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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Happy Halloween everyone!!:skeleton:skeleton:jack:ghost:jack:ghost:jack:ghost:jack:ghost:skeleton:skeleton

I've been cleaning all day, because my house is SCARY!!

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween, filled with lots of sweets!


And now, a scary story:


Once upon a time... in a scary, scary place... lived a scary, scary ghost named...






Did I scare you???

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:jack:jack:skeleton:skeleton:skeleton:skeleton (love this guy too!!!)

Happy Halloween everyone! I got home from work around 4:30. It wasn't bad- just work! I asked DH if any kids came trick or treating- he said a few. I can tell by the candy that is left that it was a very few (or was he not home??:devil)

So far since I've been home, no one has come.:( Looks like I'll be bringing the candy to work- don't want it here or I'll end up eating it all (because I always buy candy that I like):yes


It's been a funky kind of day here- very balmy- was raining when I left for work, then the sun came out for a while, then misting and right now very gray and gloomy. I hope they can play the game tonight in Philly.


I will be working again tomorrow- only going to work till 12:30 and then head over to DD's house to watch the Giants/Eagles game and then celebrate her Birthday!


LeaAnne- that was pretty scary about the lady under your deck! And Shannon- your little Halloween joke was cute.


Stacy enjoy your day and the special dinner and congrats to you for controlling your inner control freak self. :lol


Vicki- did your DD test today in Tae Kwon Do?


Did all the kiddies of my besties have fun getting dressed up and trick or treating?


Enjoy the rest of the day....and don't forget turn your clocks back tonight and enjoy the extra hour of sleep- I know I will!!!!:manyheart

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Happy Halloween!


Joanne - Do kids come trick-or-treating before dark there? We don't start until after dark and since the time doesn't change until after Halloween now, it is very strange to not get started until 6:30. Happy Birthday to your DD!!!


DD had a wonderful day and is back to her old self (only better :manyheart). I am just so happy! She and I went trick-or-treating to a few friends and neighbours. Then DH took her to trick-or-treat at Grandma's. We only had 50 kids :eek Our first year in this house we had 160, but the neighbourhood is getting older and I think with it being Saturday night lots of people went with home parties :shrug


Shannon - WTG on the cleaning! I got lots done today. I went through DD's toys and put together a bag to donate (editing again, she won't miss them). There were some ladies at the grocery store here collecting items for care packages for the troops in Afghanistan and I had taken some toothpaste and stuff to them yesterday, but they wanted small toys to give to the kids, so I took over a bag of little things. I also did 2 loads of laundry and vacuumed. Also I was digging around for candles for the pumpkin in the crawl space and each item I came across that I didn't use I threw in a bag and threw out or donated :yay I am so joining you and LeaAnne on the big clean out. I have been working away the past week or so and it feels great. If that garage sale is coming up I would say take the opportunity. It will give you motivation and you don't have to get through all of it to take part (especially if it comes right by your house!!). I did a parent-to-parent sale last spring and got rid of all of DD's baby and toddler stuff and I made $250!!!! Trust me, it feels so much better to get rid of the stuff than to find another place to stash it. DO IT!!!!!


My list is probably long, but it might help to make it:

- DD's desk/craft stuff - need to figure out a way to make it accessible to her as she is really into colouring these days.

- Laundry room - Needs its twice annual cleaning :blush

- Office - will it ever get done?

- Kitchen cupboards and drawers

- Beneath the bathroom sink

- My bins of never used stuff in the crawl space.


That is more than enough to start with.


Since I started writing this I had 3 more kids. It's almost 9:00 :eek but I don't want to turn the light out because DH is out to the store.


Goodnight all!

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Colleen- Kids here trick or treat in the day- and then usually after dark we get the older kids. Very, very few kids this year. Only had 1 girl since I got home from work @ 4:30 and she came at 8:30. Of course, it has been raining this evening, so that probably had something to do with it. So, looks like I'm taking lots of candy to work tomorrow.


Well, the Yankees are finally going to start playing the game and it is 9:15. The field is so wet...hope no one gets hurt!


Glad that DD is back to her old self (only better) and that she had fun trick or treating.


