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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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We have to wear jackets. I will layer in the winter, but not gloves and hats. My heavy winter coat I haven't worn since I left NY, but it is a good coat and I don't have the heart to get rid of it. I used it every winter when I worked in Manhattan and took the train to work every day.

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Good morning, Besties.


It's going to be a crazy-busy day for :drive. The worst part is that 2 of the 3 kids don't know when their activities will end, so planning is a total nightmare. I hate to leave my kids waiting, so this is very stressful for me. I need to remember that they are BIG now, and can take care of themselves for 20 minutes without me there. I also have to "volunteer" at my ds's swim meet. How can it be called volunteering when it is mandatory? :think But I will probably need to leave the meet to pick up my oldest from work... It depends how long the meet lasts.


This is officially the worst day while my dh is gone, schedule-wise. Wish me luck! And ds, too. He's the oldest male swimmer on his team, and he's 15. His age group is 15 - 18, so he will be swimming against grown men. :xfin for him, please!!


Have a great Saturday, everybody!

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Good morning everyone!

Beth- I'm here rooting you on! you will get through this craziness day!! And fingers are crossed for DS! There is quite difference between a 15 year old and 18 year old!!! (and it's ok if one of the DK's has to wait 20 min or so...they are growing up....and I know how hard it is to let go) Mine are all grown, and still I have the protective mama instinct in me!!!


Mary- wow it does get cold by you. It was 45 here yesterday, probably dropped into the high 30's overnight- and today is another cloudy, damp day with rain on the way. I also have my furnace on! Next week it's supposed to get back up into the 60's!


Sorry I missed chat (but I think most of us did, so I don't feel tooo bad). I was flipping between the RU game (they lost) and the Yankee game (they won!!!!!!)


Well, gotta get going to clean up the joint- the basics, vacuum, dust, wash floors--since someone is coming to look at the house around 12:30.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!!!!


Shannon- Tomorrow- 1PM- Go Giants!!!!!

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Happy Saturday! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am enjoying a beautiful fall day, getting ready for our trip, and feeling very blessed.


I did talk to the teacher and feel much better now. I thought she was telling me my DD had some sort of anxiety disorder and I was feeling kind of angry and concerned that she was being labeled. However, it is all normal adjustment stuff (missing mom and dad, bright and determined to finish things but struggling with imposed time constraints). It will all work out.


I started my van gogh style RR last night (don't ask me why I can't finish something else first :shrug). I don't know how much I'll get done this weekend, but I'm happy to have a new project.


Have a great day! I'm so excited that Shannon's squares are on the way :clap

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:hug Hi friends!


LeaAnne- I'm so glad everyone is feeling better. :hugs to you all and I hope you are getting some rest after the week you had.


Vicki- I'm so glad you like your square! And thank you for not giving away what the goodies are!


Joanne- Good luck with the house-showing today! Are you ready to rumble tomorrow? Either way, I have a feeling it's going to be a great game! Neither one wants to end their winning streak!


Colleen- I love the picture you put on fb! So sweet! Good luck getting everything packed for your trip. How long will you be there? What colors are you using on your van gogh? I'll have to try that soon. They're so pretty!


Mary, Stacy, Beth and Scooby- Have a great Saturday! Beth- I'm sure everything will work out today. Don't stress out too much!


Tonight is the Creed concert! I'm so excited! I probably won't be back on until tomorrow. I switched my plans around so that I wouldn't miss any of the game. I can't wait! Love you guys!:manyheart

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Happy Saturday!


:hug:hug:hug to Beth! Good luck today. You can do it! I'm sure your kiddies will understand if you they have to wait a few minutes.


Joanne, good luck with the house showing today! :cheer


Shannon-ness! Have fun at the Creed concert! :2rock


Colleen, I'm glad that you got things worked out with dd's teacher. Good luck with your rr! I can't wait to see it.


Leanne, I'm happy to hear things are well with Jeanne and Uncle Art! Good luck to her getting her pacemaker. :hug


Vicki, Mary, Scooby- hope you all are having a fabulous-ness day! :hug


Well ladies...yesterday I was all geared up to mail out my squares, do my grocery shopping, etc...had the kids strapped in their seats, and when I went to turn on my car- it was dead. :( I tried to jump it but it just wouldn't start. :cry Dh went to get a battery for it today, so I will be able to mail them either later today or early Monday. I'm really, really sorry.

BIL and his family are here this weekend. I am here with SIL and the kids (who are all entertaining each other- it is nice!!) while BIL and dh spend some much-needed time together. We are going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. The girls are so excited! SIL's older kids haven't been out here in months so the kids are having so much fun!


