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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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LeaAnne - Yes, poor hubby. Althought when Vinaterri missed that field goal it cost him points. That is his kicker ion fantasy football! You gotta love the irony of that!

Shannon - Yes, it has been chilly here. My air is turned off and I love it! YAY! What is a Trans-Siberian orchestra?

Joanne - I will be watching the game!

Talk to you all later!


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OMG, Vicki!


Denver just tied the score :oops


I am surprised about Viniateri... he never misses... he's the perfect kicker to have on a Fantasy football team:devil


Shannon - the Orchestra sounds like a nice time! I love the orchestra:manyheart it's good for the soul :yes Have a nice sleepover at Honey and BigBob's! :hug


Joanne - hope dinner was yummy!


we are having beef/mushroom over noodles... good comfort food for a chilly night!


Mary & Colleen - are you still eating? I :manyheart Thanksgiving!


:hi, Beth and Stacy! :hug to you both

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Hi Ladies

We went to MIL and FIL for turkey lunch........... Iam still stuffed LOL

I had a nap this afternoon and then we were watching a movie and I was crocheting. Iam trying to get as many towels done as possible.

I hope everyone is having a good day.

Is tomorrow a holiday in the USA also?????

My stomach is still bothering me and I feel like crap but I guess I will get over it soon.

Love to all


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:hi everybody!


I'm so glad you got some news from Scooby!!! :cheerThat really made my day!


Mary, tomorrow is a holiday here - Columbus day, but it isn't a major holiday. I have to work, the public schools aren't closed, and the vet is open -- gotta take in a cat. I am glad you had a good dinner. Enjoy your :crocheting.


LeaAnne, your dinner sounds YUMMY!!! I made what we call Dirty Rice. It's just ground beef, rice, cheese, and some vegie stirred together. I love the one-pot meals.


Vicki, I :manyheart playing in the drizzle, too! Your dd and I could have a lot of fun splashing in puddles and getting all muddy!!! I hope your dh recuperated from the missed field goal, since it's like life or death for him!


Shannon, your RR is gorgeous! I'm glad you got it done in time! What a lovely gift for your mom!


Joanne, your birthday weekend sounds most victorious! You know, we ordered all those wins months in advance so they'd be ready for you this weekend!


Stacy and Colleen, :hug I hope you are having a wonderful day!

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:hi everyone!


This weekend is just flying by! It was so cold here today. DD and I went to the park this morning and I went for a walk this afternoon. The wind is cold enough that I wore a hat, scarf and gloves! It feels good to get outside, but I am so tired from all that very fresh air! We had a day just the 3 of us, bbq'd steaks and baked potatos, ate left over desserts.


Shannon - Your RR is beautiful! I bet your mom LOVED it! Good job! Enjoy the orchestra!


Mary - Happy Thanksgiving!


Joanne - I hope you enjoyed your birthday dinner with DD!


Beth - Good job with the ceiling work! You just go go go!


:hi Vicki, LeaAnne, Stacy


:yay Scooby is well! That is such wonderful news. I wonder if she did move? :think And she's getting married! That is wonderful news! :manyheart

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Stacy - Here is the recipe for the tarts. Yes, you can substitute pecans. I got this from a church cookbook.


Easy Tarts


1 dozen frozen tart shells (or scratch pastry)

1 cup brown sugar

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup raisins


Preheat oven to 375.

Raisins may be plumped in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain well.

Mix ingredients and fill shells. Reduce heat to 350. Bake for 17 minutes or until pastry is desired colour.

1/3 cup ground pecans may be substituted for raisins.


Enjoy a little Canada in a tart shell :manyheart

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Yankees up 2-1 in the top of the 9th!

Dinner was awesome. DD made a baked dish-sweet potatoes, squash, apples and carrots. She also made wild rice, collard greens and portabello mushrooms. For desert, she made a pudding pie (made with cocoa, advocado, banana) Never had pudding made with advocado- but it was awesome. It was so delicious!!!!

Let's go Yankees!!