I agree with you- destashing is a great feeling. I am so over holding onto stuff. It is only stuff! And it feels really good to be able to donate to those who might need it. I think I will continue to de-stash, but not this week- I'll be working again tomorrow and then all week so that will make 12 days in a row! I'm lucky I get the basics done- you know, vacuuming, dusting, laundry, cleaning bathrooms, kitchen. I like the idea of your list!

My list:

Clean out desk drawers

Clean out under the kitchen sink.

Crawl space- go through all the things I don't use, but store there (but I think it is mostly Christmas stuff)

Attic- Have DD come over and remove the 8 boxes of her stuff. Go through my boxes


That felt good to write it down.


Ok, game has started. Finally! Have a good night everyone!

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Hi besties! Happy Halloween to everyone! We did our trick or treating and now we are home watching the Yankees lose. I don't know what is up with them! They all of a sudden can't hit!

Anyway, around here people trick or treat don't start to go out until it is dark out. We went out about 7 and there were not a lot of kids out until the sun was gone. I have lots of candy left that will be brought to work on Monday. We can use it there more than here!

DD did her belt test and tied another student for the highest score on the belt test! She is now a yellow belt. For some reason her school begins at white, then goes to orange, then yellow. So now she is yellow. She was very happy.

The adjuster supposedly came out to look at hubby's truck on Friday. We don't know what he said because he didn't leave a copy of the estimate with the body shop. Hopefully we will find out more on Monday.

Have a great rest of Halloween night and don't forget to turn your clocks back!



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Good morning, everybody.


I hope you have a splenidforous Sunday, and enjoy the extra hour from falling back with the clocks. I don't understand -- we still have the same number of hours of light vs. dark, why make people change their sleeping habits twice a year???:think


I am going to get an early start on the day. I hope everyone has a good one!:hug

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Good morning and Happy Football Sunday!!! Giants vs Eagles at 1 (hope I get out of work in time...or at least by 1/2 time)


Great game by the Yanks last night- gutsy win by Pettite--and he got a hit on top of it!! Can't wait for the game tonight. And to celebrate DD's birthday. I wrapped up the never ending square ghan for her along with a chenile thick and quick scarf. Oh, and of course, a birthday card with $$...lol)


Hope everyone has a great day .....I better start getting ready for work.......(do I have to?)

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Happy Sunday and :birthday eve to Colleen!


Just stopping by for a quick :hi


I am off to get organized for the week before the football games start, so I can sit down with my:hook...


Have a wonderful day, everyone!

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Good morning ladies! Happy November!:tdance:tdance


:birthday to Joanne's DD! Have a spectacular day with your girls and your games!! I've been meaning to tell you that I'm so happy that everything looked good with DH. That is wonderful news!!


LeaAnne- Have fun with your :hook today!! Did the chickens have a wonderful Halloween? How's Ms. Jeanne feeling?


Beth- Did you enjoy your extra hour of sleep? I wish I could have, but something always happens.:angry


Everyone else have a great and relaxing Sunday!


DD and her cousin had fun last night! They went trick-or-treating, then cousin spent the night. They looked so cute!! I'm going to dress her up again today for Honey and BigBob. We're going over there to watch the Vikings/Packers game. I've been waiting all season for this one. In fact, DH had told me we could go to this game. Then I found out he had had a few beers right before he told me. Oh well. We didn't have to miss Halloween, and I wouldn't have been able to :crocheting while sitting in the stands!:lol I'll be back later! :manyheart

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Hey, LeaAnne's baby (this thread) is 6 months old today!!:yay:clap It seems like I've known you guys forever!! Who knew that joining this group would help me gain some family members?!:yes


I love you guys!! You are the best-ness!!:hug:manyheart

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Good morning!

Beth, I don't get it either. I get the same amount of sleep no matter if it's light or dark. :shrug


:birthday to Joanne's daughter!! I hope you have a yummy-ness meal.


Glad everyone had fun trick-or-treating. Shannon, the picture of you and Janna on your FB is just adorable. :manyheart


Colleen, I'm happy to hear your dd is back to normal. :hug


Vicki, congratulations to your dd! I bet she was thrilled to be able to test for her belt.