Happy Saturday, everyone! :hug

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Well, I was out at the store when the people came to look at the house, dh was here though. Someone else is coming tomorrow around 1 (just in time for the Giants/Saints game!!!


Still kind of misty and damp here (Stacy, I really wish I could send this weather to you) Have fun with the SIL and BIL- sounds like it will be a good day. Have fun in the pumpkin patch tomorrow.


Waiting for the mail--oh, I hope Shannon's square will be there. Have fun at the Creed concert tonight and yes, I am ready to rumble tomorrow- Again, Go Big Blue!!!


Colleen- love your pic on FB too- send you a friend req. Have fun with the Van Gogh RR! And so happy that things are looking up for you (and DD just having normal adjustment issues)


LeaAnne- thinking of you- and hope Jeanne is continuing to do well


Mary, Beth and Vicki- enjoy the rest of Saturday


Time to pick up the:crocheting and work on the legwarmers!

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:clap:clap I got Shannon-ness's square! Shannon it is absolutely beautiful- I don't see one bit of wonkiness in it at all. Your letter enclosed was lovely and I started to tear up cause that's just how I feel. The little surprises that you put in the package just made my day!!!!


Have a blast at the Creed Concert tonight and I can't wait for tomorrow to watch the game along with you!!!



You guys are all the best--that is why we are besties!!!!:manyheart

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Hi girls! It is a crisp. clear, beautiful Saturday here! I have the windows open and loving it! I did all my running around this morning. DD had a two hour tae kwon do practice this morning, so hubby took her and I went to the grocery store! That chore is done! YAY! Then we went and got DD a Halloween costume. She is happy with it. She is going to be a devil. She originally wanted to be a vampire, but the costume didn't fit her, so she chose this one instead. Oh, to be that young and only have to worry about what costume to pick!

Shannon - Have fun at the show tonight! I love going to concerts. They are so much fun!

Beth - Good luck with all the schedules today! I hope you get to everyone in good time!

Stacy - Sorry to hear about the car. I hope it gets fixed soon!

Colleen - Have a good time! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Mary - I hope you are having a great day!

LeaAnne - How is everyone feeling up there? When is Jeanne's surgery?

Joanne - YAY, the Yankees won! I hope they get the gamein tonight also!

We have some more running to do, so I will take my leave now. Talk to you all later and enjoy the day!


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:cheer:hug:manyheart:yay:clap:c9 I got Shannon's square, and it's absolutely GORGEOUS!!! You did a great job! It really made my day to see it in my mailbox when I pulled in after the swim meet. Thanks! I love all the goodies, too. I hope you enjoy the Creed concert.


Vicki, congrats on getting the grocery shopping done! Isn't it wonderful to be done!


Joanne, hope the legwarmers are coming along well.


Stacy, I hope your car problems are easy to fix. That's so frustrating. I hope you have fun with the visiting family. How wonderful to enjoy the kids playing together.


Colleen, I'm glad the teacher conference went well. It's good to hear that your dd is where she should be.


Mary, Leanne, I hope you are having a good weekend!:hug


Thanks to everyone who had her :xfin for my son. He swam in 4 events, and brought home 4 heat winner ribbons! I'm very happy. It was a good meet. We were done before I had to pick up my oldest from work. The day was good. I'm ready to collapse now.

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Vicki - My Leafs are playing your Rangers tonight. :box


Beth - :yay for DS and his ribbons and for a good day!


Shannon - enjoy the concert


Stacy - Enjoy your ILs visiting and the pumpkin patch.


Joanne - I hope your weekend is going well and that the showing went well. Thanks for the friend request, I'll go check it out. Glad you liked my pic. My DD's things for Disney, my clotheline, a beautiful fall day, crochet, the Canadian flag in the background. I am very happy with the pic. I put the laundry out and thought...wow, I need a pic of that! :manyheart


:hi Mary and LeaAnne!

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Yay, the Yankees are playing and they are winning 1-0!!! Are you watching Vicki? Or watching the Rangers/Leafs? Or doing like I did last night-switching back and forth?


Beth- glad that all went well with DS swim meet- that's awesome news!! Go relax- you sure earned it today!!!


Colleen- That pic on FB is just so unique and captures the essence of what you were trying to capture on film- really amazing. I miss a clothesline and I think where we will be moving in the adult community, you are not allowed to have them. Who was it that came up with the notion that clotheslines are an "eyesore". I think they are a thing of beauty and I love fresh air dryed clothes!


Shannon- hope you are enjoying the concert


LeaAnne, Mary, Stacy- have a great night!


Legwarmers are almost done. I've got about 1/4 left to go on the 2nd leg. I'm thinking I'll make fingerless mitts to go with them.

