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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:hi everyone!


I dangled the leftover Halloween candy in front of my dk faces, and asked them if they would please go through their dressers, and get rid of all stained, holey, out-grown, or unloved clothing. For some odd reason, they began immediately, and all 3 cleaned out their dressers. I went through the castoffs, and threw away the rags, and took the rest to Goodwill. Then my dd and I went shopping for something dressy. We are going to see a Ukranian Folk Dance troupe perform at a local university on Friday. It's the first time she's wanted to go to anything like this, so I'm very excited.


I need to skeedaddle, though. Got to be at work in 30 minutes.


See you


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Happy Anniversary, Beth!! Sorry I forgot!:blush Do you and DH have any special plans? Have a wonderful anniversary evening!!:manyheart

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HI everyone!

Colleen- Did you have a nice birthday? How was DH's first day on the new job? How did DD do with school?


Shannon Enjoy the Saints game tonight!


Beth- Happy Anniversary- and kudos to the kids for cleaning out their clothes and you for donating to Goodwill!


Mary- How are you doing up in God's country? A friend of mine showed me pics of her latest trip to Cali- (near Sacremento) Her DD lives there and she kept referring to it as God's Country-- I thought of you each time she said it!


LeaAnne- Consider yourself being held accountable for 1/2 of cleaning in Petey's room!


vicki- How was DH"s MRI report? Hope that George is easy on ou this month and that the migraine did'nt last too long. i wonder if Girardi did the right thin pitching AJ on short rest. I guess time will tell.


Stacy- How was your day? And Isabella' s day with her new seat?


Everyone- have a great night- Yankees are on, so I'm going to sign off and watch!

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:hi everyone!


Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes! So nice! Mary called me and sang happy birthday to me :heehee It's a good thing she has crochet to fall back on if her singing career doesn't take off :rofl I'm just kidding Mary, your call made my day :hug


Happy Anniversary Beth and Mr. Beth!!!! What number are you celebrating? Congratulations!


My day was good, but very busy. DD did great! She didn't cry all morning and had a good day at school :yay:clap:yay:clap:dance :elle DH had a good first day at work, thanks for asking. I cleaned out some bins of stuff in the crawl space and have 2 garbage bags of candles and junk to go for donation. I did 2 loads of laundry (still holding onto my clothesline days as long as I can...pretty soon the laundry will freeze out there...have you ever seen a frozen sweater on the clothesline. It's funny, makes me laugh :lol). I also ironed for an hour. I'm not an ironer but now that DH works "business casual" instead of workin' man dirty I figured I'd better get his closet ship shape. I didn't mind it. Then I went to work.


I have had a headache on and off all day too. Something is going on...Vicki in Texas with a headache me with one here :think


I am off to bed. I am tired out! Have a great night all!

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Hi, all-


I spent my 1/2 hour in Pete's room. I sorted out and re-org'd his drawers.

Tomorrow is Election Day, and I am not sure if I will need to be at the school all day. so far, I have to do 7-9am and 5-7pm. Hopefully, that will be it. some of my volunteers have had to cancel due to sick kids at home. The flu around here is getting scary! 1/4 of the 5th grade was absent today, and I heard of 2 houses that are under quarantine:eek


I'll check in tomorrow when i can, but now I better go get my rest. I need to keep my resistance up!




:hug:hugto you all!

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Good morning, Besties!


Thanks for the anniversary wishes. I'm a couple of months behind LeaAnne. It's my 19th, too. We aren't celebrating until Thursday, when I won't be working.


LeaAnne, sounds like the flu is hitting your neck of the woods pretty hard. I hope everyone comes through OK.


Colleen, sounds like your had a good, busy birthday. Nice of your daughter to go to school without tears as a gift for you! And I'm glad your dh started his new job. I hope it's much healthier for him.


Joanne, Sorry about your Yankees. Are they trying to win at home again? Does anybody else in your family have a birthday coming up???


Shannon, Thanks for the anniversary wishes. :hugI'm usually not a big fan of anniversaries, but this year seems special, since he just got back from that trip. Nothing big planned. We'll go out to eat without the kiddoes on Thursday. Should be interesting.


Vicki, I hope your migraine is better, and George behaves himself. Such an unruly visitor!


