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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:ty:bow, Mary! I must say, I am proud of me, too! this is surely the hardest thing I have done. But I feel good, and am getting good at talking myself through urges. I just keep saying " I am not quitting again..."
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Nope I will send it but you have to keep it. No give backs LOL


hmmmmm..... OK! I'll take some! About 3 inches, please? (I don't want to be greedy:lol)


You didn't have sound on your last computer? I don't have sound, either. At least not that works right... my computer is 8 y/o. do you think :santa could bring me a new one?:think I better ask him!:devil:lol

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...I gotta scoot... it's almost time to pick up the babes from their wonderful day of expanding their little craniums:lol:lol


It's so great to have you back Mary... I missed you a lot!




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It is the same computer, I needed a new sound card and some other things done to it. The computer kept shutting down on me and then I would have a hard time getting back on.

This computer is youngest DD's old computer, I think it is about the same 7-8years old

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:hiEveryone!! Not a lot going on here today. I got the beds made, general pickup done, and that is about it. I need to get some presents wrapped, the dishwasher loaded and then take some :photo to share with you all. I don't plan on doing a whole lot today as the house is in fairly good shape. Just going to take it easy and hopefully :crocheting.

:2hug Joanne. I hope things eventually slow down for you so that you can get some more :crocheting time in. :D spending time with DD Saturday and getting a pedicure sounds like a lot of fun. I want to bake some goodies for Christmas but I don't.:lol I am just :grinch:smiling this year and can't get motivated. You can get the spray DD is referring to at a pet store and sometimes Walmart has it. Most of them are a bitter apple flavor, but I have seen it in aloe vera and tobasco. If you ask the clerk they should be able to lead you right to it. Not only does it come in a spray but some of them are a cream/salve. Hope this helps.

AWWWWWWW :) LeaAnne, your chickens are absolutely adorable. :cheer:clap:yay You are doing awesome with the Q and I am so proud of you. Keep it up, as you are doing GREAT!!!!!

:UMary. It is so good to see you are back. I knew you had to be :crocheting something. Hope you have fun at your Christmas get together this evening. :2hug You also know that we will help you however we can when you get ready to talk. The temps have been coming up during the day here but we still have lots of snow too.

:(Vicki. Sorry to hear that your stomach is still bothering you. I hope that you get over this soon and get to feeling better. Your bowling scores last sound good to me, but I am not a bowler and do well if I get 50 :lol. I tend to stay in the gutter more than I am in lane. Still have my :xfin for your DH. Is it this Saturday when you meet with your advisor for your paper?

:bounce your ghan is absolutely beautiful Beth. :clap WTG I knew you could get it done. So what have you got left to work on now?

:hug to you Colleen. I hope you hear from the Dr. soon. I hate that DD is still sick and having to go through this so close to Christmas. I still have to go out and do a little bit of shopping too but not today. I still have to get a couple of little gifts and stocking stuffers and then I should be done. Have fun :crocheting today. Thanks for the calendar update, I just :manyheart hearing about what DD got. The teacher gift sounds fabulous and I am sure she will be absolutely thrilled with it.

:lolMia is just too cute Stacy. Have you been successful finding the cross stitch pattern you need yet for the vine and leaves? I wouldn't even know where to begin to look for that to help you, as I don't do much cross stitch anymore. Have fun at the party and good luck on your search. Glad to know that I am not the only one :grinching this year.



Hope the rest of my besties are having a great day. I think I am going to go down and get some lunch since I don't have my mini fridge in the craft room yet, finish my chores, and then get the audio:bookout and :crochetingfor a while. OH yeah and take my :photo. Lots of :hug and :manyheart to you all!!!! Be back later.


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Hello, friends!


ok... don't like :faint... I actually have :photo:phototo share! I know, I can hardly believe it myself! :rofl


The first pic (sorry that it is sideways:(:blush) is Krissy and Pete in front of our tree before we went to school.

the next is Pete at the Show (in the red argyle vest), and last, but not least... Kristina the ballerina (my dear Krissy:manyheart) is seated between 2 of her besties, and in wearing the red sweater. Her class was singing "The Magic of Christmas Day" by Celine Dion (:manyheart:manyheart:manyheartCeline!)