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Thanks Joanne! I totally didn't stage that photo. I was just doing my laundry and saw an opportunity. :lol They outlawed those no clothesline laws here. Environmentally un-friendly not to have them.


For those of you who aren't on facebook, here it is.



Vicki - I hope you enjoy the Rangers game. I'm wondering if the Leafs will show up :rofl:ohdear

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Colleen, too cute that your dd is taking her princess dresses to Disney! She will be beside herself if she meets them. It's been a while so I don't remember if they walk around the Magic Kingdom anymore? :think


Joanne, good luck with the showing tomorrow, too. :xfin that an opportunity comes your way at the right time. WTG on the leg warmers. Pics, please, when you are finished. :D


Beth, :h5 to your son! He must be an awesome swimmer. :yes Glad you made it to your destinations on time.


Vicki, WTG on getting the grocery shopping done. Although I have to say that is my favorite domestic responsibility. LoL :clap for dd on finding the perfect costume. I ordered Mia's bat girl costume this morning but we have yet to decide about Isabella's. I think it is way too expensive and the reviews are too bad to go with that one, but of course, my dh says, "Nothing is too expensive for Isabella." :rolleyes I think we are going to the Halloween store tomorrow after the pumpkin patch.


We've had a nice lazy day...got pizza for the kiddles and now I am waiting for dh to come home with dinner. I am feeling "George-ish." I hope he doesn't arrive before my procedure. :angry Which reminds me- Beth- has your dd tried the tea yet?


I'm going to scoot and see where all of the monsters are- it is too quiet in here!




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Good morning everyone!!! What a night- what a game! It was over 5 hours before the Yankees finally won!!! Thank goodness, today is Sunday and I don't have to be at work today!


Legwarmers finished! Need to decide if I want to start the never ending ghan, the fingerless mitts, DD's hat and scarf....that is my problem deciding what to work on.


It is another rainy, cool, damp gray day here--but of course the week is supposed to be sunny and in the 60's when I'm at work.


Stacy- Hope George doesn't get in the way of fun at the pumpkin patch and that he lets the procedure proceed on time. Are you scheduled for the 20th?


Colleen- It is environmentally irresponsible to outlaw clotheslines. I just never understood that whole thinking. I really dont care if people hang their laundry outside (as long as its not their dirty laundry :lol


Shannon- hope you had a blast at the Creed Concert......and now ......lets' get ready to rumble-----Go Giants


Beth- you are now in the home stretch before DH comes home!!! Yay for you. Did you get a good nights rest after yesterday?


LeaAnne- thinking of you and the fam. Hope all is continuing to go well with Jeanne. :hug


Vicki- Did you watch that epic game last night? And how did your Rangers do. They seem to be doing well and should have beat Colleen's Leaf's handily (sorry Colleen, but I hear the Leaf's are not doing well this year)


Mary- Your craft show must be coming up soon- are you finishing up with the "loose ends" (no pun intended..or maybe it was :lol )


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

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Here are the legwarmers- and another scarf I finished. I love the scarf- it was done with Caron Simply Soft Shadows in a color called MardiGray. It was self striping and I love the hues! The pics aren't great due to the lighting (c'mon sunshine, where are you???)



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Joanne - Your legwarmers turned out great! I might have to try that pattern. :think I love the scarf too. I love the hues as well. Good job! You are getting to be quite the accomplished crocheter! :clap


Stacy - Enjoy the pumpkin patch! DD is bringing her Cinderella dress and her Ariel dress (not shown in the photo...it is new and didn't need washing) and wants to be Ariel for the plane ride. The Snow White and Belle dresses are now too small :( We are actually going to a princess dinner, so the princesses will all be there and will come around to chat to each table. The other characters may be walking around the park and do have times and places they show up in Toon Town, but so long as we see the princesses at the dinner all will be well with the world. :yes She says she is going to be Ariel for halloween, but sometimes she wants to be Word Girl again, which is what she was last year so that is easy. I made that costume myself (thrifty!). I bought red pants and a red turtle neck at a thrift shop. I crocheted a star and then my mom made the crest shape and I sewed the star onto the crest. I made a yellow cape out of fabric. I crocheted a hat to look like her helmut and fingerless gloves for her gloves. I made the belt with the magic button out of felt. She loves it and wears it a lot. I actually had to buy new red pants because she outgrew the first pair. If she decides to be Word Girl again, I will just need to hem the new pants.


Shannon - I hope the concert was good!


Beth - I hope you have a quieter day today.


Vicki - Kudos to your Rangers. As Joanne said, the Leafs are not doing ver well :no They are 0 and 6 and 1. Vicki's Rangers are 7 and 0. DH just wants them to skip this season and start over :lol


Mary and LeaAnne - :hi How is your weekend going?