The dinner was a success- we had a nice turnout and made it through the entire meal without talking. And guess what?! My old man-friend showed up! :clap It was so nice to see him. :D I had a falling-out with the b/f because their friends made themselves at home in my kids' room, and he didn't see the problem with it. :angry Of course, there is a huge mess to clean up and Roomie is at a conference, so I am waiting until she comes home, to start. :devil The kids had so much fun trick-or-treating. Isabella and her BFF wore their roller skates. Mia kept saying, "Trick-or treat, give me candy!" I heard her say it at one house and I was like, who is that child? :rofl Eva just went up and held out her bucket. :lol She didn't want to dress up but I put her in an orange shirt and everyone thought she was a pumpkin. :wink

My dad is going to watch the girls so Jorge and I can go to the movies. :manyheart Then we are taking the girls to Chuck E. Cheese. It is Isabella's "reward" for her teacher saying that she is a wonderful student. :wink



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:birthday to Joanne's DD! YAY for the birthday celebration! I hope you have a great day with the birthday girl! Now if only the Giants would get on course for you!


I am listening to my hubby yell at the t.v. because the Jets keep trying to go for the 2 point conversion and they keep missing! If they would just kick the extra point they would only be down by 3 instead of 5!


Anyhoo, it is an absolutely gorgeous day here in southeast Texas! I have the windows open and it is great! I was working on the baby blanket for my sister for a while, but after I am done here I need to go look at my paper that my professor sent back to me. I did manage to get the laundry done, vacuum the downstairs, DD vacuumed upstairs and cleaned up the play room, and I got the towels washed too. Next week I am going to get some more dusting done. DD will do the upstairs. She likes to dust! I think she may have a birthday party next weekend. I have to see!


I hope everyone has a great Sunday! Enjoy the football games! Shannon, I will be watching the Vikings game just to see how Brett is received!

Stacy - Have fun at Chuck. E. Cheese with the girls this afternoon!


Have a great day!



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Hi Ladies

Just wanted to say Hi. Mom and I went to my sisters yesterday and stayed the night. I got to give out candy for the first time in almost 30 years. We don't get any kids on our street. Houses are too far apart.

Iam glad everyone had a good time Trick or Treating. Joanne Happy Birthday to your DD.

I will be joining you guys with the cleaning again. I need to cleanout my pantry. I have stuff piled up in front of the door cause there is no more room in there. I need to throw out some stuff in there cause I am pretty sure it is toooooooo old. I will start tomorrow and when Iam finished that I will let you know which room next.

Have a great night

Talk to you tomorrow


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Hi everyone! What a day! We worked until 4 and then I picked DD and her BF up at the train and we went to the Birthday DD's house. Oh, Belle is so cute! And of course, no camera again today! DD and BF made a mexican meal. WE had refried beans, fajitas, lots of veggies, rice and fresh nacho chips. They also fried up some plantains. A very colorful and delicious meal!!! Meg loved that I gave her the never ending square afghan, and Lisa said she wants one too! I brought her the legwarmers, fingerless mitts, hat and scarf and she loved them. And I was so happy that they all fit!! I was only sure that the scarf would fit...lol.... So, I have to get started on another never ending square ghan for her. And Meg wants a hat and fingerless mitts too. I better get my badorkus in gear! Although right now the only gear it is in is on the couch watching the Yankees!!!


The Giants got romped by the Eagles- kept checking the score while I was at work and was so sad that they couldn't win one for Meg's Birthday!!


No cleaning done for me today (and don't think there will be any all week) I am beat!


Stacy- Glad you got to go on a movie date with Jorge and that the dinner went well. How was your talk with roomie about her BF letting friends in your kids room. I give you credit- it is not always easy living with another family! Glad that you are taking the kids to Chuck E Cheese as Isabella's "reward". Is this one of her fav places?


Mary-how fun for you to give out candy! I still can't believe how few trick or treaters we had. I brought my candy to work today. They are going to collect candy and send it oversees to the troops.


Beth- You were up bright and early today! I really didn't feel the extra hour sleep. still woke up at 5:30 (but I guess that means I did sleep an extra hour since if we didn't turn the clocks back it would have been 6:30) Did you have nice Sunday? I see you are addicted to Bejeweled Blitz..just like Shannon!


Shannon- Were you happy that the Vikings won today. Saw the last quarter of the game at DD's house! YOu and Janna looked so cute in your outfits. Glad she had fun with her cousin!! Good luck with the cleaning today!!!


Colleen: Early:birthday:bday:birthday:bday:cake!! In case I am running late in the AM and don't get a chance to post I wanted to make sure I wished you a very happy birthday!


