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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Vicki, Did you ever try to find out what color the tooth fairy is wearing? If you take a glass and put a little water in it, and drop the tooth in the glass (you have to leave the glass on a desk or dresser, not under the pillow), when the tooth fairy dips her little arm into the glass the get the tooth, the color of her gown will stain the water (food color) so you can see what she was wearing that night! Just thought I'd let you know. It must be true. The nurse at my ds's preschool told me, and it worked for all 3 of my kids!


Good morning everybody! gotta get the kid to work, so :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugjust grab a hug, and know I love ya!

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Beth - I had never heard about that. DD usually leaves her tooth on the shelf above her bed for the tooth fairy to find. She had trouble finding the tooth the first night and I guess the second night she just didn't have time to get to us. Oh, well. All's well that ends well. The tooth fairy finally came so we can rest easy about it.

Joanne - I did not see the whole game. I went to bed. Hubby told me about it this morning. The Dolphins won in the last 5 seconds of the game. It happens. But the Rangers won yesterday. I was flipping back and forth between that and the Phillies/Rockies game. Mostly the hockey game.

Hope everyone has a great day today!





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Good morning! It is raining- I am :c9!! Have I ever mentioned how much I love the rain? :wink


My dog sweater is almost done- I just need to peek around in my stash to find a scrap of gray to finish the leg. I tried it on Klaus last night and he didn't know what to think. But he didn't resist, so that is promising. :D


Beth, I had to :heehee at the tooth fairy's sleeve. I never knew that! My middle dd would love that, I'm sure. My oldest is just interested in how much the tooth fairy leaves- she doesn't much care for the technical stuff. :lol


Vicki- I'm glad the tooth fairy finally showed up! We have a friend who was caught off-guard once when the tooth fairy was supposed to show up, and she wasn't prepared. The next night, along with the $$, the tooth fairy left a note to apologize, saying she had to visit China and couldn't make it in time. :lol


As for the censor-ness- it only does that on "banned" links, which I think are websites that are known or suspected of making available copyrighted materials. :think



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Hi Ladies

Well we are home. Going to the one doctor in the city takes all day. 1 1/2 hours there and 1 1/2 hours back, plus I did a little shopping too. The appt. went good. We got to talk about alot of things, the appt was just over 1 1/2 hours, and things are moving along great. The Doctor wants to send DH to get tests done. The tests cost approx. $3,000 - $4,000 and they are not covered under health care. The test could happen as early as Jan. which is good to get it over with, or it will be in March. All and all everything is good.

Beth I really liked the story about the tooth fairy, I will have to tell DD that one.

I hope everyone had a great day today. It was a little on the cold side today.

Talk to you later


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Stacy - I love the China story! I told DD that the tooth fairy probably had a lot of children who lost teeth and just could not get here. I don't think she bought the story, but she was happy that the tooth fairy came last night. She says the tooth fairy lives in Pixie Hollow with Tinker Belle. I love the imagination!

I am downloading updates for microsoft at the moment. I am trying to make work that I typed up on one computer readable on the other computer. I just love how Office 2003 doesn't read 2007!

It is bowling night and hopefully I won't stink too badly! I didn't do well last week and I am trying a new ball.

LeaAnne - I hope all is going well there and that your MIL is feeling better. Let us know how she is feeling when you get a chance.

Have a great night all!


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Hi everyone


Stacy- Thanks for the heads up on why certain links can't be copied. That makes sense though. Can't wait to see pictures of Klaus in his sweater! I'm glad that you are happy it is raining!


Mary- glad things went well at the doctor. Wow- 3-4,000 for a test? Hmm....makes me think I'm not sure about healthcare reform....why won't insurance cover it?


Vicki- Sorry about your Jets. I didn't watch the whole game either. I went to bed early around 10 last night. Hope you have a great night bowling with your new ball.


Beth- How's the ceiling coming? And thanks for the tooth fairy story- I never heard of that. I'll have to remember for when and if I have grandkids!


Colleen and Shannon- hope you had a nice Tuesday. Colleen- when does DH start his new job?


LeaAnne- I was thinking of you today and praying that all went well with Uncle Art's chemo and that Jeanne is continuing to improve!!!


Have a great night everyone!

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Leanne, I have been thinking of you and MIL and Uncle Art all day! I hope that you got some good news with MIL and that Uncle Art did fine with his chemo. :hug


Vicki- that is odd that 2003 won't read 2007! I know there have been major technology updates since then but sheesh- you would think that Microsoft would make all of it's software compatible! LoL Good luck at bowling!