Mary, How is November in God's Country? I'll bet you are a very busy lady about now. I hope you are having a wonderful time!!!


Stacy, How are our three girls? Any more "presents" from the roomie's dog? Did the roomie help clean up her guests' mess?


Scooby, Did you get the truck packed up? I hope you are safely on your way back to your new home. Don't work too hard!


Jennifer, Don't work too hard, too.


Today should be more productive than yesterday. I won't be out of the house as much. I hope to tackle my clothes, get rid of the ones I don't wear.

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Good morning! Yes, the Yankees are planning on winning at home Wednesday night (at least that is what I hope is their plan...lol...)


LeaAnne- This flu thing is scary- that is a lot of kids to be absent from school. Remember your vitamins!! And rest- How is Jeanne doing...and Uncle Art? WTG on getting your 1/2 hr of Peteys room done!


Colleen- WTG on the cleaning! And glad that DH had a good first day. I also wear business casual to work...and I hate to iron. Do you want to come to NJ for a visit and iron my clothes??? I usually try to hang my clothes right after they are washed and most don't need the iron (and if they do, DH doesn't mind ironing so if he is ironing something, I just say, oh, do you mind ironing this for me? And he does!!)


Beth- enjoy your dinner on Thursday! And the next birthday in my family is my step daughter on Nov 15 (she lives in Ala) and then DH's birthday is on 11/24. He already put up a list of things he would like on his Amazon wish list!


Vicki- Did you watch the game? I fell asleep and then woke up around the 6th inning and then fell back asleep. I guess working all weekend and staying up late Sat and Sun to watch the games finally caught up with me. But, I'll be well rested for the game on Wed!!! Hope your migraine is better and that George is behaving! MRI results for DH?


Mary- That was so sweet of you to call Colleen for her birthday. Hope you have a great day


Shannon- How did your Saints do? Did you watch the game? Any more progress on your guest room?


Scooby- are you in Nebraska now? How did the move go? Please pm me your new address so I can send you a bestie square. I still have it here, didn't mail it since I wasn't sure where you were.


Stacy- How is Isabella doing? Did you have the chat with roomie?


Jennifer- hope all is well with you.


Well, gals, I'd better get the ole badorkus in gear and finish getting ready for another day! I think tonight I will take a box of clothes out of the attic that I didn't bring down yet and go through it...also there are 2 boxes of clothes up there that DH hasn't used in a few years. I'm going to make him go through and decide what (if any of them) he still wants. I'll stop at Goodwill on my way home from work Wed. There, I've put it down in writing...so now I am accountable!


Have a wonderful day!

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Hi guys. Hubby's MRI came back normal and he is clear to do any physical activity. He wants to get back to the gym. The accident ruined his momentum!

My headache is back, but it is all related to George. I will feel better in a couple of days. I always get migraines at this time of the month.

I did watch part of the game as I was resting/falling asleep. I saw that they had the chance to really kill the Phillies in the 9th, but we are headed back to the Bronx instead. That's okay. I can wear my Yankees to school on Friday when they win!

Glad to read everyone is having a great week. Have a great day and talk to you all later!


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Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday! (it is Tuesday, isn't it?)


Vicki- :yay Hip, hip, hooray for DH's normal MRI!! I hope you are feeling better today!


Colleen- I'm so glad you had a nice birthday! And a no-tear day is always a good day.:) It's great to hear that DH had a great first day at work!


Joanne-:(:(:( Sorry about your Yankees. They just want to win at home! They love their fans! (especially you:wink) How 'bout them Saints??? I went to bed before it was over, but I heard it was a good game. We are now down to 2 undefeated teams: Saints and Colts!!


Beth- I have officially quit Bejeweled. Cold :ttalk. I have way too much to do this month! I do miss it though.:(


Stacy- Did roomie help clean up? How are the girls this week? Did you change into your "special" pants when you saw your old man friend?:heehee


Mary- Your birthday is right around the corner!! Will your family be in for it? I can't remember when they're coming. They might be there already! Me and my mommy brain-ness!:blush


LeaAnne- Don't work too hard today! And I hope you and your chickens don't get sick! This whole flu thing is crazy! How's the flannelghan coming along?


Scooby- I hope things are going well and you got everything packed up and ready to go! Safe travels!!


Jennifer- How's school? Have you put anything in the consignment shop yet?