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Colleen - thanks for the recipe! I think I will try that one for sure! DH and I are the only ones in the house who eat raisins, tho... so more for me, i guess:devil

I am glad you got to get out in the fresh air.... it's :wbrr here, too.


Mary - sorry I missed you earlier...and I hope that :ttalk tummy ache is gone by morning:D :hug


Beth - that dirty rice sounds good, too! I might have to try it:P Hey! you have made it 1/3 of the way thru DH's trip already:yay


Joanne - I am glad you have had such a wonderful weekend! :yay It couldn't have happened to a nicer person:wink


Stacy - I hope things are nice and peaceful around your place today:yes I am thinking about you.:hug


Shannon - sweet dreams to you and Janna at your sleepover party! How is sister doing? I hope she's having a wonderful last year of high school! Tell her your imaginary sister in beantown was asking for her, ok?


Vicki - enjoy that Yankee game!


We have tomorrow off here. But we will be busy. Life has thrown us another curveball... MIL is in the hospital with an irregular heartbeat and extremely low blood pressure :worried She is at the Mass General (great hospital). They moved her to intensive care tonight, so they can monitor her constantly. The doctors are saying that she will likely need a pacemaker. She is a very young 74. She went in around noon by ambulance, so I have spent the day waiting to hear from DH any updates as they became available. (thus my post-ness around here)

We (the DK's and me) want to go see her tomorrow with DH, but the kids won't be allowed if she is in intensive care.

And Uncle Art is coming down Tuesday to start his chemo. I don't know how many doses he will have. They will do it via cath through the artery in the groin, so he will be there overnight. Sounds like we'll have quite a week of prayers and hospital hopping around here.

I'll check in when I can, but if I'm not around, please know I am thinking of you all.... and if you have room amongst those you pray for, could you remember my MIL, Jeanne, and my uncle for me?


thanks for "listening", as always...

Love to you all:hug


I better go get some sleep... it's gonna be a long day tomorrow

Nite! :night

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Good morning everybody! :morcoffee


LeaAnne, Here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor you and your family. Don't forget to take care of yourself, while you're running around worrying about everyone else! We'll be listening for good news from you!


Vicki, Did theeeeeeeee Yankee's win?


Joanne, your dd's cooking sounds very inventive, very tasty. I would never put avocado with chocolate. At least I wouldn't have previously... :think


Colleen, thanks for the tart recipe. Another thing to put on my list of recipes to try!


Mary, do you feel any better? Here's a :hug, if that helps.


Stacy and Shannon, Happy Columbus Day!!!

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Good morning!


LeaAnne- I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. I will be praying for her, Uncle Art, and all of you. I wish I was there to give you an IRL hug, but I guess these will have to do for now. :hug:hug:hug:hug Please let us know when you hear something. And good luck to Uncle Art as he starts chemo.


:waving to all my other besties! I hope you all have a great day!

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good morning, everyone-


I wanted to give you what little update I have before we head to the hospital...

Jeanne had a good night, and they have her on a med to bring her pressure up. she has responded well, and now they are backing off that medication. this med can only be used under constant monitoring in the hospital. they have asked that nobody go until the afternoon to visit, because she needs rest.


thanks for your prayers and :hugs, I'll update you later on, when we get home.


Have a wonderful day, all

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Leanne, there is always room on my prayer list for my besties. I'm happy to hear that Jeanne had a good night. Prayers that she continues to do well and that the chemo is not too bad for Uncle Art tomorrow. :hug:hug:hug (Btw, I replied to your PM before I came and read this, please don't think I'm disregarding your goings-on or anything! :manyheart)


Colleen, thank you for the yummi-ness tart recipe. They are on the menu for dessert sometime next week. :D


Joanne, your birthday dinner sounds :drool. I have a cookbook that uses avocado in a chocolate pudding but I haven't tried it. Now I know that it tastes good, I will have to try it. :devil


Shannon, hope you had fun at Honey and Big Bob's last night. Your rr is beautiful!! :manyheart


Beth, your dinner sounds yummy, too. We make "dirty rice" here, too, but we just mix it with beans. :lol


Vicki, my kids and I love to play in the rain, too! When we lived at the apartment, they would beg to go for walks as soon as they saw drizzle. We would go out and look at all of the snails and worms. LoL It is supposed to rain this week! I don't think we're going to have many snails here. :shrug


I saw the news about Scooby- I am so happy for her! And also relieved that she is ok. I have been thinking for a while now that maybe she doesn't have internet anymore, so she couldn't update. I am just happy that she is fine.