Mary- 1-1/2 with the doctor! I am envious! Of course, if I had to drive that far, I'd want some quality time with him, too! LoL I'm glad to hear all is well, good luck to dh with the tests.


It is still gloriously rainy! :lol I'm quite sure dh won't agree, but I just love it. Isabella gave me quite a scare today- she is supposed to be in an after-school religion program until 3 pm on Tuesdays. I went to pick her up and she wasn't there! I went to the office and she wasn't there, but the receptionist made an announcement over the PA for her and also sent out a call to everyone that had a walkie. My heart was :heart so fast! She finally walked in around 10 minutes later. :rant:tryme The door wasn't open to the classroom she was supposed to go to, so she went to the after-school program in the auditorium. :rolleyes She asked if she was in trouble- I thought about it for quite a while and finally decided that at least she had the sense to stay on the school grounds. :shrug Although I did make sure to tell her for next week that the class starts 10 minutes after school gets done, so if the door isn't open right away- wait!! LoL

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Ooh, Stacy, I would have been flipping out at DD! Glad everything ended up well and she was safe. Yes, I heard about the mud slides also. Are you in a zone where the mud could start flowing?

Mary - Glad the doctor visit went well. What kind of test does hubby need?

Bowling was okay. I bowled around my average, which I guess is good considering it was my first night to bowl in league with this ball. We'll see how next week goes I guess.

It is so sticky humid here! The cold front needs to come through and blow all this junk away! It is supposed to come through on Friday and then we will go from the high 80's to the low 70's. Shannon, is it this bad by you?

Have a great day all and talk to you all later!


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Good morning Besties!


We had lots of rain yesterday and my internet was down most of the day. But I was thinking of you all!


LeaAnne- How are Ms. Jeanne and Uncle Art doing today? I've been praying for you and your family. :hugs to everyone.


Beth- I love the tooth fairy story!! I'll have to remember that for DD. How's the ceiling going?


Stacy- Thank God you found Isabella! My heart was racing while I read your post. I noticed on a different thread that you are finished with Klaus' sweater!:yay Can we see a picture please? How's the rain and mud by you? Hope you are all okay!


Joanne- How's Delta Force this week? I hope you're not working too hard! Has anyone come to see the house?


Mary- :hugHow are you feeling, hun? I've been praying for you too. I can't wait for this stuff to be resolved so you can relax.


Vicki- It's pretty humid here too. I'm just sick of the rain, and I love rain. DH said one of his locations is 2 feet under water! I'm ready for the cooler weather already!!


Colleen- I hope all is well up there by you! How's DD's cough? I hope you both have gotten caught up on your sleep. It's almost time for DisneyWorld, isn't it?


DD spent the night at Honey's again last night because of all the rain. I'm going to pick her up from school in a little while. I made quite a dent in the guest room the past few days. I think we can finally start getting stuff out of there so we can paint and get the carpet. I'm so excited!


I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Now I'm off to the post office.:wink

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:hi everyone!


Can't stay long, just wanted to pop in and say hi and let you know that I'm thinking about you. I have been working full-time the past couple days as the office mgr is sick. Today I left to go help at the school for pizza day. I am home for a lunch break and then heading back for the rest of the day.


I hope you are all having a good day!

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Hey ladies!


I have to get Mia off to school but I just wanted to pop in and say we are not in danger of mudslides. We live in a valley and mostly the areas that get mudslides are the mountains, or the burn areas. It is still raining pretty heavily :clap although it is supposed to stop by tonight and get up to 90 by Friday! :eek


I am off- I will stop by to update later! :hug to everyone!



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Stacy - glad you found Isabella rather quickly... I would have :fainted if I was in your shoes... and it'[s good that she had the good sense to stay at the school:yes Wow...from wildfires to mudslides:eek I hope you are all nice and safe where you are:hug How has Klaus been behaving?


Colleen - how is everyone feeling up your way? Wow! working full time AND volunteering at school for pizza day?! You ROCK, Lady! :nworthy


Shannon - WTG on your guest room!:yay:cheer what color are you gonna paint it?


Vicki - hey, you kept your average while learning to love a new ball? That's really awesome! I hope you are having a great day!


Mary - :(about the test $$... that stinks. I am glad though, that everything went well at the doctors. How much longer till your craft show? it's coming up pretty soon, right?:think


Beth - how's the ceiling and reclaiming of your room coming along? I have been thinking about you, and your big projects. Once things settle down around here, I have a few that I will need to tackle before winter sets in...


Joanne - Hoping all is well with you and DH... How did the house showings go? Someone was coming back a second time, right? And :clover with finding the perfect legwarmer pattern. Did you start your next RR yet? Do they take long to make?



