No special plans this weekend. DD has a birthday party tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise, I have some towels to fold and I need to work on my paper. Some cleaning, but otherwise nothing great. What do you have going on in your neck of the woods?

Stacy - I know how that feels. Husbands say that when they are not feeling loved enough I guess. Mine thinks I am being cranky too. I hope you feel better after you rest a little bit. Have a good night and we will miss you at chat!

LeaAnne - Jeanne sounds like she is making a great recovery! I hope she enjoys her dinner and the family time.

Scooby - I need to tell my hubby about your yarn stash! He was upset when we moved that I had TWO totes of yarn! He would have died with your 40! You go girl! At least your DF is accepting of your habit and not insisting that you do something about it! I hope you enjoy all that yarn!


Joanne - I got to see some of the parade today during my planning period. It was the very beginning when they were all getting on the floats. I missed when they were at City Hall. I hope that part was good.


I will be hanging around for chat. Hubby finally realizes that I come here to talk to my friends every week. He claims it is all propaganda against him! :lol


Till later!



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:hi... I am back!


:hi, Mary! How is your family?


:hi, Colleen.. i am sorry you are not feeling well, but am glad you are here!


:hi, Vicki! Tell DH it's GNI (Girls night IN)... my DH says to me every Friday "oh... it's chat night, right?" :rofl He now thinks it's pretty cool that we all have each other!

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I'm glad your DH's approve of chat night (Vicki's aside of course...typical man thinking it's all about him :lol). Mine doesn't like me being on the computer for all hours. So, I'm limited to 20 minutes of chat time (when he's here :wink). He's here tonight, but I've got a date with my flannel 'jammies soon anyway.

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:lol about your "curfew", Colleen! You should remind DH that there are worse things you could be doing than chatting with a bunch of girls about kids, crocheting and housekeeping!:devil


So true. :rofl Especially since you guys help me keep my house clean. To be honest, we are trying to focus on spending more time together (my DH and me that is :lol). So I have to respect that he wants to spend time with me too.

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He likes his new job. It will be a lot different. He is now a supervisor. Lots of driving. Less physical work (which is good for his back). It's good. He's here in the morning for breakfast now, which is nice. DD gets some morning cuddles too, which is great :clap All good.


How are the little ones feeling?

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I know just what you mean about the time together... my DH gets all bummed out if I don't spend enough time with him, too. But he has finally resigned to the fact that I need some just "me" time, and that is spent with you all on Friday nights. Other than that, it's all about everyone else.

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Yes, DD is looking forward to the party. It is a carnival theme. They are going to do carnival games and the kids have to buy tickets. Any money they make is going to be donated to the ASPCA in the birthday girl's name. I thought that was cute. And yes, my hubby does think like a typical man. Eventually maybe he will learn. I doubt it though. He is a man after all!

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