I'm a loser. I didn't feel well last night and was so tired, so I went to bed with DD. I feel so much better today!! I've gotten some laundry done, emptied and filled the dishwasher, put the hall closet back together (we took everything out last week in case a tornado came through), and put some clothes away. I need to start packing and finish cleaning up the mess that the 2 hurricanes (DD and her cousin) made in my living room this weekend. Every time I pick something up, DD gets something else out. I cleaned it up 3 times on Saturday!:sigh I'll get in the guest room tonight, guaranteed! I'm actually pretty excited about it. I was disappointed that I felt too bad to get in there last night.


BTW, Beth, I've been using the jail thing about DD taking her seatbelt off. When we got to my parents' on Sunday she asked me if she could take her seatbelt off. I said yes, and she said, "I don't want to go to jail." I said What? And she said, "I don't want to go to jail anymore." It was so cute, like she was telling me she was going to change her ways and straighten out her life.:lol Thanks for the idea!!


Have a great day all! :manyheart

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Shannon, I can understand quitting the Bejeweled Blitz. I like it because it's only 1 mintue, but then I play it a couple hundred times in a row, so it's a little more than 1 minute... It wasn't working today, so I haven't spent any time on it at all! I'm glad your dd is wearing her seat belt. She sounds so adorable when you talk about her. :manyheart Would you give her a hug from me?


Vicki -- I'll type softly since your head hurts. I am SO happy to hear about the clear MRI. :cheer:clap:yay (I'm cheering softly, too!) I hope you feel better, and George is a gentleman.


Joanne, I hope your Yankees win for you at home!!! And for Vicki, of course! I thought it would be a sure thing if you had a family birthday coming up. They win for your birthdays!


Here's a big :hug for everybody. I need to go vote, go to the store, and go to work.


Did you realize how quickly Christmast will be here?:eek I have so much to do on the afghan I'm going to give my sister-in-law, and I already told her about it, so I need to get it done!!! Guess what just got moved to the top of my list? I can finish it in plenty of time if I do 7 motifs a day. I finished 5 already today, and cleaned out my dresser. I will probably finish a couple more at work tonight with no problem.


Have a great day!

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Hi Ladies

Colleen I always sing to my kids and my sister on their Birthdays, so I just had to sing to you too. And yes I crochet better then I sing......... LOL

I didn't get my pantry done yet. I did get some other things done instead. I had to baby proof my house. Tomorrow Iam headed to Ottawa to pickup DD and my grandbaby......... Iam soooooo excited. I have not seen them since July.

This morning I was up early and got the dishes put away, the dog bathed and stuff picked up. Went out to my play group ( as DD calls it) and got home and swept, vacuumed and mopped the floors. I even got in a little nap. I have left overs for supper tonight so Iam good to go.

Glad that everyone had a good weekend. I better get moving, Dh should be home soon for supper.

Oh I forgot to tell you. Oldest DD called yesterday morning in tears......... Her baby was throwing up and she was sooooo scared. She called the Doctor and she got in to see her. Dortor said it was just a virus and not the H1N1 but to watch for a fever just in case. The DK's get their shots on Friday and then they are coming up on Saturday. This whole Flu thing is sooooo scary.

Talk to you later


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Hi everyone!

I just finished dinner and since I said I was going to get a box of clothes out of the attic, that is what I am going to do. I'm not doing DH's clothes though since he is at class. I will get mine done though! So, since it is already almost 7:30, I'm going to tackle that project and don't have time to respond to all, but wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.


Did everyone (those of us in the US) vote today? I stopped on my way home from work and when I got home there were 3 voice mail messages from both parties reminding us to go out and vote! It will be a close race here in NJ for governor- will be interesting to see who the winner is.

Have a good night everyone!!!!

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Hi guys. Beth, thank you for cheering and typing softly for me! I appreciate it! My head is feeling a little better. I should begin to feel better tomorrow. Ugh until then!

I am going through and picking all the medical benefits for the coming year. This year they sent everything only on cd. No book! I can't see how much everything costs and I can't make comparisons. Horrible! I am in a complaining mood, so I told the hubby that he needs to complain to HR services. How am I supposed to make an informed decision if I don't have all the information?!? I know, I am ranting. My medicine is wearing off!