Jeanne was moved last night from the ICU to the cardiac step down unit:yay... this morning, she had a stress test. Once those results come back, the doctors will have a good idea if she will need new meds or a pacemaker. Pete is on his way in now to stay for the afternoon.


Uncle Art's treatment procedure went well, but he is very throw-uppish. They are trying a 2nd anti-nausea med, and are keeping him until tomorrow. I got to visit him for a few hours this morning. He feels like crap, but he looks good:yes


so, that's the udates from here. I am going to work on a "welcome home, Nanny" 'ghan, so she can be nice and cozy when she gets to come home.:manyheart


I hope you all have an awesome-ness day!

Love you all! :ghug

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Ok, I am back.


Leanne, sorry to hear Uncle Art had some :yuck issues! Poor guy. :hug to him. Is Aunt Sue staying with you or at the hospital? I'm happy to hear that Jeanne has been moved! :xfin that the stress test goes well and the doctors can find out what they need to do next.


Colleen- working a full day and volunteering! You are a busy woman!


Shannon, great job on getting your guest room in order! :h5 What color will it be when finished?


Joanne, Vicki, Beth, Mary- hope you all are having a fabulous-ness Hump Day! :D


Shannon I did finish Klaus' sweater, but Jorge has had my camera at work for the last few days. Once he brings it home, I will get a pic. He wore it yesteray (Klaus, not Jorge :wink) and he did pretty well. I actually let him sleep in it because it was :wbrr last night- when I woke up he had it on, but when I got out of the shower, he had wiggled out of it. :lol I have some camo yarn that I plan to use for another one, but I think I will use the next hook size so it's not as "fitted."


So, for about the past week, Mia has been asking to get in the passenger side of the car, to climb to her seat in the back. She said there was a big spider on the wall and she didn't want to walk past it. I checked and didn't see anything so I have been making her go in her door, as usual. (She sits behind me.) This morning as I walked around to my door, I saw the spider- it was a black widow, on the wall behind some of dh's hiking sticks. :blush I feel so bad! After I came home from dropping her off, I went to the garage and used some Raid on it. Then I checked howtogetridofstuff.com, and it says the only way to get rid of them is to seal off entrances, etc...that bombing, etc, only makes them stay away from the area for a while, then they return. Guess who is not parking in the garage anymore? Dh is going to have a fit, but seriously- I am afraid of going out to find one in my car some day!


Well I suppose I've :blah enough for now...oh, wait- one more thing! Since Friday, Klaus has either been in his cage or well within my eyesight, so he can't be blamed for leaving "gifts" anywhere. This morning, Roomie found some poop in her kids' room. It was smushed up and not at all the color of Klaus' stuff, and she said something about one of the kids maybe tracking it in on their shoe. ('Cause, of course, her dog couldn't have done it.) Well, then Isabella said in a very gossip-y tone, "Well, he has been out of his crate at night..." :tryme I said, "yes, he has but he has been in my bedroom with all doors closed. You keep out of it." Even my own daughter, can you believe that? :thair Of course, I know it's because she heard it from Roomie, but still...:sigh


Ok, I'm really done...time to pick up Mia!

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Yay, everything is good news from LeaAnne! I am glad to hear everything is going better and that Jeanne was moved out of ICU. I hope Uncle Art is feeling better soon and that he is not feeling so throw-uppish after his treatments.

Stacy - Good to hear that you are not in the middle of all the mud! Stay safe in the rain!

My day is over and I am ready to go home! I am tired today. DD has tae kwon do tonight and then I need to come home and finish typing stuff for my paper. I want to crochet, but I am on a roll the last week for my paper, and I don't want to kill that momentum. But I really want to grad my hook and :crocheting! I am in the middle of a square for DD and I need to finish a blanket I started for my older sister. That one is almost done and then I can begin my very first RR!

Hope everyone has had a great day! Talk to you all later!


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:hi everybody!


Vicki, sounds like you are doing awesome on your paper! It's good to be on a roll.


Oh Stacy, the black widow story sent shivers down my spine. No fun at all. And I am sorry Klaus is getting blamed for your roomie's dog's problems. But the missing child at school -- :eek I'm so glad it turned out OK.


LeaAnne, :hug for your family! I'm glad for the good news, and hope Uncle Art feels better soon.


Colleen, It's amazing you had time to stop in to say hi! Working full time, volunteering, and being Mom -- you have been Crazy busy! Don't forget to take some time for yourself!


Shannon, I'll sing Rain Rain Go Away for you, if you like! that should bring it in this direction.