Vicki- Sorry your Jets lost. Not a good day so far for the NY teams. Hope the Yankees break that and pull off a win tonight. Not liking the way CC is pitching though...these days with short rest must be catching up to him! Enjoy the game.


LeaAnne- hope you got some :crocheting in while you watched football today!


Scooby- thinking of you as you are packing and getting ready to drive to Nebraska. Can't wait to hear that you have made it their safely with minimal if any problems! Hang in there...the end is near ....and you will be in your new home!!


Have a good night everyone !:manyheart

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:hi guys! Happy Half-aversary to us all!


Happy Birthday to Joanne's DD! I hope you enjoyed your evening. Is this the DD who does the cooking? I'm trying to keep them straight :think


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed your movie and Chuck-e-Cheese! That is DD's reward when she gets through 3 cry-free days at school (1 down, 2 to go!) Glad the silent meal went well. What is the significance of being silent? Were all those kids actually silent? :faint How is Isabella doing? Has she been back to school since the meeting with the teacher? I've been thinking about her a lot.


Shannon - Cute halloween pics of the Docs! Does Janna like the candy?


Mary - I'm glad you had fun handing out candy :)


Vicki - Is DD's birthday next week or is she going to a friend's party? Good job getting so much done!


Beth - Your theory is fine about the time-change. I didn't like how dark it was in the morning the past couple weeks though. That said, DD waking us at 5:45 new time this am was a bit of a disappointment. Helped us get to church on time though :lol


LeaAnne - I hope you got your stuff done in time to enjoy some football and some :crocheting


:hi Scooby and Jenn!


We celebrated my birthday today. DD and DH gave me their gifts this morning. I got an MP3 player :clap and a Disney charm bracelet that DD picked out for me on our trip :manyheart They baked the cake mix I left out on the counter and it was delicious. I made us a roast chicken breast, rice, gravy and veggies for supper and it was a very good supper (if I do say so myself!).


This afternoon we worked outside together as a family. The summer stuff is all put away and the winter stuff is out--snowblower, shovels for the white stuff, sled, etc. We cleaned up all the leaves for pick up this week. They are all down now :(. Tomorrow I'm going to put away all the halloween stuff and return the house to normal for a few weeks before Christmas decorating. This might be a good opportunity to clean out some stuff in the crawl space. :scrachin


I had to pop into Sears today and they had Christmas music playing and all the Christmas decorations up :eek:no I think I'll stay away for a few more weeks ;).


Have a great evening my good friends. :hug

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oh, no, Christmas music and decorations? I don't like to see any of that until after our Thanksgiving which is the last Thursday in November!!! Glad you had such a nice early birthday day, Colleen! Nice gifts too!!


The DD who had the birthday is my 'baby" and she is the one who is married. She does like to cook, as do the other 2. They all like to cook! (They did not get this from their mother) The middle DD is the artist and she is the one who has taken to making us 'birthday dinners'. The oldest DD lives in Boston. So, they all cook, and I crochet- it works!


Well I'm heading to bed to finish watching the game. It is now tied 2-2

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Got it, thanks for the clarification on your girls, Joanne.


I know it is crazy about the Christmas stuff. With our thanksgiving early, Christmas marketing starts the day after halloween. I think Nov. 1 is a little early for the music.

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hi, all-


Joanne, I am so sorry that I didn't wish Meg :birthday earlier:blush I am glad you all had a wonderful afternoon together:manyheart ...dinner sounds like it was wonderful. I love to read how your girls appreciate so much your gifts... You've done a good job, Momma!:hug


Colleen, I am glad you got to celebrate your birthday today with your family. I Love family day... it's my favorite! Sunday is family day, here, just to be together...

So what kind of tunes are you gonna put on that Mp3?


Shannon, how cool is that that you wished us all a happy half-a-versary?! I would have to agree, it feels like I have known you guys forever... just like family!:yes Glad Janna had an awesome Halloween with her cousin:clap:clap:clap I love that age. Too darned cute!


Stacy - :clap:yay for your dad's visit, and a date with Jorge! I agree with Joanne, I tip my hat, too, for doing what you do!


Mary - :waving You got a sleepover with your Mom and your sister AND got to give out candy? How cool! It sounds like you all had a great time:manyheart do your mom and sister crochet like you?