Mary, I hope you are recovering from your turkey!


We had fun yesterday. Dh's friend of 15 years came down from Santa Barbara. They went to do some guy things then picked up Eva and me, and went out for lunch. We went to a Cuban restaurant that we just love. Yummm!! He spent a couple of hours with us watching the games, then he left. My IL's brought the girls back, with new jackets and shoes. We took a walk to the "liquor store," and got treats for everyone. (It's really just the gas station, but every "convenience store" around here is called a liquor store.)

Isabella woke up in the middle of the night saying she was going to be :yuck so I kept her home today. She even slept on Eva's bed so she wouldn't have to climb down her ladder if she had to run for the bathroom.


Well I am off to get ready. :xfin that Leanne is hearing some good news at the hospital right now. :hug Have a great day, everyone!



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Hi Ladies

LeaAnne I will be keeping your family in my prayers today. :hug:hug:hug

Joanne I think you had the best Birthday ever.:cheer

Colleen It has been getting cold here also. Yesterday we saw some white flacky stuff falling but it didn't stay on the ground.

Shannon I love your RR. I bet Mom liked it too.

Stacy You can make butter tarts without raisins. I don't care for them either.

Beth one week down and 2 to go. How is the ceiling coming along?

Vicki I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

Tonight Iam going out and tomorrow DH and I have a Doctors appt. in town so we will be gone most of the day. Have a good night everyone.

Talk to you later


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Happy Monday to everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

LeaAnne - Oh, girl, there is always room for more prayers. Your MIL and uncle are in mine and I hope all is better. I hope all is well.

Mary - Was all well at the doctor's office? I hope he gave you a clean bill of health!

Stacy - I actually have a picture of DD after the hurricane last year playing in the rain! She was in my rain coat and having a blast! She always wants to play in the rain and if there is no lightning, I let her have at it!

Shannon - Hey girl! I hope you are having a good day!

Beth - Yes, the Yankees won! They go on to meet the Angels. That series starts on Friday. Until then the Rockies and Phillies are still playing and there is Monday Night Football tonight. The Jets are playing the Dolphins!

Colleen and Joanne - I hope you are both having a lovely day!

We went to Itz today, which is a pizza/video game place. When you play the games you get tickets and you can redeem the tickets for prizes. DD brought a friend with her and right now they are upstairs playing. Now it is just time to relax! I have some work for my paper, and then I want to :crocheting! I haven't done that all weekend!

Hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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LeaAnne - I hope your MIL continues to do well. :hug


Stacy - It sounds like you had a fun weekend!


Mary - I hope you are surviving the cold. It is so chilly :wbrr


Shannon - How was your sleepover?


Beth - WTG being 1/3 the way done with DH away. We're here if you need us, although I suspect you are pretty good at holding the fort.:clap


Vicki - I hope you enjoyed your day off school.:c9


Joanne - How was your first day back to work after the weekend of Joanne?


We took DD to see the 3D Toy Story double feature today. This was her first trip to a movie theatre and a big success :yay It was nice to see a movie we'd already seen so we knew it wouldn't be scary. She looked so cute and tiny sitting in the big theatre chair with her 3D glasses on :manyheart It was the perfect way to spend a cool fall day as a family.


I am in a crochet funk :( I really want to crochet but I can't get excited about anything. I have lots of things on my WIM list, but nothing is getting my hooks all hot, if you know what I mean :wink Oh well, maybe I'll be inspired another day. :shrug Maybe I should just sleep.

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Hi everyone!!!

My internet was acting funky last night- I so wanted to post that Theeeeee Yankees won!!!