Mary, what a doctor appt! Wow! I'm lucky if I see a doc for 15 minutes here. I hope all is well with both of you:hug


Joanne, Happy Hump Day! I hope work isn't too stressful for you!


I haven't made much progress on my ceiling the last few days. I've been working, and finding the time has been hard. Tonight, I should get back up that ladder for at least an hour. The funny part about having my dd in my bedroom is that all the cats congregate there, now, and I never know when one will come sleep on my fat belly. (They like the high ground.)


Oh, Exciting news! My son passed his learner's permit test today! I now have THREE drivers-in-training in my house!!! :faint

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:yay:cheer:clap:dance:ttalk:elle :jumpyay! Beth, that is AWESOME news! Tell DS congrats for me!


Stacy...:eek:eek about the black widow... the rain must have driven her into your car. ...and sorry that Mia is learning the "attitude":blush, maybe roomie's dd should watch where she's walking? She could've brought it in from outside if it was in her shoe:yuck


Vicki - WTG on your paper! and :clover on your very first RR!


Beth - :lol:lol about "high ground"! That's cute!


:hi, Colleen, Mary, Joanne & Shannon!

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Oh, it wasn't in my car- it was on the wall next to the car! I am just afraid that they will be driven into my car at some point (no pun intended. :heehee)


Beth, WTG to your ds!! :cheer:cheer:cheer Good luck with the 3 drivers-in-training. Just wait until they can all drive and ask to use the car at the same time! LoL Good luck with the ceiling- and :lol @ the "high ground." You silly girl!


Vicki, good luck getting that paper finished! How much more do you have until it's done?



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Hi everyone!!!

Sorry I missed you this morning. I didn't get up until 7:eek. I don't even remember turning off the alarm at 5:23!! Anyway, hopped in the shower, poured a cup of java and got to work @8:15. Whew!!!


LeaAnne- I'm so happy that Jeanne is now in the step down unit. That's good news- and hoping that Uncle Art's throw-upness is starting to subside after they added another anti-emetic (medical term for anti-nausea medicine). I'm keeping both in my prayers daily.


Shannon- WTG girl on the guest room!! It will be fun to paint and get new carpet. What color? Are you getting psyched for the Giants/Saints game this weekend? I can't wait!


Colleen- You sure are busy working full time this week, plus taking out time to go to DD's school for pizza day. Are you going to work FT all week? When does DH start his new position? B/4 or after Disney?


Beth- Congrats to DS:clap. He must be on :c9!!! Don't envy you with 3 new drivers in the house. Quicksilver will surely get a workout!!! LOL about the cats on the 'higher ground':lol:lol


Stacy- I'm glad to hear that the mudslides aren't in your area. Loved your comment on FB about the girls competition today -who can call "momma" the most!!! Brings back some memories. My DD's husband and brothers programmed the ringtone on their mother's phone to say Ma, Ma, Ma Ma, Ma whenever one of them calls. This way she knows it's a call from one of them:lol


Vicki- WTG on the bowling score with the new ball. Did you hear that we are supposed to get lots of rain here this weekend- Friday , Sat and Sun. Bummer since RU is playing Fri night (on ESPN) and the Yanks are playing the 1st game of the ALCS!!!! What if it rains and the playoffs get pushed back? We'll be watching baseball at Thanksgiving...lol..


We haven't had anymore lookers at the house. The people who were supposed to come for a second looksee didn't come either. Oh, well, it will happen all in good time. At least my house stays clean cause you never know when someone will want to come and look. I even made the bed this morning even though I was running super late. This really forces you to clean up after yourself (well, it forces DH to clean up after himself..I always did :yes)


I have not started another RR. I did find a legwarmer pattern and am going to start on that tonight. I think after that I'm going to work on another neverending square ghan. Then the hat and scarf for DD, then some fingerless gloves. I think the 2nd attempt at RR may have to wait till aftr the holidays since I really have to work on some gifts. We'll see......


Work is going well! I really love my job!

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:yawn hi guys,


Monday was a holiday here, so I didn't work that day. Tuesday I worked 10-7:30. Today I took DD to school, went to work, left to do the pizza volunteer thing (you can't let the little ones down :no), then went back after lunch until 4:30. I've worked more hours this week than I usually do in a week. The office mgr will be sick again tomorrow, but DD has swimming and I told them I would just work my usual evening shift, so they got someone else :whewI am tuckered out! The big news is that I told them I would no longer be able to keep my evening hours once DH starts his new job (he starts beginning of November), so I will likely be a full time homemaker (fine with me!). I have given them the option of keeping me on as a casual employee for times like this, since it is good for me to stay in the workforce, even if it is just a little bit. We'll see what they decide.