I really need to try to get a better :photo of my :ctree to share... it is filled with memories, with ornaments all the way back to when my mom was a child:)


I hope you all have a great rest of the day:hug:hug

Very sweet pics!

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LeaAnne - Your kids are so cute! Thanks so much for the pictures, they made my day :hug I LOVE it!!!!


Stacy - Your Mia story is adorable. They say the funniest things don't they? How cute! I hope you told Miss G. the story.


Well, I got DD into see the Dr. late morning. He prescribed her a puffer :( Says she has bronchial spasm (kinda like asthma), probably induced by the original cold. So, we went to the pharmacy, bought groceries while waiting for the prescription, got home, figured out the puffer, made pancakes for lunch (DD's request), and got the ribs browned and into the oven, and that brings me to now. 4:07 :( There goes my day! Oh well, hopefully this puffer will help DD's cough. The sad part is in the midst of all this she has developed a terribly runny nose and soar throat :( If you see the good health fairy around your place, please send her to visit my DD.


I'll catch up with everyone later. For now I'm going to enjoy a few quiet minutes on the couch.

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:thair:yell:rant:thair This is the second time I tried to take pics of my tree and both times they turned out bad, but I am going to post them anyways :rofl. I will try one more time to get some decent pics but making no promises. I think the living room is just to dark right now.




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Wow- another busy day here! By the time I get home, and finish reading what all my besties have been up to while I've been at work, I'm exhausted!:lol No wonder I don't get any :crocheting done!:lol


:jumpyay:woo:flower:2rock:tup:applause:elle Beth!!! That ghan is beautiful!!!


LeaAnne- your chickens are adorable- I loved going to school shows- nice that they sang :ctree songs! Proud of you on your bigQ


Scooby- Love the tree- very festive with the big bow on top!


Colleen- Hope the inhaler helps DD! I am hoping that the good health fairy comes your way!


Stacy- Mia is too cute with Miss Jesus!! you have to tell Miss G the story!


Mary- Welcome back! You've been missed- have a good time at the party tonight and when ever you need to talk, we are all here for you:hug


Vicki- sorry about the bowling scores- I hope tht you get to de-stress a little once your break starts and also you have your sister visiting! Hugs to you too, GF:hug


Judy- Have you taken the shirt off yet???:lol


Pauline, Shannon, Frogger, Victoria, and anyone else I may have forgotten- I thinking of you all- and its nearing 8PM already so if I am going to get any :crocheting done b/4 my energy is gone I'd better skedadlle.... I can't even think about Christmas- or I start to panic.....Have a good night everyone.:hug:hug:hug

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Joanne, I actually finally hung the shirt in my closet!:lol


I spent a lot of time cleaning today - but my hook time hasn;'t caught up with that, so I'm about to rectify that...

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Beth - Your ghan is absolutely beautiful! That was a lot of hardwork!!! Now is this one a gift or is it a gift to yourself? Beautiful :flower


Scooby - Your tree is beautiful! I love the bow on top. What a festive touch. It finishes it off very nicely.


Joanne - Enjoy your :crocheting time.


Mary - Glad your computer is working well again. And sound, too, Wow! Yes, as Joanne said, we are here whenever you are ready to chat.


DD's cough has improved to the point of being almost gone since we started those inhalers. :yay She is sneezing and runny nosed and has a soar throat, though. I called the pharmacist and she doesn't think that would be a reaction to the inhalers and thinks she's starting another cold. Oh well, all I can hope is that with the inhalers she won't be up all night coughing :shrug. The good thing is if she gets her cold out of the way now, she'll hopefully be healthy for Christmas. :xfin


I've got to get DD off to bed (the inhalers make her a bit hyper :eek) and then I am going to :crocheting....FINALLY!!!

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