It is another sunny, beautiful day. :yay More laundry for the clothesline. It is too cold for it to actually dry out there, but I just throw it in the dryer for a few minutes to get the damp out. A few errands and some more packing and that is about it. Have fun!

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Happy Sabbath, all!


Shannon - :faint:jumpyay I got my prize in the mail yesterday! :ty:ty:ty Gorgeous is the best word! I also loved the surprises, they are 2 of my favorite things:hug:hug I agree and second your letter. You outdid yourself, fer sure!.... I too am excited for 1pm est... GO Saints!!!:cheer:cheer

Beth - WTG to DS in doing so well at the swim meet! I was happy to read that all went well on the hardest day for you all... only 1 week to go:yay:cheer:clap:dance


Joanne - I love your legwarmers and scarf... they are really pretty! and I agree with Colleen on your becoming an accomplished crochetier! :clap:c9

Best of luck with your showing today, I hope it doesn't cause you to miss much of the game:blush


Colleen - :ty for sharing that gorgeous picture! I am not on Facebook. I think if I was I would never get off this computer:lol:devil

I hope you all have a "magical" time at Disney:yay My family adores that place! Be safe, and enjoy the princesses:hug

I am glad the conference went well. Your DD sounds so much like my oldest. Don't worry, it'll all work out beautifully:manyheart


Stacy - the pumpkin patch sounds like so much fun! I hope your family enjoys a terrific day together, filled with wonderful memories-to-be! :hug


Mary - :hug:hug sorry I wasn't at chat.... I missed you! I hope that you are having a great weekend with DH... is one of your daughters coming in this week?


Vicki - :clover with your reading and your paper... :heehee about your dd's devil costume. It sounds really cute:U



Jeanne came home yesterday, and is doing well. The worst of it was her being told that she cannot drive for 6 months:( It's a state law here that if you go unconscious like she did, the registry revokes your license for 6 months.... she is really bummed about it. I told her that she will just need to bring company to the mall now:devil I sure do know what it's like to not drive. I am 11 months now with no car. I think she will be "lending" me hers, so I will be able to get her out and about.

We will be going back today for the day. ...right after I make a banana cream pie for her (YUM!). I made sure to ask what special goodies she wanted to eat when she got home, so today, before that pie, we will be having a roast beef dinner with the fixin's... Thank God she got no dietary restrictions :whew


Well, ladies, I gotta run... I hope you all have a great day!:hug:manyheart

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Great news about Jeanne, LeaAnne!!! Bummer about the driving, but I'm sure things will work out. Save a piece of that banana cream pie for me, ok?


Well, looks like I'm outnumbered for the game today- Shannon, LeaAnne and most likely Beth rooting for the SAINTS!


Who wants to be on my side? GO GIANTS!!!!:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:lol


Colleen- DD must be getting so excited to be heading to meet the princesses!!! (as I'm sure you and DH are getting excited to see her so excited:yes)

Have fun packing and have a blast. Are you leaving tomorrow?


the people are coming to look between 12:30-1:30, but my badorkus will be on the couch watching the game. (I have my GIANTS sweatshirt on and am ready). Hope they are not JETS fans...lol.....


Have a wonderful day!!!

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Now, now Joanne. JETS fans are not all bad. I live with the biggest one who has actually turned me in to a JETS fan. But rest assured I will be on your side for this one. GO GIANTS! And I didn't watch the whole Yankee game. I fell asleep! But I saw the replays and what an ending! I don't think I have ever seen a walk off error!

Colleen - The Rangers are off to a great start, but I am not holding hope that it will last the whole season. They always seem to start off well and then around December they fall apart. I didn't get to see the game as it was blacked out down here. Oh, well. Next time maybe I can watch them!

Shannon - How was the concert? Did you have a good time? I have to tell you that the one thing that you added in to the squares is AWESOME! I used it today! I love it!

Mary - Hope you are having a great day and that you are all ready for your craft show.

Beth - How is the ceiling coming along? Are you ready to paint? What color are you going to use?

Stacy - Have fun at the pumpkin patch with the kiddies!

LeaAnne - Glad to hear that Jeanne is home! I hope she makes a speedy recovery and please know that you and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all goes well and she enjoys her dinner and pie! Sounds yummy!

I managed to get the laundry done and the towels folded. I dusted and vacuumed and now I am sitting on my badorkus! The laundry is in the dryer and DD is upstairs cleaning her room. She volunteered to dust upstairs for me today. I will have her run the vacuum later. Now I need to create a eky for my survey, so that will be the next thing I tackle. I will probably do that after lunch. Right now I think I will pick up my yarn. I haven't done that since Wednesday night :eek

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! It is Dodgers and Phillies tonight! GO Dodgers!



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