DD's teacher called me today (while I was working) to tell me that DD is worrying excessively and breaks down if she doesn't have time to make her picture just perfect. She has twice been taken "for a walk to the office" to finish her picture there and calm down. She's breaking down about getting dressed to go outside as well. :( Oh dear. My poor little girl. She's inherited my worrying gene :cry At any rate, we are going to work on this (both of us :wink).


LeaAnne - I'm thinking about you and your family. I'm glad the news is good news. Great idea for the afghan for your MIL. She'll love it!


Beth - Congrats to DS on getting his learners :yay


Vicki - WTG on your paper and with your new bowling ball!


Joanne - You've got quite the crochet list going there! Enjoy!


Shannon - WTG cleaning out the spare room! Keep up the good work!


Stacy - I loved your chattiness today. I hope this roomie/dog poop business sorts itself out. Can't wait to see Klaus' sweater. I hope you can get rid of that spider. Yikes!


Mary - How is it going there? I hope you had a quieter day today without driving for appointments. What kind of test are they charging for?:eek You don't hear that very often.


I hope everyone has a great night. I'm going to flake out on the couch and then go to bed early.

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Hi Ladies

LeaAnne great news about MIL and Uncle Art. Iam keeping them in my prayers. I like the idea of an afghan for Nanny ( that's my name too)

Stacy over the years I have had some scares with my kids ( think that is why I turned grey early) Glad to hear she said in the school.

Shannon WTG on cleaning out the room.:cheer for painting and new carpet.

Colleen When do you go to Disney?? and can I come too? We had a heavy frost this morning BRRRRRRRR

Vicki WTG on the bowling score.

Beth about the ceiling just keep thinking I CAN DO IT! WTG on Ds getting his permit.

Joanne Iam :cheer for you on your crochet list.

Talk to you all later


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I forgot to comment on the Nanny 'ghan- I have a Nanny, too! :manyheart Except now that all of the grandkids are older, we call her Nan. Which also reminds me that her birthday is the 23rd...I had planned to make her a regular ripple, since the one she has is all tattered, but I know I don't have time for that. Maybe for Christmas...


Colleen, sorry to hear about your dd. Did the teacher give you any suggestions on how to handle it? :clap for stay-at-home mom-ness! It would be nice if you could just stay on as an "extra," to keep your foot in the door. Are you getting ready for Disney? I thought you said you were going sometime in October. :think


Joanne I love the story about your dd's husband and his brothers. That could backfire on them, though- maybe Ma just doesn't answer sometimes when she hears that! :heehee


Dinner is done and I was poking around the 'Ville, when Eva came over to me and coughed a little, then wanted up. I picked her up and immediately she wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her away and realized she was choking. :eek These kids like to give me a heart attack, I tell ya...anyway, I turned her onto her belly and patted her back. She started gag, and threw up all the way to the bathroom. :yuck Poor dh can't stand sick-ness so he ran to the bathroom as I mopped the hardwood, cleaned the sofa, and Febrezed everything in sight. :rolleyes Seriously- spiders, lost kids, choking...what next? Hmm...maybe I don't want that answer! :shrug

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Oh dear, Stacy. Poor Eva! You've earned your mommy stripes this week! The teacher just said to re-inforce that it doesn't matter if things are finished and the no-worries policy. :shrug She just wants her to have fun. I do too, but we need to get there. She isn't really enjoying school yet. It's hard to tell why. One thing I notice is that the teacher seems to be out of the classroom doing other school business a lot. I was there the past 2 Wednesdays to volunteer and both times DD's teacher was working in the office and a substitute teacher was with the class (for most of the day!). It just seems there isn't a lot of continuity with the teacher and that doesn't help these little ones adjust. Especially this early in the school year. Some of these kids are still 3!!!! Don't they need to develop a trusting relationship with one person? Anyway, I'm not going to point fingers. Much of this problem starts at home and I need to work on it.


We leave next week for Disney :yay We are so excited!

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Stacy - I hopefully can finish by the spring. I need to get the paper approved by the university in order to begin the data collection and then I need to get permission from the school district in order to conduct the study. I have to get the paper near perfect in order to do all that. Tonight I was working on the teacher survey and I got that submitted to my study chair. I hope to have some feedback on everything over the weekend. In the mean time I will continue to work on the literature section. But tomorrow night I am taking a break! I am tired and have been working on this since last week. It is time to take a night off and get some me time!

You certainly have earned your mommy stripes this week! I hope all goes well the rest of the week!


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