Mary - I hope the grand baby is feeling better! Fevers in little ones are no fun.

Joanne - Andy Pettite to the rescue! He is a big game pitcher and I think he will get it done for us tomorrow!

Colleen - YAY for a tear free day! I hope there are more of them this week!

Shannon, Stacy, LeaAnne, Scooby - I hope you all had a great day!

It is bowling night. Hopefully I will do better than I did last week. We will see. The hockey game will be on when I get home, so I can fall asleep to that.

Have a great night all and I will talk to you on the flip side!



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Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't been around...I have read the posts but I feel overwhelmed with things going on here, so I haven't been posting.

My dad left today, then I went to Joanne's to get the yarn for his flannel-ghan, and the snuggie I am making for Isabella. Joanne's has Caron Pounders for 5.49. :clap I forgot to tell you (I think?) that Roomie's dog had diarrhea all over the living- and dining rooms on Sunday morning. :angry Jorge's cousin cleaned it up so I wouldn't have to when I woke up. I told Roomie as soon as she came out, and she said "Oh, I thought he might...he ate a lot of scraps yesterday." :thair:bang:rant:tryme Why didn't she leave him outside then? Or keep him in her room? Or- here's a novel idea- if she knew he would get sick from scraps, just not feed them to him!! Also, yesterday her youngest pushed Mia off her bike and she fell off sideways into the street. :tryme I sent her to her room for the rest of the night until Roomie came home. Immediately let her know about it, she had a talk with the girl and she was done with her punishment 2 minutes later. :rant Seriously!


Anyway...Vicki I hope your head feels better. Good luck with picking your benefits. We just found out that dh's company is switching insurance and the co-pays are so high. :sigh


Mary- I hope the baby is feeling better! Have a safe trip when you go to pick up dd and the baby.


Colleen- :cheer for a tear-free day! I hope this means dd is feeling better about school.


Joanne and Shannon, good luck with your cleaning! Shannon, I had a good :heehee at the special pants. I actually almost wore them because I have a cute new shirt they would be wonderful with, but I couldn't find them. :shrug I'm sure he would have been on :c9...:rofl


Beth, Leanne, Scooby, Jennifer- hope you all had a fabulous-ness day! I know there is more I want to say but forgot. It is almost time for karate so I better get going! BBL!!

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:hi and hugs to you all!


I wanted to "drop in" on my way to bed... I am pooped! I was at our election day bake sale from 7am until 7pm... long day. I only came home twice to pee (i am suddenly afraid of public restrooms). It was weird to have hand sanitizer at the bake sale for all of the volunteers to use after they handled any money (money carries lots of germs).


I don't have the energy left to post to you all, but I will tomorrow! I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you:)



Love you all!

Be Well!:hug

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Hi girls!


Mary- I hope the baby feels better soon. And :hugs to your DD! It's so scary when your little one is sick! Have a safe trip to Ottawa, and have fun with DD and DGD!


Vicki- I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Good luck with picking benefits.


Stacy- It seems like all I do lately is shake my fist at your roomie!! What's wrong with her??? I'm so proud of Isabella! I hope she kicks butt at karate! (really!)


DD is asleep and I'm about to get into the guest room! Here's a pic of the corner I'll be working on tonight.


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Good morning Besties!

Stacy- You have the patience that I don't- I'm with Shannon- shaking my fist at roomie. So happy for isabella- how did she do at karate??


Shannon- can't wait to see the "after" pics of the guest room.


LeaAnne- long day for you- hope you get a good nights sleep


Mary- have a blast with DD and GD- you must be sooo excited


Colleen- hope that you and the fam had a great day yesterday


Beth- Virginia had quite the upsets yesterday.....as did NJ!


Vicki- how was bowling? Did the George migraine keep you from being on top of your game? Looking forward to the game tonight. One old pitcher vs another- and I think Andy can do it for us. Go Yankees


Scooby- how goes the move?


Well, off to get ready for work...Oh, yea, I went through the box of clothes in the attic and have a nice donation in the trunk of my car to drop off at Goodwill.


I also started an afghan last night- a simple pattrn calld Apple Delight Afghan (no it doesn't have apples on it.....a co-worker gave me the pattern..


well I really better scoot-- LETS GO YANKEES

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Good morning! :morcoffee


I hope you all have the Bestie-est day ever!