Beth - I am with you. I don't get the clock changing thing:think... "falling back" is ok, it's the "spring forward" that messes up my house!


Vicki - congrats to DD on her yellow belt:cheer:clap:cheer:clap that's wonderful news! I hope all goes well tomorrow with Dh's doctor followup, as well as the scoop from the adjuster. I will be thinking about you.


Scooby - i'm hoping that all is going smoothly for you, and stress free. I hope you had more than enough help this weekend. See you when you get back!


Jenn - thinking about you, and hoping that all is well.



I am glad to see that Shannon and I are getting some company with our big cleaning projects! :cheer... it's just like when we all "met" but better!

I have too much to do, and was talking to DH about some of it today, whilst watching football and :crocheting (Yes, I got to crochet!!!! I got 1/2 of a panel done for the flannelghan!) He said he will help me with the big stuff... moving furniture, etc. And actually seemed excited about it!:D That's a first!:lol He is so funny... now on Friday mornings he'll say "hey, it's chat night, right?" :jumpyay guess I got him trained:devil He asks me often about you all and what your all up to. I think today he was glad to hear that we'll be cleaning again together!:rofl


This week's project for me will be Pete's room. It's a smaller job, which will fit well with being busy the better part of the week at the school. I wish you all luck as you tackle your projects this week!:cheer


I gotta go for now... but I'll check in when I can tomorrow.


Sweet Dreams, Besties! You are the AWESOME-EST!


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Good morning! I like 4:58 a.m. better with the time change.


:birthday Colleen!!! I hope you have a wonderful day -- or week. I like Joanne's idea of a birthday week!!! Sounds like your day was very nice yesterday.


LeaAnne, I'm going to join in the decluttering crew, too, but I don't know how well I'll keep up with it. I'd love to go through all my kids' drawers. I need to do mine, too.:blush There's lots more that needs done, but let's start there.


Joanne, I dislike seeing Santa and Pumpkins on the same aisles at the stores. I love Christmas, but think it needs to start a little later. I also think it should last longer, like... I don't know, maybe March??? About Easter time???


Mary, I hope you had a great time with your Mom and Sister, handing out candy. My house would have been very disappointing for you -- we had 2 groups of Trick-or-Treaters with 4 total kids. My son was bored, waiting for them dressed as a scarecrow. And we live on a very busy street! We just don't have many kids living on the street.


Shannon - come on -- you can catch me in Bejeweled Blitz. You are younger and have better reflexes than I do!


Stacy, did your roomie help you clean up the mess her guests left in your dd's room?


Vicki, is your dh hoarse from yelling at the tv? Did the coaches ever decide to listen to him?


Scooby, did you get everything packed? I hope you aren't pushing yourself too hard.


Jennifer, are your items for sale in the consignment shop yet? How is it going?

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Quick Good Morning to everyone!

The Yankees are one game away from the World Series Championship!!!! Go Yankees....it'll be another late night again tonight as they try to win it!!:bday:birthday:bday:birthday:cake:bday:birthday:cake Colleen!!!!!!


I'll catch you all later- have a spendiferous day!!!!

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:bday:bday:birthday, Coll-eeeen:bday!

I hope you have a fabulous day! good luck to DH with his new job, and good luck to DD with school!~



Shannon - good luck with the start of the guest room project today!


:hi, everyone!

I don't have time for a full post, I gotta get ready for school, but wanted to make sure I popped by.


Have a great day!

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Good morning, Colleen! Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great day! DD 's birthday is a couple of weeks away. this is her friend's b-day party.


Anyway, The Yankees are 1 win away! But I do not think they will win tonight. I think the Phillieswill win tonight just because their backs are to the wall.


I have a migraine this morning and George came to visit, so I am a little cranky this morning. I need to go check some stuff out for one of the reading classes. Oral testing to the rescue!

Have a great morning!




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:bday:bday:birthday my awesome bestie Colleen, :bday!!!!


Your early birthday celebration sounds divine! My birthday wish for you is that you, DH and DD all have an amazing day!! Love you girl!:hug


I'll be back later. I'm out!:manyheart

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I hope that everyone's day is going splediferously!


I am back from school, and need to do dinner, homework, showers, etc. Later I promised me that I will spend 1/2 hour in Pete's room. I am posting it to you girls to keep me accountable:wink


see you later on...:hug


Colleen are you having a great day?!:clap:c9:yay

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