I got home from dropping DD and her BF off at the train around 11:30. Tried to get on the internet and couldn't. I was excited from the game and didn't fall asleep till around 12:30. Needless to say, I forgot to set the alarm, jumped out of bed at 7 (:eek), put the coffee on, hopped in the shower, put the coffee in a mug and flew out the door!!


It was tough going back to work today. I so enjoyed my "Joanne Weekend". It is nice to be pampered every year and I really love celebrating birthdays! (they would be better if they didn't mean you were getting a year older each time you celebrate one:lol )


Vicki- are you typing in green for the J-E-T-S I'll be rooting for the JETS since they are in a different conference than the Giants How cool would it be to have a Giants/Jets SuperBowl? And how bout them Yankees- awesome-ness job by the TEAM!!!!


Colleen- So glad you had a fun day at the movies- i'll bet DD looked really cute in her 3 D glasses. Didn't you join the Gingerbread CAL? Maybe that will get you out of your :crocheting funk!


Stacy- Cuban food is yummy- haven't had that in a while. Yes, pudding w/avocado is yummmmmmyyyyyy!!!! Hope that Eva is feeling better today


Shannon- hope you had fun at Honey and Big Bob's. Did your mom just LOVE that RR???? I sure do!!!


Beth- Yes, DD is a good cook- she loves to create new dishes and being a vegetarian she has become very creative with her cooking ( I guess it is the artist in her). She even plated the dish and everything was so colorful!!! How's the ceiling coming along


Mary- Good luck at the MD appts tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you.


LeaAnne- :hug and prayers for you, your family, Jeanne and Uncle Art. Glad to hear that Jeanne had a good night last night. And you are right- Mass General is a great hospital. She'll be well taken care of! Please keep us posted as you can.


DH bought me a blackberry for my birthday- we went to the store tonight after I got home from work. (he had the day off for Columbus Day, I didn't). It's so cool. I can't wait to play with it- (and I'll have internet on it!!) This means that maybe I can check in and see what you are all up to during the day while I'm at work :lol )


My DD texted me today that she has a project for me- she wants leg warmers. Since she moved, her bike ride to work is longer. Now I have to find a pattern for crocheted leg warmers- if anyone knows of one, let me know!

Have a good night everyone!!:manyheart

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Joanne - Lionbrand has a legwarmer pattern, but this one looks good too http://www.*********************/crochet/legwar.html Good luck! Fun project :clap


Yes, I did join the gingerbread CAL and I like it. I'm 2/3 done a little gingerbread man. I think I'm just tired out after a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of mental exhaustion from this week.

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Joanne - The JETS have nothing to do with why I type in green. I type in green because that is my favorite color. I sort of adopted green for myself. I even took the emerald as my favorite stone. I look at it this way. My mother could drip in amethyst, my older sister drips in sapphires, my twin sister drips in rubies and garnets, I can drip in emeralds! DD tells me I should type in purple, since that is her favorite color. That is Stacy's color I keep telling her. She hasn't listened to me yet.

We are having tooth fairy issues! The tooth fairy hasn't come in the last two days for DD's tooth. I told her that I called the tooth fairy and reminded her about the tooth. She told hubby tonight that she thinks the tooth fairy lives close. I Florida near Peter Pan on the group of islands that they live on. The tooth fairy lives on Fairy Island, and Peter Pan lives on Treasure Island. You just have to love the mind of a child! I just hope the tooth fairy comes tonight.

Nighty-night all!


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Colleen- thanks for the legwarmer link, but it didn't work. Did you put all the ***** in the link or was it censored? Wierd- I did find the one on Lionbrand site. And also found this site: http://www.*********************/crochet/legwar.html


Vicki- sorry about your JETS- I didn't watch the whole game, but it was a close one. And I hope that the tooth fairy came last night. Why didn't the tooth fairy show up in 2 nights? That is so unlike the tooth fairy!!!!


Everyone else- have a wonderful day!

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Ok I just typed in a ink for legwarmers and I didn't put in the ***** so I guess you can't post links to websites. Colleen- I think the one you linked and the one that I linked are the same website!!!


Cya on the flip side!

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