It's insanely busy here today, so I doubt I'll get anything accomplished as far as housework. I'll be with you in spirit, though. Shannon, thanks for the pic of the before. Can't wait to see after!!!

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Good morning! I am feeling better today! My head doesn't hurt much today. I think I can get away without migraine meds! And when going through the benefits I found out that my migraine medicine has to be authorized by the insuance company! AAAAHHHH!

Anyway, hubby's job today is to find out how much it all costs. Then we can go forward with all that.

I actually bowled decently last night. I was over my average all three games and took all my points. Now let's see if I can keep it going!

LeaAnne - I never thought about money having all the germs, but you are right on that one. One more thing to keep in mind.

Joanne - The game should be a good one! Let's go Yankees! Come on! They can pull one more out!

Stacy - I hope things with roomie have settled down a little. You do have the patience of a saint to deal with her!

Mary - How is the baby feeling? I hope your trip to see your daughter is a good one!

Shannon - Have fun cleaning out your room! You inspire me to get more done!

Beth, Scooby, Jen - Have a great day!

I need to go get some things for my teacher roomie. She is out today and I need to go get her tests and scantrons/pencils. Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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Vicki, I'm happy that your head doesn't hurt much today! :hug Great job at bowling. Have you heard from the insurance adjuster?


Leanne, you must've been pooped last night! :whew I hope you got some much-needed rest. Yes, money does carry lots of germs, and I think most people don't really realize it unless they have a job handling it a lot. My mom got MRSA two years ago and they think she got it from scratching a bug bite after she handled money at work.


Shannon, thank you for sharing your before pic! Good luck. I can't wait to see how it looks once you are finished. :h5 I actually realized yesterday that there are a few "hot spots" in the house already but I won't be able to tackle them until I make a sizable dent in my Christmas pile.


Mary, have a safe trip to Ottawa! :hug


Beth, good luck with your busy day! :hug


Colleen, hope school goes well for dd today. :hug


Joanne, have a super Delta Force-ness day! WTG on getting the clothing cleaned out and ready to donate. :clap


Scooby, hope you got everything packed up and are moving safely! :hug


Well I went online to pay the car insurance, which the statement shows is due today. The website shows it's not due until the 8th. :think How odd. I paid it anyway, just in case. I have to get into the garage today and find my registration renewal. It expired on the 30th and I do so much driving now that I am afraid I will get pulled over for it, now that the month has turned. I've checked every place in the house I can think of and I guess it just got misplaced in the move. :shrug

Aside from that, I plan to :crocheting. I really hadn't planned to make Christmas gifts but I think about a month beforehand, I always realize there is one or two things I want to make. Guess I work better in a crunch! :lol I found a super-cute towel holder to make for the teachers this year. I will have to post the link when I am on the other computer.

Isabella did really well at karate last night. She learned 3 new moves and told her teacher that she did the Form 10 times in a row. Her teacher gave her :h5 and said she can't wait to see it next week. :D Isabella was really happy when we left. She is still a bit apprehensive when we go to school in the mornings but is happy with her new seating arrangement.

Sounds like the girls are up so I better get going. Love you! :hug

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Oh my! I forgot to tell you all about the insurance adjuster :eek! They decided to fix hubby's truck! They are going to replace the bed of the truck and I guess the tailgate and the bumper. I think they are going to look over the whole truck and make sure there is nothing else that rattled loose. There was some stuff in the cab that came loose, like the dashboardaround the radio. It is going to cost them $7,000.00 to fix it, but it is cheaper than totaling the truck out. Now we just need to wait and see when they get it fixed.

Thanks for reminding me Stacy! How could I forget to tell my besties about this?!?

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Hi girls!


It's been a very trying day. I had to do some running around to get all of DD's medical records, which didn't go very smooth. Then the pharmacy didn't have her medicine ready, even though I covered all my tracks to make sure it would be. They got it ready for me though. I'm just mentally exhausted and I'm going to take a much-needed nap. I'll be back later. :manyheart

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HI everyone.

Just get in after stopping at Goodwill with the donation. DD brought chinese food home for dinner. Yay!!! So I just wanted to stop in and say hi!


I'll try and be back later. Have a good night and GO YANKEES

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